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Life Lessons


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Craig grunted and shoved his hips upwards, forcing himself even deeper into Nina. With a delighted squeal, Nina arched back and ground her hips down, Craig's long rod reaching deeper and deeper. With Craig's hands on her hips helping her, Nina began to ride.

Every time she ground her hips against his she could feel the head of his prick pushing deep inside her. The feelings caused her orgasm to rise up fast and she tried to hold it off but finally she exploded on his cock. Jerking and shaking, her hips gyrating against him, Nina leaned on Craig.

Holding her still, Craig began pumping his hips into her. Slamming his cock into her dripping pussy, flesh slapping against flesh he drove her back up and soon had her gasping for air. Nina wailed as the next orgasm crashed over her and she could do nothing but sit impaled as Craig worked his cock deep inside her.

As the spasms in her pussy squeezed his cock to the point he was afraid she'd push him out, he buried himself deep and let loose streams of jizz from his own orgasm. Holding her tightly, he ground up into her as her tunnel walls milked him dry. Craig's grunts mingled with Nina's breathless gasps as he allowed her to finally collapse down on top of him.

After showering and getting dressed, they enjoyed another cuddle and grope session before Nina had to head to work. She thanked Craig for staying with her and taking care of her. He promised to come back and do it again sometime. Even after all that had happened, Nina still had trouble believing that she had fucked three amazing guys at once and then slept with one of them and fucked him again.

She bounced through the day in a wonderfully good mood. Her friends at work were curious to know if just getting her own apartment managed to give her that big of a boost. Nina wanted to keep the truth to herself and was a bit afraid of coming off as a slut, so she just smiled and teased them back and went on her way.

That night, as she climbed the stairs to her apartment, her arms laden with the bags of groceries she had just bought, the door on the left opened and a hunk of a man stepped out. As soon as he noticed her he smiled and reached to take her burden from her. "Hey there, you must be the new neighbor. Heard you moving in yesterday. I'm Dylan and if you ever need anything, just let me know."

Nina allowed him to take her bags and when her hands brushed his, felt a tingle that went all through her. "Hi, I'm Nina and yeah, I just moved in." She looked up into his chocolate brown eyes and nearly melted. Thick black hair fell over his forehead and made her want to sink her fingers in it.

As he was checking out her curvy body, she was checking out his lean one. He wasn't as ripped as Jake and Sam, built a little more like Craig, but she could tell he kept in good shape. As her eyes passed over the slight bulge in his pants she said a silent prayer for her luck in getting a smokin' hot neighbor.

"Nice meeting you Nina and I hope I get to see more of you." This time when he smiled Nina noted that he had two of the most adorable dimples she'd ever seen.

Nina laughed and opened the door to her apartment. "Excuse the mess, still have lots of unpacking to do. Just set those here please." She gestured to the counter and stepped into the kitchen.

Setting the bags down he observed the sparse furniture. "Is this all the furniture you have?"

"Yeah so far. I've only lived either at home, in dorms or with roommates. Haven't had a chance to get much of my own yet."

"Look I don't want you to take this wrong, but I have an extra couch in storage. My mom thought my choices in furniture sucked and bought me new stuff but I couldn't bear to get rid of my things. If you want you can have it. Think of it as a housewarming gift."

Nina studied her new acquaintance. He seemed sincere in his offer and she really wasn't sure when she could afford something like a new couch very soon anyway. "How about I borrow it until I can get one of my own? I don't want you to think I'm a mooch."

Dylan laughed and Nina loved the sound. It rippled through her and caused a stirring low in her belly. "I'd never think that, but if you're more comfortable that way, then that's how we'll do it. But I think you'll like it, it's very comfortable and not at all ugly. I was just headed out to meet a friend; I'll shanghai him into helping me and we'll go get it and bring it over."

"Oh no, don't put your friend out like that, we'll worry about it this weekend."

"Trust me, he'll enjoy the view as much as I am." With another dimple flashing smile he continued, "I'll be back in a couple hours with a very nice couch for you." He gave a salute and left, giving her a quick wink before closing the door behind him.

Nina did a short happy dance around her kitchen before she got busy putting things away. Suddenly inspired, she pulled out ingredients and started mixing a batch chocolate chip cookies. Just before her two hours was up, she pulled the last tray of cookies from the oven and as soon as she had them set to cool, there was a knock at the door.

Opening it she found a smiling Dylan. "What do I smell? Is that cookies? Oh girl, you have found the way to my heart."

Nina laughed. "It's my thank you for the couch." She backed out of the way then hurried over to scoot the single chair to the side of the room. Grunts and a few thumps and light hearted curses followed, but soon there was a large couch sitting in Nina's living room. It was gold and brown with tiny dark green stripes.

"Hey, I like it. Can't believe your mom didn't."

Dylan chuckled. "See I knew you'd like it." Turning to his friend he introduced him. "This is Marcus. He's the only happily married man I know."

Marcus held out a hand to Nina and took hers in a firm handshake. "Nice to meet ya and sorry you got to put up with this ugly thing across the hall." He slapped Dylan on the back and announced that his wife was waiting at home and he had to leave.

"Oh, wait," Nina hurried to the kitchen and plated up some cookies. Handing them to Marcus she said, "Thanks so much for the help. It was really nice of you."

Taking a deep breath of the cookies he replied, "Oh no 'mam, for these, it was my pleasure." With a friendly good-bye he took his cookies and left.

"Is this where you want it? We can move it if you want." Dylan gestured to the couch.

"For now, I think I'll leave it there. I have no real idea yet how I want to set things up." Plopping down on it she gave murmured appreciatively, "Mmm, this is nice."

Dylan sat beside her and stretched his legs out, "I always liked this couch but I do think it suits you better." He looked down at her and smiled. Nina felt that flutter again deep in her stomach. She wondered if he'd think her a total 'ho if she came onto him. He slipped an arm behind her, and began to play with the ends of her hair.

As Nina was frantically searching her mind for something to say, her eyes fell on the front of Dylan's pants. There was no denying what that was! She began to think that maybe she had a chance. Her next thought was to wonder if she was becoming a nympho because of the sex last night, this morning and now she wanted more.

Sliding a hand across his thigh she leaned in, "You know I could use some help with something."

Dylan had to clear his throat before he could answer as he was afraid he'd do no more than squeak as her fingers brushed his cock. "What's that?"

Raising up on her knees, she threw a leg over his lap and settled down. "This poor couch has been locked away in storage. It needs to see some action again to make it happy."

Dylan slid his hands up her smooth legs and under the edge of her skirt. "I think that's something I can help you with quite easily," he said while laughing about her cheesiness.

Nina kissed Dylan and felt the tingle explode into an electric shock. Her pussy was immediately drenched and her nipples rock hard. She felt Dylan's fingers tighten on her legs almost painfully and wondered if he had the same response.

Reaching behind her she lowered the zipper on her dress and with a shrug of her shoulders the top fell loosely down. Her large, firm breasts in their push up bra were now right in Dylan's face. With a soft moan, he buried his nose in the lush valley, his hands moving to her hips and pressing her against him firmly.

In short order, Nina had shed as many clothes as possible without moving from his lap. She tugged on Dylan's shirt and managed to get it off. He was panting and seemed to have lost the ability to think as he could only stare at her breasts and lick his lips. She gently pushed a nipple against his mouth and he opened wide. She inserted her nipple and he began to suck.

Nina moaned and scrambled to unfasten his pants. Finally,Dylan seemed to understand what she was trying to do and nearly dumped her in the floor trying to get his pants down. With a raspy laugh, Nina took hold of his very long and thick cock. This was bigger than any of the guys last night and new juices flooded her pussy at just the thought of this monster fucking her.

She had only given him a couple of strokes when Dylan grunted out, "I gotta fuck you. God you're so beautiful. I'm gonna blow if I don't get in you." He was breathing hard and covering her tits with kisses and licks. Reaching under her, he grabbed her panties and with a quick jerk, tore them off.

Nina was shocked and aroused even more. No guy had ever torn her panties off her before. She shuddered as a small orgasm washed through her when his fingers flicked over her clit. She was so hot, so wet and she wanted this huge cock in her now.

Lifting up, she positioned him at her entrance. Their lips met in a long hot kiss, tongues twining together. As Nina began to lower herself onto his rod, she felt her pussy clamp down and try to pull him in. Dylan groaned and his fingers dug into her hips as he tried to help her work his oversized cock into her small tight tunnel.

Gasping, Nina threw her head back in slowly managed to work him in. Little explosions in her pussy just kept rocking through her. Finally she had him in, the head of his penis pushing almost painfully deep inside her. Their eyes met and she began to move her hips.

Dylan gritted his teeth and laid his head on the back of the couch. Bringing up one hand, he massaged her breast, playing with her nipple. Nina couldn't take it and exploded around him with a scream in a massive orgasm. Her pussy contracting around his cock caused him to hiss in pain as the tightness gripped him hard.

Letting her orgasm carry her, Dylan used every ounce of control not to move inside her or he knew he'd blow his load. When she finally quieted down he gently lifted her off him and turned her to face the back of the couch. With her knees on the cushions and her arms braced on the back, Dylan stood behind her running his hands over her beautiful ass.

Now that he wasn't looking at those gorgeous tits, he felt he could breathe. Taking control again, he guided his heavy prick into her dripping valley. Easing in, he marveled again at how tight she was. Nina moaned as he stuffed her full and began to pump. He started slowly and with each stroke, moved a little faster.

Soon, he was slamming it to her, his grunts and her gasping, high-pitched wails filled the room. When he felt Nina's cunt contract around him once more and her screams echoed off the walls, Dylan let himself go. It seemed he would never stop squirting ropes of cum into her tight box. Dylan shuddered and moaned as his cock quivered from the effort of emptying itself out.

When he finally pulled his rod from her, the cum was already oozing out. Kicking off his pants the rest of the way, Dylan stumbled to her bathroom and grabbed a couple of towels. Quickly wiping himself with one he then wrapped the other around her waist and sat on the couch, pulling her back into his lap. They collapsed together for a while, breathing hard and letting the sweet afterglow settle in.

"Well, I think that was more of a workout than this couch has gotten before," Dylan chuckled softly.

"Oh god, you probably think I'm a slut or something," Nina buried her face in his neck.

"Nah. I'd only think that if you like fucked three guys in one night or something." Dylan was teasing and had no idea of what had happened in the apartment the night before.

Nina was mortified. She knew it, she was now a complete slut, a 'ho. She'd never be able to look Dylan in the eyes again. As tears began to leak out, she tried to pull away. When Dylan caught sight of the tears he nearly freaked.

"Wait, baby what's wrong? What'd I say?"

Nina's shame flooded her and she started to lose her battle of holding back her tears, "I did fuck three guys last night." She jumped from Dylan's lap and headed for the bathroom.

Dylan was stunned. He had only been teasing her and now he'd really put his foot in it. He quickly stood and grabbed Nina before she could get away. He apologized over and over trying desperately to find a way to pull his foot back out of his big mouth.

"Baby, I don't care if you fucked a whole army! Really I don't. We just had a bit of fun. And hell I wouldn't mind having lots more fun with you. Please don't cry!"

Nina sniffled. "You're not just saying that?"

"No sweetie, really I'm not. You are your own person, I have no hold on you and you have the right to fuck whoever you want. What you do is your business. All you gotta do is tell me if you prefer me to wear a raincoat on it."

The word raincoat slammed into Nina's head. She had absolutely no memory of taking her birth control last night. The more she thought about it, she couldn't remember the last time she had taken it. Oh god what had she done?

Dylan stroked his hands over her back and shoulders. He didn't know what he'd just said to cause that stunned look to come on her face, but he was still feeling like five kinds of a fool for insulting her, even if he didn't know he was doing it at the time. Pulling her back against him, he wrapped his arms around her and just held her for a moment.

Forcing a smile, Nina leaned into Dylan. "I'm sorry I got so upset. I was worried you'd think bad of me anyway for jumping someone I just met."

She felt his chuckle against her back. "Not that I wouldn't mind hearing about these three guys in one night, but I haven't known you long enough to form any opinion other than you are very beautiful, you seem very smart and by the smell of those cookies, you're an excellent baker. Oh, and you're one hot fucking momma and I'd love to keep the couch from getting lonely again."

One hot fucking momma, huh? Nina thought. She wondered if that statement was more true than anyone knew. Heaving a sigh she decided that what was done was done and there was no going back now. All she could do was take a step back and see if anything developed that would require the panic lurking just below the surface of her mind to become a reality.

Turning in his arms, she pressed a quick kiss to his lips. "Maybe someday I'll tell you about the three in one night. But not right now. I'm not trying to rush you off, please don't think that, but I need some time alone. Let me get your cookies for you." Wrapping the towel more securely around her waist and tying it off, she went to the kitchen. With her breasts bouncing free, she plated his cookies.

Dylan redressed and moved to the kitchen to watch the best set of tits he'd seen in a long time. Taking the plate she held out, he leaned over and dropped her another kiss. "Anytime, anything, whatever you need, you come knock on my door okay. Promise me."

Nina smiled, "I promise. I also promise that once I get a bit more settled, I'll cook you more than just a plate of cookies."

With a last caress of those gorgeous perky globes, Dylan flashed his dimples and left. Nina blew out a heavy breath. Going into the bathroom, she had to rummage a bit before finding the little pink plastic case. Sure enough she was almost a week behind in her birth control pills. With the excitement of getting her own place and then packing and moving, her nighttime routine hadn't been very routine lately.

With a mental note to call the doctor in the morning, Nina dropped the case into the cabinet over the sink. Nothing to do now but wait. She took a long hot shower, feeling the last of the baby making juice wash away. Afterward she dressed in comfy clothes of soft lose pants and a tiny camisole top. Plopping down on her new couch she sat staring out the doors to the balcony and watched the sunset, her mind a whirl of thoughts.

Two days later ...

Nina waited anxiously in the waiting room of the local health clinic. She flipped unseeing through the pages of a badly outdated fashion magazine and nibbled on her bottom lip. Looking around and seeing a hugely pregnant woman trying to control a toddler nearly sent her into hysterics.

Tugging down the hem of her short blue skirt, she tossed her brown and blond streaked hair behind her shoulders. She had taken off the matching jacket and her soft white shirt had a tendency to gap open, exposing a lush cleavage. The mother of the child aimed her own narrow look at Nina's slim shapely frame.

Slapping the magazine closed, she dropped it on the little table and then leaned back in her chair. Here she sat, waiting in a health clinic as her own personal doctor couldn't see her in his office for another week because of his being out of the office on vacation. She cursed her doctor and his vacation as the toddler fell and bumped his head and starting screaming. Pregnant mom was trying to pick him up over her big belly and keep herself from toppling over when she became overbalanced. Nina slunk down even further in her chair as images of herself with a big belly passed through her mind.

Finally, an older, overworked nurse in blue scrubs called her back to a room. Instructing Nina to get naked, put on a paper gown and climb up on the paper-covered, metal bed, she told her the doctor would be in soon. After the woman left, Nina stuck her tongue out at the closed door and then chided herself for being so childish.

Nina held out the paper gown between her fingers. Really? Seriously? Her own doctor at least had normal, cloth gowns. Heaving a sigh, Nina started to strip. She had just gotten completely undressed and had started to figure out how to get into the paper gown when the door suddenly flew open.

Giving a shriek she jerked the gown in front of her tearing it in the process. A young man in a white doctors coat stood there staring, seeming as stunned as she. His brown hair was disheveled as if he had repeatedly run his fingers through it and a pair of black rimmed glasses fell down his nose.

"Oh, god, I'm so sorry. I'm... uh... oh geez." He hurriedly slammed the door in his own face.

Nina stared at the door, her breath coming in short gasps and her pulse racing. Okay, so that guy had been incredibly cute but he'd just seen her completely naked. She had no idea who he was as she'd never been to this clinic before. Shakily she pulled what was left of the paper gown on, trying to cover herself as best she could.

Climbing up on the hard table, she found it as cold as it looked. Tucking the paper around her, she sat huddled and waited. Nina heard voices in the hallway from time to time, but nearly thirty minutes passed before there was a knock at the door and it tentatively opened.

In walked the same guy. He was already kind of blushing and ducked his head as he looked at her. Walking quickly over to the rolling stool at the foot of the bed, he tapped at the computer sitting against the wall. Evidently, whatever he did to the computer freaked it out because a loud beeping was heard and he began tapping frantically until it stopped. A feeling of dread slowly crept down Nina's back.

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