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Life Lessons


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"Um, okay, Miss O'Malley, so what can I do for you today?" he asked after having to clear his throat.

Nina just looked at him. "Who are you?"

"Oh I'm sorry. Uh, I'm Dr. Mike Higgins. I'm the, uh, doctor today." He tried looking up at Nina and only blushed again so he dropped his head back down.

"You're the doctor?" At his affirmative nod Nina rolled her eyes but continued. "I explained to the nurse what I needed, do I have to explain it again?"

"Well, the chart just says that you're here for a female exam and possible birth control. I need to know if this is your first exam and uh, if I need to look for something specific."

"You're going to do the exam?" Nina's heart sank. This very cute guy was going to... oh god. The torn shoulder of her gown fell down exposing her breast at the same time the doctor got the nerve to look at her again. Nina simply closed her eyes and pulled the gown back up.

"Okay, because I seem to have no choice at the moment, here's what happened." Nina quickly explained her recent move, missing her pills and skimmed over how much sex she had, and just said she'd had unprotected sex.

When she finally looked at the doctor again he was staring at her chest. The stupid gown had fallen again and there was her tit hanging out. Because of the cold room, her nipples were currently rather hard and the left one was staring the doctor in the face. She refused to grab the gown and cover herself again. He was the one that made her tear the damn thing in the first place.

After swallowing a couple of times the doctor managed, "Okay, well. It's too early for a pregnancy test. Even though you were off your meds a few days, there's no guarantee that you weren't still protected. But since it's been so long, we'll have to start them all over again at your next cycle. Umm, in order for me to prescribe them though, I do have to do an exam." He turned back to the computer and started tapping keys again. "We'll also run through the standard STD tests."

Nina suddenly felt like she'd just been struck in the forehead with a blunt object. STD's? As her mind struggled to digest what he'd just said a cold creepy feeling crawled up her back. Four guys that she didn't really know and all of them had been in her pussy or her ass. As the panic started to rise the doctor turned back to her. With a sigh she once again resigned herself to the possible outcome of her irrational behavior.

She had been really supremely stupid and now there was a lot to deal with concerning the fall out. Thinking it over she decided that if she had the ability to go back in time she would most certainly have handled things differently. But here she was, sitting in a cold exam room wearing a torn paper gown preparing to deal with the results actions.

The guy really was very cute. Nina's angst over the situation was turning into humor and she was starting to get the giggles over the whole situation with her boob hanging out. Taking a deep breath to push her breast out a bit she decided to the situation was simply too much to handle and she had a better use for this guy than an uncomfortable female exam. As his eyes were glued to her tit, Nina slowly opened her legs wider.

"Then I guess we better get started."

Mike nearly swallowed his tongue when he saw her legs move. How in the hell was he going to manage this without blowing a load in his pants? The instant he had seen her standing naked his cock went rock hard. He had then had to deal with Mrs. Jones and check her pregnancy and hoped like hell she didn't see the erection in his pants and think it was for her.

"Aren't you going to get a nurse to assist?" Nina asked mischievously.

"Uh, um, she's uh..." He had to stop and take a deep breath and count to three. "We're short-handed today. If you want a nurse present, you'll have to wait until one is available." Mike was quite proud of himself for managing to ditch the stutter and speak coherently. He'd always been a bit of a nerd, but he couldn't remember any woman tying his tongue in knots like this one was.

Nina was starting to have trouble keeping in her giggles. She deliberately let her gown fall off one shoulder baring most of her other breast now, too. At the doctor's sudden shifting on his stool, she noticed the huge bulge in his pants. "Oh I think I can trust you. I'm sure you'll take very good care of me. Look, can I just take this off? It's not like it covers much and I mean you are a doctor, you've seen it all before, right?" Nina pulled at the paper gown, tearing it more.

"It is for your comfort, so if you want to remove it, that's entirely up to you."

Nina saw the sweat bead on the doctor's forehead. Finally, she could take no more. This whole situation had disintegrated beyond belief. If she had to spread her legs open and let this guy feel her up, then by god she was going to enjoy it instead of being miserable. Pulling off the paper and wading it up, Nina dropped it in the floor.

Sitting naked in front of him, she spread her legs wide and began to put them in the stirrups. He jumped to help her and then found himself face to face with her plump bare breasts. "Is this okay or do you need me to scoot down more?" Nina asked looking into a nice set of smokey gray eyes through the lenses of his glasses.

"If you could move your hips to the edge there, that would be perfect." Mike licked his lips and imagined himself sucking that small berry just inches from his mouth. When Nina shifted as instructed it brought her breasts so close he could smell the light perfume she was wearing. God his dick was so hard it was starting to hurt.

"Just lay back there and place your arms behind your head, please."

Nina did as instructed, the pose bringing her breasts up high and tight. As the doctor began to press on her tits, checking for lumps his thumb accidentally brushed her nipple and caused it to pucker up even more. When he switched to her other breast she was positive he brushed her nipple on purpose that time.

"Any pain, swelling, discomfort?"

With a wicked grin Nina replied, "not me." She dropped her gaze to the front of his pants. "You seem to have a slight problem though. I do seem have a little discomfort down below myself."

Mike tried his best to ignore her teasing. He really had no idea how in the hell he was going to pull this off. Moving down between her legs he refused to look at her perfectly shaved rosy pussy. "So you've had some discomfort here?" he pressed on her abdomen.

"No. Lower. I seem to get wet down there a lot. Is that normal?" Nina brought her arms down and idly played with a nipple.

"Okay, look, I know this is awkward, these kinds of exams usually are. This just isn't helping." Mike was ready to step back and call it quits.

"I'm sorry. Really I'll stop teasing you. It's just that you're so damn cute and watching you has got me all hot. So, it's probably a little mushy down there right now." Nina started to sit up but with her feet up in the air she didn't get too far.

"Watching me got you hot? Are you kidding me? You're the sexiest thing I've seen in weeks, my dick is about to explode and I just want to fuck the shit out of you." Mike clamped a hand over his mouth. Oh god I'm fired. That's it, my career is over.

Nina let her hand go to her wet pussy and she rubbed her clit. "Now that could make me cum right here. If I'm already knocked up, then it's too late and if I'm not knocked up yet there's no way in hell I'll make it with no sex until my next period, as it's still over a week away. So fuck me doctor. Right here, right now."

Mike started at Nina in amazement. This completely hot chick just told him to fuck her and he could only stand and stare. As her fingers played with her clit, Nina's head dropped back and a small moan escaped. Holy shit she was going to orgasm right in front of him.

Mike shook his head. The hell with it, if his career was over then he was going out a happy man. Dropping onto the rolling stool and tossing his glasses on the desk, he leaned forward and clamped his mouth over her wet snatch. Licking her and sucking on her clit, Mike quickly brought Nina to climax. Sliding a finger in her twat, he felt the contractions of her vagina.

Once she settled a bit, he stood again and leaning forward played with those wondrous breasts. Nina arched her back, pushing her breasts into his hands. She leaned up as far as she could in her position and they exchanged a hot wet kiss. She could just reach down and run her fingers over the bulge in his pants.

Mike fumbled with his belt and jeans and finally got himself free. Nina's cool fingers slid over his generous length. Mike hissed through his teeth and pulled back, afraid that he'd embarrass himself by squirting all over her fingers. He didn't know how he would handle that tight pussy. Nina smiled and leaned back. "Fuck me doctor, fuck me good."

Grabbing her thighs, Mike shoved his throbbing rod into that wet, waiting tunnel. Groaning as she squeezed him tight, he began to fuck her hard. He knew he wouldn't last long and wanted to give her all he could before losing it.

Nina covered her mouth with her hands. She knew she was being a complete slut to fuck the doctor that could tell her if she was pregnant or not but she couldn't seem to stop herself. Right here in the exam room with her freaking feet up in the air. The last thing she wanted was her shrieks of pleasure to be heard outside the room. This guy could most definitely fuck, his pounding was pushing her right over the edge.

As quiet keening moans escaped her, Nina bit her lips to keep the sound down. The hard cock ramming into her pussy caused an explosive orgasm to slam through her. Her hips bucked and jerked, her toes curled tight.

Mike knew he was about to blow, but when he felt Nina orgasm and her pussy clamp down on his dick, that was it. He erupted in spasms and streams of cum, filling her hot box. As he gasped for air, he had to lean forward over the table in hopes his knees wouldn't completely buckle under him.

Meeting Nina's sparkling hazel eyes, she couldn't stop the grin. Uncovering her mouth, Nina smiled and asked, "Are you qualified to diagnose me as a nympho? It really seems like I have a problem."

The two shared a laugh and Mike helped Nina sit up. He handed her tissues to clean up and grabbed a handful for himself. They chatted lightly as they settled back down. "Well, obviously I can no longer take the regular tests that I would take as your uh... well, what I just left behind would screw up any and all tests I tried to run. So, either you can come back in a couple days or just wait and see your regular doctor."

Nina went ahead and started redressing in front of Dr. Cutie. "I'm thinking that if I came back to see you, the same thing would happen again, not that I'm complaining, mind you. You're just too cute." Tucking in her blouse, she turned and faced him. "I would like your number though. I think a follow up appointment outside the office would be more appropriate."

Mike was amazed. He'd worked so hard in college and internships to stay focused and be the best doctor he could be. Women had taken a back seat for him for years. This was the first time he'd completely blown it with a patient, literally. And now this beautiful creature wanted his number and to see him again.

Suddenly, the reason for her visit jumped into his thoughts and he broke out in a sweat once more. "Oh god. We just had unprotected sex and you're already worried about being pregnant. What have I done?"

Nina placed a hand on his shoulder. "Don't worry doc, I got this. One way or another. I knew exactly what I was doing. But really, I would like to see you again." Nina picked up a small notepad from the desk and wrote down her name and number. Tearing it off she tucked the paper in his coat pocket and handed him the pad and pen.

Mike finally wrote down his information and handed it to her. "I can't believe you don't hate me."

"Psh, no way. You fuck too damn good for that." Nina leaned down and gave him a quick kiss. "Please, tell me I'll see you again."

"Yeah, if nothing else just to make sure... you know," Mike shrugged. Taking one of her hands in his, he gave her fingers a gentle squeeze. "I'll be there, need me or not." Standing up, he gave her a hug, took a quick grope of her ass, and a soft kiss. "Please don't think this is a norm for me. You might be a nympho but I'm not. I really do try to be a good doctor."

"I have a feeling you're a great doctor. And do you really think I'm a nympho?" Nina was almost excited at the prospect.

Mike laughed and gave her a swat on the butt. "No, I just think you're a gorgeous woman that knows what she likes. I'll be in touch."

Nina left the office with a bounce in her step. It wasn't until later back at her apartment when it hit her what had happened. She'd fucked her doctor. Okay so it wasn't really her doctor and he was totally cute, but still. Sighing, she dropped down on her couch. What the hell was she going to do now? She really must stop fucking guys until she could get back on birth control.

That was five guys in less than a week. Looking around her apartment she began to wonder if it had been worth it. What if she did end up pregnant? She didn't want a baby yet. Her job was going great, her life was great, her sex life even better. Sighing she laid back and closed her eyes.


It turned out that Nina did get pregnant during that first over-sexed meeting of her brother's friends. After DNA testing it was discovered that the father was Jake, the very first one to dump a load in her. When Nina told him, he wanted even less to do with a baby than she did and immediately signed away his rights.

The good news in the situation came from Dylan. His friend Marcus and his wife were unable to have children of their own and had been on an adoption waiting list for almost a year. After only one meeting with Marcus and his wife June, she knew they were the perfect parents for her baby. Nina was overjoyed at having a solution handed to her so quickly and easily.

Eight months later in the hospital delivery room Nina cried tears of joy just as hard as the new parents did. She had come to love this couple and was so happy to give them their dream. When the nurse placed a beautiful baby boy into June's arms, there wasn't a dry eye in the room.

Marcus and June insisted on Nina remaining a member of the family and made her and Dylan the baby's god parents. Nina was touched and amazed at how life had turned out for them all. Nothing could have been more perfect. Being able to see her baby grow, but with parents who were ready and very able to take care of him made it wonderful.

What was even better was her developing relationship with Dr. Mike. He had been amazing all through her pregnancy. He kept a close watch over her and they had been dating ever since the raunchy visit to his clinic. And the pregnant sex was awesome, only adding the perfect touch to what could have been a horrible situation.

Now that Nina had her body back, a little more lush and soft than before, she and Mike were able to date (and have lots of safe sex) normally. Mike seemed to love the changes in her body and showed her every chance he got. She didn't know where life would take them, but for now she was on top of the world.

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racfguyracfguyalmost 9 years ago
My thoughts...

1. Nina's a very horny young woman.

2. Nina likes boys.

3. Nina likes to fuck

4. Nina likes to fuck anybody.

5. Nina's never seen a cock she didn't like

6. Nina's never seen a cock she didn't fuck.

7. Nina is a slut.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Great stories

Do keep writing and posting them here, please.

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