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Life on the Farm Pt. 01

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Kyle becomes a bull on the farm.
3.6k words

Part 7 of the 11 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 10/21/2017
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Hi all, izenrann here again. My muse was especially active this week, so I wrote the beginnings to TWO new series, after just finishing my first. Sometimes I don't know what I'm doing with my life. Oh, yeah, writing smut, I forgot!

Trying something different out this time (because life is full of new experiences!) which is growth from a male perspective. Just because I can. And because it's interesting.

I always give credit where credit is due, so this story was partially inspired by a series of hucow stories on Literotica, as well as gulavisual's comic "Co-worker" which is hot.


Kyle Everstrom looked hopelessly at the newspaper in front of him. This was the third time this week that he was staring at the job section. Staring, because the last twenty times he had called one of the numbers, nothing had come from it. We're sorry, but you're not quite what we're looking for at the moment. We have enough staff for all our positions. Thanks for your call, we'll get back to you. So many different polite ways to say "fuck you, loser."

The fresh graduate sighed and took a long pull from his cup of coffee. He was being bitter and cynical and he knew it, but it was hard to remain upbeat in these trying times. Go to college, they said. Get a job, they said. But in this current economy it was slim pickings. Natural History wasn't the greatest of majors...he knew it, but he just couldn't interest himself in Computer Science or Accounting or whatever earned the big bucks these days.

A small inset at the corner of the page caught his eye. "Brighton Farms is looking for new and interested young people seeking a fresh start!" A farmhand...well, manual labor didn't sound that bad if it paid the bills. He wasn't much one for manual labor, but his rent wouldn't pay itself. He picked up the phone and dialed the number.

"Brighton Farms." said a chirpy voice at the other end of the line.

Kyle tried to put on his most professional voice. Low and husky, but not so low that it sounded like he had a head cold. "Hi, I'm calling about the position in the papers. Do you need anyone by any chance? Farmhands, maybe?"

"We're actually not looking for farmhands. All those positions are filled."

Kyle's heart sank. Not again...just his luck. At this rate he'd be 30 before he ever got a job. And...

"But we are looking for new bulls!" continued the voice.

"Bulls?" He had never heard that term before.

"Yes! Do you know what a hucow is? We're a hucow farm."

Oh. Hucows. Kyle knew what they were. Genetically modified humans - women, actually - who produced more than half the world's milk. And that was about the extent of his knowledge, basically what was common knowledge. But if they were a hucow farm, why did they need bulls? For the cows, he guessed...but where did he come in?

"Why don't you come down and we'll explain? It'll be easier to do in person!" said the receptionist.

Kyle looked at the address in the paper again. It wasn't too far from where he was, about a half hour's drive. And it wasn't like he had anything better to do anyway...

"Alright, I'll be there by lunchtime."

"Great! Looking forwards to seeing you!" Then the line went dead.

He stared at the receiver. What was he getting himself into?


The drive there was pleasant enough. Green fields and wide open country roads...Kyle had never come into this part of the county before, being a city slicker, but he found that he quite liked it. It was...what was that word again? Bucolic. Yeah, it was bucolic.

The farm itself was situated smack dab in the center of the widest field he had ever seen. He parked his car and walked on past the rickety sign that announced "Brighton Farms! Best milk for 100 miles!" and into the main waiting area. A receptionist - probably the same person he was talking to on the phone - was sitting behind a table rapidly typing into a computer. You could probably find the same scene in a hundred offices around the area. She looked up at Kyle's entry and smiled brightly.

"Hi! Are you the person whom I spoke to on the phone?"

"Yes. I'm Kyle Everstrom. I'm here about the position?" Don't botch it, Kyle, don't make yourself out to be a loser...but receptionist didn't seem to think he was one. Far from it - she was all sweetness and light, reaching back under the desk to fish out a bunch of papers.

"Great! We'll just need you to fill out some paperwork here, and then we can get started on the injections!"

Injections? Those sounded scary. Was he going to be a guinea pig or something?

"Wait. Wait just a minute. Injections?" He knew he sounded scared but he didn't mind. The receptionist blinked at him.

"Oh I forgot, you don't know about how bulls are made, do you? How much do you know about our farm and what we do here?"

"Ummm, not much. I know what a hucow is, but..." Kyle replied.

"Well you should read this first then." The receptionist took out a pamphlet and handed it to him. "THINKING OF BECOMING A BULL? ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW!" said the top in bold orange letters.

Kyle started reading.

First off, the whole process would start with some injections which would actually change him into a bull. A human bull, that is. He would become fitter, and more muscular (though the pamphlet also warned that it would be different for each person) and well, hornier, to prepare him for his other duties. There was the possibility of growing horns and a tail. He could expect changes to his...equipment as well. The whole process would take a day or so to start, though it would be at least a week until it was finally complete.

Next up was what a bull was supposed to do. In short, it was to impregnate and service the hucows on the farm. Normal men could not get a hucow pregnant - it was up to the bulls to do that.

A pregnant hucow produced more and better milk, as well as help replenish the gene pool which was sorely depleted in the last war. It was a noble goal, the pamphlet announced. Assist humanity by helping the cows produce milk! Milk helps babies grow strong and healthy. And make more babies too while you're at it!

Kyle did know that the last gene war had had long lasting repercussions on his Zone. The population had been devastated and normal cows had all but died off, leaving hucows as the only viable means of milk production. But a lot of people had reservations (understandably!) about turning themselves into a human breeding machine, so demand was high and supply low. Which probably explained the high salary at the back of the pamphlet. It was more than he could ever hope to make for a fresh grad with a degree, that was for sure.

He thought a bit. Should he just junk the idea and go back? An empty apartment and an ever-increasing stack of bills awaited him. Whereas here he could get food, room, board, pay and...sex. Though at this point the state of his pocketbook worried him more than his sex life.

What the heck.

"I'll do it." Kyle said on impulse. What did he have to lose?

"Are you sure?" said the receptionist. "This is a life-changing decision. There is no way to reverse the bull injection."

"Yeah, I'm sure." Actually he wasn't, but he wasn't about to stand around waiting any longer. "Let's do this." He signed off on all the papers quickly and gave them back.

"Great!" The receptionist's smile grew even wider. "Just follow me and we'll get you started on the injections."


It was all very businesslike and professional. He was ushered into another waiting room where a doctor asked him a series of routine questions, then ordered him to strip and lie on the bed while he was injected. Like most people, Kyle hated injections, but these were administered so quickly and efficiently that he barely felt them. He began to feel light-headed and slightly nauseous immediately after, which the doctor assured him was normal.

"Sleep it off." was what he was told. "Just lie back. It's going to be alright." He meekly did as he was told.

When he woke the next morning he felt different. Well, he WAS different. He felt stronger, more fit. And there was a tightness in his pants that wasn't there before, so he unzipped the hospital pants he had been given to check out what was going on below. He gasped in shock when he saw it.

Kyle had never really been a big guy, and it had never really bothered him. But the...thing

between his legs had swelled to double the size practically overnight. The pamphlet wasn't kidding about the effects of the injections.

So was he a bull now, or just getting started? Maybe he had better ask a doctor or nurse. He got up, still feeling a little shaky. Where was everyone, anyway? Weren't they supposed to come check on their newest bull? Well, doctors had to do their rounds, or so he guessed...

He exited the room and went for a stroll around the grounds. It was a beautiful morning, with nature alive and in full bloom. He took in a deep breath of the fresh countryside air,

feeling it invigorate his senses, then did a little light stretching. He felt better than he had in ages - maybe it was just the injections? Or maybe it was him really taking a stance,

a new direction in life. In fact, he...

That was when he saw her.

A nurse dressed in pink was making her way across the farm grounds. He has seen nurses before - this wasn't his first time to a hospital. But no nurse he had ever seen had olive-brown skin, flowing blond hair down to her waist, or two small horns that curved from her head, a tail that swished the ground as she walked, or breasts the size of small watermelons. He couldn't help it, he was a man, and so his gaze immediately latched on to the twin protrusions from her chest.

They were big. Like, really big. He'd seen big knockers in porn before, but these put even the most well-endowed porn star to shame. Her uniform was fastened closely enough so that they didn't jiggle, but all that did was make them press so tightly against the soft fabric so as to highlight their shape and size. He gulped. Damn. He felt his pants start to become uncomfortably tight. It didn't help that she had a pretty face too - heart-shaped with a straight nose and brown eyes that seemed to go right through him...

Wait, they WERE going right through him. She was looking straight at him with a smirk on her face that said "aha, I see you looking at me" - or rather, those. Kyle flushed and took an involuntary step backwards. Great way to start your first day, idiot, his mind told him. Caught perving on the female staff?

But strangely enough the nurse didn't seem to mind one bit. She ambled over to him, not breaking her gaze or smile for a second. Far from minding, was it just his imagination or did she straighten her shoulders a little when she caught him staring? That pushed out her chest even more, and he gulped again. Damn they were big. She had to have her bras custom-made or something...definitely bigger than D or even double D. E? F?

"Why hello there. Like what you see?" The nurse cooed at him.

"Yeah...whoa, I mean, no. I mean...yes!" Kyle was making a fool of himself and he knew it. He just wasn't using to nurses with horns, tails and huge tits talking to him. Or being having a penis twice the size of what he normally had. Or being on a farm. Or any one of a number of things.

"At least you're honest. I like that." The nurse's gaze traveled down from his face to his erection, which was currently tenting his pants. They were pre-injection pants, so his enlarged organ was currently making it presence felt through the thin blue fabric. Kyle tried to cover his legs instinctively but was too late to prevent the nurse from getting an eyeful. From the way her smile widened, though, it didn't look like she minded.

"So, are you new here?"

"Yeah. My name's Kyle. Kyle Everstrom." He extended a hand and the nurse shook it.

"I'm Sylvie. I work here as a nurse. Did you just get in? You've had your injections, right?" said Sylvie, motioning offhand to his erect organ. As if she couldn't tell...he nodded yes.

"Oh, looks like you've got a problem there." continued Sylvie. She shot him a naughty wink, and Kyle was forcibly reminded of what the pamphlet had said. "Impregnate hucows" - and Sylvie was most definitely a hucow. Human girls didn't have horns, tails or tits the size of basketballs. Were they going to...his organ twitched at the thought.

"Come with me. I'll get you sorted out. And relax! I don't bite...unless you ask me to." The nurse walked off in the direction of the compound and Kyle followed. Her back was almost as nice as her front - a firm and pert ass that strained the fabric of her uniform no less than her giant tits did. Her legs weren't too shabby either - long and thin and seeming to go on forever.

Damn. Were all the hucows on the farm like her?

Sylvie led him to an examining room similar to the one he woke up in. She ordered him to take off his pants, and when he did, his erection sprang into view. She eyed with an expression that was both hungry and clinical.

"Hmm, looks like everything is in working order. Well, just stand still and let me do all the work." He nodded. Leave it to the professionals right? He wasn't sure what the work was...was she going to measure him or something?

He soon found out. In one swift motion Sylvie had dropped to her knees and swallowed the entirety of his penis in a single gulp. His eyes rolled back in his head as he felt the hucow's tongue stroke his organ. Molten pleasure rushed through him, and he almost collapsed on the floor. He someone managed to remain upright as Sylvie fellated him expertly. The size of his organ seemed to pose no problem to the hucow nurse, who licked and sucked him until he was ready to shoot his load...she removed her mouth at the last possible second and stroked his fervid balls as he came all over the examination table.

What a load it was. He stared in amazement at the thick puddle of semen on the table. Did he really shoot all that? The pamphlet hadn't been kidding about the increased semen production...which he guessed made sense. Bigger balls, more sperm.

"Ohh dearie me. You had a lot stored up in there didn't you? It's good you got it all out." Sylvie wasn't fazed in the least, treating his emission like an everyday occurrence. And for her maybe it was? He had no way of knowing.

"Just relax on the bed." she said. Still light-headed from his ejaculation, Kyle tottered over to the hospital bed and lay down. Sylvie sat next to him and stripped off his shirt, running her hands down his chest. He fancied that he was a little more ripped than when he had woken up yesterday...these injections worked fast!

"Now that you've had the injections, you'll find that this is different to when you did it before." said the nurse.

"But...I haven't done it before." The words were out of his mouth before he could stop them. Great going, Kyle, his mind admonished him.

"What?" The hucow nurse stopped in mid-motion, her hand going to her mouth in surprise.

"I'm a virgin."

"A virgin before the injections too?" He nodded, a little shamefully. He just hadn't found anyone, and then classes had taken up all his time, and then...

"I don't believe it." Sylvie shook her head. "A fine strapping man like you with no partner? Well, the girls don't know what they're missing, then." A predatory light came into her eyes, and the nurse licked her lips. "Well now! I guess it's my lucky day, then."

Sylvie began to disrobe. She made a production out of it, locking eyes with Kyle and making sure he took in every detail of her movements. First to come off was her top. She unbuttoned it slowly, letting Kyle see each inch of bronzed flesh as it came into view. He watched in mute fascination his eyes nearly bugging out of their sockets as her breasts were finally revealed.

If he had thought her they were big when encased in cloth, he could now see them in their full glory, beautiful teardrops that surged out from her chest. The nurse winked at him and with a toss of her long blond hair, undid her bra to display two perky nipples, each pierced with a single golden ring.

"Like what you see?" she cooed. Kyle nodded again. His dick felt so hard that it was ready to cut glass.

Bottom next. Having teased him enough with her top, this time Sylvie whipped off her skirt in a single motion - it looked like she was ready to get down to business. Still, she took the time to shake her pert behind a little, and then languorously stripped off her garters in a way that would put the best lingerie commercial to shame. By the time she was fully naked, he was so aroused that the head of his penis was bright red, dripping a steady stream of precum from its tip.

Sylvie noticed, flicking it with a manicured hand and giggling as he groaned. "And you just came not a minute ago. That's what I like about young bulls...always ready to perform!"

The hucow nurse straddled him. "Alright, ready to not, here I come!" she caroled, and without further ado slipped her pussy over his straining erection.

His hips shot off the bed at the sudden entry. It felt so good! Sylvie gasped in surprise and pressed down on him. "Whoa there, boy! We're just getting started. You just sit back and let me take the lead."

He let himself be comforted by the blond nurse's words, and settled down as she began to ride him in a steady rhythm. Kyle felt like he was in heaven. He had never in his wildest dreams imagined that he would be losing his virginity to a sexy hucow nurse with huge tits, but it was happening, and it was amazing. They both moaned in unison as the pace of her motions increased. It was a sensory overload of the best kind, the sight of her big beautiful breasts bouncing in time to her thrusts, to the feeling of her pussy clenching around his cock.

Her tail lashed his legs as they fucked, and halfway through their congress Sylvie bent down to feed him her giant breasts - they were big enough so that his tongue could reach each nipple even when he was lying on his back. She squealed in pleasure as he licked them, her blond hair flying wildly about.

But it was all too much for Kyle. He groaned as he neared his peak, but Sylvie, ever the consummate professional, could sense his release before he even could. She clenched her legs and insides around him as she looked at him inquiringly.

"Gonna cum again? I want it all in me this time."

She didn't have long to wait. With a long, tortured groan, Kyle came into the nurse's waiting pussy, gouting into her again and again as she rocked above him. The hucow nurse showed no signs of stopping even in the grip of orgasm, and both of them moaned out their mutual climax as they thrust into each other. The last sight Kyle had before blacked out from the onrushing sensations was Sylvie clutching both her breasts in ecstasy as she came.


Kyle woke up with the mother of all headaches. He groaned as he clutched his temples, which felt like they were being pounded at by jackhammers. Someone make it stop...

"So, I see you're awake." A voice at his side made him turn around in bed. It was another doctor, looking at him sternly. "Weren't you warned to take it easy right after your injections?"

"Well, yeah...but there was this nurse, see, and..." The doctor's gaze turned suddenly understanding.

"I see Sylvie's been making the rounds again. I'll have to speak with her soon. You just sit back there and rest, son. Don't worry; you'll be up and at 'em in no time." The doctor paused and turned to leave the room, but not before shooting him a conspirational wink. "I know you can't wait to get at the cows, but rest up first, alright?"

Kyle nodded and sank back into the bed. A new job, a new life and losing his V-card all in one day. What had he gotten himself into?



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