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LifeSim: Breeding Expansion Ch. 01

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Ken's new avatar soon has him impregnating his neighborhood.
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Author's Note: This story is a fun commission reward for one of my awesome patrons. My take on this concept is doubtless inspired by the many other excellent simulation-based stories out there. Since this was a commission, the story featured in this chapter (and the immediate sequels) is written entirely by me, but going forward this will likely be a joint venture with Quiver, who was kind enough to act as a game mechanic consultant and editor of this first entry due to their experience with the game genre in question. Quiver is a co-creator of this series, so any future installments/spinoffs within the LifeSim universe could be authored by either or both of us.

Standard disclaimer applies: this story contains graphic depictions of sex and mind control, so if it's illegal or immoral for you to be reading this, stop now! All characters are over eighteen, all situations are entirely fictional, and any resemblance to any real-life individuals or situations is entirely coincidental. Copyright Fidget, 2021. All rights reserved. Enjoy!

* * * * *

Kenneth was living the suburban dream. He had a happy marriage, got along great with his neighbors, and, aside from the occasional spat with his HOA, loved his neighborhood.

He had many of the qualities of the stereotypical nerd, though he had been more drawn toward the accounting side of things than the computers side. Even so, he still enjoyed the casual computer game from time to time, and simulation games had always been a favorite of his for the deep management mechanics they provided.

So, when he came across a game he'd never heard of called LifeSim on sale one day, it was a no-brainer to give it a try. Once he was on the sale page, he saw that the game had a ton of expansions, all sold separately, of course. He initially intended to just buy the base game, but while scrolling down the list of DLC one particular entry jumped out at him: the Breeding Expansion. He'd enjoyed playing genetic scientist in similar games in the past, so he decided to add the Breeding Expansion to his cart as well, completed his purchase, and began the installation.

A few minutes later the words Welcome to LifeSim: Breeding Expansion! flashed across his screen, alongside an isometric picture of a generic suburban neighborhood. The game that shows you first-hand just how much fun making babies can be. Warning: this is the Breeding Expansion, so all of the women in your neighborhood have been made hyper-fertile for easier breeding.

Kenneth chuckled a bit to himself at the message. It made sense that the women in this expansion would be more likely to get pregnant than in the base game, but he wasn't sure that it was a change that warranted an actual warning.

Either way, he got to work designing his avatar. It was easy enough to create a character with a reasonable approximation of his own features, and then he moved on to selecting character traits for his digital double. Even though it was the Breeding Expansion, Kenneth was still surprised to see just how many characteristics and traits had to do with romance, sex, and reproduction. He decided to go all in on the "romancing" traits to make his character a true ladies' man, checking the boxes for "Super Charisma", "Smooth Talker", "Alluring Voice", "Sensual Touch", "Arousing Musk", "Animal Magnetism", and a few others. There, that should be more than enough to get his lucky avatar all of the action he'd ever want.

Kenneth himself had never been especially popular, and though he'd had his share of girlfriends before meeting his wife Becca, he still had a bit of a fantasy of being one of those super-popular jocks, spreading their wild oats with all the popular girls and cheerleaders.

His avatar would need a much more understanding wife than his own for what he had in mind, so once he was finished making as close an approximation of his cute blonde partner as he could, he gave her the "Likes to Watch" and "Spread the Love" traits so she'd be fine with his avatar having free reign in their neighborhood.

When he finally felt satisfied with himself and his wife, he decided it would take far too long to customize each person in his large subdivision, so he just clicked "Auto-populate neighborhood" instead. After a few minutes of loading screens filled with gameplay tips about how to find an appropriate mate for his avatar and how to plan for children, Kenneth finally got to see his digital neighborhood for the first time, and was surprised to find that it was a remarkably accurate copy of his own. Huh, must use GPS data or something, he thought to himself, making a note to disable any location tracking in the program at some point in the future.

He spent a few minutes doing random chores around the house getting used to the game's controls, grinning a bit as his wife's avatar visibly swooned whenever he walked into a room she was in, complete with little hearts popping up above her head. Not even Becca is safe from my new animal magnetism, he thought smugly to himself. Shortly thereafter, his and his wife's avatars were summoned to a neighbor's house for a party, and after a flirty dress-up session, headed next door.

Kenneth snickered a bit when he saw that his avatar's irresistibly high charisma was making all of the women at the party swoon as well. They had the same hearts above their head when he was near them that his wife did, always laughed at his jokes, and he could see their "Arousal" meters increase each time his character interacted with them. It didn't take long for most of the girls at the party to be turned on enough to initiate "boinkboink", the game's ridiculous euphemism for sex, and Kenneth found that that willingness extended to the married women as well. It is the Breeding Expansion, after all, he thought to himself, trying to choose which of his neighbors his avatar would merge his digital DNA with first.

One brunette that looked surprisingly like his neighbor Linda was working a bit harder for his avatar's affection than the other women, clearly overwhelmed by his charms, but then Kenneth was surprised to see his avatar suddenly accompanying her to her bedroom, entirely without his input. Well, with how hyper-charismatic he'd made his avatar, he could imagine how tempting it must be to have all of those attractive women practically throwing themselves at him, so he couldn't fault his avatar too much for giving in to the temptations of the flesh.

The two immediately began making out as soon as they reached the bedroom, and it wasn't long before they moved on to the bed to consummate their programmed attraction to each other. Kenneth watched with interest as his avatar and the milfy brunette went at it, writhing in pleasure under the sheets in a surprisingly graphic sex scene that left Kenneth feeling a bit aroused by the end of it. He couldn't see any indication that contraception had been an option for either of the characters, and, curious, he clicked Help to see if the game had even included it. All he found there was a simple statement: All forms of birth control have been deactivated in your neighborhood for your pleasure! Enjoy!

Kenneth was distracted from watching his avatar recover from his passionate lovemaking session by his real wife, who had unexpectedly popped her head into his office. She informed him that their next-door neighbors, Linda and Tom, had invited them over for a neighborhood get-together that evening, and that, since they didn't have anything else planned, she'd agreed. Kenneth thought it was a bit odd for a party to be announced on such short notice, but it had been a while since they'd attended any of the neighborhood functions, so he saw no reason not to go.

LifeSim had an auto-save system, so Kenneth quit the game to get ready. He was surprised to see Becca staying in the bedroom with him as he dressed for the party, taking a much more active role than usual in helping him pick out what to wear, and oddly eager to help him out of his clothes as he undressed. The attention and her hands on his body was starting to get him a bit excited, and all the while Becca was giving him very clear indicators that she was feeling friskier than usual, but they had to get moving if they were going to arrive at the party on time, so Kenneth decided to to take a rain check. Both clearly a bit flustered, they hurriedly finished their preparations and headed over.

Linda greeted them at the door, and Kenneth was confused by her eyes widening slightly and her nostrils flaring when she first looked at him. He figured that in his rush out the door he had forgotten to brush his hair or something, but then Linda wrapped him in an uncharacteristic hug, and Kenneth was treated to the pleasant sensation of the brunette mother-of-two's large breasts pressed tightly against his chest. He thought he heard a deep inhalation through her nose as she briefly lay her head on his shoulder, and was glad that he'd remembered to wear deodorant. After holding the hug long enough for Kenneth to familiarize himself a bit more than he had anticipated with the appealing contours of her early 30s body, Linda released him and led the two into the house.

Strangely, Becca didn't seem at all bothered by Linda's odd hug - if anything, she became even more affectionate, clasping herself onto his arm and looking up into his face dreamily. Wow, she's especially frisky tonight, Kenneth thought to himself, eagerly looking forward to the end of the party so he could go home and take full advantage of his wife's amorousness.

Even so, it was good to see everyone again, and he soon found himself surrounded by a group of young women from the neighborhood. He had met all of them before, but they each looked especially attractive tonight with their bright eyes, rosy cheeks, and easy smiles. Kenneth did what any married man did when interacting with members of the opposite sex whom he found attractive; namely, try to subtly appreciate how good they looked without being too obvious about it.

Still, the women weren't making it easy. Each of them seemed to be subtly showing off their bodies' best assets, and so wherever he turned he had to make a conscious effort to avoid staring at an appetizing array of breasts, waists, hips, and thighs, all exuding a feminine sex appeal that began to affect him on an instinctual level. The women in the enviable position of being closest to him even began "accidentally" touching his arm as they continued to inhale his scent, and before long had wrapped themselves around him in a manner that dangerously approached impropriety.

Kenneth also noticed that he himself was also acting ever so slightly out of character, finding himself coming up with an endless supply of witty, slightly suggestive repartee that never ceased to result in flushed cheeks and seductive lip bites. He wasn't sure why he was being so cheesy, or why it was having such good results, but he decided to go along with it as long as everything stayed innocent and all in good fun.

This must be what may avatar in LifeSim feels like everyday! he thought happily, basking in the attention of women of all shapes, sizes, and ages as they hung on his every word, laughing gaily at everything he said while idly playing with their hair. He could no longer deny that every single one of them was flirting with him, and flirting hard, but he also couldn't deny that he was loving it.

His most obvious admirer was definitely Linda. She'd never shown any interest whatsoever in him before tonight, but now she'd maneuvered herself into being the person immediately to his right in his initial circle of women, and, as the hostess of the party, it was easy for her to manufacture situations for them to be alone as the night progressed. Linda was clearly going for the "hot mom" look, keeping herself fit after having her two children while also embracing and displaying her voluptuous maternal curves. It was a look that Kenneth thought worked quite well for her, especially as she kept adjusting her tight blouse lower and lower over the course of the night and upgraded her casual touches to intimate half-hugs, squeezing herself against him while he tried not to enjoy the pleasant tingles that such close contact with her curvy body gave him.

As attracted as he was to the flirty housewife, however, Kenneth nonetheless felt that at some point her touches had crossed the line. No matter how much he was enjoying the attention, he was faithful to his wife, and ultimately extricated himself from Linda's admittedly pleasurable grip.

As he did so, however, he felt a buzz from his pocket. When he went to check his phone, he was surprised to see that he somehow had a notification from LifeSim, which was odd since he'd closed the program before leaving and had never entered his phone number or any other identifying information. Nonetheless, he saw that his avatar had just been assigned the trait "Impulsive Behavior" as a punishment for some reason, which just confused him further. Apparently the game was somehow continuing to run in the background even after he had closed it, and had also figured out how to contact him with gameplay updates. Deciding to deal with it later, Kenneth dismissed the notification and focused his attention back on the party.

The next time Linda flirted with him, however, wrapping herself around his arm once more under the pretense of showing him around the house, pressing her breasts against him as her eyes sparkled seductively with mirth and interest, Kenneth suddenly found himself thinking that maybe there was nothing wrong with enjoying her affections a bit more. Heck, the way all of the women at the party were throwing themselves at him tonight was clearly a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, so he should just let himself savor the pleasure he got from it while he could. It wasn't like anything too scandalous could happen in such a crowded environment anyway.

Kenneth was feeling a bit wild himself after all of Linda's advances and began secretly returning her affections, pulling her against him and squeezing her waist as he discreetly explored some of her soft curves. Linda's eyes turned smoky at seeing her interest returned, however, and after a few minutes of escalating inappropriate touches on both of their parts that had them both breathing a bit heavily, Linda grabbed his arm and told him that there was something she wanted to show him back in her bedroom. From the warm flush of arousal on her face, it was perfectly clear what she wanted to show him, but it still somehow seemed to Kenneth that there was nothing wrong with going with her for just a few minutes. He could experience a bit more direct, harmless, uninhibited physical flirtation with Linda, which he could already tell would feel very nice, get it all out of his system, and then still be able to get back to the party before his wife noticed he was gone. Plus, he just really wanted to go with her for some reason, and so he did.

Sure enough, Linda had far more in mind than light flirtation when they got back into her bedroom, and immediately pulled Kenneth into a fiery kiss that sent tingles through his body. He pulled her tight against him and kissed his way down her neck while she mumbled half-hearted excuses for her highly inappropriate behavior.

"Oh god, I don't know what's come over me. I'm never like this," the woman sighed helplessly as her thick nipples hardened through her blouse under his probing hands. "There's just something about you tonight, Kenneth. You're just so charming, and witty and... irresistible." She moaned encouragingly as Kenneth, clearly caught up in his own growing arousal by this point, impulsively unbuttoned the front of her blouse and released the front clasp of her bra, freeing her large tits, heavy from nursing two children, into his eager hands. "It's like your charisma is suddenly through the roof tonight, and I'm just a simple girl, helpless to resist your masculine charms." The stimulation of her sensitive nipples between his fingers was starting to rev her engine back up, however, and she quickly forgot her weak protestations and began to take a much more active and enthusiastic role in the disrobing process.

That final remark struck a bit of a chord within Kenneth, however, just enough to get him to pull away slightly in confusion and unease. "I shouldn't. I should probably get back to Becca," he mumbled, trying to fight against this inexplicable new tendency toward impulsive behavior that he had felt growing within him over the past half hour. That desire to just enjoy himself without considering the consequences had already led to enthusiastically groping his older neighbor's (admittedly glorious) naked breasts, and was now urging him to stay put, keep encouraging Linda's affections, and see where all of this would lead.

His partner in crime, meanwhile, had teased her hand down to his throbbing dick and was squeezing and stroking, which was not exactly making things easier for him as he tried to balance the weight of his concerns with that of the bouncy D-cups in his hands.

"It seems like you want to stay right here," Linda purred, having already resigned herself to her inevitable coupling with her inexplicably desirable neighbor. Kenneth was unable to resist the temptation to explore Linda's willing body a bit more as she deftly unfastened his belt, and soon his seductress had his sensitive cock twitching in her soft hands.

Kenneth felt his impulsiveness building within him again, and this time didn't have the strength to resist. He pushed Linda back onto the bed, and she giggled like a schoolgirl in shy, aroused excitement as she pulled up her skirt and slid her panties down her thighs. Kenneth finally gave in to his desire to thrust himself against her, enjoying the feel of his naked cock sliding across the textured folds of her entrance.

He had intended to enjoy only a bit of direct contact against her skin, maybe some mutually pleasurable dry-humping at most, but Linda discreetly shifted the angle of her hips as he rubbed himself against her, and her pussy enthusiastically welcomed him inside anyway, having already prepared its slick, stimulating embrace for his arrival. Kenneth felt himself sink deeply into her, shocked by just how good her sudden, enveloping slickness felt around his stiff cock. He knew that he was cheating on his wife, and that he should stop, but he really wanted to fuck Linda now that he was inside her, and so that's what he did, sliding out a bit before thrusting himself back in, feeding his arousal as it continued to build. He increased his pace, slamming into her again and again, hypnotized by her large tits as they bounced beneath him with the force of his mindless thrusts.

Linda's slick pussy was designed to tease his cock into cumming inside it, and it did its job well. They both felt Kenneth's body tensing up as his limit approached, and Linda began to beg him to cum inside her, somehow knowing that his orgasm would trigger her own. The look of wanton need on Linda's face was the hottest thing Kenneth had ever seen, and though he knew cumming inside her unprotected like this was a bad idea, her pussy was so warm and welcoming, and felt so good, that it was too easy to just relax and allow the urgent sensations coming from his pelvis to continue for just a little longer. He was caught completely unawares when his dick suddenly tightened inside her, and he felt his balls clench powerfully before he could pull out, sending the first spurt of their contents deep into his milfy neighbor's eagerly waiting reproductive tract.

Linda cried out in pleasure as her core muscles began their own reflexive clenching, causing her silky, textured folds to pull against his cock even more insistently as it pulsed, coaxing him to continue. At this point, however, Kenneth's body needed no further encouragement. He felt Linda's strong legs wrap around his torso, holding him inside, and despite his worries about nutting in his neighbor raw like this, his balls continued their rhythmic contractions nonetheless, ignoring his concerns. His body was intent on thoroughly inseminating this desirable new female, and Kenneth had no choice but to ride out the sensation, instinct not letting him withdraw until his cock had fully finished its addictive spasms inside her, and his cum had thoroughly saturated her fertile womb.


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