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Light of Dawn Ch. 07

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A dark family secret comes to light.
5.6k words

Part 7 of the 8 part series

Updated 10/31/2022
Created 07/12/2007
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Warning: violent content.


Home at last, Dawn limped to the kitchen and devoured a large chunk of angel food cake. The clock on the microwave glowed Three A.M., four hours past curfew. Her father was in the living room, snoring on the sofa as a scratchy, black-and-white western played on TV. Daddy was concerned about her. He never said as much, because he trusted Dawn's judgment in every matter, yet she saw how the worry lines multiplied on his forehead each day.

Dawn fondly remembered the person she had been only a few weeks prior, the sheltered, suburbanite girl who never skipped class and never stayed out past Daddy's curfew.

After turning off the television, Dawn gingerly bent to kiss her Daddy's forehead.

Red welts studded her butt and upper thighs, a painful testament to Jase Riley's cruelty. Insulting him had been stupid, no matter how right it felt at the time. Jase's stoner friends all hooted like baboons when she called him a pig for squeezing her breasts. Hewas a pig, otherwise he wouldn't have sent his disgusting hand under her shirt in front of so many people. After pinning her against the sofa, Jase raised her skirt and lowered her panties, beating Dawn's pale skin purple with the wire handle of a flyswatter. Each blow was more savage than the last; it was a miracle she hadn't bled. Dawn learned her lesson. She wouldn't insult him--not until she healed a little bit.

Climbing the steps to her room was near impossible, each little movement wrought agonizing pain. Gathering a few clothes from her dresser drawers Dawn headed for the bathroom, desperate to feel clean again.

Warm needles rained from the showerhead. Her own soapy fingers were excruciating, each touch a hornet's sting to the ravaged flesh. Although being with Jase Riley was Hell, she had no choice but to endure every disgusting moment. She loved Jeff. As imperfect as he was, he was the only brother she would ever have and her failure to cooperate with Jase Riley would endanger the professional football career Jeff so coveted.

Dawn shut off the water and wrung her turquoise washrag. She felt as clean as possible, considering the circumstances. Using a hand towel, she wiped the steam from the mirror above the sink. The reflection that stared back was a stranger's.

Never had Dawn been more disturbed by her own appearance. Each flaw (and in her eyes there were many) made her stomach lurch. What little luster had once ornamented her pale skin faded to a sickly white. The freckles which ranged over most of her body seemed a disease. Her womanly curves, which had once seemed normal and healthy, made her feel bloated like a whale. She was ugly, anyone with eyes could tell, yet Jase promised to take her to the Midtown strip club on Saturday night.

The club was holding an amateur night competition, five hundred dollars in prizes to the winner. The thought of exposing her fat, ugly body to so many people chilled the blood in her veins. Protests that she had no chance of competing were moot. Jase had already bribed the club's owner an amount significantly higher than five hundred dollars, assuring her easy victory.

Dressed in an extra-long tee, she padded down the hallway with the intent of grabbing another nibble from the kitchen. No matter how often she ate, her stomach wouldn't stop complaining.

She peeked into Jeff's room. The desk lamp cast a lonely beam of light, painting the walls with unmoving shadows. Asleep on the bed, Jeff's long legs were spread and his hands folded across his stomach. A week prior, right on campus in front of God and everyone, he had walked up to her and asked if she was in any sort of trouble. It was the first time he had ever treated her like a human being in front of other human beings. Usually, she was just the kid sister, an annoying inconvenience to be taxied to school and forgotten.I lied,Jeff. The closer she moved to the bed the more prevalent his soft, steady breath became.I am in so much trouble and I don't know what to do.

His right arm moved, tumbling over the side of the bed. The left arm remained tucked close to his body, as if desperate to avoid the lonely half of the queen-sized bed. A slight smile and contented sigh were evidence that his dreams were sweet. Dawn longed for sweet dreams. Or no dreams at all. Anything would be better than the nightmare her life had become.

Unsure of what she was doing, Dawn slipped beneath the covers. Warmth enveloped her as she moved closer to his body. Inhaling a heady, masculine scent, her pulse beat just a bit faster. No longer feeling adrift, she scooted close to his body. As the hem of the long t-shirt rode up, usually supple Egyptian cotton bed sheets felt like sandpaper to her welted thighs. Jeff's skinny arm moved, grazing the floor before sleepily draping her hip. His touch wrought pure agony, yet Dawn felt safer and more secure than she had in a very long time; she had found an island of sanity in a decidedly insane world.

Hovering her fingers over his mouth, Dawn bathed in the warmth of his breath. She wanted to touch him, to feel the contours of his handsome face, to place her hand on his chest and feel the beat of his heart. She didn't dare. Suffering a severe blow to the sternum, he had been carted off the football field the previous Saturday. Capillaries had been obliterated by a linebacker's helmet, painting Jeff's thin chest a disturbing hue of bluish-purple.

Wearing an ice pack for much of the week, Jeff gritted his teeth and fought through the long, agonizing days. To his credit, he never once complained about the pain. He was a beanpole, prima donna and oftentimes impossible to live with, but his toughness could never be questioned. And all the years Jeff seemed so cold and distant, that was just his way of coping with pain, with sadness, with loneliness and with the immense pressures that came from being who he was.

The enigma of Jeff Kramer finally seemed solved.He has to be cold as steel; it's the only way he can be strong as steel. For so long it had seemed like her big brother was lost but the little boy, who watched stoically as the dual poisons of chemotherapy and radiation withered his mother, had never left; he was the son who humiliated the father he secretly worshipped; he was the star quarterback, the big man on campus trapped in an endless cycle of loneliness; and he was the man she had freely given her virginity.

Reflexively, she reached to brush the shaggy bangs from his forehead, contacting warm skin only. He'd recently gotten that long overdue haircut. The barber had cropped Jeff's dark hair extremely short, leaving just enough to comb. The coppery red highlights were that much more striking amongst the expanse of dark brown.

Jeff stirred at her touch but didn't immediately wake. Mumbling something that might have been her name, his long body shifted on the mattress. She reached to turn out the light, before resuming the gentle strokes across his forehead. His eyes lazily batted open. Groping blindly for the stranger who had invaded his sleep, his fingers grazed the tips of her breasts.

He jerked his hand away like it had been burned. "Dawn?" he whispered, "What are you doing in here? You have to get out." One of his massive legs pressed against her hip, firmly nudging her towards the edge of the bed. "Get out."

She touched him beneath the covers, squeezing his penis through the knit boxer briefs. Worming through the fly, her fingers found the firming column of flesh. He swelled in her grip, his protests fading to submissive grunts. What she was doing was wrong, but for a few moments at least, she wanted to forget about Jase Riley. She wanted to be touched by a man and not feel repulsed. "I need you." She didn't bother whispering. Daddy was impossible to wake so late at night.

Leaning forward, she kissed him on the lips; for the briefest of moments his tongue met hers. Her pussy secreted warm moisture, desperate to feel the caress of a man as beautiful as Jeff.

Strong arms exerted pressure on her shoulder, pushing her away. He said the cruelest thing as she slipped over the edge of the bed. "I don't need you." Her back arched in shock as she smacked against the hard floor. Her legs screamed with pain; she was sure she felt the first trickle of blood from an exploded welt dribble down her leg.

The lamp clicked on; Jeff squinted as his eyes adjusted to the light. A splash of purple dominated his thin chest. Even more bruises and some very nasty looking scrapes covered his arms. He looked so frail, not at all like the smirking star quarterback in all the newspaper clippings.

"Where were you?" When she didn't answer he rubbed his temples and moaned. "For God's sake, Dawn, it's after 3 AM. Were you at Alpha House again?"

Oh God, he knows! The men at Alpha House were among Jase Riley's bestcustomers. At a recent beer bash, Jase had forced her to give handjobs to the entire fraternity.

"Tell me it's not true, Dawn. Tell me!" She felt so small, huddled on the floor while his enormously lanky body cast it's shadow over her. When she didn't respond he gave a disgusted grunt. "What happened to you, Sunshine? What happened to my sweet kid sister?" He looked at her, but only for a moment.

"Jeff, it's not like---"

Gripping her wrists, he yanked her from the floor, flung her body to the bed, and pinned it with his own; she was no more than a doll in his arms. Jeff's eyes were wild with jealous anger, his face almost ugly. For a moment he looked more like twisted Jase Riley than her handsome big brother. "Where were you, Dawn? Tell me where the fuck you were." His voice was an even mix of anger and disappointment, fire and ice.

She stared up helplessly. If only he understood the lengths she went to protect him. If not for her he could be lying in some hospital bed, his college career over, his professional aspirations dead. She knew all too well that Jase Riley's threats were not idle; he could hurt Jeff,would hurt Jeff.

Jeff kissed her, savagely devouring her lips. Beneath a v-neck undershirt he wore only a pair of powder blue boxer briefs, no buffer at all when his hard penis lurched against her body. Whether he thought her some kind of slut or not, it was clear he still wanted her.

"They can have you but I can't?" It was both agony and ecstasy when he spread her thighs apart. The heat between her legs intensified in anticipation of their inevitable union. Jeff's thumb rubbed the length of her slit, parting her lips, distributing the moisture to her fleshy, pink petals. Over and over he rubbed, seemingly stalling. Didn't he know how badly she needed him, how badly she wanted to erase the memory of Jase Riley and every other disgusting man she'd been forced to touch?

Warm wet drops splashed against her cheek. His tears mingled with her own, streaking the side of her face. She had never seen him cry before, not even when he was little. His penis fell limp as he relinquished her wrists. After rolling off her body, he unleashed a primal scream into the pillow and smacked the iron bedpost with the side of his fist; he smacked it again and again, so hard she feared he might break the bed, a bone or both.

Dawn gingerly sat up, watching in subdued amazement. After fighting so long and so hard to dam his emotions they were pouring out in a savage torrent. She was frightened; Jeff was, after all, so much larger than her. She felt a sudden desire to be far away from him.

His hand found her lap, stopping the attempt to flee. "Don't leave me." He rested his head against her bare thighs, rubbing the velvet skin with his rough cheek. He kissed her thigh sweetly. "I know you can't love me but please...don't hate me. Other guys, they'll hurt you. I---," he yawned, "I won't hurt you. I love you."

To fear him was silly. At his core Jeff was just a little boy so terribly lost without his mother. As he tugged the hem of her nightshirt, she raised her sore butt so he could undress her. His head moved from her lap to her stomach. Gently, he kissed the shallow divot of her navel, leaving behind a puddle of cooling saliva. From her stomach he moved to her chest, alternately suckling the fat, pink nipples with wet, satisfied pops. She closed her eyes and cradled him against the soft swell of her right breast.

In concert with the stimulation of her breasts, he invaded the elastic waistband of her cotton panties. He relinquished her swollen nipple with a pop. "I don't want to be this person," he said, "I don't want it to hurt." He combed the damp red hairs of her pussy.

"It's okay to hurt," she said, "and it's okay to feel, to love."

"Is it okay to love you?" he asked; the hope was transparent. They both knew there was only one way in which he was permitted to love her. They could be brother and sister, never anything more.

When he kissed her again she moaned into his mouth. Dawn ignored the burning pain on the backs of her thighs as his weight pressed her against the bed. She opened her legs as his penis contacted her most private area.

She sighed as Jeff entered, pleased that Jase Riley would never have her like this. Jase could use her hand and her mouth, someday he might even rape her pussy but he would never feel her caress, would never hear her whispered encouragement. She hoped some day that some man might be worth her attention, but for now there was only Jeff. She loved him so much, more than she had a right to.

His penis, skinny like the rest of him, moved excruciatingly slow. Having only been invaded twice before, both times by Jeff, her vaginal walls were tight and unyielding; she was glad he ceded to her comfort.

After what seemed like forever, his groin finally made contact with her own. As his dark brown pubic hair mingled with her bright orange, he gazed at her with love such as she had never seen before.I would suffer anything for you, she wanted to tell him. Instead she gasped, and dug her fingernails into the meatless cheeks of his butt.

Her head tipped back, arching her neck as he began gentle rocking motions. The entire bed shifted along with their bodies, the iron posts smacking the wall. With each thrust her body screamed out in agony. Because of the welts she couldn't meet his hips, couldn't wrap his waist with her legs, he was left to do all the work. Jeff's motions became less graceful. His hips jerked and his handsome face contorted with pleasure.

"I'm going to cum," he said through gritted teeth.

"I want it." The words had come from Dawn's very own mouth, yet she could hardly fathom them.

From the look on Jeff's face he had found the request no easier to process. "But you might..." Halfway through the protest he shot, sending the first sticky jet of semen deep within her body. With the second ejaculation came second thoughts. By the third shot Jeff had extracted himself, finishing on the skin of her belly. The damage conceivably done, he collapsed on the mattress beside her.

Dawn hadn't experienced an orgasm. She didn't need to; the simple act of lying beside her big brother, the warmth of his fluids on and in her body, ascended her soul to a plateau higher than any mere orgasm ever could.

Utterly spent, she listened as Jeff's breathing steadied then slowed. Drifting away, he reclaimed the sweet dreams that had eluded her for so long.


Using the sleeve of his denim shirt, Jeff wiped slick sweat from his brow. Despite a million better options, he had spent the entire day in the backyard, taking care of the chores his father long neglected. It wasn't easy work and the deep bruise on his chest made certain movements particularly uncomfortable.

After clipping the grass, cleaning the hot tub and weeding the rose garden, Jeff figured he'd earned a break. Sinking into the glider, he stretched his long legs across the patio. He rested his heel in the outline of a missing brick and surveyed his work. Despite the day's efforts, the backyard was holding up about as well as the rest of the family. The vegetable garden, onetime producer of the carrots, cabbages and cauliflowers that were the bane of a thousand family dinners, was gone, torn out in favor of the hot tub. The leafy privet hedge, once spanning the entire perimeter of the Kramer property, was reduced to a single scrubby bush. Even more tragic was the fate of the once lush, green back lawn; it had been conquered by the monstrous pave-stone patio, installed specifically to give Old Vinnie Kramer, "less lawn to mow."

As he often did, Jeff thought of Mom. She loved working in the yard, planning entire weekends around turning earth and sowing seeds, cutting grass and grooming shrubs. Man's work, she would kid, but who else would do it with Dad constantly on the road?

Jeff brushed a clump of dirt from his jeans and sighed. He wondered what she would think if she was sitting up there on one of those clouds watching his sorry existence like some kind of melodramatic picture show.Would she still love me no matter what?Could she?

His throwing arm was revered among the alumni, his attitude the envy of classmates, his body, though not chiseled from stone, was coveted by females. Revered, envied, coveted, they weren't the same as loved or even liked.

He used to constantly receive calls from Hayden and the other guys. "Jeff," they would say, "you have got to check out the party at (insert name)'s. (Insert girl's name) is drunk as shit and she's showing everyone her (insert body part)." Lately, Jeff responded to such calls with a sigh and a noncommittal maybe, before turning to his desk to study or read or look over the next week's game plan. The calls were sure to peter out before too much longer. Except when he was in pads, Jeff hardly even spoke to Hayden or the guys anymore.

The ladies still paid him heed, but each time Jeff found himself attracted to a new blond or brunette he invariably compared them to an incomparable little redhead.

Isn't that a joke? The star quarterback, the man destined to make millions in the pros, the man who could have any woman on campus, pines for his kid sister. He refused to admit that he loved her. Being an emotionless jock, he was not equipped to deal with the mind numbing depression that resulted from hopeless love.

He hated feeling helpless; that's why he almost lost control--it had to be. For all his poorer qualities, Jeff was not a violent person. Something snapped when he was with Dawn the night before. He could have hurt her, in his clumsy rage he probablydid. The way he pinned her to the bed, grinding the obscene bulge of his erection against her tiny, trembling body, was completely barbaric.

All the money and all the fame that came with a pro contract, would it change who he was or the way he felt? Would the short skirts and long legs prowling the nightclubs ever interest him, or would he be haunted by one pale, perfect body for the rest of his life? He knew the answer; every morning when he woke up segregated to one lonely side of the bed he was reminded.

Things never should have gone so far; that was the ultimate truth. If he had shown any kind of self-control that first night, when Liza Jennings offered Dawn's body as substitute for her own, his life would still be normal--at least as normal as possible. He was wrong to touch her, wrong to seduce and make love to her and now he paid the price. Every time he looked at her he paid the price.

She had seemed especially vibrant and beautiful at breakfast, her skin awash with the luster of a sexually satisfied woman. Her fiery red hair had been pinned behind her ears, showing off her warm, freckled face to glorious effect. Despite a chill in the morning air, she chose to wear short little shorts beneath a denim jacket. She had to be freezing, he thought, as he drove her to school. Being so close to those pale legs without being able to touch them, to warm them, almost drove him mad.


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