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Lilibeth's Wild Side Ch. 02


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"Yup. I've never admitted it, but...yup, I do."

"So, Friday night!" said Beth, her smile beaming. "It's full circle. You're in Panama City again, you're free, doing whatever the fuck you wanna do. Right? Let's do it! I'm definitely in. I want you right there with me."

"Sounds like a plan," Marty said.

"A bikini contest? Wearing this?" asked Kerri, the question directed at herself as much as at Beth. "What is it, just dancing to some music?"

"Yeah, probably heavy metal or something. Probably the same old songs they played when you were here on Spring Break."

"They'll laugh at my patchy tan," Kerri said, looking at her own white midsection.

"Trust me, Kerri. Nobody'll laugh at that body," Marty said.

Kerri felt a blush warming her face. "I'll have to think about it. If my van's gone in the morning you'll know I bolted."

Beth smiled. "You're in. I can see it in your eyes. It's tomorrow night, we'll dress at 7pm. Get there around 8, the waitress said, but we'll go early and have some drinks."

"You already talked to them? Jesus, you really are all in. I guess I am too." Kerri looked down at her midsection again. "Do you...have any tanning lotion? It's not something I carry around with me."

"I got you covered. Yeah we gotta get rid of that white or everyone will think you magically appeared from the middle of a Syracuse winter."

"Oh my God, the winters!" said Kerri, smiling.

A thousand miles away, Walter handed his iPad to Nora. "Who's that woman?"

"Walter, how should I know? She's a friend of theirs, I guess. They're all dressed for the beach."

"Do you think she shared their bed?"

Nora felt an inner tingle, a new kind of warmth hitting her, Walter's idea seeming entirely plausible now that she knows all she does about Beth and Marty's wild sex life. "Walter, I...don't...know. Let's say no, she didn't, she's just a friend."

"A nice looking friend. Maybe you should get a bikini. I mean, they're both wearing them, at their age."

"Walter, Beth must be thirty years younger than me."

"I'm just saying, maybe you could try."

"When we're in Florida? On the beach? You want me to make an old fool of myself?"

"I think it might be good, but, if you don't want to..."

Nora smiled softly at her newly interested man. "If you want me to, I'll try it. But first we check the cottage to make sure no one else has a spy camera in there."

Marty smiled. "Maybe we could fool around in the living room, and watch it on this one when we get home."

"Can you do that?"

"I don't know. I'll see if I can figure it out."

Nora shook her head, smiling, her eyes twinkling.

After two beachy days of lotion-scented sunbathing, Kerri was deeply colored, a reddish, somewhat burned sort of tan that was similar to the way Beth looked.

In Beth's mind, this was all good, thinking that very distinct tan lines are probably a good thing for a bikini contest; when the bikini comes off it'll be all the more noticeable—milky white breasts that can't help but catch lots of eyes. She was careful not to mention these thoughts to Kerri, though, not wanting to scare her away from the fun contest night that Beth was so looking forward to.

The last two days had flown by in such a dreamy manner, Beth and Kerri becoming fast friends, the extraordinary heat and humidity of a Florida summer making them drunk with lazy beach thoughts. This being Friday already, Beth and Marty's vacation week was almost over, the happy blur of it made all the better by the finding of this new friend.

"We should do this every year. Marty, we should get a place down here. With a nice big driveway for Kerri."

"Or you guys could just get a van," Kerri said. "We could meet up anywhere."

"Nice. I like it," Marty said. "I'm feeling burny. I think it's time to get out of the sun. Ready to get some dinner? They must have fried fish on special at the bar. Smells good."

"Well I'm not cooking, I know that," said Beth. "Yeah, let's check it out, let's see what a Friday feels like in there. Tonight's the big night."

"Oh, God, I was hoping you'd forgotten," Kerri said.

Beth smiled. "Not a chance, girl. It's gonna be totally awesome, you'll see. It's late enough already, why don't we take a quick shower, get ready, and just head over there for the night. We'll eat, have some drinks, dance in our bikinis up on stage..."

"Make fools of ourselves..."

"No, no, no," Marty said. "You guys look fabulous all tanned, and Beth's got the magic at these bar contests. Trust me, you'll see. She'll take you along for the ride."

Kerri noticed a new kind of sexy sparkle in Marty's eyes, and she wondered what this 'magic' and this 'ride' was all about. It did sound fun, and she'd already had a few beach beers, making her happily mellow, so she shot him a twinkly-eyed look of her own. "Hard to say no to a nice guy like you. All right, let's do this thing. I might need tequila first. I'm just warnin' ya. You buying?"

"Hell yeah," Marty said. "Dinner, drinks...it's all on me tonight. My treat, as my father used to say."

"So, we wear the bikinis under our clothes?" asked Kerri. "Do they have a room where we get ready? Is there an escape door out the back so I can run away when I chicken out?"

"Too many questions, girl," Beth said. "Come with me. I've got the perfect shorts for us to wear. It'll help drum up some votes."

"Drum up some votes?" said Kerri, looking perplexed. "I thought we were doing this for fun! You're trying to get a prize?"

Marty smirked. "Beth tends to go all out. She won third place last time."

"Yeah, but that was wet t-shirt," Beth said. "I'm not sure how a bikini contest will go."

Kerri put 'wet t-shirt' and 'third place' together in her mind, knowing that those contests get wild. "Oh my God. Where was this? Are you two on a travel quest to win redneck prizes?"

Beth giggled. "I wouldn't mind it. Maybe when Marty retires."

"She's a biker woman at heart," Marty said. "And I'm okay with that."

"Come with me, Kerri," said Beth, taking her hand. "I've got hot little shorts for that hot ass of yours."

"Oh my God," Kerri said. "Am I gonna regret meeting you two?"

"Just pretend it's Spring Break, and you're older and wiser enough to take the bull by the horns, take some chances, and fully enjoy it this time. Like your friend used to do."

"She's gonna be seriously proud of me," said Kerri. "Marty do me a favor and make a video that I can show her, okay? I need proof, or she'll never believe me."

Marty smiled. "No problem. Yeah, I'll get the whole thing."


By the time he, Beth and Kerri all showered and dressed, and the women helped each other with hair and make-up, an hour had gone by. "My stomach's growling, ladies," yelled Marty from downstairs. "Any chance we can get some dinner soon?"

A few minutes later, Beth and Kerri walked into the living room. Clad in bikini tops and daisy duke shorts, Beth wore the 'camo' print ones to go with her American flag bikini, Kerri in the ones with the ultra assy high cut legs and the lace-up sides that showed off the flesh of her hips. "You'll be honest with me about whether this looks ridiculous or not, right?" she asked Marty, her clearly embarrassed face fully blushing.

"I already told her," Beth interjected, "all that running she does is paying off like a miracle in these shorts. Look at that ass!"

Kerri didn't turn her backside fully toward Marty, doing a partial twist instead, to give him a hint at the way these crazy sexy little shorts were so perfectly decorating her.

"I've seen those shorts on Beth," Marty said. "I'm a big fan. You're wearing them beautifully, Kerri. I mean, seriously, you look...awesome."

"Oh my God," she muttered under her breath, keeping herself twisted so she could look at her own behind as best she could. "I guess...I'm never gonna get that video to show my friend if I don't do this, right? Marty, I can't believe I'm asking you this, but...can you maybe get some video of me wearing these, too? I mean, if I'm walking into a Friday night bar room dressed like this, I want proof."

Marty nodded. "Got it. I mean what more could a guy want, following you two in the front door of a fun bar with my camera on you. Sounds like my kind of night."

A few minutes later, Marty tried to be discreet with his phone's video camera, getting a sweet, low-angle shot of these two provocatively clad asses as they wiggled down the sidewalk and into the bar, then acting nonchalant as he, Beth, and Kerri mingled into the crowd, looking for a table.

"Hey you guys!" the cute waitress greeted. "I'm glad y'all are back. Looks like you're doin' the contest tonight. It's gonna be a good one, the place is jumpin' already. We're so busy I don't even have time to cuss."

Beth smiled, ordered a pitcher of beer and a round of tequila shooters. Three fried fish dinners were ordered and eaten, filling all their bellies. More tequila, more beer, and suddenly it was 8pm and the waitress brought the contest sign-up sheet to the table. "Both y'all are doin' it, right?"

Kerri nodded, feeling a lot more comfortable with the idea now that she was half in the bag with a nicely growing tequila buzz. Still, the actual sign-up made her tingle, her nipples hardening when she wrote her name, spelling Kerri with a little heart dotting the 'i', like she used to do in college. Even though she lives on the road these days, she wrote 'Connecticut' where it asked for her hometown.

"I love that bikini," Beth said, smiling, eyeing Kerri's top. "Don't you love it when you get all nippley in public?"

Kerri looked at Beth's big chest and the big nips making prominent bumps in the micro-thin American flag bikini top. "Have you always been a showoff?"

"Oh my gosh...I guess so," Beth said. "Yeah, it goes way back. My mother sort of was, too. She's big on top, like me. She grew up in the sixties and got into the whole burn-your-bras thing. Luckily we got the 'firm' breast gene that keeps them 'up', you know what I mean? Yeah, I'm guessing Mom turned some heads, with her big ol' firm titties under those wispy hippy-girl shirts they all used to wear. That's how I always picture it anyway."

Kerri smiled. "That paints a picture. Marty, did you know your mother-in-law was a hottie back in the day?"

"Yeah, I can imagine it. She's a fun woman. Nice as can be."

The PA announcer called all the contestants backstage, Kerri's heart thumping harder with each step she took. A final tequila shot right before she stood up hit her in the brain when she was about halfway to the backstage area, a woozy buzz blurring her but feeling really, really nice. It was the perfect 'drug' to turn the walk up onto the stage into a dream, the sexy daisy duke shorts left in a heap backstage, her burn-tanned, bikini-clad body now on full display to the hundred or so cheering, leering spectators.

Beth stood right next to her, holding her hand, both of them surprised by the strength of the competition — not so much the quality but the quantity. Fifteen women vied for the prizes, some of them young, some of them not so young. Kerri, at fifty-one, was pretty sure she was the oldest, but she was glad she had a better body than some, though better is a subjective thing, she knew. She felt pretty good standing there. Strangely good.

"You feelin' it?" asked Beth, her voice loud over the cranked music. "You gotta dance."

Kerri smirked, realizing she'd been lost in a fuzzy daydream, standing still when she should be moving. Holding tight to Beth's hand for security, she began to dance with her. Focused on Beth now, it was clear to Kerri that Beth was all in, dancing more and more like a stripper, Beth's eyes and smile urging Kerri to cut loose and take this fun ride.

Kerri heard the wild, loud whoops and cheers when Beth was suddenly topless. For Kerri, it was a shocking moment, seeing Beth so smiling and relaxed, her stunning big tits so hard-nippled and wobbling. Yes, this was redneck bar-room gold, she knew, suddenly realizing that Beth was dead serious about trying to win a prize.

"Show me those pretty titties, girl," said Beth, nearly screaming over the Z.Z. Top, smiling like the devil. "Ride that tequila wave."

Kerri smiled, already there, already riding it. The tequila shots had launched her into a kind of zone, a strange un-reality that felt like she was right inside the Z.Z. Top song, the crisp, thumping loudness of it sweeping her upward in a spiral. Dancing this way, like a stripper, had already become an infection, Kerri's body writhing with the fever of it, the tingling warmth inside her feeling like a growing fire. Topless now, her bikini top tossed to the back of the stage, the feel of it leaving her fingers gave her a split second wonderment, a fleeting question fluttering through her mind as to whether she'd ever get it back, ever be fully clothed again. The thought of it, surprisingly, wasn't much of a worry.

"Fuck yeah!" Beth cheered. "Perfect, girl! Perfect!"

Kerri knew tits were bustin' out all over, probably two thirds of the contestants making themselves topless. Some of the women were pretty good dancers, too. Real competition. But Beth...oh my God, Beth! Those tits! Those pure sex dance moves! "Damn, girl!" yelled Kerri, smiling brightly. "You got this!"

"You think?" yelled Beth, writhing to the incessant beat. "I gotta take it all the way. I'll be bummed if I don't. You with me?"

Unsure of what Beth meant, Kerri gave her a quick shrug, a dancing one, with a smile.

Beth smiled, too, dancing in a suddenly even more stripper-like way, her writhing bent-over ass facing the rowdy, whooping crowd. It was peek-a-boo time, her fingers playing with the waistband of the thongish American flag bikini bottom, giving the riled up masses little, and then bigger, peeks at her asshole and pussy. Then it was off, the bikini bottom untied and tossed away, Beth fully nude, writhing so happily in front of so many lusty eyes.

Kerri now knew what it all meant. All the way. Fully nude. On a stage in a bar room in Florida. Her astonished mind flashed back to Spring Break, all those years ago, the sight of her friend taking it all off at an Amateur Night at a strip club.

"Do it, girl," Beth yelled. "Pick out the cutest guy in the crowd and show him your pussy. You know he wants to see it."

Addicted To Love was the blaring loud song of the moment, Beth suddenly down on hands and knees. With her big, weighty tits hanging under her so stunningly, her doggy-style body began to writhe, as if an invisible man was behind her, fucking her. Two young male spectators, so wildly excited, nearly jumped up on stage to join her. Two of the other topless girls dropped to hands and knees, writhing so nicely, and beer glasses were raised in whooping salute.

Kerri, so nicely lost in this stunning moment, didn't pick out a guy to show her pussy to. She just showed it, letting the audience be a messy blur, knowing this would be the one and only time in her life when she'd let herself go fully free. Free of constraints; free of worry; free of the shyness she'd fought all her life; just free. Her bikini was fully gone, lost in the shuffle, a couple of specks of fabric on the floor in the dark. She wanted it all, this nudity, so she kicked off her sandals, making it pure, making it the whole thing, the nothing, the everything.

It nearly stopped her heart when her smiling eyes found Marty's. His phone was there, videoing, down below his eyes, but his eyes were on hers, she knew, the shock of it numbing her but also making her dance. There was a freedom in it, but also an oddness — the oddest freedom she'd ever experienced. There was sex in all this, she knew. This isn't a dance competition, or a beauty contest. No, she now knew that this is a sex competition, sex being a thing she'd nearly forgotten about, a thing she used to love, a thing she'd lost and never found again after her husband died.

But now...oh my God, now...as her hands touched and slid up her writhing body, the feel of them on her sweating breasts was pure sex! And her mind exploded with the tingling purity of it! These feelings, so real and so intense, made her so lightheaded it felt almost like an orgasm! This...all of it...she couldn't believe.

Then Beth was there, dancing so close she was touching, her wildly aroused nipples touching and tickling Kerri's. This is too much! That's what Kerri's thoughts were thinking, yet she stayed close to Beth, doing the nipple tickle dance, the crowd loud, loving it, and then the announcer's voice was blaring, and it was over.

Kerri felt stunned when the music ended, her tequila high crashing, this jolt back to reality making her want to run, fully clothed, to the hills. But then the seconds ticked away, her mind adjusting, her eyes on Beth's uninhibited happiness. Standing there on stage with the other fifteen contestants—some nude, some topless, some still in bikinis—Kerri felt a kinship, and an accomplishment, and she was amazed to feel a quickly growing acceptance in her mind of this nudity she was showing, this public, full-frontal strip-down, a soul-baring that had given her the first big hints that her formerly fun sexuality was in fact not dead. This crazy contest, she now knew, was quite possibly changing her life.

Three young, nubile 'Florida girls' took the prizes, but Kerri didn't care and Beth didn't really care, either. It all ended as dreamily as it had started, and then, backstage, as all the contestants put their bikinis and clothes back on, Beth made an announcement.

"Hey everybody, me and Kerri and my husband are having a private party, right next door. The little gray house. Let's keep it just to us contestants and our guys, all right? Y'all are all welcome," she said, smiling at that little bit of southern that crept in.

Kerri smiled. "A party? When did you think of this? Do we need food, and drinks?"

"We've got some we need to use up before we leave. Marty can get some more."

A rock band went on stage right after the contest, playing too loud and a bit ragged, not the kind of thing most folks cared about missing. That, and the promise of free drinks and food, lured seven of the contest contestants, and their men, over to the time-share next door. Marty and two of the other guys made a quick run to the store down the street, buying cases of beer, a big box full of deli sandwiches, and some bottles of booze from the liquor store almost next door.

"Damn right!" Beth said upon seeing them return. "It's a party now." She'd already turned up the volume on the tabletop radio, and folks were nicely mingling. With a feeling of happiness warming her, and the buzz of public nudity still in her veins, she took off her bikini top.

"Jesus!" said Kerri, suddenly blushing. Giggles erupted from her. "Beth, you're too much."

"She is, isn't she," said Marty, chuckling.

"Hey, this is nothin' but fun," Beth said to Kerri. "Try it, you'll like it."

Kerri, still blushing, glanced at Marty, then back at Beth.

"I'm not shy," one of the other young women said, making herself topless.

"Hey, I'm in," said another, smiling as she bared her small breasts. "I always wanted to do this at a party."

"Me too," said another, her bigger ones suddenly out in the open air.

"What the fuck!" Kerri said, giggling. "You guys are crazy."

"The good kind of crazy," said one of the guys, his eyes wide open with amazement. "This is my kind of party!"

"Yeah it is," said another smiling man.

"It's so impersonal being up on stage," Beth said to them. "Now we get to see what you guys really think of us."

Of the seven contestants who came over to the house, five of them let their freak flags fly, taking off their shirts and bikini tops; one decided to take her shirt off and leave her bikini top on; and the other headed for the door, quietly leaving, her male companion looking disappointed that real-world boredom was his fate for the rest of the night.

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