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Lilith Shorts: A Night with Tinera Ch. 04

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Tinera wants the boy next door, so she takes his mother.
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Tinera was starting to enjoy her new home, her new body, and her new pool as she sunbathed out on the patio soaking up the warm sun wearing a red bikini. She had taken over Jake and Amy's house now that she was free from that cursed DVD. She knew the two of them were trapped in an endless sexual embrace and probably wouldn't even realize what happened to them until they were released which she had no idea when that would be.

As she sat there she glanced across the yard to the neighbor's house where she noticed a young fit man mowing the yard with an old push mower. She slid down her sunglasses to get a better look at him as he was very fit and it was getting her a little turned on. He was probably 18 or 19 years old and she figured he must have just graduated. She wanted him and now that she had her freedom she had no problem taking him.

He had glanced over at Tinera seeing this amazingly hot woman with dark hair laying by the pool next door and he suddenly hit a stump which made him trip a little letting go of the handle as the mower shut off. Tinera chuckled a little knowing she had caused that but was happy because now she knew he found her attractive.

"WIll, what the hell are you doing?" She suddenly heard a woman's voice say as she saw the boy's mother on the back deck scolding him a little for not paying attention.

"Sorry Mom, I was mostly done anyway, I'll just grab the weed wacker to finish up," he said as he started to push the mower back towards the garage.

"Well, your father will shoot you if you broke the mower, better make sure it still works before he gets home."

"Will do."

Tinera examined this sandy blonde haired woman who was probably in her early 40's but still was quite attractive before they made eye contact. Tinera wanted the young man but was suddenly interested in her as well. She began to have the idea that if she had got her hands on the mother first then getting her hands on the boy would be easy. She smiled to herself sliding her sunglasses back up as she waited for their inevitable meeting.

Veronica had glanced over at Tinera seeing her sunbathing and realized what had distracted her son. She wasn't really mad that this half-naked woman had distracted him but was more or less curious as to who she was and where Jake and Amy were. As she looks at her the woman sent her a little wave and a smile as Veronica waved back. Whoever she was Veronica figured she would go over and introduce herself when she got a free moment to w3lcome her to the neighborhood.

Walking back into the house she saw Will getting a drink from the fridge when she said: "so, you see we have a new neighbor?"

"Huh, oh I didn't notice." He said a little embarrassed.

"Uhuh, I'm sure you didn't," she said half teasing him. "You going to finish the year's work?" She asked wondering why he was inside.

"Yeah, just needed something to drink, I'll go finish up now."

"Okay, I'm gonna go over and introduce myself to the new neighbor."

"Oh really, You just have to be friends with everyone don't you?" He said making fun of her.

"Hush you, there is nothing wrong with welcoming her to the neighborhood."

"Sure thing Mom, I wouldn't mind meeting her either," He said with a smile.

"I thought you hadn't noticed?"

"Come on, you know me better than that."

"I do, and you almost broke the lawn mower, that's why you're staying here!"

"I'm just kidding, I'll go grab the weed wacker and make sure the mower still works, enjoy your visit with the neighbor."

Veronica smiled at him before she grabbed a box of brownie mix thinking she would make them quickly for the new neighbors before heading over to say hi.


About an hour later Tinera was waiting on the couch inside when she heard her front doorbell ring and smiled knowing exactly who it was. Putting on a robe she headed for the door opening it and smiling at the lovely woman she had seen only a little while ago. Up close she was even more beautiful than she thought getting her even more excited for what was about to happen.

"Hi, I'm Veronica from next door, I'm sorry is this a bad time?"

"Not at all, please come in," she said opening the door and letting her in with the plate in her hand.

"Thanks, I made you some brownies as just a little welcome to the neighborhood."

"How sweet of you, please, the kitchen is right this way." She said leading her through the house until they arrived in the kitchen.

"So um, did you just move in, I didn't know the previous owners had moved."

"Well, actually I am just sort of house sitting for them, they took an extended trip so I am just taking care of the property while they are away."

"Oh, okay well, even if it's temporary, welcome to the neighborhood."

"Thank you, I am Tinera by the way," she said shaking Veronica's hand.

"That an... Interesting name,"

"My parents were a little old fashion, was that your son outside?"

"Yes, he just graduated High school,"

"I see, and his name is Will?"

"How did you know that?"

"Sorry, I heard you call to him outside."

"Oh, right, of course."

"And your husband?"

"His name is Robert, just celebrated our anniversary, 20 years,"

"Congratulations, but I don't believe you are old enough to have been married that long."

"Well thank you, but I am older than I look."

"Aren't we all," Tinera said with a smile.

"You can't be any older than 30, if not younger."

"My dear, I am older than you can imagine," Tinera said as Veronica just smiled and laughed thinking she was joking.

Veronica started to look around and noticed all if the pictures of Amy and Jake were still hanging. She remembered Tinera said she was just house sitting for them but she started to get the impression that something wasn't right here. Tinera had been more than pleasant but she had this feeling in her gut that maybe she should leave.

"So anyway, yeah maybe we could do dinner or something some night?"

"That would be nice, but this visit isn't over yet." She said as she started touching the top Veronica's hand with her finger while she chanted something under her breath.

"What are you doing?" Veronica asked as she suddenly noticed Tinera's robe open up a bit to see she was not wearing the bathing suit she thought she was from earlier.

She could see her breasts bare and plump and she was a little shocked by this. Tinera just continues to run her finger along the top of Veronica's hand just saying these strange words under her breath. Veronica was starting to get a little freaked out so she stood up from her seat.

"I um, I should get home I..." She said holding her hand as she suddenly felt a little light headed.

"No, you aren't leaving yet, I want your son, and you are going to help me with that."

"What... What are you... Talking about?"

"You have raised a very handsome boy, and it's time for Tinera to show him a thing or two, I bet his cock has never felt the touch of a woman before."

"What? No, you... You stay away from..." Veronica said as she was having a hard time keeping her balance grabbing the counter. "What the hell... What did you do to me?"

"Just started the process."


"The physical changes start internally, you feel it don't you, the growing lust, that twinge between your legs, it feels so good doesn't, but don't worry, I will make it very enjoyable," she said walking around behind her.

Veronica wasn't sure what was going on as she did feel very strange. She was sweating and she felt Tinera's hands reach around her from behind unzipping her jeans as she slid her hand inside rubbing the front if her cotton panties. She felt violated but for some reason, she didn't want her to stop which didn't make any sense to her. She thought about her husband Robert at first wishing he was here but then began to think about how he hadn't touched her like this in a long time.

"Please, do what you want to me but... Don't harm my son." Veronica said still enjoying the sensation.

"You misunderstand me, your boy will not be harmed, I am simply going to make a man out of him, as many times as I want, I admire you trying to protect him, a mother protecting her young, that primal instinct all mothers have, I want to awaken your primal instincts and make you the ferocious predator you are," Tinera said as she began kissing the side of her neck sending chills through her body before she whispered: "I am Tinera, I do what I please, and now you're mine!"

She shoved her fingers under Veronica's panties and inside her pussy. She could feel the extra muscles started to grow that made it easier for them to milk a mans cock which she was excited to use her own on Will. The touch of Tinera's fingers made Veronica jump a little as she felt much more sensitive down there and it felt amazing.

Tinera suddenly spun her around pulling her in for a kiss. Veronica struggled at first but soon gave in as the changes were beginning to affect her mind and she felt submissive to her. She slipped her hands under Tinera's robe feeling her skin as she held her waist pulling her close. She wasn't sure what was coming over her but she had this incredible lust building in her that didn't feel natural.

Tinera was enjoying the taste of her newest submissive. She removed her lips from Veronica as she tried to lean forward to kiss her again reaching for her lips with her own. Tinera could smell the lust in her and the little changes happening inside but she just smiled at her before taking her by the hand and leading her to the bedroom.

Veronica was basically under her control at this point and just wanted to fuck her so badly. She followed her into the bedroom and saw the bed as Tinera turned to her and kissed her again. She pulled off Veronica's shirt and tore her bra off with ease. She examined the woman's body and liked what she was seeing before she kneeled down and slid her jeans to the floor leaving Veronica there in nothing but her panties.

"You are beautiful woman Veronica, I bet your husband hasn't noticed it lately?"

"He... No, he hasn't."

"I see, well we are going to change that, when I am done with you, you will be everything he desires and more, in fact, I will need you to keep him distracted while I have my way with your son."

"Please, not my boy!"

"You still struggle, you are stronger than I thought, that just makes me want you more." She said licking her thigh as she stood back up. "The things I will do to him, the things I will teach him, you will be so proud of him."

"I am proud of him."

"Of course you are." She said as she gently pushed Veronica down onto the bed before climbing on top of her.

She kissed her lips before working her way down her neck tasting her skin. As she got to her breasts she noticed them starting to firm up a bit making her smile before she started tracing little circles around her nipple with her tongue. Veronica moaned at the sensation as she could feel her nerves becoming more sensitive to sexual pleasure.

Tinera got to her panties smelling her scent as she slid them off. She traced her fingers along Veronica's inner thighs making her whimper a little before she hurried her face between her legs. Veronica let out a yell as Tinera's demonic tongue slither inside her deeper than and normal tongue should. She grabbed her hair and moved her hips enjoying the sensation as it ripped through her body.

Tinera was enjoying the taste using her saliva to move the process along. She remembered when she did this to Amy without Jake realizing it and now she was excited that Veronica's husband would have no idea what would be waiting for him when he got home. She almost wished she could witness it for herself but she had better plans in mind involving their son.

Veronica was feeling pleasure like she never had before. She was enjoying what was happening but she also was worried. Even though she was losing herself to Tinera, in the back of her mind she wanted to protect Will from her and was also worried about what she would do when Robert came home from work.

Soon her mind began to change with her body. It suddenly became clear to her that Tinera fucking her son was a good thing. She looked forward to this dampness turning her son into a man even though none of it made any sense. She began to think about Robert too and how much she wanted his cock inside her. She couldn't wait for him to get home now as she understood what Tinera meant about keeping him distracted. While Tinera fucked her son she would fuck her husband like the beast she was becoming.

She could feel thing starting to change as her fingernails turned into claws and her skin began to darken turning a reddish color. She rubbed her new claws along her breasts feeling herself as she felt her teeth sharpen with her tongue which also felt like it had forked. Her vision seemed a little different as well as she examined her new demonic form while Tinera continued to fuck her with her tongue. She leaned forward as she felt two large wings slide out of her back before she let out a loud roar as her pussy began to squirt her feminine juices into Tinera's face.

Tinera felt her face get wet but continued to wiggle her tongue inside. She could hear Veronica's growls of pleasure and it got her more excited. Even though the transformation was complete she still wanted to have some fun with her as she finally removed her lips from Veronica's pussy and climbed back up towards her.

"You are beautiful my love, but we aren't done yet!" She said as her tail sprouted from behind her and wiggled its way into Veronica's pussy making her moan even louder before she returned the favor with her own new tail shoving it between Tinera's legs.

The two of them moaned out as they were fucked by the tail of one another. They both growled before Tinera got close to her kissing her lips, tasting the creature she had turned her into. She was so impressed by the demon she had created and loved the feeling as her tail wiggled in deeper and deeper.

Veronica had completely transformed and suddenly things that used to seem tabu or disgusting to her didn't matter. She thought about what she wanted to do with her husband later and even about what Tinera wanted to do to her son and it got her turned in thinking about it. Seeing Will fucking this woman who had done this to her was exciting and she couldn't wait to get home and send him to her wishing she could watch it happen herself or even join in.

Veronica's tail was still drilling into Tinera's dripping pussy but she curled it so it began to rub along the crack in her ass as well. The sensation made Tinera shiver as she realized just how frisky and dirty her creation was which only excited her more. She began to envy Robert and the evening he was going to have with the creature that used to be his wife.

Timers grabbed her and flipped her around as her both their tails stayed inside one another but now she pulled Veronica's ass back towards her. She snapped her fingers and a large black dildo appeared in her hands which looked like some sort of demonic penis. She spits all over it getting it well lubricated before she jammed it into Veronica's waiting asshole making her roar out in pleasure.

Veronica couldn't believe all the amazing sensation her new body was feeling as she was fucked by Tinera's tail and the demonic dildo that had been shoved in her ass seconds ago. She let out a scream as she felt an orgasm that was so unnatural it didn't seem possible at first. She also felt her tail tale begin to spasm as it started to squirt something into Tinera feeling what she imagined an orgasm would feel like in a penis. She also felt Tinera's tail start to squirt something into her as well which only enhanced her pleasure until it was too much and she collapsed on the bed exhausted.

"That's it, let the feeling wash over you," Tinera said seeing the exhausted demoness she had created panting as different fluids dripped from all of her holes. "Now you have a job to do, right my love?"

"Yes, I will go and bring my son to you." She said still writhing a little in bed as she began to look human again.

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warelliswarellisover 6 years ago
Super domme

Been enjoying this. Will you have Tinera be dominating the boy? Making him hers and all as she pounders his virginity and all~?

TwoGunKidtgkTwoGunKidtgkover 6 years ago

Make her fall in love and be super submissive!

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
How it should end

Do as you said in the other story. Have her put back in that prison and maybe even destroy it. Tinera has shown that she really isn't worthy of being in that store since she will only cause more loss and damage.

MaZeWMaZeWover 6 years ago

I think I do not like Tinera as a person. She seems to be rather mean.

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