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Lilith's Emporium Pt. 17: Honeymoon Ch. 02

Story Info
Nessira and Patrick go looking for her stolen property.
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Part 17 of the 21 part series

Updated 06/12/2023
Created 11/05/2017
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The air was cold but fresh as Patrick saw mountains everywhere. Nessie stood beside him looking out at the view enjoying it herself as she held his hand tightly. Patrick somewhat recognized they are knowing it had seemed familiar to him be he was not sure why or how. He had never been here before but still, it seemed like he should know this place.

"Where are we?" He asked Nessira.


"Wow, it is beautiful here."

"It is, this seemed more appropriate for our honeymoon."

"Definitely," he said still enjoying the view. "Are we here for a reason or just to enjoy ourselves?"

"Both, come with me," she said as she began walking along the steep hill in front of her.

He was amazed she could move so easily wearing a dress and heels when he asked: "Ness, are you cold?"

She glared back at him raising an eyebrow as if it was the dumbest question he could have ever asked her. "I just burned a castle to the ground, trust me, I'm fine!"

Patrick continued to follow her down the hill until she turned and headed toward the rocky base of a nearby mountain. She began climbing along the edge where it began getting much steeper but she moved with no problem as Patrick tried to keep up with her. He didn't want to admit he was afraid of heights as he looked down seeing the drop that was still at least a hundred feet as he struggled to keep up with her.

"Jesus, it's like Lord of the rings here!" He said as it reminded him of the film.

"Cough cough nerd!" She said with a pretend coughing noise.

"Funny, I used to hear that from women in college all the time."

"What?" She said looking back at him. "Tell me their names and I will set those bitches on fire!" She said with red in her eye's.

"Woah, calm down, just leave them alone."

"Any woman ever calls you a nerd or geek or anything like that I will cut that bitch!"

"So only you can call me that?'

"Damn straight!" She said as she took a few more steps. "Ah, here it is.'

She stopped and began to feel around the rocky wall like she was looking for something. Patrick held on the best he could hoping she found whatever she was looking for quickly when he heard a click. Looking over he saw part of the stone wall pushed in and slide over revealing a doorway or cave. She smiled at him before stepping inside.

Patrick moved towards the opened when part of the rock he was standing on broke and he slipped. "Shit!" He yelled out about to fall to his death when he felt a hand grab his. He looked up seeing Nessira holding him as she had moved quicker than lightning to grab him and pull him back up. "Thanks!" He said.

Seeing Nessira looking at him with both an amused and almost disappointed look in her eye she smiled and said: "be more careful will you Honey?"

"I'll do my best."

"Well, lucky for you, I'll always catch you when you fall," She said before pulling him in for a quick kiss.

As she pulled her lips from his she smiled at him again before creating a small fireball for light and heading deeper into the cave. Patrick quickly followed her into the darkness creating one of his little balls of light that floated up by his shoulder as he went.

He wasn't sure exactly how far they had gone or even what they were looking for but it seemed that Nessira knew where she was going and he trusted her. There were no twists or multiple caves, there was one path and it seemed to go on for a while. Eventually, they arrived at a large open room as Nessira sent out her fireball igniting a few torches along the walls.

Patrick looked around seeing different drawings on the wall. What was odd was they seemed to be drawings of events from her life? He saw the death of Sebastian and the destruction of the town after. She saw a creature who seemed to resemble Baphomet with its goat-like features, and then there was a demon girl who seemed to brighten Nessira's character almost as if she had made her life better.

"I was expecting a giant palace full of gold being guarded by a giant red dragon."

"Is that another Lord of the rings thing?"

"No... It's the Hobbit."

"Oy, Thank god you have a big dick!"

"You know it, Baby!" He said with a smile and a little dance bragging about her compliment.

"Seriously, stop it."

"Sorry, Nessira what is all this?"

"After I lost Tinera to that cursed book I retreated her for a while. I just wanted to be alone and reevaluate things and also store away some old belongings, she had told me about this cave in Scotland so I headed there and it was my home for a while."

"Interesting, I learn something new every day."

"Yeah well, I would only leave to feed so there is a bit of a legend here about me now, but enough about that," she said standing over an old chest. "This is why we are here, I may have some items you could find useful."

She took a blade cutting open her hand which Patrick was a little surprised by until he watched her drip some of it onto the top of the chest. He watched as her blood began to fill a few grooves until reaching the lock in front where he heard multiple clicks before the top of the trunk opened. He stepped forward to look inside only to see the chest was empty except for what looked like a note sitting on the bottom.

Nessira quickly grabbed it and read it before he saw her eye's start to glow red. "Baba Yaga!" She said with anger in her voice.

"What did you say?"

"I've been robbed, by that miserable..."

"But you said Baba Yaga, I know that name."

"It shows up in many things from time to time, movies, games, books, but she is real, and that bitch stole my belongings!"

"So what do we do now?"

"We are gonna find that bitch, and I will kick the legs out from under her fucking house!"

"Wait, she really lives in a house on top of two chicken legs?"

"Some things you can't make up."

"Alright so let's go," Patrick said heading back out of the cave only to find the entrance they had come through was now solid rock. "What the fuck?"

Patrick turned around to look back at Nessira only to see that they were no longer in the cave. They both looked around confused as they had appeared to be in some don't of small hut or house. As he turned around again he was suddenly surrounded by steel bars. Looking back at his wife who had not been imprisoned he found himself locked in a cage.

"What the hell?"

"Baba, enough of this!" Nessira said demanding she shows herself.

"Well look, if it isn't the red which, come back to visit after all these years?" An old woman said walking out from seemingly nowhere.

"Enough with the act Baba, what do you want?"

"You are no fun Nessira!" The old woman said grabbing her long wrinkled nose and pulling it up almost like it had been a mask revealing a rather attractive tanned brunette woman before she threw the mask on her chair. "I figured you weren't coming back for your stuff so I took them."

"Well I am back, and I want my stuff, now Baba!"

"Really, no catching up, no hey how are you, It's been a while, and how about the fact that you brought a man into my house?" She said pointing at Patrick who was still locked in the cage.

"Brought a man... You brought us here dumbass!" Nessira said getting aggravated.

"No need for name calling, but who is he?" She asked walking over to the cage and glaring at him. "Has he capture you and have you under his control, or is he your personal sex slave, maybe a meal for later?"

"Actually, he's my husband."

Baba turned and looked at Nessira with wide shocked eyes. "Your husband?" She said before looking back at Patrick holding up her wand pointing it at him. "What horrible spell have you put her under, speak before I turn you into a frog and cook you for dinner!"

"Um, wait a minute..." Patrick said as the situation got more heated.

"Stop it, Baba, it's not like that," Nessira pleaded.

"I don't believe you, you have her under your spell don't you, don't worry Nessira, I will free you from this man's control!" She said zapping Patrick as he began to feel strange seeing the cage and the room begin to grow around him only to realize it was him who was shrinking down.

Nessira looked shocked looking down at him as he tried to speak only to say: "Ribbit!"

"There, you are free my girl, run, frolick, go and suck the souls of Scottish men!" Baba said as Nessira just glared at her with her arms crossed. "What?"

"Change him back!"

"Nessira, don't you understand what he has done to you?" She said walking up to Nessira and taking her hand. "He has corrupted your heart and..." She stopped after placing her hand in Nessira's chest and not feeling a heartbeat. "Nessira, where is your heart?"

"In him," she said pointing down at the frog on the cage.

"What? How is this possible?"

"I'll tell you all about it, but dammit change my husband back and let him out of the cage!" She said looking down seeing the frog grab a fly out if the air with it's tongue.

"Okay okay," she said waving her wand again as Patrick began to grow and return to normal.

He stumbled a little trying to balance himself as he soon realized he was human again. "Did I just eat a bug?" He asked before the cage door opened.

"Okay, now what the hell is going on here, who is this man and how the hell are you married to him?"

"Actually that part is sort of boring, we met, I had planned on killing him but chose not to, he helped me raise my daughter and now we are married."

"Wait, you have a daughter?"

"Adopted, but yes."

"What the hell happened to you Nessira?"

"Lilith locked me up in a statue for a long time."

"I had heard something about that, that must have been tough for both of you."

"Lilith and I are good now, it needed to be done, but now I have a partner in crime."

"Oh really, maybe you could let an old friend have a taste?" She said before she began rubbing her hands along Patrick's chest.

Nessira grabbed her hand pulling it off of Patrick before her eyes turned a fiery red color. Baba pulled her hand away seeing how protective Nessira was of this man and calmly backed away.

"Never mind then," she said trying to change the subject. "So you were saying?"

"He was dying, so I gave him my heart and now we are bound together."

"Isn't that sweet!" Baba said half-jokingly.

"Look, he is learning to be a sorcerer, and I need those items I stored away."

"Oh, let me see," she said opening up a door before a bunch of pots and pans came crashing out before she slammed it shut again. "Wrong door, wait a moment," she said before she waved her hand and opened it again but this time the inside looked to be a closet full of clothing. "Ah that's better, is this what you were looking for?" She said pulling out a dark cape with strange symbols stitched into it that were hard to see as they were made with the same black stitching as the rest of the cape.

"That is it," Nessira said with a smile before taking it and throwing it over Patrick's shoulders.

He felt a little silly wearing this thing which seemed to stay on his shoulders without any sort of string to tie it or anything. Nessira had a very bright smile even though he had no idea what to do with this thing.

"Great, so now what?"

"This is the cloak of Abronorim, one of the most powerful wizards of his age, and the cloak seems to have accepted you," Nessira said.

"How do you know?"

"Because you would have probably burst into flames if it hadn't"

"What?" Patrick said shocked at what he had just heard.

"Oh come on, if there wasn't the risk of death occasionally our lives would be boring," Nessira said pulling him in for a kiss before she whispered in his ear. "Every time we have sex I could kill, but doesn't that just turn you on?"

Patrick heard her words and was a little surprised that it really did get him aroused. After she pulled away he examined the cape a little more. It was not uncomfortable and it made him feel a little more powerful, almost like it gave what magic he had a little boost of power.

"I could learn to like this, may I ask, how did you get this?" He asked.

"It was a gift from Abronorim himself."

"Wait, you knew him?" Baba asked stepping closer.

"I was there when he died actually."

"Wait, what?" Patrick asked.

"Well, he was a few hundred years old and had grown tired, he tracked me down knowing the stories of the red which and asked me for a favor."

"What sort of favor?" Patrick asked.

"To end his life," Nessira said with a grin.

"What?" Baba asked.

"He wanted to die but didn't want to be beaten or destroyed by another sorcerer, so he asked me to, well, finish him off, and in return, I got his cloak."

"You fucked the old man to death?" Patrick said.

"It's what I do, can you think of a better way to die?" She said placing her hands on her hips and staring at him.

"Actually, I really can't." He said.

"I never knew what happened to him, he just disappeared one day, nobody knows where he went," Baba said processing her story.

"There is a large oak tree in the middle of the forest he used to live in, he is buried beneath it."

"Wow, you performed a mercy killing?"

"At the time I looked at it as a nice trade, I had killed so many men with my sexuality at that point, what was one more, he was very appreciative though, and wow he was..."

"Okay, I get the point," Patrick said interrupting her.

"Patrick don't be like that, you know yours is the only one for me."

"I do, I just don't want to hear the details that's all."

"Oh really, even about that night with me and Baba here?"

"Oh Nessira," Baba said smiling at her.

"Wait, you too?" he said.

"Why, what's wrong with me?" Baba said almost insulted.

"Nothing, your gorgeous," he said before looking back at Nessira. "is there anyone you haven't... " he said almost angry. "I'm gonna stop myself right there."

"This really bothers you doesn't it?" Nessira said a little surprised at his reaction.

"No, I'm fine, really, I like the cape." He said focusing in the dark material draped around his shoulders.

"Well, it was very nice to see you Nessira, is there anything else you wish to retrieve?"

"Yes, all of it!"

"All of it, come on Nessira, you were gone for so long, I thought you were dead, even my prophecy bones spoke of your demise!"

"Yes well, I am not, I am very much alive and I want my stuff back!"

"Fine!" Baba said as she walked over to a trunk she had in the corner of the room. "It's all in here."

"Is it?"

"Of course, would I lie to you?"

"Anything is possible, but I will take your word for now, but don't think I am above deep frying your hut here," Nessira said glaring at Baba.

"Well in that case," Patrick said opening the door and stopping when he realized they were at least 20 feet above the ground. As he looked down he saw two large feet that resemble that of a bird. "Really, chicken legs?"

"I told you, you can't make this shit up," Nessira said as she walked over next to him. "Baba, if you don't mind?"

"Wait, what about the trunk?" She said looking back an realizing it had disappeared. "What the?"

"Oh, I still got it," Nessira said as the house suddenly lowered itself down letting them step off.

The door shut behind them before the house stood back up and began walking away disappearing into the woods. Baba stood in her house confused a little before she grabbed her bones and spoke the incantation throwing them in the plate again. As she looked at Nessira's fate there had been no change which began to make her worry a little that maybe it was true but hadn't happened yet.

"No, her heart is no longer in her body so the magic is probably just confused, " she said putting the bones back in their bag and putting her old lady mask back on.


Patrick looked on amazed by all the crazy things he had seen today. He began to look around realizing they were in the middle of the woods and not sure where to go.

"So now what?" He asked.

"Well there is a good pub and an Inn nearby, it is getting late."

"Yeah, it has been a busy day."

Nessira opened up another portal before they stepped through into a small town. The pub was a few feet in front of them so he followed her inside taking off the cape as he didn't want to look like a crazy person walking around in a cape. She walked up to the gentleman at the bar handing him a small stack of gold coins before he handed her a key. Everyone had a thick Scottish accent that he could barely understand but soon Nessira took him by the hand and led him up a set of stairs before she unlocked a door and stepped inside.

The room was nice, not as nice as the one they had in London but it was comfortable. The decor seemed different and the blankets on the bed were more that of a bed and breakfast than a nice hotel but still he had no complaints. He stepped over to the window looking out at the mountains in the distance as the sun was beginning to go down.

"Are you alright?" Nessira asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine, the question is are you alright, you seemed to have a rough day, going back to Ror'gon's castle and all?"

"I'm fine now, it needed to be done, but earlier, you seemed bothered by something," she said stepping towards him. "Does my past really bother you?"

"No, of course not, I knew who you were when I asked you to marry me, I have no regrets."

"Then what is it, please just tell me?"

"It's nothing," he said as Nessira just glared at him not moving an inch.

"I have nowhere to be," she said not budging.

"It's nothing worth talking about then."

"For the love of God just say it!"

"Fine, I just... I would just like to meet someone you know and haven't slept with, alright, it seems like every old friend of yours was once a sex partner and it just makes me feel..." He paused trying not to let his emotions get the best of him.

"Like what?"

"Like how long can I keep you satisfied, how long until one guy isn't enough for you anymore?"

"Are you seriously worried about that?"

"Well, I dunno, maybe, or maybe I am just crazy."

"Well let's look at the facts here, remember that future where we were at war that you told me about?"

"Yeah of course."

"That was, what over 100 years from now?"


"And we still got together on our anniversary for a cease-fire so I could fuck your brains out!"

"That's true," he said thinking about it.

"Look Patrick, I get it, you have every right to be nervous about it and think the way you do, but back then I was heartbroken and didn't care about anything or anyone, now I do, " she said pulling him close. " and I can't promise that I will never feed and fuck someone again but what we have is more than just physical, it is spiritual, and I wouldn't trade it for anything."

"Yeah, I know, I'm just being stupid."

"You know how much I love you," she said stepping towards him and placing her hands on his cheeks.

"I know, and I love you so much," he said looking into her eyes.

"And trust me, once you perfect that dragon tongue stuff, I ain't going anywhere!"

"Thanks?" He said a little surprised before he pressed his lips to her.

"Before we go there," she said removing her lips from his. She reached into her pocket pulling out a small bottle.

"What is that?"

"Just something I have wanted to try and to prove how much I love you and want you, forever."

"Ness, you don't have to prove anything, this is my problem and I'll get over it, I don't care how many partners you've had, as long as you are mine, forever."

"I will never be anyone else's again, and I want to show you how much I mean that," she said taking the bottle and drinking it.

"What are you doing?"

"This is a potion that, well, it nullifies my powers, temporarily."

"What, why?"

"Because now, I am human, and I want you to fuck me, the way two human partners would."

"What, this is nuts?"


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