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Lisa or Sarah


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"You're going to pay for that."

"Ooo," Lisa replied quickly. "That must hurt. That will bruise. Looks like it's turtle necks for you for a while."

In sharp reaction to Lisa's words, Sarah stabbed her left breast into Lisa's right breast. Lisa inhaled and gave a shocked look as if Sarah had just plunged a knife into her. Didn't she expect that? Or maybe Sarah's breast was more solid than Lisa thought?

But Lisa quickly recomposed herself, smiled, and then pushed her breast back into Sarah's. For a second both women betrayed a nervous look as the stared intently at their breast-to-breast contact. This was a moment of truth. Up until now it was all words, but now they were in physical contact, they had established a whole new level of communication. I suppose if one of the girls' breasts were firmer, now we would know. But I saw no sign of confidence or fear after their nervous look disappeared. They both sneered and gave the other an angry look. Neither would back down.

Slowly, the girls brought their other breasts into contact. Their tits mashed together methodically as they angled their shoulders. For a long moment these two nearly naked women stood their ground, hands on hips, leaning into each other touching only breast to breast. We all looked carefully for any sign of weakness, if either girl's breasts proved stronger, more dominant.

I can't say how sexy this looked. In thongs and high heels; certainly these hard bodies were sexy enough alone; seeing them both like this doubled the effect. But now that they stood pressed together in this unique kind of feminine challenge, the sex allure was multiplied. I felt they understood this. That by pressing their breasts together my sexual response would be exaggerated. Their aggressive facial expressions and stance directed at each other was sexy in itself, but that they flexed their muscles and tightened their chests, only improved the look of these two sexy bodies. But most of all, this was an amazing declaration of sexual desire for me. They were presenting their nearly naked bodies to me for me to judge and pick a winner. On top of that, they were using their own body try to try to minimize, literally reduce the breast size of the other. I always imagined that girls took pride in the size and shape of their breasts, and in competition with another girl, would want to minimize the allure of her rival's chest. That these girls wanted to have sex with me so much, that they did not want to share, and in fact, were willing to physically engage each other was a dizzying measure of how much they wanted me. This expression of sexual libido elicited a stronger sexual desire in me.

The girls were clearly increasing the pressure, as I witnessed their bosoms mash together, cleavage enhanced even more, as breasts rose and pushed back. It was clear from my view that they had met their match. When they first touched breast to breast each had a moment of trepidation. They were both clearly proud of their reasonably large chests, but neither girl's chest size was particularly over-sized. When it was clear that the winner would not be chosen by breast size, it was a matter of firmness and fitness. That meant a physical contest. That must have taken some will, and confidence, for each girl to test her breast against the other. If one girl's breasts had proven significantly firmer, would the loser pack up and go home? Maybe not, but I can only imagine an experience like that would scar you for a long time. Standing naked in front of the man you want to fuck, with your rival right in front of you, a woman could never want it shown that her rival's breasts are better. I can only imagine the desire to win such a contest must have been the driving force. Or perhaps given the right circumstance, the very rare proximity and setting, when two heterosexual women are alone with the man they are competing for, topless and too close for comfort, yelling, hitting, scratching or kicking will not do. Nipple to nipple, when two rival women meet like this, the most natural base instinct, unless completely obvious who would win, would be to have a tit fight. Maybe they could not help themselves. Still, that they did that kind of test, breast-to-breast, was amazing, instead of trying to renew their cat scratching and clawing. But like their hair pulling display before, they both remained calm, and in fact, like before, they each smiled from time to time. Again, the devilish smile each girl occasionally displayed was not a result of physical pleasure, but rather from a sense that her breast had demonstrated some kind of superiority over it's counter part, perhaps causing some pain, or finding some softness or weakness in the other's breast.

This breast-to-breast challenge was more than I could handle. I thought I would shoot my load in my pants right there. Why was this so sexy? It was sexy when they were rolling on the floor legs tangled, scratching and biting. The display of flexed muscles, the increasing exposure of feminine skin through ripped clothes, and mostly because I was the object of such sexual lust, made this the sexiest experience of my life. But this was better. Why was this calm bosom against bosom challenge so much sexier? I mean, it seemed that this would be a contest to see whose tits could dish out the most damage to the other girl's, or rather it was a test to see which girl could endure the most pressure. How was that sexier? Did I just want to choose the girl who had the least sensitive breasts? That wasn't it. But really, I was not choosing at all. And that was it. These girls knew that I found their cleavage irresistibly attractive, I loved their breasts, and I could never choose between them. Women instinctively compete with each other by showing off their breasts, so Sarah and Lisa took it to the next level by physically challenging each other with their breasts. They knew I didn't want the girl who could scratch or bite harder, but rather I wanted the girl who displayed some kind of feminine superiority over the other. I wanted them to pick the winner. Each girl wanted me to see her own breasts, the thing I found so sexy, physically dominate her rival's breasts. We all seemed to understand that these girls matching sexual assets would best decide this sexual conflict.

Like a slow dance, the girls stepped around the hotel room touching only breast to breast. But they pushed hard. Occasionally, one would breath in quickly, as if in reaction to a shock, and the other girl would give a devilish smile. This was a slow methodical contest. It occurred to me that they were literally feeling each other out. Lisa might shift her weight and bring her chest down, while Sarah would react by bending her knees to position her beasts a little below Lisa's. Then, as if in agreement, they would both pause and push, looking very carefully into the other's eyes for any sign of weakness. After assessing the result, they would reposition their breasts again, pause, and push. Sometimes I would see Lisa's eyes blink or Sarah's lips part, in reaction to the assault of the other. Eyes would widen in recognition or discovery of some dark secret the other girl was hiding. I hardly realized that beyond this breast challenge the girls were engaged in a deadly staring contest. They were looking deep into the other's eyes, into each other's souls, measuring each other's commitment to this fight and trying to implant doubt into the other's psyche.

They stood perfectly still now, and I could see the blood pumping in their necks and shoulders, as their entire body sought to repel the invading nipples of the rival girl. Slowly their expressions changed. Biceps flexed and thighs tightened. Something was going to happen.

There was a knock on the door. The spell was broken as the girls separated and backed away from each other. I looked from Sarah to Lisa. With their backs to each other, they both hid a worried look in their faces as they cautiously did breast self-examinations.

I went to the door. It was the champagne, of course. I paid the delivery woman and took the tray in myself.

As I set the ice bucket down, I noticed there were only two glasses. Lisa and Sarah had renewed confident looks on their faces. As I went to open the bottle, without a word of explaining, the girls took some ice from the bucket. Methodically, as if by practiced routine, the girls rubbed their breasts, and nipples in particular, with ice cubes. Again the staring contest was on. I put the un-opened bottle back into the bucket and sat on the edge of the bed. This was not over.

Their breasts must have been freezing cold, but it was obvious what they were doing. I could see their nipples harden and their breasts seem to firm up as goose bumps formed. Their skin glistened, as it grew moist. But neither girl shivered or showed any sign of weakness. Lisa threw her ice cube on the floor. Sarah put hers in her mouth and slowly sucked it in puckering her lips. The large ice cube was just the width of my erect cock, and I'm sure Sarah knew that.

Lisa smirked and stepped forward toe to toe with Sarah. Sarah didn't back down, instead she brought her nipples into contact with Lisa's again. For a moment they stood there nipple-to-nipple hardly moving. What were they doing? Were they giving the other a chance to back down? Was this just a feminine dominance thing? I stood up next to them, looked closer at the nipple contact and could see what was going on. They were nipple dueling. Their iced nipples jabbed, parried then pressed together, trying to bend the other back, to the side or something. It seemed that Lisa's nipples were getting the worst of it. Sarah's nipples jabbed directly into Lisa's, and seemed to actually push Lisa's nipples back into Lisa's breasts, to the immense satisfaction of Sarah.

I placed my left arm around Lisa and my right arm around Sarah almost unconsciously. That seemed to break some kind of spell. Lisa backed up and looked at me.

"Lose the pants, Mister!" Lisa ordered.

It didn't take a second for me to be completely naked. I stood proudly with my erection pointing up into the sky like a flagpole.

Sarah looked down admiring this sight. Lisa grabbed another ice cube.

"That's not going to help sister." Sarah said looking at Lisa icing her nipples again.

"Now that I can see what I'm fighting for," Lisa replied gesturing at my cock, "I have the inspiration I need."

Again, Lisa threw her ice cube down and stepped up to Sarah. Sarah stood her ground. Their breasts touched and pressed into each other again.

"Come here sweetie," Sarah said to me. "Come in close, and watch my tits crush hers."

I didn't hesitate. Again I put my arms around both girls. At the same time, the girls placed their arms around each other. I found that my cock was longer than it had ever been. I looked in amazement as it slid between the two girls' smooth hard stomachs. I moved my hands down to the small of their backs, and pushed them together so that their abs mashed into my swelling cock. I grabbed their asses as I had longed to do all week. As I squeezed, was shocked when I heard both girls give off a little scream. My vision was so dizzy that I didn't noticed what they were doing to each other. Each girl had brought her hands up to the shoulder blades of the other girl and pulled in a hard deadly embrace, slamming their tits into each other. They were engaged in a vicious mutual bear hug. Their breasts, which had normally projected out perhaps two inches from their chests, were now compressed down to just a half an inch. The volume of their chests was pressing out in all directions. Each was trying to crush the life out of the other girl's breasts with her own breasts, right under my nose. As they squeezed the reaction was intense in their faces. After they screamed, each closed her eyes, not wanting to admit her feelings to the other, not wanting to allow the other girl to look into her eyes and reveal any loss of pride.

With my face just inches away from theirs, I could feel their rapid breath. They no doubt felt my throbbing cock mashed between their bodies. With my arms wrapped around their tiny waists, I realized I was keeping them from falling over. They had abandoned any notion of trying to keep balance as they pressed together; thigh against thigh, belly button kissing belly button, and breast battling breast.

Rapidly they shifted their arms so that they were completely hugging each other's upper body. Their faces pressed together like their breasts did. Everything about these girls was squeezed together with my erection inserted between them. I couldn't help myself by again placing my hands on their asses and squeezing. My dick was compressed and as they shifted and angled; it was rolled and massaged.

They groaned from the pain they inflicted on each other, but it seemed like a reaction to my cock penetrating between them. In my mind, the sounds of their groans, reactions to the breast stab of the other, sounded like moans of sexual pleasure. Their foreheads bumped as they looked down to their battling boobs. As their compression increased, they moaned again while pressing their faces together. They rolled their heads so that they were cheek to cheek. Lisa's left eyelash poked into Sarah's eyelash as they both looked up at me with their beautiful gleaming sexy blue eyes. The girls' lips were slightly parted as they took rapid breaths quick short exhales. Their eyes look longingly and deep into mine. And again, in reaction to a mutual thrust, they moaned. As they squeezed hard again, breast mashing into breast, their lips moistened. This conflict, this endurance test, sounded less like a fight and more like an orgasmic experience. Their rapid breathing, their longing looks that begged me to choose and fuck, their moans in rhythmic response to their tightening and relaxing embrace felt more like sex to me than any conflict. And maybe that was the point, as these girls wanted to sexually defeat the other.

The expression in these girls' faces was orgasmic, literally. I could not resist the sight of those moist red parted lips. I pressed forward to kiss; I don't know whom. And our lips met. Two tongues lashed out and entered my mouth. I sucked them both in and we all three met in the most erotic kiss of my life. But it didn't last long as I felt their tongues press together. Each girl used her tongue to push the other's tongue away. I pulled back and saw what I suppose most every guy secretly fantasizes about, two sexy girls kissing.

Is that why men like to see catfights? Is that what was so special about this tit-fight? Men have some irrational longing to see lesbian kissing, or sex, so therefore this conflict was some kind of sublimation of that? These girls were far from lesbian, and had absolutely no desire to sexually satisfy the other. In fact, their every effort was to diminish the sexual appeal of the other. Their kiss did not last a second as they spit on each other, and I could see the distain in their eyes as they pulled their heads back while jamming their breasts into each other even harder. They didn't loosen their grip one bit. As they looked down at their breasts pressed together, I could see the disappointed expression in each girl's face from the disillusionment that her breasts had not crushed, penetrated or otherwise dominated the other girl's breasts. These girls each had always had some measure of pride in her figure and chest in particular. Each girl was genuinely confident that her breasts were better. Over the last few weeks, they must have compared, and sized each other up, learning the other's pride in "her babies," her own beloved boobs. Knowing this about the other, and feeling increasingly competitive, sexually challenged, these girls physically wanted to impress the superiority of her breasts over her rival.

Now with my left hand on Lisa's ass, and my right on Sarah's, the girls leaned their upper bodies back a little. Still pressing their thighs and stomachs into each other with my cock still trapped between, their breasts parted a little but still touched nipple to nipple.

For the first time in this contest, some strategy seemed to come into play. Earlier, before the champagne arrived, they had taken it slow, probing, adjusting and thrusting, looking to see the reaction in the other's face. Now they put that information to the test. With their arms around each other, I could clearly see Lisa lower her nipple in order to jab the under side of Sarah's right breast. Sarah was wise to this and tried to bring her breast down so they would impact nipple to nipple. I could sense Sarah's desire to invert Lisa's nipple with her own. Their chests mashed together hard, and from the look on Sarah's face, Lisa must have got the best of that encounter. Lisa smiled and released Sarah. But Sarah recovered quickly and held her chest up high and proudly.

"Afraid to go nipple to nipple with me?" Sarah asked.


The girls lined up their nipples and pressed in.

Sarah looked at me with some confidence and said, "Oh sweetie, too bad you can see what's going on between our tits. My nipples are completely inverting hers back into her body. I'm tit fucking her right now."

"Bull shit!" Lisa protested

Sarah rolled her shoulders causing the four breasts to roll and dispense some pain to Lisa, who could not conceal twinge. Sarah gave a satisfied laugh.

"See," Sarah said. "My breasts own her breasts."

But then Lisa rolled her shoulders also causing the four breasts to roll and grind. Now both girls moaned and Sarah sneered back. They grabbed each other's back high and tight, then started to roll and grind their breasts together hard without pulling back. Seeing rival breasts grind into each other was like rolling two balloons into each other. As the girls rolled their shoulders, they also wiggled their hips causing my cock to grind between their hard abs. I was worried I was going to pop before one of these breasts did.

I could see what seemed to be a little tear in Lisa's eyes. Sarah noticed as well and gave a satisfied evil smirk. But then her confident expression vanished as she too winced in pain.

Lisa loosened her grip and Sarah relaxed causing their breasts to re-inflate back to their full size. But just as quickly, the girls pulled each other in causing their breasts to mushroom together. This time Sarah let out a squeaking sound. I felt the muscles in Sarah's back loosen. Sarah's mouth opened slightly as if to say something. The girls relaxed as they made eye contact, then quickly they pulled their breasts together again. Their breasts mashed and flattened. But unlike before, when their collision looked like two round balloons mashing together, there were crease lines showing, which seemed more like two rippling cans crushed together than any kind of flexible ball.

Again they relaxed and again they crushed together. The women moaned in response. But it seemed that Lisa was getting the best of Sarah. Lisa must have found a weak spot and was jabbing her nipples in over and over again. Sarah tried to maintain her composure, but now I saw a tear in Sarah's eyes. Lisa pressed the matter and pulled Sarah's chest into hers again. This time Sarah let out an involuntary squeal.

"Fuck!" Sarah yelled.

Lisa acted quickly and brought her right breast under Sarah's left and thrust Sarah's boob up. Then Lisa pushed Sarah's breasts to the right and left. Sarah desperately tried to catch her breath with each of Lisa's assaults.

I could feel Sarah's grip loosen around Lisa. And Lisa's grip tightened. Lisa's eyes were red and watery with tears ready to fall, but everything else about Lisa said, victory. There was an intense look in her eye while Sarah's face revealed a sense of desperation.

Lisa's tan boobs were pushing Sarah's porcelain breasts every which way. It seemed that Lisa had more control over Sarah's breasts than Sarah did. Now when they mashed their bosoms into each other, Lisa's breasts seemed to keep their shape while Sarah's sagged and deflated. Only moments ago it looked like they were pressing four peaches into each other, now it seems like Lisa's hard fruit were playing games with Sarah's water balloons. Sarah started to silently sob.

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