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Literotica Monthly Awards 2022: 06 June

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The June 2022 Reader's Choice winners & category nominees!
580 words

Part 30 of the 38 part series

Updated 05/07/2024
Created 02/24/2020
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Manu and I would like to thank all the authors who submitted during the month, and all the other months for that matter! We've tallied the reader's votes, and are happy to announce the winners of June 2022's Reader's Choice Awards.

First Place ($150 Cash Prize Winner):
Fourth Vector Ch. 50 by CJMcCormick

Second Place ($100 Cash Prize Winner):
The Journey Ch. 08 by BrokenSpokes

Third Place ($75 Cash Prize Winner):
Truth or Dare by LindsayMurray

Around the middle of every month, we tally up the votes from stories submitted during the previous month. The story in each category the best voting score compared to all other stories with fifty (50) or more votes submitted that month is automatically eligible for the 2022 Literotica Author Awards voting.

At the end of the year, we will have 12 nominees in each category. The 4 stories in each category with the best voting scores at the end of the year will go on to the final voting. One will be selected in each category as the top story for 2022.

Congratulations to the authors below, whose stories were ranked top in their category for the month. These are June's eligible works.


Anal - The Doctor's Visit by Capt_Snowflake
Audio - Half Fae University - Glamour Girl by v_silvermoon
BDSM - Discord Pt. 03 by Lydra
Celebrities & Fan Fiction - Mass Effect - A Hero Rises Ch. 48 by unknownauthor29
Erotic Couplings - Alistaire Too Ch. 06: Graduation by Publius68
Erotic Horror - Nothing to Wear, But Fear Itself by TheBigCheese123
Exhibitionist & Voyeur - A Model Garden by TarnishedPenny
Fetish - Cuckqueaned by Friends Ch. 04 by AnonStoryWriter
First Time - Love Lessons by davepepperbury
Gay Male - Kiss-Cam by dondave
Group Sex - Boat Girls by Biandrandy
Humor & Satire - Xenobiological Morphosis Ch. 02 by Menoetes
Illustrated - Dear Mother -- Nude Photos by HeyAll
Incest/Taboo - Will & Olivia by DunkCrinkle
Interracial Love - Tracking Evil, a Podcast Pt. 04 by Firsttimewriting
Lesbian Sex - The Journey Ch. 08 by BrokenSpokes
Letters & Transcripts - Poisoning the Well by ragnarok1
Loving Wives - A Special Relationship by RobertaBob
Mature - Them by fsqueeze
Mind Control - The Amazing Randy Attends a Funeral by Dutchboy51
Non-Erotic - Lincoln's Speech Writers by Just_Words
NonConsent/Reluctance - Infall Ch. 09 – END by semiosis50
NonHuman - Home for Horny Monsters Ch. 087 by writerannabelle
Novels and Novellas - Isabel by MelissaBaby
Reviews & Essays - Love Song to Oral Sex: An Essay by AnAmericanDarling
Romance - Truth or Dare by LindsayMurray
Sci-Fi & Fantasy - Fourth Vector Ch. 50 by CJMcCormick
Toys & Masturbation - Rebecca's Ruin - Riding High by JennyGently
Transgender & Crossdresser - The Agency Ch. 19 by Ms_Allison


Erotic Poetry - Afterglow by Maydaypilot
Non-Erotic Poetry - My Grandfather's Studio by TarnishedPenny


Adult Comics - Conni gets new boobs by Ethum
Erotic Art - Would you like a sip? by justins961

* * * *

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Congratulations to all nominees.

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