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Little Red Riding Whore

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Little Red Riding Hood visits her Aunt during a full moon.
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The full moon was bright on this fateful night, illuminating the woman's path as she strolled along the lane leisurely, basket in hand and hood askew.

Clad in blood-red attire, she fixed her hood with her free hand, crimson cloak dragging amongst the ground behind her; her red heels made no noise upon the soft dirt, though they normally clicked and clacked upon the cobblestones back in town. Sheer white stockings ran up her legs and stopped short of her red skirt, exposing a nice amount of thigh, as the skirt ended well above her knees. A shoulderless red crop top valiantly tried to cover her torso but failed in hiding the massive midriff she bared, which began right underneath her buxom breasts.

She pushed back a hefty amount of golden locks and tilted her head backward, looking up at the moon as she swung her arm back and forth, basket swaying lackadaisically.

"I do hope Aunt Rose is ok; I should hasten to deliver this food to her," she said.

And with that, she quickened her pace as much as her heels would allow, the thick overgrowth of the forest passing her by with increased speed. The moonlight slowly began to fade from the path as the treetops blocked more and more of its illumination until she finally found herself in perpetual darkness. Fear curled icy fingers around her rapidly beating heart, her progression slowly to an infant's crawl.

Many noises became apparent to her just then, the sounds of insects and animals unseen leading her into a state of nervousness unprecedented.

Just as she was about to abandon her quest, a voice from the depths reached out to her:

"Good evening little girl; what is your name?"

She fixed her green eyes on the inky blackness right before her, reaching a hand out in a vein effort to grasp a person who wasn't there.

"I suppose your mother taught you not to speak to strangers, and she's right; you shouldn't," the voice teased, seemingly emitting from all around her though she was certain it was one person.

"Who are you?" she asked, her voice wavering due to the anxiety and fear clutching her heart.

"Who I am is of little importance, child, but can you at least tell me how old you are?"

"I'm eighteen," Red said with a bit more confidence, though she took a few steps backward, a sign of retreat.

"Only eighteen and dressing like that; my, you are quite the grown woman. Where are you headed at this time of night?"

"I'm going to see my Aunt Rose, who lives at the end of this lane near the brook."

Silence fell between the two, the only sound being emitted was of her labored breathing, which she attempted to keep in check long enough to hear if he'd left her; the blood that pounded her temples made that nearly impossible.

She exhaled sharply and figured she was in the clear, until a pair of red eyes opened within the darkness before her. Frightened, she issued a bloodcurdling scream from the top of her lungs, turning to flee the monster in the dark.

She had only managed to get a few steps before she bumped into an obstacle unseen and fell to the ground, her basket skidding away into the darkness.

"Hey little lady, you okay?" came a friendly voice from above her.

Groping for the man, she found his outstretched hands and clutched them possessively, climbing to her feet with his aid.

"Mister, there's a monster after me, we have to go get help, please!" Red stated in a panic, worry and fear evident in both her eyes and her speech.

The man, an apparent farmer by his hat and overalls fixed her with an inquisitive stare, "Now just hold on a minute darling, what do you mean 'monster'? What does it look like?"

"Well, I don't know if it actually was a monster come to think of it, it was so dark that I never saw it. But whatever it was, it had glowing red eyes, those I saw for sure!"

He absorbed the details of her story and peered down the lane in the direction she had motioned to, though it was far too dark to make out anything.

"What are you doing out here anyway?"

"I'm heading to my Aunt's house. I haven't seen her in a while and I figured I'd go visit her; I was going to take her some food but I lost my basket."

"You're going to go see your Aunt at this time of night?"

"I figured it was as good a time as any, and besides, she's expecting me."

"Well, we better not keep her waiting; I'll escort you the rest of the way if you'd like."

"Oh would you? Thank you mister, I really appreci—"

"For a price, I might add," he said rather coldly, his eyes lowering to assess her body and the skimpy attire encasing it.

Red took a cautionary step backward, her eyes slanting slightly, seemingly peering into the thoughts swirling about within his head.

"And what might that be?" she asked slowly, her eyes finding his.

"I think a quick blowjob would suffice, don't you? You do have rather attractive lips, and that red lipstick looks to die for," he crooned, trailing a calloused finger over Red's plump red lips.

She watched his hungry eyes roam her body again and again and she solemnly nodded her agreement, rationalizing that it would be the safest course of action to acquire a guardian on her trip.

With her personal justification out of the way, she sank her knees into the soft soil of the path and fixed her eyes on the bulging mass that hid behind a pair of worn farmhand trousers. She slid her hands inside his waistband and pulled his pants down far enough to where his erection was free, the head smacking lightly into her cheek.

"That's right girlie, nice and easy..." he groaned, placing a hand on the back of her head as he felt himself slowly enter the recesses of her throat.


The heedless sounds of saliva and suction met his ears, and he could observe the act from afar no longer; he figured now was his best opportunity to gain ground on Red.

The wolf turned and sprang through the forest on all fours, racing for Aunt Rose's house near the brook. He was familiar with the area and had passed Rose's house many times, but hadn't bothered ransacking the house due to the lumberjack that stood vigil in a house of his own close by. But tonight was different; tonight he was feeling lucky. It was a full moon tonight, and the lumberjack was most likely asleep anyway. Nothing would stop him on this night.



"Damn girl," the farmer exhaled, hitching his britches up as he fell in tow behind Red, who was busy wiping off her cum splattered face, "that's some mouth you got there."

She responded with silence, wiping her soiled and sticky hands on the back of her skirt, trying desperately to ignore the sour taste that ringed her mouth.

"Whew," he breathed heavily, finally having situated himself, walking briskly beside the blonde beauty.

She moved with a purpose but remained absolutely silent, her green eyes wide, ready for anything to happen, to jump out at her.

"Hey, slow down a bit, will you? We'll get there eventually."

"You don't understand, I think whatever that thing was might be headed to my Aunt's house; we have to get there before it does," Red said hurriedly.

"I don't think we should," he stated coldly, all politeness leaving his voice.

She stopped abruptly then, turning to face the farmer who had fallen behind by a few paces, "What makes you say that?"

"Because," he said, a cruel grin reaching his lips, "we don't want to interrupt my brother, do we?"

Red's eyes widened as the realization hit her, and a split second later, the perverted yet helpful farmer she had come to know was replaced with a monstrous werewolf!

Screaming, she tore down the lane as fast as her heels would allow, the sound of snapping jaws and awkward, labored werewolf breathing inspiring her to elude death just a second longer. In the distance she could see a light, and realized it was coming from her Aunt's house; she was so close!

As if on cue, her heel caught a small root on the path and she hit the ground hard, wasting no time in groaning but instead rolling onto her back; she screamed as she felt claws upon her legs, her body being dragged toward the werewolf.

His head came into view a moment later, large, intimidating fangs oozing saliva only inches away from her head; his mouth opened wide, preparing to engulf her with a single ferocious bite. She desperately clawed at the ground around her, trying to find purchase for a vein escape—until her fingers wrapped around a smooth object. Not caring what it was, she grabbed it and swung at the werewolf with all her might, a glint of steel catching a faint trace of moonlight as the hatchet arced through the air, catching the werewolf across the chest.

A howl of pain was issued skyward as the werewolf retreated, and Red scrambled to her feet, tears filling her eyes as she ran the last leg toward her Aunt's house.

She shouldered her way through the door and slammed it shut, screaming her Aunt's name while simultaneously dragging her dining room table across the room to barricade against the front door. Once she had secured it, she sprinted to the staircase, still calling her Aunt.

"Aunt Rose! Aunt Rose, are you here?!"

She took the steps quickly, heels clacking loudly, echoing throughout the seemingly empty house. Once upstairs, she slowed herself and calmed down, regulating her breathing while listening for sounds outside; it was as quiet as ever. She proceeded down the hallway, lowering her hood as she did. When she came to her Aunt's door, she knocked it three times, waiting to be called in.

"Come in!" came her Aunt's voice, though something about it sent up a red flag in the recesses of her troubled mind.

Red opened the door and entered her Aunt's dimly lit room with earnest, forcing a smile to her face to accommodate the woman as she was certain her disheveled appearance came off as an obvious cause for concern.

"My dear, are you alright?" her Aunt asked, worry and concern tinting her voice.

"Yes Aunt Rose, I'm fine. How are you? You sound a bit hoarse."

"Don't worry child, it's just a slight cold," her Aunt reassured, her face almost completely hidden behind her bonnet.

"I see. But, Aunt, what large ears you have!" Red exclaimed.

"The better to hear you with, my dear," replied her Aunt.

"But Aunt! What big eyes you have!" Red pointed out, coming within close enough distance now to where she could make out more features.

"The better to see you with, my dear," stated her Aunt.

"But Aunt! What big teeth you have!" Red managed to choke out, realizing too late what she had walked into.

"The better to eat you with my dear!" roared the wolf as it tore from the bed and lunged at Red.

Before the wolf had a chance to attack her, an object flew into view, a blur that collided with the wolf's head and threw it headlong into the wall behind Red. She looked across the room and found her Aunt emerging from the closet, another stiletto in hand.

"Aunt Rose!" Red squealed, running to her Aunt's side.

"Hey Red, sorry to have to host you underneath such circumstances," Rose said with scowl.

"I understa—"

"Enough!" yelled the wolf, who had recovered from the attack and was back on his feet.

Before anything else could be said, the farmer burst through the door and entered the room, still in his wolf form, blood leaking from him freely.

"Brother, you're hurt," observed the wolf.

"That little bitch cut me!" he accused, pointing a gnarled finger at Red.

"What do you suggest we do about that?" the wolf asked in a hushed voice, to where only his brother could hear.

They conversed silently amongst themselves for the better half of a minute before they turned their attention back to the women cowering together across the room.

"Ok ladies, here's the deal: if you do what we say with no questions asked, no harm will come to you, understand?" the wolf asked, the farmer reverting back to human form to tend to his wound.

Red and Rose both nodded, seating themselves upon Rose's bed to listen to the terms.

"Ok, here it goes: basically, what we want you two to do is to sexually pleasure one another for our viewing pleasure."


"Excuse me?"

"That's all you have to do ladies, unless you prefer my brother exacts revenge at the end of a hatchet," the wolf said smoothly.

The offer all of a sudden sounded slightly more enticing, and it was noticeable as the two women exchanged glances.

"But she's my Aunt..." Red said softly, her eyes glazing over as she stared into her Aunt's chocolate hued orbs.

"Yes honey, I know, but I think this is for the best, don't you think?" Rose said quietly, placing a hand on her niece's cheek.

"I is..."

Without anything further, Rose stood to her feet and slowly began to remover her nightgown; she slipped one arm out of its strap and shrugged the other off, allowing the fabric to fall of its own accord to the floor. Her luscious body was mature and grand, tanned and in peak physical form, which was impressive for her age.

She ran her hands through her black hair, allowing it to fall to its full length as her hands played down her nude body, her large breasts dwarfing Red's by a cup size or two. She pirouetted for her audience, bending before Red and in front of the wolves, who howled in excitement as her large ass was exposed to them, her pussy lips hidden within her mound.

"Allow me, Red," her Aunt purred.

She pushed her niece backward, smiling as the young girl squirmed for purchase on the mattress. She handily unclasped her niece's heels and let them clatter to the floor, before mounting the girl's legs, shimmying her skirt down her legs. Her niece blushed as her slutty underwear was revealed, a crimson g-string that left much to imagination; a monstrous camel toe was what met Rose's eyes.

"Such a pretty pussy, my dear," Rose said softly.

Red blushed an even deeper shade of pink as her Aunt continued to remove her clothing, her top being ripped open forcefully, the shreds discarded to the sides of the bed without question.

"What a nice set of breasts, my dear," Rose commented.

Red nodded, her chest heaving up and down rapidly, her breasts contained within her tight push-up bra; she was so nervous anticipating sex with her Aunt that her pussy dripped with excitement.

The wolves were brandishing unprecedented erections, and the farmer, despite his injuries, began to masturbate openly, while his brother simply watched the two women.

"Oh yeah," he groaned, stroking his cock, "that's right, nice and slow ladies..."

Red turned her head and looked away, her eyes sliding to a close.

"Hey, Red—just ignore them, ok? Look at me honey," she said soothingly, touching her niece's chin, watching her eyes reopen, "it's just you and me sweetie, ok?"

She nodded slowly, tears welling up in her eyes.

"That's my girl."

Rose undid her niece's bra while she leaned down embraced her in a kiss, their tongues playfully embracing one another for the first time; it was so lewd and so wrong, but it was so good, and for the both of them. Rose felt her own core temperature raise a few notches as she embraced her niece in such a way; she too was beginning to lose herself to the excitement.

The bra came loose and Rose tossed it aside, lowering herself to attack her niece's erect nipples with her teeth and tongue, the act eliciting a series of moans from the blonde bombshell. While she pleasure her niece's breasts with her mouth, her deft hands were running up and down Red's exposed thighs, occasionally teasing her mound by running a palm over it. Her niece responded by raising her legs and crossing them behind Rose's back, gyrating her hips against her Aunt's abdomen.

Once enough treatment had been administered, Rose lowered herself once more, this time trailing kisses all along her niece's midriff, leaving a glistening trail of saliva along Red's stomach.

Rose curled fingers inside Red's waistband and curled the almost nonexistent underwear down her niece's legs, until they met her knees; then, she relented and positioned her face merely inches away from Red's pussy, the latter issuing fluid secretions and an enticing aroma.

Much to Red's horror and glee alike, Rose began to lick Red's pussy, her tongue toying the opening with honed skill; it didn't take much to make Red's toes curl, and they did, much to the wolves' excitement.

"There it is, right there...ohhhh yeah..." the farmer moaned, stroking his cock with an increased vigor.

Rose placed two fingers upon Red's pussy lips and parted them, inching her face forward, her tongue diving deeper; it drove Red crazy, tossing her head back as she clawed at the comforter, moaning wildly now as her nether muscles clenched and squirmed for an intruder that wasn't there.

"W-wait...Aunt R-rose, I'm gonna cum!" Red wailed as her chest heaved faster and faster, sweat beginning to form all along her body.

The admission only fueled the mature woman's fire, forcing her to add another element to the equation, a palm coming down upon Red's engorged clitoris, the sensitive button being depressed causing the young woman to not just teeter over the edge but to propel from it completely. Her orgasm was so forceful that it made her dizzy, her eyes having trouble adjusting as she stared at the ceiling.

Rose, who was unaware that her niece was a squirter, was unprepared for the torrent of thin girly cum that overwhelmed her, her mouth full of the excrement, lips dripping clear fluid. She sat up and tilted her head back slightly, forcing the sweet and salty liquid down her throat with an audible gulp, entertaining their audience as best she could.

"Oh fuck, I'm gonna cum," the farmer murmured from afar, and upon the discovery of his impending orgasm, her forced himself to stop masturbating.

The women turned to look at the wolves, wondering if their end of the bargain had been fulfilled.

"Not quite," the wolf said, as if he had been reading their thoughts, "now I want you to pleasure my brother."

"That wasn't apart of the de—"

The wolf roared with such ferocity that Red was silenced; as if to accept her fate, she stood from the bed and shrugged the remainder of her clothing, the red cape and hood, off, standing nude in all of her youthful glory.

"Well get over here you slut and take care of me like you did before," the farmer jeered, reclining within his chair.

Visibly crying now, Red moved across the room and sank to her knees before the farmer for the second time that night, taking his hard cock into both of her hands. She gingerly stroked his vein-choked dick, her vision obscured by the tears pooling within her eyes.

"There you go, atta girl," the farmer encouraged, running a hand through her hair as he tilted his head back.

Rose came to her side then and silently set to licking upon the farmer's shaft, his balls cradled within one of her hands. Encouraged by her Aunt's presence, Red formed a ring with her mouth and fed the farmer's hard prick into it, sliding her lips around his shaft until she began to gag; she pulled up and away from his meat and repeated the process in succession, each venture toward his pubic hair coming faster and faster. It got to the point that her bobbing head disrupted her Aunt's involvement, so she lowered herself to her back, sliding underneath Red to further engage her pussy.

Red moaned around the cock stuffed in her mouth as she felt her Aunt's tongue intruding upon her again, slowing her assault on the farmer's meat.

"Fuck yeah baby, I'm gonna cum all over that pretty face of yours again," the farmer said dirtily, sitting up straight in his chair now.

Eager now to finish the farmer off, Red pulled him from her mouth and stroked him the rest of the way home, her fist a blur upon his shaft; he popped his top a few moments later and applied another coat to Red's face, the earlier application having dried and crusted. She closed her eyes as spurt after spurt redecorated her pretty features, his cruel laughter degrading what was left of her dignity. She couldn't wallow too long in her shame, however, as her Aunt was busy pleasing her niece into another euphoric state.

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