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Living in Sin is the New Thing

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A night of indulgence, flirtation, and risk.
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I rolled out of bed at 3:30pm, hopped in the shower, and cranked the heat. The scalding, slippery water felt amazing as I rubbed my body with my favourite soft washcloth, working my way around my curves. I am not overly curvy, but my tits stand out from my slender frame, and what plumpness I do have congregates at my ass, hips and thighs. At 5'5", most guys can throw me around easily, and I have a few squishy places to grab at while they're at it.

The reason I was enjoying my shower so much was that it was the first part of a very specific routine, one which was an utter secret, and led to a very enjoyable end result. My routine begins with the hot shower, soapy and with all the proper measures taken: hair washed and conditioned with the fancy stuff; face washed and exfoliated; underarms and legs shaven, then my pussy, with its cute and carefully maintained landing strip; and once the water's off, a musky essential oil perfume in the hollows of each thigh and wrist.

Looking at myself in the mirror, I thought of my last indulgent affair- I had spent all day getting ready, rode my bike down to a little underground venue in a bad part of town, and danced for an hour. By that time, I had a little fan club going of young, hot men who were fighting over me like hyenas at a lion carcass; I allowed myself to be escorted into an uber by the biggest and prettiest, where we gave our driver quite the show. After that, it had been my favourite kind of night: dirty, sloppy, and never ending.

Tonight will be just the same, but it never gets old. As I do my makeup in my best "damaged slut" style, I admire my tattoos and piercings, appreciating their value in broadcasting myself to the world. When a certain type of guy sees a girl like me, he gets the uncontrollable urge to use me, like some kind of fuckdoll or worse- because he knows I'll like it. With that happy thought sending shivers down my spine, I finished my routine: got into bed, naked, opened a few webcam sites, and teased my cunt for a while. Then, I had some tea and a sandwich, painted my fingers and toes, and chose my outfit: black denim miniskirt, fraying; extra-wide fishnets; shiny faux-latex crop top; and my high-heeled patent leather boots. Just putting the clothes on makes me wet- no panties, of course, so I need to get myself under control if I don't want to be a mess. The final piece to my puzzle: roll three joints, smoke one, and save the other's.

I throw on a tiny purse and take my bike to a familiar club- it's more mainstream than some of my favourites, but I love to be the centre of attention while I'm there. I've been feeling my pussy more and more, alternating pressing into the bike seat and letting the cool air wash over me. My nipples are hard under my skintight shirt. I smile at the bouncer after locking my bike across the street and go in.

As soon as I walk into the dark, loud room there are at least a couple of guys making eyes at me, so I head to the dance floor and put on a show for a few songs before heading to the bar. The bartender fucks around a bit before asking "What are you having? He-" he points at a weedy guy with an eyebrow piercing- "wants to buy you a drink, and they-" he gestures towards two men, in their early thirties, one a sleek business type, and one with a shaggy haircut and big shoulders- "want you to come over and do shots." I nod quickly, and reply. "I'll have a vodka cranberry, and we'll have tequila shots." Flashing my best sultry smile at the weedy guy, I turn on my heel and join the two mismatched friends.

"Hello boys," I say, squeezing between them at the bar.

"Hello there," says the business one, his dark hair falling a bit out of place, "I'm Darian."

"Emily," I reply, taking his hand and limpy shaking it. I cross my other arm over towards his friend, catching both of them in a silly tangle of handshaking. "And you are?" We all release hands, giggling, as he replies, "Lucas."

The bartender brings over our drinks and shots, leaving the tray on the bar.

"Do you guys want to play a game?" I ask, sipping my vodka cranberry and looking at the two men innocently.

"I was hoping you'd have something like that to suggest," Darian says, smiling knowingly at Lucas.

"How do you play?" Lucas asks, leaning towards me. I catch a whiff of him- smokey, earthy. I lean closer, and with my other hand, grab Darian's thigh and dig my nails in. He inhales sharply and leans into my grasp.

"I play all kinds of ways. Let's start with taking these lovely shots you've treated us to." I take each of their hands in one of mine, and one after the other, slowly lick in a small circle, wetting their hands and dipping them into the dish of salt we were given with the shots. Lucas and Darian both look extremely pleased, and my heart is racing at the thought of getting both of them into bed at once. We all "cheers" and go bottoms up, but after sucking on my lime I offer my own salted hand first to Lucas, then turn to Darian and steal his salt for my own, with a playful smile. To my surprise, he pulls his hand from my mouth, and grabs my jaw possessively, almost sneering at me- at the same time, Lucas stops suckling on my hand and bites me. I'm not used to being matched at my own game, and it is turning me on so much I almost feel desperate.

Darian and Lucas share that knowing look once more, then Darian suggests we move to the dance floor. Determined to keep the two friends in the palm of my hand, I lead the way to a free space near a big pillar, and start dancing. Darian and Lucas are both very confident, moving rhythmically with the music and making constant, teasing contact with my hands, waist, back, shoulders, thighs. People around us are beginning to take voyeuristic interest in the two men and their charge- me. I am abandoning all pride I ever had in my seductive ability, so strong is their technique. As women stare judgmentally, or with awe, men are trying to make eye contact with Lucas and Darian, desperate to give a "nice work" wink, desperate to seem in the same universe as us. But while Darian and Lucas know they've got me in the bag, they also know that I'm ready to go with anything, will say yes to whatever they ask, and for that reason, the three of us are untouchable, resistant to any outside contact.

We drink a bit, dance much more, always me in between Darian and Lucas, Darian behind me brushing his cock against my tight skirt, and Lucas in front facing me, occasionally grabbing my hips and bringing my whole pelvis forward to press against his cock. After just a few hours of teasing dancing, some of the most articulate flirting I've ever participated in, and the penetrative gazes of both men beaming towards me, my decision to abstain from panties is coming back to bite me- my upper, upper thighs are becoming a bit of a hazard.

We go out for a smoke after another round of shots, but neither of the boys seems to be much more than buzzed. I'm preserving my downright sobriety in the interest of later enjoyment, but I can feel the flush of booze pulsing through me. Darian lights a cigarette, and the three of us share one of my joints.

"Blow some of that smoke my way, Daddy," I implore Darian, "I haven't had a smoke in months." I pout my lips, making Lucas laugh, but Darian smiles evilly and grabs my jaw again, dragging me a couple steps towards him, pulling my face up to his. He must be at least six or seven inches taller than me. He exhales, blowing smoke across my face and I open my mouth to receive it. This seems to be the final straw for Darian, as he emits something between a groan and a snarl, and envelops my open mouth in his. I immediately release myself to his will, softening against his body and allowing his warm lips and tongue to press against mine. His breath smells of the cigarette still smoldering in his other hand, and I find it intoxicating. We break away, his hand still firmly gripping my jaw, almost holding me up by it.

"Why don't we let Lucas have a little taste, mm?" Darian says, with a steely glint in his eye. Slowly, he releases me, and spins me as if blindfolded for a game of "pin the tail on the donkey." I totter in my heels slightly, feeling the effects of the joint we've had, doubling up with the pure arousal rushing through my body like a drug- Lucas gently, but firmly grabs my arm, wraps his other arm around my waist, and presses his lips against mine. His kiss is different than Darian's, not only because of his rough beard, but because of his enveloping embrace. My cunt feels like it must be radiating heat up to three feet away and I'm beginning to worry that my wetness is dripping down my legs or soaking my skirt.

When Lucas pulls away, he smiles and whispers to me; "Would you like to come back to Darian's place and have a nightcap, Emily?"

I feverishly nod, and, feeling like I should say something, add "I am in the palm of your hand." Lucas smiles, and suddenly Darian is opening the door to the uber, and I'm squeezed between both men in the backseat- my skirt has ridden up so that my pussy lips are almost visible, and the driver has checked the rearview a few too many times. Lucas is talking to Darian as if perfectly normal- "... a finger of the good bottle, get the record player on," while he rubs my upper thigh comfortingly. Darian is listening to Lucas, but also drumming his fingers on my other thigh, occasionally digging his nails in and sending a jolt right to my pussy. The image of myself, taking one cock in my pussy and the other stuffed down my throat, floats to the forefront of my mind, and I feel a pang of anticipation.

The car slows suddenly, and Darian says, "Emily, baby, treat our friend to a little show before we go inside." At my look of reproach, he tightens his grip on my thigh. "But I thought you were a bad girl, Emily. No panties, all those piercings. Don't tell me you won't get off from giving him a peek."

His willingness to debase me in such plain terms before he's barely laid a hand on me is definitely sexy, and I can tell he's used to getting what he wants. Lucas chimes in, slowly opening my right thigh and revealing my sodden pussy to the three men. The driver grunts approvingly.

"Play with it, baby," Darian says dismissively. I want to wipe his attitude off his face- I'll show him what a whore is, I think. He's probably used to stuck-up pretty girls who whine when they have to do any work. I spread my legs as wide as I can in the backseat, and run two fingers down my slit. I moan, genuinely, at how good it feels to have something touching my overheated cunt.

"Want me to suck your cock, sir?" I ask the driver, in an over-the-top baby voice. Again, Lucas laughs while Darian grabs me by the face. "Don't fuck around, bitch. Get into the house." He releases me and steps out of the car. Lucas smiles, and something of Darian's sneer has revealed itself in his grin.

"You really know how to push his buttons," he says, helping me out of the backseat. "You're going to be a lot of fun for us tonight." I shiver at the thought of what lies ahead. Darian already has the door unlocked, and he and Lucas guide me through the dark hall and into an upscale bachelor's living room. My heart is visibly pounding, my breasts are heaving under their restrictive top, and I feel hyper-aware of every nerve in my body. Darian and Lucas have set me in the centre of the room, still in my heels on the carpet. They are moving around the room in the way people do in their homes; with utter familiarity and comfort, discarding their coats, making drinks, setting the lights and music. Darian's aggressive side is mesmerising to me, and it seems clear that he is the one calling the shots, though Lucas seems to be completely at ease.

Settled, both men approach me at once, just like on the dance floor, with Darian behind me and Lucas facing me in front. Both of their cocks are hard and pressing against their pants. Darian reaches around my neck and grabs one of my tits, hard. "Give us permission to strip you, fuck you, and use your holes, Emily," he whispers hoarsely into my ear. Lucas sucks on my other earlobe and adds "We won't hurt you much, baby, unless you want us to."

"Use me every way you like, boys, and please hurt me," I say it louder than either of them, and with that, they get to work peeling off my shirt, revealing my tits which Lucas immediately starts suckling and biting; then, Darian unzips my skirt, letting it fall to the floor. He rips a hole in the crotch of my fishnets, kicks my feet apart, and sinks his thick fingers into my sopping cunt. "We'll keep the whore in her heels and tights tonight, Lucas." Lucas steps back and nods smartly. I only have a second of suspense before Darian throws me roughly to the ground, turns me onto my back, and kneels over me.

"Let's tie her up, quickly, Lucas," Darian asserts, getting to his feet and beginning to undress. I crane my neck to keep my eyes on both men as Lucas descends on me with bondage tape, roughly joining my wrists in front of me, then taping my legs ankle-to-thigh, leaving me helpless on the carpet, pussy completely exposed. Looking down at myself, I am distracted by how flushed my cunt is, how my flesh is bulging slightly under the tape across my thighs. My heels are pressed against my ass, and I try to focus on the sensation to stay grounded. I look up as I come out of my momentary reverie, to see Lucas and Darian standing above me, both naked and both stroking their cocks with a hungry look.

"You've got to fill me up with your cocks, please," I beg them. My dignity is far gone, and I am operating on pure greed and lust at this point. Darian kneels over me, putting one knee on each side of my neck, aiming his cock right at my mouth, but keeping it just out of reach. I strain towards it- when I want to be fucked, the next best thing is being fucked in the mouth, but Darian is teasing me. Lucas is watching, still stroking his rather large cock. Darian grabs my attention back by slapping me, then grabbing my mouth and fishhooking his fingers into it.

"Now you can take this cock, you little whore, fucking choke on it," he snarls, shoving his throbbing, thick cock into my mouth. I take as much as I can, sucking and running my pierced tongue up and down his member as he slides it in and out of my mouth and throat. Lucas has stopped stroking his cock, but has moved closer, waiting his turn it seems. I gag slightly on Darian cock, which only makes him fuck my mouth harder, and faster. Keeping one hand on his cock, he moves the other to grip my neck, pressing his hand right up against my chin, and squeezing. First, he goes lightly, giving me room to breathe, but within 30 seconds, his grip has tightened, and I'm gasping for breath as he fucks my face and chokes me, shaking my whole helpless body. Just when I think he's never going to stop, when that true fear kicks in, he slows, and lets me catch my breath.

"She's got quite the cocksucking mouth, Lucas. Give her a little try," Darian says, moving to sit on one of the couches just beside us. Lucas looms over me, then takes Darian's place kneeling over me. Panting, I open my mouth invitingly, eager to show Lucas that I can make him feel just as hot as he has done to me. He pushes into my mouth with a groan, and grabs the back of my head, guiding me up and down his cock. His is thicker than Darian's, but slightly shorter. I can take the whole cock down my throat, and he takes his time guiding me up and down the full length of it, grunting in his deep voice every time he bottoms out.

Suddenly, I feel something warm sliding up and down my slit- Darian must have moved from the couch. Lucas takes one last use of my throat, then moves over to my left side, revealing Darian kneeling over my cunt, holding his cock, harder and bigger than ever. I whimper in anticipation, my cunt pulsing with every heartbeat.

"Should I use her cunt, or her dirty little asshole, Lucas?" Darian asks, sliding a finger into each hole as he mentions it. I cry out and struggle halfheartedly against my ties. Lucas moves to my head as he replies "Save her asshole for me, alright? I feel like pumping her filthiest hole full of cum later." Darian doesn't reply, but slides the head of his cock up and down my slit once more. My moans are muffled by Lucas crouching over my face and forcing his balls into my mouth. As I furiously suck on them, feeling them tighten up in arousal, Darian slides his cock deeply into my cunt. I almost scream in pleasure, but Lucas holds me in place on his balls, stroking his cock and encouraging me as Darian starts to slowly pull out of my cunt.

"Suck my balls you fucking whore," he hisses furiously, gripping his cock tightly and pulling the hair at the top of head to raise me even closer to him. Darian is now slowly, torturously sliding back into my cunt. Lucas stands up, suddenly, and that's when Darian truly begins to fuck me. His cock is stretching my cunt in all directions, and I can feel the resistance my hole is putting up against his unusually thick, long, cock. He moves up to grasp my throat again and spits on my face. I realise I have been emitting a stream of moans and screams unintelligible to me or either man since Lucas freed my mouth.

My sounds are cut off with my airflow, and Darian pumps his cock into me while belittling me, "You absolute little worthless whore, cockteasing everybody in the club all night, flashing your disgusting little cunt at anyone who will take a peek." My whole body is moving upwards and downwards with every stroke, spots are floating in front of my eyes. "And now you're going to take two fat cocks at once, the ultimate dream for a cocksleeve like you. You want Lucas to fuck your ass, slut?" I want to answer, beg for it, but I can't breathe, can't make a sound. Darian slaps me across the face. "Answer, bitch!" He releases my throat and I suck in a breath furiously. "Yes, yes, take my ass! Both at once-" Darian grabs my throat again, cutting me off.

Lucas grins slyly, kneeling to join us on the carpet. He unties my wrists, then pushes me away, letting Darian lie on the floor, grabbing a pillow for his head. He pulls me on top of him, cowgirl, his hand on my throat again, and Lucas kneels behind us. Both men tease me by stroking their cocks for a few seconds, but Darian can't resist sliding his cock back into my cunt quickly. It feels so good re-entering my cunt, which has tightened back up in the interim. Darian groans and slaps my ass.

"Alright whore, stay still while I fill up this little asshole," Lucas commands, and I feel his cock head poised at my anus. I try to relax; I've never been fucked in both holes at once before and fear pricks my mind for a second. Then, Lucas slowly but surely pushes his entire length into my asshole, stretching it to its limit against Darian's cock, still resting in my cunt.

All three of us moan loudly, and Darian begins to pump his cock in a rhythm with Lucas; I can feel both of their members sliding in and out so well, it feels as if my entire body is being affected. I can feel an orgasm building in my cunt, and both men are gaining speed, slapping their balls against me and each other as they fuck both of my holes.

"Take these cocks just like that, you little cumslut," Darian spits, shoving his two fingers into my mouth. I madly suck on them, silently begging to climax and feel my holes contract on these two cocks. Lucas grabs my hips firmly, taking control of my body from Darian, and pumps his cock so hard and fast into my asshole that I begin to scream in pleasure. I cum hard, and I know both men can feel my holes contracting and releasing, squeezing their shafts as they pump in and out. Shuddering, I fall onto Darian's chest, dazed.

Both men pull out of me, and for a second, my heart sinks- is it over already? But then Lucas flips me over onto all fours, re-enters my asshole, and Darian comes around to fuck my mouth again. The men resume fucking my holes frantically, while I enjoy the ride. I feel like an utter object, the most tantalizing toy imaginable. Darian releases my mouth for a second and I sieze my chance to beg to be filled up with cum.


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