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Living Their Fantasies in Paris Pt. 04

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Expanding their fetishes.
7.9k words

Part 4 of the 10 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 10/19/2019
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(Day 12)

When Cindy awoke, she realized that she was sucking gently and rhythmically on the plug locked into her mouth. She couldn't believe that she was barely awake but already so aroused.

When she turned over, the movement woke Rob, who had apparently only been lightly dozing. Cindy pointed toward her mouth and Rob obliged and removed the plug. He then started reaching for the lock at the back of her hood. Feeling impish, she reached up and stopped him. He looked into her eyes questioningly, but she ignored him, sliding down his body until her head was at his waist, she slipped her hands around his cock and began massaging it slowly and sensuously. As soon as it began to harden, she slipped it into the socket that was her mouth and began licking and sucking it through the cuff that was held in place by her hood.

Rob was in heaven. Cindy was performing beyond his wildest dreams. He knew that last night when he put the hood on her, she wasn't exactly thrilled and that when he had inserted the plug after she had blown him and had a mouth full of his come, she was upset. Now here she was this morning fully embracing her mouth bondage.

As she worked his cock, he reached over to the remote and set both of her plugs to high speed'.

Cindy paused for a minute, but then resumed working his hard cock, while moaning and squirming under the assault of the dildoes in her two lower holes.

It only took a few minutes more for Rob to fill her mouth with another load of come. Cindy continued to suck until he was dry. Then she too exploded into a huge orgasm. One that had her panting through her nose tubes to such an extent that she had to quickly swallow the load and then pull off of Rob's cock, so she could get more air through her mouth.

Cindy collapsed on Rob's crotch while she tried to recover. But the vibrators were still going strong within her. She was soon swept up in another orgasm. Rob reached down and began gently massaging her latex covered head. His touch, through the latex reminded her of her latex slut status and the very thought brought her to yet another orgasm. The third one of the morning, it completely exhausted her. Realizing this, Rob grabbed the remote and turned off the vibrators for the first time in the last 24 hours.

Cindy moaned again, but neither of them knew if it was out of relief or because she missed their effect on her body.

Several minutes later, she stirred and slithered back up to lay on his chest.

They lay like that, resting for an hour, until Rob realized that Cindy's drool, out of a mouth held open by the hood's cuff was dribbling down off his chest and onto the bed's sheets.

Rob gave her a hug then pushed her off and onto her back on the bed next to him. "You relax for a bit. I'll take a shower and then you can take a long hot bath. You deserve it. We'll head out when you're ready. And don't forget your enema and to clean the suit."

He then crawled out of bed, and stumbled into the bathroom.

Cindy lay there happily worn-out, wondering what she had become, and how her life could possibly become any sexier. She was living every fantasy she'd ever had, and she thought it was the same with Rob. At least she couldn't think how he could possibly have any unfulfilled fantasies left. She giggled to herself, thinking that if he did have any others, she would happily participate in satisfying them.

When he emerged from the bath, holding his towel, naked and still dripping, she was again enthralled with how much she loved this man, and how much she loved Paris and everything that they had done here.

Rob walked over to the bed and matched her thoughts. "God, I love you. Thank you for this, for everything. I couldn't be happier."

Cindy was in ecstasy. His loving words matched her feelings exactly.

She purred like a kitten as Rob helped her out of bed and began unlocking and undressing her. The first item off, was the hood. She moaned when the cuff was pulled out of her mouth. Her jaws had been stretched open for so many hours, they were cramped and sore. After working and massaging them they settled down to a dull ache.

The removal of her boots, corset, and body suit with its plugs went as usual, leaving her feeling empty and missing the feelings of compression, warmth and restraint.

Finally, nude, she slipped on her mules, and Rob walked her to the door to the bath. He had started the water running after he'd gotten out of the shower, so it was ready for her, now.

He left her there to relax as he got dressed and powered up the TV to watch and try to get caught up on the international news. He hadn't paid much attention to anything other than his wife and their sexual games for almost two weeks. It didn't really matter, he realized. Their private little world had been perfect.

An hour later Cindy emerged thoroughly refreshed, with her hair and make-up perfect. She was wearing her mules as she stepped into the bedroom.

Cindy sauntered over to Rob, naked and hairless, and bent over to kiss him passionately. "I'm starved. Let's get me dressed in some sexy latex, and get some breakfast, or is it lunch, now?"

"This late, it's lunch," he laughed, "I have your wardrobe all set, my lady."

Everything was laid out on the bed. She sighed, another day in latex cat suit, corset and hoof boots. But she realized that it was getting easier each day. She was used to the restrictions of the latex, holding her body everywhere in its warm embrace. Her body was becoming accustomed to the limitations the corset enforced, and her legs and feet were not generating as much pain as they once did.

All in all, she was enjoying the outfits, the routine and the sex more and more, constantly aroused, and if this morning's experiences were any indicator her orgasms were better, more mind blowing than they'd ever been.

She started in with the lube. Again, she would be wearing the black cat suit, Rob must really love those huge breasts, she thought. She also noticed that again the butt plug seemed a bit larger than the previous day's and it was the vibrating one. She felt a thrill just thinking about the feelings it would deliver. Black latex gloves were also included. The black thigh-high hoof boots were next, followed by the black corset. Each of these were laced tightly and everything was locked on. Over the top another simple but elegant stretchy, sheath dress in emerald green was slipped over her head.

Looking into the mirror she saw a shapely, sexy, latex covered girl.

Rob saw the same thing. He loved the look.

As soon as she finished dressing, they headed out for another quiet walk along the wonderful sidewalks of Paris. Today they headed into the 8th Arrondissement and the wonderful Boulevard Haussmann.

Rob waited until they hit the street, before he turned on the vibrators. It felt like the one in front was on low simmer, while the one in back was on medium distraction.

Cindy felt wonderfully sexy. She was now used to the clip, clop of her pony boots. The tightness of her latex, the breathlessness and restricted movements imposed by the corset, the stares and lustful looks of the passers-by, and of course the constant arousal caused by the vibrators. The humiliation and constant frustration also contributed to the constant demands of her pussy, screaming 'I want to be fucked, right, this minute'.

They soon found a nice place to sit and have lunch. The food was good and the wine excellent.

The table Rob selected put Cindy on display to everyone walking by, and Cindy in all her glory attracted a lot of attention. She was able to ignore most of it, in part due to her own personal distraction delivered by the vibrators and the light torture of having to sit on the small hard café chair in her restrictive outfit.

After lunch they did more window shopping. Picking up another dress, or two that would fit her latex covered and corseted body.

After a couple of hours Cindy was getting tired, when Rob walked her into a jewelry shop. The shop was empty except for a dignified looking older man, obviously the proprietor and jeweler. He looked up from some work he was performing when they entered and seemed interested, but not particularly shocked when he saw Cindy and her outfit.

Rob looked around until he found a nice but large chain necklace in a display case. Calling the proprietor over, he asked to see it.

Cindy wasn't sure what was going on, so she just kept quiet and waited to see what Rob was about.

Rob looked at a couple of the chains, and apparently finding one he liked he motioned Cindy over and placed it around her neck. It was intended to be a loose choker necklace with a clasp at the back, and it was solid gold and very expensive. The beautiful necklace was heavy, solid, and its links were oval with a twist and about ¾ inch long. It had about eight inches of slack around Cindy's slim neck.

Rob asked the jeweler if he was capable of making adjustments to the chain, and was assured that anything was possible.

Rob first asked him to adjust the chain so it was tighter around Cindy's neck. He didn't want it to choke her, but he wanted it to be snug. Rob also wanted the clasp removed and a solid ½ inch ring put in its stead. The remaining links would be left to dangle down from the ring. The ring itself would be soldered closed. He also wanted a one-inch ring put in place at the end of the loose length of chain. The Jeweler agreed that it could all be easily done, in just a few minutes.

With the talk of soldering the ring, Cindy realized that Rob wanted the necklace to be permanent. She would be wearing the thing forever, or until it was cut off.

While they waited for the jeweler to gather his tools, Cindy pestered Rob with questions on what he was thinking. He just smiled devilishly and told her that the beautiful necklace was a sign of his love for her and that the cost was nothing compared to how much she was worth to him. He then added that the permeance was another sign of how much they loved each other and how they would always be together. Cindy loved what he said but remained unsure about the permeance aspect.

The jeweler proceeded to measure Cindy's neck with a cloth tape. He then proceeded to laboriously cut the hard chain to length. He held it up and around Cindy's neck, just above the edge of her latex and asked Rob if this was the proper tightness. Rob fingered the chain and Cindy's neck and asked for one more link to be removed.

The jeweler did as request and then put the chain around Cindy's neck and used a big pair of pliers to close the one, open link. He then looked to Rob for his opinion. Rob said that it was perfect, but Cindy thought it was a little too tight. She could breathe just fine, but when she swallowed, she could feel a little tension on her throat.

When she mentioned it, Rob just told her to relax, it would be fine.

The jeweler then asked Cindy to have a seat in his chair, and bend her head forward. With difficulty, because of the chain's tight fit, he slipped a piece of heavy cloth between the necklace and the nape of Cindy's neck. Cindy definitely felt the constriction on her throat, but held still, not wanting to get burned.

He then fired up a small torch and proceeded to solder the last link of the chain closed.

It only took a few seconds, and didn't hurt Cindy at all. When it was complete, the Jeweler polished the new join, slid out the shield, and declared it finis.

With the necklace securely in place, Rob handed over his credit card, and while the proprietor was completing the payment transaction, he reached up, placing his hands on both sides of Cindy's face, pulled her to him and gave her a passionate kiss. Coming up for air he said. "you are now truly mine; I own you, forever."

Cindy wasn't sure if she loved the idea or hated it. She was concerned that Rob was looking at her as a sex slave. A Latex, fetish sex slave? One thing she did fear is that everyone else would see the chain and believe her to be one. She wasn't ready to deal with that. She didn't really think she ever would be...

Looking into her eyes, he turned her to look into a nearby mirror. As she looked at her new jewelry, she realized that the chain, as big as it was, could easily be seen as just a snug choker. The sight made her a bit more comfortable with the thing.

With the purchase complete, they walked out of the store with Cindy's new necklace feeling heavy and restrictive on her throat.

Not long after, they stopped for a rest and something to eat. As soon as they had settled into their chairs at a small table, Rob looked at her and said, "turn it around." When she was slow to respond, Rob gave her a look that she knew indicated anger, so she reached up and swiveled her necklace around until the loose length of chain was in front, at her throat. Cindy was embarrassed as she knew that the dangling chain with its ring at the end could easily be interpreted as a leash. She still wasn't ready to be a sex slave, but apparently Rob wasn't going to allow her to have any choice in the matter.

The little leash dangled in front of her all through dinner, and during the walk back to the hotel. It added yet another mortification to her already humiliating appearance. As with everything else done to her, or forced upon her in the past weeks, it also turned her on, and had her pussy was dripping and begging for a good fucking.

When they got back to their room, Rob helped her undress, but of course the chain stayed in place. Out of habit, she had slipped on the mules as soon as the boots came off. Seeing her do so, Rob smiled.

She was sent off to get cleaned up and ready for her normal nightly latex outfit.

Back in the bedroom, in her mules, she accepted the night's outfit with both excitement and a little dread. Even though she was becoming used to all the latex, and enjoyed the feel and compression immensely, the corset and boots were always difficult to live with. She was also starting to realize that Rob was requiring her to wear it always, day and night. How long would this continue, she thought.

Rob had laid out the black body suit. As she pulled it on, she noted that tonight the front vibrator plug was mounted in the crotch, but the rear one was missing. She knew what must be coming. It frightened her, but also interested her, she could feel her pussy getting wet as she thought of one more kink being crossed off her list, and she knew it was one of Rob's too. She recalled thinking long ago that anal was disgusting and degrading, but with all they'd been doing over the past weeks, her inhibitions were almost totally gone - worn away in a sea of latex, plugs, vibrators and fantastic orgasms. She also realized that with the gradual increase in the size of the plugs Rob had required her to wear over the last few days, taking him in her ass shouldn't be too difficult or painful.

Another 30 minutes later she was fully dressed in her leather under-bust corset and her black hoof boots, all locked tightly in place. She was also wearing the black latex hood and she felt fully aroused and ready for all the sex she could handle.

Rob laid her on her back and reaching over to the night stand set her pussy's vibrator to the medium speed. He then began hugging and kissing her passionately. They huddled on the bed for quite a while, all the time the vibrator, and Rob's hands and body were working on Cindy. She was panting and purring like a cat. Obviously ready for a good screwing.

Finally, she begged "Rob, please take me, I'm going to explode if I don't get an orgasm soon."

"Oh, poor thing, are you ready to try it in your back door? I've been dreaming of it for a while now."

With only a moment's hesitation she responded. "Yes, please anything, I need to come, so badly."

With that, Rob rolled her over and pulled her hips up into the air until she was fully on her knees, but her head and shoulders still on the bed. He unlocked the zipper on her crotch and opened it all the way up to her tailbone, to expose her exciting ass hole. It was open slightly after the last few days of stretching.

This is the degrading part, Cindy thought. Now I'm just a hole for him to use. I can't see him or touch him. But I need this so badly...

Rob lubed his straining cock with one hand while he grabbed the remote and switched it to 'high' with the other.

Cindy moaned in response, and began bucking.

He then began pushing his cock into her slowly and gently, pushing in and pulling out, going farther in with each stroke.

Meanwhile Cindy was feeling the strange sensations. At first it felt like she was pooping. Then as the vibrations in her pussy distracted her, she was able to relax a little and the feelings from her behind started to feel better. She was also enthralled with the feelings of total submission to her man, that she had on occasion fantasized about.

She began playing with her neck chain, fiddling with it with her fingers. It seemed to calm her nerves, as it reminded her of her new-found desire to submit to her husband.

Cindy began feeling Rob's hips hitting her ass cheeks with each stroke, and realized that he was fully inside her.

When he reached around and began tickling her clit she exploded into an orgasm. Panting and moaning, she was pushing back into him and riding his cock as it pumped in her ass.

After a minute Rob slowed down to allow her to come off her plateau and catch her breath. Then he resumed as he himself approached orgasm. He was loving the feeling of dominance, and the tightness of Cindy's rear hole. He was over-joyed that she was enjoying this, and was preparing for his own mind-blowing orgasm. When he shot his load into her ass he was panting and moaning as she had been, moments ago. He shuddered like he was having a heart attack.

Rob's orgasm tripped another one in Cindy. She had never heard him so excited, and that pushed her over the top, for a second time.

Soon thereafter Rob pulled out and collapsed onto the bed, next to Cindy who had flattened on her belly.

They were both spent in that pleasant, orgasmic afterglow.

Rob found the energy to turn Cindy's vibrator down to low speed, just to keep her happy.

He was overjoyed not only in how good it had felt, but that Cindy seemed to enjoy it also.

Cindy was pleasantly surprised that she had survived the session without any negative feelings. She did feel the submissive emotions she had expected, but she was neither disgusted nor turned off by the experience. She lay blissfully in place on the bed.

Rob crawled out of bed and used the bathroom. When he came back, he broke the mood, "I'm sorry lover, but I think you need to clean up and then spend the night with me, without any latex."

Cindy sighed, but understood that she would need to empty out Rob's deposit before too long. So, she crawled out of bed. Rob stood up and unlocked and undressed her, leaving only the chain in place around her neck and hanging down her chest. When she bent to slip on her mules, Rob gave her a hard slap on the butt, making her squeal, and turn to fall into Rob's arms for a wonderful kiss and hug.

After a while they broke apart and she stumbled into the bathroom where she followed her now normal procedure - enema, shower, hair and makeup. As she showered, working around the chain permanently affixed around her neck, she marveled that it too would be part of her life from now on.

She walked out in her mules, and for the first time in a week, crawled into bed totally naked.

She was flabbergasted when it struck her as weird to be in bed without a latex covering, corset, boots and hood. How could she miss those restrictive and uncomfortable components of her new slut life? She didn't understand how, but she did miss them.

She was able to fall asleep, exhausted, cuddled in Rob's arms, against his chest. She slept like a baby.

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