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Living Their Fantasies in Paris Pt. 04


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(Day 13)

When Cindy woke up, she felt refreshed and hungry. Rob was just walking out of the bathroom, clean and dressed for another casual day of playing tourist.

Cindy stood up and they hugged and kissed for a long time. They both started thinking of crawling back into bed for more sex, but the thought of food and the city around them tore them apart. Rob handed Cindy her mules, giving her a scolding look. She nodded sheepishly and pranced into the bathroom, while Rob ordered up a room service breakfast.

When she was finished with her morning chores, she came out, naked, to find the food waiting. She sat right down and they enjoyed the meal, while Rob enjoyed the view.

When they were finished Rob reached over and handed Cindy a pair of blue gloves. As soon as she grabbed them, she knew that something wasn't right. A quick examination showed that they were the odd pair that Rob had included in their order the other day.

Cindy looked up at Rob pleadingly. She didn't want to wear these things. They were the ones that were stiffly boned. The ones that would make it impossible for her to do anything with her hands.

Rob didn't flinch, so she decided 'what the hell - another adventure.' She slipped the first glove on herself, and Rob helped her with the other one. Once they were on her hands, Cindy found that just as she had expected, they were useless for doing anything.

Rob had to dress her, including plugging her with the two dildoes in the suit. It was a struggle for both of them, but eventually Cindy was fully dressed I her royal blue catsuit, her corset and her black pony boots.

She then helped him pick out a nice dress to slide over her head and over her body.

With that she was supposedly ready to go out for the day, but with her hands held tightly and stiffly in a somewhat natural fashion, she wasn't sure what kind of a day it would be.

Rob escorted her out the hotel's door and they took a cab headed for the 9th Arrondissement. Of course, Rob had to open her door for her and reach across her to fasten her seatbelt. She saw the driver eyeing her in the rear-view mirror. She was getting used to being stared at because of her shapely body and sexy latex clothes, but she knew that this guy was looking at her because of her helpless condition.

When they arrived, at the Galeries Lafayette Rob had to unlatch her seatbelt and help her out of her door.

They spent the morning wandering the huge department store. Cindy clip clopping in her boots on the store's hard floors the whole time. Rob picked out several dresses for Cindy, and they drew stares when he joined her in the dressing room to assist her in trying them on. They exited to some giggles, the shoppers assuming that they had been doing something naughty in there.

Cindy was embarrassed as she realized that the back of her dress was hung up on her blue latex butt. She swatted at it ineffectually with her useless hands until it finally fell into place.

When lunchtime came around, they found a nice café and sat at a table on the sidewalk in front. Cindy was frustrated that she couldn't feed herself or drink her wine because her hands wouldn't function to pick up a fork or a glass.

Again, they drew a lot of stares. Initially, Cindy found her situation humiliating, but as time went on, she began to enjoy the game that she and Rob were playing. She was so very dependent on him for everything. That thought triggered an arousal that started her juices flowing. Her she was, helpless and at the mercy of her man, and being examined by a bunch of strangers who had to be thinking 'what a slut'.

At one point, feeling like the slut she appeared to be, she dipped her stiff latex covered index finger into some cheese sauce on her plate and then poked it into her mouth where she sucked and licked it like it was Rob's hard cock.

Watching her put on her little show, Rob cracked up laughing, while several of the local diners looked on, seemingly enjoying the entertainment, themselves.

After lunch they walked around the neighborhoods for another hour, before taking a cab back to the hotel.

In their room, Cindy was surprised when Rob promptly grabbed her blue hood, the one that forced her mouth open in a big 'O' with a built-in cuff and slipped it on her head, working her hair into a pony tail and out through the top as he did. Rob then quickly stripped off his clothes.

Cindy had hoped to get out of the infernal gloves, but apparently it was not to be. Of course, with the hood now in place she couldn't ask what Rob had in mind, either.

She found out soon enough as he unlocked her crotch and removed her rear plug. He then turned on the vibrator in her pussy to a high setting and placing his hands on her shoulders, he pushed her to her knees and plugged his stiff cock into her mouth hole.

"When you get me nice and ready, I'm going to take you in the rear, again. Your vibrator should help you get your orgasm."

Cindy was really feeling the vibrator in her pussy. As she worked on Rob's cock with her tongue, she felt herself getting closer and closer to her orgasm.

When she could hardly stand it anymore, she pulled off of Rob and scrambled up onto the bed in the doggy position he liked so much. The move brought her back from the edge, but as Rob dove into her ass, and started humping her, her arousal came quickly back and when Rob came, she joined him.

She was surprised that she had been able to come so easily with Rob in her ass. She attributed it to the vibrator and the crazy, sexy day she'd just had.

When Rob climbed off of her, he promptly inserted both the plug in her mouth and the one in her ass. He set both of her vibrators to a medium speed and left her there on the bed while he ducked into the bathroom.

When he came back out, he laid down with Cindy and they dozed for a couple of hours.

Cindy finally had to use the bathroom herself, but knew that it was impossible with her useless hands. She couldn't say anything either, with the plug in her mouth.

She nudged Rob and grunted while she gestured toward the toilet.

He got the message and said "allow me" while laughing at her antics.

He took her into the bathroom and there he unlocked her, and treating her a bit like a baby, or so it seemed to her, helped her pee and gave her an enema to empty out her bowels. She found the whole experience disgusting and humiliating, but also intriguing in its own right. She was so under the control of her 'master'.

Afterward they lounged around for another couple of hours, eventually Rob was feeling recharged so he removed the plug from Cindy's mouth and inserted his cock. Cindy started licking and sucking while she grabbed his ass clumsily with her stiff hands.

Rob turned up both of her vibrators to help motivate her and told her that this time it was all up to her mouth. She understood, and brought him to orgasm in her mouth swallowing his cum as it came spurting out. Only then did she give in to the vibrators and have an orgasm herself.

After they recovered, Rob removed Cindy's hood. She was a bit of a mess, sweaty and make-up smeared, so he retrieved a damp wash cloth and wiped her face with it. She felt much better after stretching her aching jaw and having her face washed with the cool cloth. Rob was being gentle and loving, but no matter how she begged he kept her in her latex and stiff gloves.

She was really sick and tired of not having the use of her hands and fingers.

After getting her cleaned up. Rob ordered a room service dinner for them.

Without hands all Cindy could do was sit and wait. She couldn't read or turn on the room's TV, or do anything else useful. So frustrating!

When the knock finally came, she ducked into the bathroom while the waiter set up the table and bowed out.

Cindy was hungry, and the food was good, but she had to be fed by Rob, like a baby. That only added to her frustration and slowly mounting anger. She had to ask Rob for everything; a drink of wine, a bite of salad, a wipe of her mouth with a napkin.

And of course, Rob played games with her. Moving a mouthful of food on the end of a fork in and out, left and right so she had to lung with her mouth open to grab it, all too often missing and spilling.

Rob, thought it was great fun.

By the end of the meal she was ready to beat him senseless with her stiff hands.

She didn't say a word to him the rest of the night. Even though she would have liked to use the bathroom one last time before bed, she didn't as she couldn't stand the thought of being 'serviced 'by Rob again. She just curled up in the bed and tried to sleep. It took her quite a while to calm down before she finally succeeded.

(Day 14)

In the morning, Cindy woke up when Rob stirred. He got out of bed quietly and went into the bathroom for his morning shower.

When he came out Cindy was sitting up in bed, smiling. "Good morning my love." They both said in unison to each other. Both laughed at that.

Rob said "If you're ready, why don't you go in and get cleaned up, and we'll head out for some breakfast. You have your second hair removal appointment this morning."

"Oh, that's right, I get another session of torture, today. What fun." Her reply was more light hearted than it sounded.

Rob, a little concerned, "It's not that bad is it? The results are certainly fantastic, and keep in mind you'll never have to shave your legs or under your arms, ever again."

"Or my pussy." She laughed. "It isn't really that bad, but laying naked on that table for hours is the hard part. I have nothing to think about but you, my new wardrobe and sex. That's what makes it difficult. I get horny and can't do anything about it!"

"Oh, poor baby," was Rob's comment, "now come along, he ordered, as he started to undress her. As she was still wearing the stiff gloves, she certainly couldn't do it herself. She had spent the entire night with her hands held immobile. Of course, the gloves were the last thing to come off, and when they did, Cindy moaned as she flexed and massaged them to get them to loosen up.

"I don't like these damn things. Let's not do them again. I don't like being that helpless."

Rob looked at her and agreed. "Yes, I can see that they're a pain. We can put them into the 'waste of money' pile and forget about them. I don't want to force you into anything that you hate."

He then handed her, her mules and nudged her into the bathroom. She cleaned herself inside and out, as was now her custom, enjoying a long hot shower. Hair and makeup were last.

When Cindy came out, Rob handed her just a light, pink dress with a short, flared skirt.

No latex, no corset, no underwear.

She slipped it on over her head, and left her neck chain with what she now considered her 'leash' hanging down her back.

She then reached for a pair of sheer hold-up stockings and her white, wedge-heeled boots. Rob didn't have to help her lace them up as Cindy was wonderfully free to bend and tie them herself. He did, though bend over and lock them on as he always did, these days.

She blushed pleasantly, feeling totally naked under her dress, no hair on her body, no underwear and no clingy latex covering or restrictive corset.

As they walked out of the hotel Cindy felt her breasts moving freely under her dress, and the breeze blowing up between her legs. She felt the men nearby staring, and realized that they were looking with a different attitude than in recent days. Oh, what a feeling...

As they had done a few days ago, they sat quietly through a quick meal, talking about nothing in particular. When they were finished Rob pushed back his chair, "give me your leg," he ordered.

Cindy had to hold her skirt tightly down so as not to flash passers-by, while she lifted her leg into Rob's lap. He unlocked her boot and then released it while Cindy lifted her other leg. When she did, she noticed the couple at a nearby table watching intently. Cindy blushed, humiliated by the attention and her need to submit in public. Rob paid no attention to the audience. He unlocked her other boot and allowed her to put her leg down. He then turned to the couple and winked at them, "she so needs to be controlled, "he said more loudly than necessary.

Cindy blushed even more and didn't look up as Rob reached up and swiveled her necklace so the leash was dangling in front. He slipped his finger through the ring at its end and led her out and along the sidewalk the few doors down to the beauty parlor for her appointment.

They only waited a few minutes in the lounge before Cindy was called by the same technician as last time. Cindy remembered the girl's name was Michelle.

Michelle took her back to the treatment room and gave her a hanger for her dress. Cindy took off her boots and stockings. She then sat back on the table, holding her necklace to the side and laid back, awaited Michelle's ministrations.

Michelle reached tentatively for the neck chain, but then shrugged and left it lying next to Cindy's neck. She knows, Cindy thought to herself. She knows that it's a slave's collar. The thought embarrassed her, but also aroused her.

Like the last time, the laser procedure was long and slow, but not particularly painful or distressing.

An awkward moment occurred when Cindy had to roll over onto her front, Cindy forgot about her chain's leash and it slid off the table, clanking onto the frame. The sound drew attention to its presence and purpose. Both women blushed. Michelle paused for only a moment before beginning again on the procedure.

Almost three hours later, Michelle declared the process complete, and told Cindy that she should now be permanently hair free. She also told Cindy that things had gone so well, that she didn't think another appointment would be necessary, at least not for a year or more.

Cindy was happy about that, but the permanence of that statement gave her a tingle. She would be fully nude forever.

When Cindy came out of the treatment room, Rob gave her a hug and then knelt down and applied the locks to her boots. Michelle, standing nearby watching, seemed fascinated, but Cindy was thoroughly humiliated. The girl who had already seen her entire body, naked, with the chain cum leash sealed around her neck, now got to see her being locked into her fetish boots.

As Rob smiled happily, and thanked Michelle with a large tip, Cindy walked quietly out of the shop her head in a whirl of embarrassment.

She could only imagine what Michelle thought. Cindy was sure that she had her pegged as a sex slave. It was humiliating and arousing at the same time. 'Damn!' she thought, I'm becoming such a slut; and I love it...

As they walked along the street Cindy felt her hairless body brushing against the inside of her dress and the airflow on her legs and up her skirt. It felt good, but somehow not right. She missed the feel of her latex.

As was their habit, they stopped at a café for lunch. Chatting about nothing in particular and watching the 'normal', boring people walking by.

Today, the food tasted bland and uninspired. Even the wine lacked flavor.

Rob blamed the restaurant, but Cindy suspected the missing latex clothing had a lot to do with it.

She said as much to Rob.

"You know, I miss my latex, "she mused out loud.

Rob was intrigued. "Oh really. Why do you think that is?"

"I don't know. It's kind of funny, really." She said.

Cindy went on to explained that she just felt uncomfortable without her slick and restrictive outfit. She said she even missed the 'clip, clop' of her pony boot heels as she walked.

Rob wasn't surprised.

"Well we've been living out our deepest sexual fantasies, and loving it. The sex has been fantastic. When I 'm near you now, all I can think about is how sexy you are, and how much I want to fuck you. Speaking of fucking," he continued with a sly smile, "what do you feel about the anal sex? Has it hurt? Has it been OK for you?"

"Well, I was actually kind of pleasantly surprised. After all of the stretching you put me through with those plugs, it didn't hurt at all, so I was able to get into it a bit. It turned me on, knowing that you got off on it. It made me feel kind of slutty, too, and even that thought turned me on. All in all, it wasn't terrible, she said with a giggle."

"Well, in that case, we'll have to try it some more."

With that, they paid their bill and headed out into the streets for more window shopping.

An hour later, as they sauntered along a quiet street, they came upon a small sex shop, and Rob pulled her into the door. As they looked around, Rob spotted what he had evidently been looking for, a display case with a number of butt plugs. These were different from the dildo shaped ones that fit her latex outfits. They were silicone and in various lengths and widths. They're profile started with a wide flat base, a narrow shaft that expanded to a wide section which then narrowed slowly to a rounded, but pointed tip. The proprietor described them as being 'the classic shape'.

Rob purchased one that, at its widest point was much larger around than the ones she was used to, while at its neck near the base was a little narrower than the plugs with her latex. He also picked up a small tube of silicone lube.

After paying the bill, to Cindy's total embarrassment, he asked the proprietor if the store had a toilet they could use.

The man winked at Rob and then smiled at Cindy as he escorted them to the back of the store. Cindy was beet red as Rob escorted her into the small room, and closed the door.

"Come on, I want more sex like last night and I don't want it to hurt you. This will help keep you stretched and open. Just bend over and I'll do all of the work."

"Oh, you bastard. Sure, you'll do the work." Cindy groaned, but she resignedly lifted her skirt and bent over, while Rob lubed up the plug. He then rubbed more lube on and in her ass hole before he started working the thing into her slowly and gently.

It was a struggle for Cindy to accept the larger portion of the thing as it moved past her sphincter, but eventually it slipped in and she was able to feel herself close around the thinner neck portion.

As she stood up, the familiar feeling of fullness was pretty much the same as she was used to.

Rob washed his hands and used some tissue to clean excess lube off of Cindy's sweet behind, before they opened the door and walked out. Cindy couldn't help waddling a little, as she got used to the intruder in her ass.

Cindy was so humiliated that she couldn't look the proprietor in the eye. It was a good thing, too as he gave Rob a big smile and a 'thumbs up' as they walked out of the store.

The happy couple then continued with their walk, slowly working their way back to the hotel.

With every step Cindy felt the plug in her ass. There was no longer any pain, but the thought of walking around with a big plug in her ass was yet another new turn-on.

When they got back to the hotel room, Rob gently eased the plug out of her behind. It hurt as the widest part pulled out past her sphincter. Her initial reaction to its removal was an empty feeling, but it was a relief to get rid of the thing.

After she cleaned up, Rob insisted that Cindy get back into her royal blue catsuit. He left out both plugs, this time.

Ultimately, Cindy wore the complete outfit with corset, gloves, hood and pony boots. She actually enjoyed the feeling of being back in the latex outfit. The warm compression and the restriction continued to turn her on, and made her feel like a sex goddess.

The last piece was the penis gag, locked into the mouth opening.

As soon as she was dressed Rob grabbed her and dumped her onto the bed. Cindy gasped in surprise and protest but the gag prevented her from making any real sound.

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