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Loaned to a Friend Ch. 01

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Sent home naked with a good friend.
4.9k words

Part 1 of the 8 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 02/12/2015
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Jim and I have been talking to a few people about something we've done a few times and have been getting some mixed reactions to the situation. It concerns the fact that I've gone home with a few of our male friends and have spent varying amounts of time with them. I've done this lasting from a few hours, maybe 6 or so to over three days, from early Friday afternoon to late Sunday night.

Now what seems to make this at all controversial is that I'm naked the whole time I'm with them, from the time I leave home until I return. The other part that makes this unusual is the fact that Jim is seldom if ever present. Most of the time I'm alone with the other man, but it isn't unusual for them to invite some of their friends to their place for a little "adult" entertainment. There have been as few as 1 additional man and as many as 20. Most of the time I've never met any of these other men, I don't know them and they don't know me. On occasion there's been someone I do know, either a friend or just someone I know in passing. It's the men I do know that causes me the most trouble. It's kind of hard to explain why I'm completely naked without my husband in another man's home with several other men there too.

Maybe I should give you a couple of examples of times I've done this and maybe it'll give you a better picture of what I do and why I do this.

Jim and I have a very active and imaginative sexual fantasy life. We just love to talk about our little fantasies while we're making love. We call it our "pillow talk". Nothing seems to be taboo. Believe it or not, many things we talk about both of us know that it will never happen; it's just sex talk to heighten our love making.

On the other hand, there are some that once we've talked about it several times it becomes both our fantasy, well, who knows, sometimes if the occasion presents itself, things just happen. We have rules, the first being that if either party feels uncomfortable, we can call a halt at any time, we stop immediately and step back and discuss the situation. Sometimes we continue, sometimes we just stop, no bad feelings. Either of us can slow things down or keep on going. We trust each other and communicate how we feel all along the way so there's no misunderstanding or hurt feelings. With that being said, we've had some very exciting and rather unorthodox experiences.

I am an exhibitionist. I haven't always been, before I met and fell in love with Jim, I was a very conservative, good Catholic girl. I'd never been really touched by another man before Jim. I blame my transition solely on him, he corrupted me. He showed me what sex was and what it could ultimately be and that was earth shattering mind blowing fantastic. He loves my body, I think I'm pretty much normal, two rather on the large size boobs, one very sensitive pussy, an ass I use to sit on, you know the normal woman parts.

Jim wants me naked all the time, always has, I guess always will. I love him for that, it makes me feel somewhat special knowing he desires me so much. Early on in our relationship, I realized Jim not only wanted me naked around him, but around everyone, especially around a few of his best friends. We teased about it, he hinted about it, I was opposed to it at first, being a good girl and all. It embarrassed me, the thought of other men seeing parts that I had shown only to Jim. I've come to realize that not only Jim, but most of our male friends want to see me naked. Men are such animals!

Early in our relationship I let him take nude photos of me, he said only for him, it excited me to do something so wicked as to let someone actually take pictures of me completely naked. Something happened to me and I just loved it! I wanted to let Jim take pictures of me all the time, what a turn on.

Then Jim told me that he had shown a few of my pictures to one of his friends, someone I knew, I was so embarrassed I thought I would just die. I didn't know what I would do the next time I saw them. I never imagined that someone else would see my naked body!

The more I thought about it, the more embarrassed I became, and something else, I got a little tingle deep down inside me and I got wet wondering what they thought when they looked at those pictures. Jim and I talked about it and I realized that I kind of wanted him to show our friend a few more and have Jim tell me what he said. It was amazing, the next time I saw the guy, I wondered if he was thinking of me naked. Somehow I knew by how he looked at me that he was thinking of me naked. Rather than being embarrassed, I was turned on. I really wanted to ask him what he was thinking of. Now that would have been embarrassing!

After a while, Jim suggested that I be present when he showed our friend some of the photos. I was shocked at first but after a while I thought it might be fun and exciting to watch someone who had never actually seen me naked look at naked photos of me. So we did. It was everything I imagined it would be. I was embarrassed, but by far more turned on. My heart was beating a thousand times faster and in my throat. I could hardly breathe. My mouth was dry and my pussy was wet.

Over the succeeding months it progressed from showing a friend my naked photos, to another and another. I had the same reaction every time. My nipples got so hard they hurt. Next came the suggestion of my posing for one of them, after all, they had seen everything there was to see, right? In order for them to take naked pictures of me, I had to get naked in front of them, so I did. It was frightening, embarrassing, and one of the most exciting things I had ever done. I loved it. I loved the fact that I was standing bare-assed naked in front of men other than my husband and they were telling me what to do and what they wanted to see. Jim loved it too. He was letting other men look at me, and yes touch me. He saw how turned on I got every time it happened, it's hard to hide those erect nipples and wet pussy, especially when the nipples are being pinched and fingers are being pushed up into you. Orgasms are rather hard to hide in those cases. Another thing I noticed about myself, I loved looking at men's cocks. I loved how they were different from each other, their size, their shape, and especially their feel. I really preferred that the man be naked while taking my pictures. Hell, a girl likes to look too.

One evening one of our single male friends (Randy) had been to our home for a casual dinner and drinks. He had seen me naked several times and was one of the men who had taken pictures of me. And yes, we had fucked. Jim and he had shared me. I liked it when Jim fucked me in front of one of his friends. I also liked being fucked while Jim watches.

That night we were all pretty well wasted and Randy was kissing on me, getting a quick feel here and there, telling me how much he loved me and that if he wasn't such good friends with Jim he would seriously try to seal me away to take me home with him. I knew he was drunk and horny and just giving me a line of bull-shit, but it was fun. I was playing grab too, feeling his erection through his pants. I played along with him mostly just to hear his line and kept asking him what he wanted to do to me. Jim was egging him on too.

Randy kept insisting that he wanted to take me home and ravish me (his words). Finally I told him that if Jim didn't care I'd go with him. Jim quickly agreed and said that I could go, but if I was going to run away with our friend, I wasn't going to take anything with me. When I looked over at Jim, he gave me "that look" so I said fine and stood up and stripped completely, bare-assed head to toe naked (I'd been wanting to do this all evening). Jim laughed and Randy hooted and clapped his hands.

Jim asked me to come into another room to talk for a moment. We went into our bedroom and he asked, "Are you serious about going with him or are you just bull-shitting?"

I asked, "What do you think about it?"

He told me, "It kinda sounds exciting, you know seeing you leave naked with him and knowing that all your clothes were here. What do you think?"

I reminded him, "You know we've talked about something like this and we thought it might be exciting to try it. I'm okay with it if you are, but I'm a little scared knowing I won't have anything to cover up with, especially tomorrow."

Jim said, "You know it's the idea that you don't have anything to cover up with that makes it so exciting. Maybe Randy will give you something to wear."

With and I said, "Like that'll ever happen."

Finally we decided that we'd do it, for just overnight till noon the next day when Jim would come get me.

When we walked back in the room with Randy, I grabbed his hand and pulled him up and told him, "We'd better go if you're going to take me home."

His reaction was, "Really? Like that," indicating my nudity?

I said, "Jim says you get me, and nothing else, so here I am with nothing else. Let's go before I change my mind."

So out the door, me stark naked leading a shocked Randy to his car, I waved to Jim and as we pulled away, we blew each other kisses and the car left the neighborhood.

Randy said, "I gotta stop for gas and I'm out of smokes. It'll only take a minute."

"Is it really necessary?" I asked indicating the obvious fact that I was sitting there naked.

He insisted it was. " How do you think you'll feel if we run out of gas? You'd look great walking back to get a can of gas like that. Just sit still and nobody'll notice you."

Yeah right, no one but me and anyone else who might be fueling up. Sure enough, there was someone else at the pump he pulled up to. There were other vacant pumps, but Randy had to pick one with someone else on the other side. He just had to strike up a conversation with him too.

When he went in to prepay, the guy looked in the car and saw me sitting in the passenger's seat. I don't think at first he realized that I was naked,(I hope),even though he never actually moved away from our car. But when Randy came back and started pumping fuel, he continued to talk to the guy. He couldn't see my pussy, but it was hard to hide both my breasts. I finally said fuck-it and stopped hiding myself and let him look. The doors were locked so I wasn't too afraid. Truthfully I got a little turned on exposing myself. I blame it on my earlier drinks.

The guy stayed by the pump looking down into our car while Randy went in to get his cigarettes and his change. As we pulled away, I slid forward and spread my legs so the guy could see my pubic hair for a few seconds.

Randy looked surprised and said, "I can't believe you just did that. You just flashed your pussy to that stranger."

I told him, "You know, you really didn't give me much choice now did you? It's not like he hasn't been standing by my window for the last 10 minutes looking at my tits. You knew he was looking."

He agreed, "I guess I did set you up, I just wanted to see what you'd do.

I asked him, "What else could I do? Anyway I'm naked with my husband's best friend and going home with him, what else could be strange here?"

When we arrived at his home, he parked in his driveway. I got out and stood by him as he locked up the car. I didn't care if I was seen, it was dark and no one would recognize me. It would be up to Randy to explain to a nosy neighbor what a naked woman was doing getting out of his car. I walked to his door and stood in the light as he unlocked the house. I was hoping to be seen, he was hoping I wouldn't be. It was beginning to be fun.

When he closed the door, we immediately started kissing. Randy is a good kisser. I stepped back away from him and asked, "Don't you think you're a little overdressed?"

Before he could answer I was unbuttoning his shirt and unbuckling his belt. It took all of a minute and he was naked too. I grabbed his erection and led him to the couch. I asked, "Now you've got me here naked, what're you planning to do about it?"

It was cute, here the man who had been boasting all evening that he wanted to steal me away from my husband, was standing naked in front of me and he suddenly doesn't know what exactly he was doing next. I thought it was hilarious. I took the lead and told him, Look, you only have me for a few hours so you'd better use your time wisely."

I then proceeded to kneel down in front of him and give him a blow job. Yes I swallowed. I most usually do.

We next went to his bed where I told him that he had better make me happy or he wasn't going to get to fuck me. He did a pretty damn good job eating my pussy and I had a very nice orgasm, thank you.

Randy had one small problem though, try as he might, he just couldn't get another full hard-on when we tried to fuck. He tried, oh my, he tried but with the combination of how much he had drank earlier, the fact that I had just sucked a quart of cum out of him, and the nervousness of actually having me naked and alone with him, his little thingy just failed him. Suppressing a giggle I reassured him that I understood and that he could have another chance in the morning when we woke up. With that, we snuggled and I went to sleep.

The next morning I woke up first, wondering where the fuck I was and who was snoring softly beside me and most of all why was I naked. Then I remembered, "Oh, fuck, I'm at Randy's house in bed with him and I haven't a stitch of my clothes with me."

My main concern at that moment was that I really had to pee. As carefully as I could I slipped out of his bed and tip toed to the bathroom and relieved myself. While sitting there I replayed what went on the night before and what my plans were until Jim came for me. Well, Jim knew where I was and we had pillow talked about me in this situation and we had discussed what I might end up doing and fucking had definitely been one of the subjects. I told him that if I was naked alone with someone in their home that they would definitely want to fuck, and Jim agreed. He said it would be up to me and if I did, he wanted to hear about every detail. I wanted to fuck so Jim was going to get a good story!

When I crawled back in bed with Randy, I scooted down and started to kiss and lick his growing cock. It didn't look like he was going to have any trouble doing "it" this morning.

He let out a pleasant moan and said that that was the perfect way to wake up. He did beg me to let him pee before we went any further though. I let him after he promised to hurry back and keep his erection. I asked him if he wanted me to hold it for him and he said," Do you know how hard it is for a man to piss with a hard on?"

When I shook my head no, (although I did know from having this very same conversation with Jim), Randy said, "It's nearly impossible and it causes a great deal of pain and undue suffering. So no thank you, not this time. I can handle it myself."

I faked a pout and rolled with laughter.

I think he was in a bit of a hurry too. He really had to pee and he really wanted to fuck. And fuck we did, I got on top and rode him while he squeezed my breasts and pinched my nipples. We both had very satisfying orgasms, and a short post-fuck nap.

We got up had a light breakfast, both of us naked, and I grabbed his semi-hard cock and asked, "Now that you've got me here naked, got a blow-job and a fuck, what do you plan to do now?"

Just as he started to answer, his cell phone buzzed and he started to talk to someone. He told the other person, "Sure I'm going to be here all morning. No problem, stop by anytime and pick it up."

When he hung up, I looked at him questioningly.

He explained, "That was a friend that you don't know. He wants to borrow my garden tiller and I told him to come on over and get it any time. He's coming over right away. As much as I hate to, I've got to get dressed so I can help him load it in his truck."

I gave his cock a teasing pull and said, "Can't you just stay like this? It'll save a lot of time when he leaves."

"You'd just love to see me walk out like this wouldn't you? I'd never be able to face any of my friends again. They'd say I was gay for sure."

"Not if I was standing behind you like this." I giggled and continued to play with his growing cock.

"I should just send you out by yourself; he'd love your help." Randy teased and pinched my nipples.

"Sure, like he'd ever get the tiller loaded. The only tool he'd want to use would be a seed planter and it'd be in my "garden" where he'd want to use it. No thanks get dressed."

Silly me, I just assumed that after loading up the tiller, the friend would go on his merry way and I would be safe and undiscovered waiting in the house. That was not going to be the case, after loading up the truck. Randy invited his friend in for a cup of coffee. When I saw both of them coming toward the house, I ran to the bedroom to hide. I figured I could stay there while they had their coffee and then come out after his friend left.

As soon as they entered the kitchen, Randy shouted to me, "Linda, come on out, I want you to meet Terry."

"Randy, I can't come out just now, I'm not decent." I was beginning to panic.

"Come on out, Terry doesn't mind and I want him to meet and see you."

When I didn't come out, Randy came in the bedroom to get me. "Come on Linda, I want to introduce you to my good friend. It's okay; he'll really like seeing you."

"Randy," I whispered in desperation, "For God's sake, I'm naked! I can't just walk out and let him see me like this. It's embarrassing!"

"Either you come out and have coffee with us, or I'll have him come in here. Either way I want to show him that I have a beautiful naked woman here. Come on, it'll be exciting!" He grabbed my hand and I let him lead me stark naked into the kitchen.

I mumbled under my breath, "I'm going to get you back for this if I live through the humiliation."

"Terry' I'd like you to meet a very special friend of mine, this is Linda." Randy pulled me in front of him and pushed me towards his startled friend.

With my heart beating a mile a minute, I smiled and tried to pretend I had some clothes on. Unfortunately it didn't work, all I could think of was I'm naked and I don't know this guy.

Terry looked me up and down and smiled, stuck out his hand and said, "Linda, the pleasure is all mine. Whatever Randy's done to convince you to be with him like this, I can only say I'm totally impressed. Forgive me for staring, but I don't meet a naked woman every day. As far as that goes, I never get to meet a naked woman."

"Well, let's just say Randy has me at a distinct disadvantage and he did insist that I meet you. I'm not usually like this around him." I was trying desperately to keep some degree of dignity. I gave Randy the evil eye.

Randy just had to add insult to injury; he was so much enjoying my discomfort. "Linda's husband loaned her to me for the day, he sent her along saying that I could keep her for a while but she couldn't take anything with her, so as you see, she has nothing."

Fuck! Randy not only showed me off to one of his friends, he told him that I'm married and that my husband knows I'm here with him naked! Way too much information to a total stranger. How much more naked can I get?

So there we were just the three of us standing in Randy's kitchen having a social cup of coffee like it happened every day. Terry tried, rather unsuccessfully not to stare while Randy told him in minute detail how he had seen and photographed me naked several times. He finished his story with how he had convinced Jim to let him bring me home last night. I was pretty well mortified. Randy loved this, he was having fun.

I must admit, the longer I stood there with two men inspecting every inch of my naked body, the more I warmed to the idea. I'd never admit to Randy, but the reason my nipples got super hard and there was a tingle down in my pussy was because I was thoroughly getting turned on. It wasn't like we were just having coffee and I just happened to be naked. No, the whole conversation the whole focus was on the fact that I was totally on display. They both were looking at my tits and my pussy. I was being exhibited. I kinda liked it, but I'll be damned if I was going to let Randy know it.


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