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Locker Room Dare Ch. 01


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"Does he have to?" Rosanne Cramer, the only black girl on the small eight girl squad.

"Unless you want to join him and do practice naked, I'd say he does." Coach said with a soft feminine chuckle.

"Might be worth it." Julia Liou, the petite Asian girl on the team called out from where she was staring at my hardon. Her boobs weren't all that big, maybe a large B cup. It was hard to tell with them pressed flat by a sports bra. It wasn't hard to tell where her nipples were though, as each hard nub pushed the front of the bra out dramatically.

"Really girls?" Coach asked with a laugh. "If anyone walked in and saw even this, it wouldn't end well for any of us. So, why doesn't Mister West put his tool back away and we'll start practice."

I thankfully bent over and pulled my shorts up, covering my hardon. Not that the shorts didn't still show plenty, at least it was covered.

I had no idea just how hard it was to practice for cheerleading. I mean, they spent a good part of the hour practicing the handsprings and tumbling runs, that looked so easy on the football field. I also understood exactly why coach had a no guests policy. I saw bare boobs on multiple occasions, particularly Malissa's, Rosanne's and Samantha Aberdeen's, the tallest of the girls. All three of them wore bare midriff cut off shirts that tended to slip up over their breasts, exposing their boobs and nipples to everyone, including me. I had to admit, I'd never seen a black girl's dark areola and nipples before today, and I was having a hard time not thinking about trying to play with them.

I also was having a really hard time resisting looking at Jenny Becker's pussy. She was slightly heavier set than the rest of the girls with really big boobs encased in a sports bra. But she had on a pair of terry cloth looking shorts that kept moving and flashing me her full round, completely bare, pussy lips. She didn't have any inner labia at all protruding and I could tell she was turned on, either from looking at my hardon, or by what she was showing me, by the way the deep groove of her pussy lips glistened.

Between the boobs and the pussies flashed at me, my dick remained pretty much rock hard the whole practice. I was almost glad when practice ended and the girl headed off to the showers. It took me almost fifteen minutes to drag all the mats back to the store room and stack them. By then I was sweating heavily as I walked into coach's office. She looked up from where she sat behind the desk toward me. "Well, you survived the first day."

"I did." I answered, as I started to sort out my clothes to change back again.

"You're not getting dressed yet, are you?"

"I was going to."

"I require my girls to all shower before they go home. In your case, you need to shower and clean up the locker room. As far as I know, all the girls are gone, so you can just strip down and use the showers here, since you have to clean up the space anyway."

"You want me to shower in the girls' locker room? Isn't that just going to get me into more trouble?"

"No. You're technically part of the team now, so while boys aren't usually allowed in the girls' locker room; since you're part of the team, there isn't anything preventing it."

"And if other girls are using it?"

"Who? The volleyball season hasn't started. Neither has track. Right now, we're it. So, strip down and get in the shower. You can use that door. It goes right into the locker room without having to walk into the hallway."

I nodded with a sigh, realizing there was no arguing with her. I took off the shorts and peeled my shoes and socks off. I padded barefoot across her office and through the door into the locker room, her eyes following my swinging dick with each step. Her back-office door led into the locker room near the shower entrance, so all I did was turn and head into the showers and hope that all the girls had left. The shower room was a large open space, with shower heads around the outside walls every half dozen feet, or so. Unlike the boys' showers, there were dispensers for liquid body soap and shampoo mounted by each shower handle. I was going to smell girly today, but I made a mental note to bring my own bar soap the next day. I was standing, facing away from the locker room, soaping my body, when I felt a pair of hands slip around my waist.

I should have been surprised, but I wasn't. I'd sort of expected coach to join me the way she was looking at my dick as I walked across her office. All through practice I'd been trying to figure out why she wanted me to do this, be the mat boy, as she called me. The only reasonable explanation was that it was an excuse to see me naked, though I didn't understand why. Just like I didn't understand why Becky did what she did. I never expected to see her boobs, let alone have her get naked and teach me about sex. All this because I lost a stupid bet and had to get naked in front of Becky, in the girls' shower. Why the hell coach Song wanted to see me naked, or get me naked in front of the cheerleaders, was still a mystery to me, unless she had designs on having sex with me, which was just as mystifying.

So, like said, I startled a little, when I felt her hand on my hips, but I wasn't overly surprised. I felt a pair of rock-hard nipples rub against my back and then large soft breasts press against me. The soft kiss on the back of my neck did surprise me a little, but I let it go as her hands slid down to my soapy dick, grasping it gently and slowly stroking it. It was already partly hard, and got harder quickly, as she teased her fingers along its length.

"I want it in me." She whispered softly, barely loud enough for me to hear over the spraying water. "It was so sexy to watch it at practice. Wanted to just rip your shorts off and sit on it the whole time."

"You did?"

"Oh yeah." She whispered. "Did you like seeing my pussy? I tried to let you see it as much as I could." Okay, that startled me. Coach didn't flash me anything! I twisted my head around to see Jenny Becker's face inches from mine. She was smiling as she stroked my dick.


"That's me. Who did you think it was? Malissa?"

"Actually, coach." I answered, as I tried to push my heart back into place in my chest.

"Oh really? You wanted coach to come shower with you?" she asked, as she allowed me to turn in her arms, her hands now resting on my butt, my soapy dick trapped between our bodies.

"Wanted? Not exactly. Just sorta expected her to."

"You did? Why would she do that?"

"After what she did Friday night, I just sorta expected her to take that next step."

"Friday night? What happened Friday night?"

"Oh, yeah. You girls don't know..." I said, getting interrupted before I could say more.

"And if you know what's good for you, mister West, she won't!" I heard from the doorway. I jerked my head to look toward where I heard coach's voice from, and saw her leaning against the doorway, standing completely naked.

Jenny jerked her head around as well. "COACH!?" she said wide eyed. "I was, um, I was just finishing showering." She said quickly, letting go of me and backing away. "We weren't doing anything or anything." She added, as she started for the doorway where coach was standing. She got as far as a few feet from the doorway and coach moved to the middle of the doorway, effectively blocking her way.

"Where are you going?" she asked very sweetly.

"Um. To get dressed?" Jenny said hopefully.

"Without finishing what you clearly intended?" Jenny stood staring at her. "Come on Jenny. I wasn't born yesterday. I saw you intentionally flashing him your private parts, every chance you got."

"But I didn't! I wasn't!" she protested.

Coach rolled her eyes. "Come on. I was your age once, and not all that long ago. If I'd have been staring at that hardon, I'd be horny for it too. So why deny it? You want it. You came in here hoping to get him to fuck your brains out, didn't you?"

Jenny stood there for several seconds, then looked down at the floor. "Yeah. I did."

"Now that wasn't so hard to admit, was it?"

"No coach," she said quietly.

"There's nothing to be ashamed of. It's a really good looking dick. I wouldn't mind having it stuffed in me, but that wouldn't be appropriate. That doesn't mean I can't enjoy seeing you feel it." Jenny jerked her head back up to look at her. "Yes, that's exactly what I meant. Now, go over there and why don't you see if you can convince him to solve that desire?"

"You mean it? You want me to go have sex with him?"

"I'm not going to force you to, but if that's what you had in mind, I don't see why you shouldn't do it. I'm just going to go over there and take a shower. If you happen to have sex, well, I didn't see anything." Coach said with a wink. She stepped past Jenny and walked into the shower room, selecting a shower head across the room from where I was still standing half under and half out of the water spray from my shower head.

Jenny turned around and looked at me, almost as if she was asking what she should do. I was pretty damn horny from all the flashing anyway, and if I didn't have sex with her, I'd probably jerk myself off, before I went to get dressed, so why not. I held a hand out toward her. She walked toward me and moved to wrap her arms around me again, pressing us together. "I've never done anything like this." She whispered.

"Neither have I."

"It seemed a lot easier when I walked in here the first time."

"Harder now with an audience?"

"Something like that."

"Yeah, I know. We don't have to."

"But you want to?"

"Kinda horny."

"Yeah, me too. So how do we do this?"

"Well, easiest way might be for you to bend over and face the wall and I can do you that way."

"Sounds as good as we can do, without a bed."

"Pretty much. Um, when I come, do you want me to, um, you know."

"Come in me? Yeah. You can."

I nodded, as she released me and turned to face the wall. I stepped behind her and grabbed my, again hard, dick and rubbed the tip up and down her wet slit, "oh damn, don't tease. Just put it in!" She moaned softly. I wiggled my dick between her lips until I felt the entrance to her vagina. I pressed myself toward her, trying to force myself into her depths, pressure building up on my head as it tried to expand her entrance to accept me. A woman's body is amazingly elastic, in that area, or at least it has to be, to have babies. I felt my head slip into her, as her vaginal entrance expanded enough to accept me. "Ohhhhhh fuuuuuuck." She groaned quietly, as I held myself inside her only a few short inches. I started to slowly slide myself in and out of her, letting her pussy lubricate my shaft like Becky had taught me. Nice easy strokes in and out, a little deeper each time, but pulling back, almost until my head would have slipped out, before sliding back in again. I felt my long, fat shaft sink deeper and deeper into her, as I stroked longer and longer, finally feeling my head banging against the end of her vaginal tunnel.

"Damn," I groaned, as I held her hips and started to stroke harder. I was so damn turned on that I was afraid I was going to come any second. I could feel the tingle racing the length of my cock, each time my head banged into her body, making my body want to stroke wildly into her. I shifted my hands, partly bending over her to reach her hanging tits, which were swinging like pendulums, with each impact I made against her bare cheeks. In and out I stroked, listening to her moans and gasps of pleasure.

I could also hear another set of moans, these from across the shower room. I looked over my shoulder at coach, and saw her leaning against the wall, her legs spread apart, two fingers plunging wildly in and out of her own pussy, as she watched me fucking Jenny.

"God, gonna come!" Jenny gasped, as I continued to stroke in and out of her, her tight pussy caressing and squeezing my dick, almost trying to hold me inside her as I grew closer and closer to unloading. "SHIT YES!" She suddenly cried, her whole body seeming to stiffen and then start to tremble and shudder. I could tell she was climaxing and let myself go, adding to the sound of her orgasm with my own groan, only a few dozen stokes later. I stood behind her, my body jerking and spasming, as I pumped shot after shot of cum into her pussy.

I stood there panting with Jenny, listening to coach making little gasps and moans behind us until she cried out and started to climax. I couldn't help but look behind me and watch her climax as my dick shrunk in Jenny's pussy. I suddenly wanted to walk over and stuff my dick into her incredibly sexy body. Not that I didn't find Jenny sexy, but somehow, the thought of fucking the coach was extremely appealing.

My attention was focused back to Jenny when she pulled off my dick and turned to face me. She wrapped both arms around my neck and kissed me. "Promise not to spread around school that we did this?"

"I won't." I agreed quietly. "Not sure I want it spread around that I was in here doing this. It gets back to the principal and I think I'm toast."

"Yeah, I didn't think of that. Well, I won't say either."

"Thank you. It felt really nice."

"Yeah. You felt good too."

"Gonna be fun teasing you now, knowing how it feels." She said with a little giggle. "See you tomorrow!" she let me go, turned and walked quickly out of the shower room.

"Fuck that was hot!" coach said, as she stood under the shower slowly stroking her fingers across her still excited body, her nipples jutting out, rock hard.

I turned the water off on my shower head and walked over to where she stood under her shower head. "You still need to be washed." I said quietly, as I used the dispenser to get some soap. She moved her hands away and let me start washing her body, starting with her breasts. Her nipples stayed hard as I worked my hands all over her body, finally letting my right hand sneak between her legs, and stroke her very wet pussy. She reached down and started to play with my dick and then, very suddenly, pushed me away and turned to turn off the water.

"Don't be late tomorrow!" She said briskly, as she walked quickly from the shower room. By the time I dried off and picked up all the towels, she was gone and my clothes were sitting on the corner of her desk. I dressed and left her office, closing the door behind me.

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YungMastaYungMasta20 days ago

Something about this story just lost me. Seems Tobe pretty popular though so maybe it's just me. 3/5.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Great nerd fantasy - Big Dick, tutoring hotties, seduced by cheer coach and team. What's not to like. Too bad not real life.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

How come in all these geek + hot girl stories with multiple girl that I have seen (I haven't read many), the girls are cheating on their boyfriends and take interest in the guy, at first, because of the big schlong.

Is this some kind of trope or cliche when it comes to this particular type of stories?

I was taken out of the story when it glossed over stuff like -

1. Him having touched his sister and watched her cum.

2. Him talking with zero hesitation about the dare despite his moaning and preaching about being a study guy that doesn't get female attention. (Well I guess it did say later that he has had girlfriends. Inconsistent?)

3. Becky girl taking a picture of her father masturbating and sending it to her friends because of dare.

4. Her cheating on her boyfriend.

5. Him sharing the sexual acts he did with his friend.

I have no doubt he will share stuff that happened later too despite the girl's warning.

I am hoping there are consequences to this later in the story. Also that stuff with cheating too.

I also hope the story doesn't involve some other dude in the sex scenes with these girls.

KnightofmindKnightofmind4 months ago

Wow. This was pretty hot.

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