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Locker Room Dare Ch. 01

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A dare takes a crazy turn for a high school geek.
14k words

Part 1 of the 6 part series

Updated 03/10/2024
Created 12/09/2023
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Author's note: Thanks to Chief Hal for his proofreading assistance.

All characters in this story that are involved in any sexual encounter or scene are 18 years or older.

I couldn't believe I was doing this. Hell, the only reason I agreed to the dare, was because I knew there was no way Chris was ever going to manage his dare. Neither of us are anywhere close to being part of the "in" crowd. We were part of that typical group of high school students that were more concerned with grades than sports. As a result, we were not socially popular, but we were almost always in demand to be study partners for the girls that wanted to skate by without working any harder than they had to. It'd been that way since my sophomore year. Now as seniors, we're closing in on graduation, and just as in demand as before, this semester by those same girls, in chemistry class.

Chris was partners with Mandy Long. He had a crush on her, of course, but I doubt she had any interest in him at all, besides what he could do on homework for her, that is. I told him flat out that was the case, but he refused to believe me. Instead, pushing me into a bit of a bet. To prove she was interested in more than just his brain, all he had to do was to convince her to drop her pants for him and let him lick her pussy. If he could show me a picture of that, then I'd strip and jack off in the girls' locker room, in front of my chemistry partner, Becky Williams. I knew Becky had no interest in me other than my brain, but I wasn't worried; simply because, there was no way Mandy was EVER going to drop her panties for Chris, no matter how much he asked her.

So here I was, sneaking into the girls' locker room during the football game, one of the few times the locker rooms are unlocked at night, with little chance of anyone coming into the locker room. The cheerleaders would all be on the field until the end of the game. Becky wasn't a cheerleader, but she was still one of the hottest girls in school, or at least I thought so. The locker room was indeed empty when we slipped into it, we being me, with Becky following close behind.

"Now what?" She asked as we stood near one of the rows of Lockers. "I agreed to sneak in with you, so you going to tell me why now?"

I turned to look at her. "Would you believe me if I told you I had to get undressed and you've got to watch?"

"Say what? Are you serious?"

"I'm afraid so. I made a really lousy bet."

"And you lost?" She asked with a shocked look. "Oh Jesus Billy, I don't believe you. I'm risking getting suspended so you can pay off on a bet?"

"Well um, sorta. You see um, you're part of the bet."

"ME?! I'm not part of any stupid bet."

"No. You um, you don't have to do anything, you just have to watch and take a few pictures."

"Take pictures? Of what?"

"Me, undressed." I answered, feeling my face grow hot with embarrassment.

"Seriously? You got me to come in here with you so you could flash your junk in front of me?"

"Yeah, um, not hard, right?" I said quicky, blushing as I said it. "And um, on top of that, well, you sorta get to watch me jacking off."

"You're not serious!"

"Unfortunately, I am. The bet was to have you photograph me jacking off, naked, in the girls' shower."

She laughed. "Holy shit Billy. That's why you wanted me to sneak in with you? To watch you do that?"

"Yeah, 'fraid so."

"I don't believe this. I mean we can get suspended for this. I can't afford that! I only came as a favor because you spend so much time helping me. But this?"

"I know. But if we're quick..."

"Quick? How do you do that quick?"

"I'm not asking you to get undressed or anything. If we get caught it's only me without clothes. Trust me, it won't take long and I hate to welch on a bet."

"But this? You're assuming I actually want to see you do that!"

"All you have to do is take a picture with my phone. Come on. I've already offered to do your homework for two weeks."

"Okay. Make it four weeks and I'll stay!"


"Better get to it then. I don't wanna get caught in here with you."

I walked to one of the benches and started undressing. I'd never actually been naked in front of a girl, except my sister. So, stripping in front of Becky, was more than a little awkward. Even more awkward to turn around and face her with a half hard dick, trying to cover it with one hand, my phone in the other.

"Well, um, yeah." She said, taking my phone, but not taking her eyes off my crotch. "Um, maybe we better get started?"

"Yeah. We better." I agreed, feeling horribly embarrassed. I turned and walked quickly to the showers and looked around. "Um one place is as good as another, I guess."

"It would seem," she said, following behind me. "Yeah." I said, taking a deep breath. "Never done this in front of anyone before."

"Never watched a guy do it either."

I nodded and moved my hands. I leaned my back against the wall and closed my eyes. I wrapped one hand around my dick and started stroking it, even though it was still pretty soft. "I usually do this to something to watch." I said, as I tried to picture Becky taking her shirt off.


"Don't girls do that?" I asked.

"You mean jerk off? Not exactly."

"No?" I asked as I stroked myself harder. "How do they do it?"

"Are you serious?"


"We, um, we usually rub our clit with our fingers." She said sounding a little breathless. "What do you think about while you're doing that?"


"Uh. Yeah."

"Honestly, I'm, uh, I'm imagining you undressing."

"You are?"

"Yeah." I answered, opening my eyes to look at her. She was staring at my dick as I stroked it, one hand holding my phone, the other rubbing under her skirt.

"Damn Billy!"

"What?" I asked, looking around.

"Your dick!"

"What about it?" I asked, stopping my strokes and looking down at myself.

"Shit! You're big. I mean really big!"

"I'm not!" I protested.

"Shit yes. Only one I've seen bigger is my dad."

"You've seen your dad?"

"Well, it was a dare from a friend. Sneak in, while he's showering and take a picture. But he was doing what you're doing. He looked really big, and you're almost as big as he was."

"I don't think I'm that big."

"Can I touch it?"

"You want to touch my junk?"

"Just a little. I want to feel how big it is."

I shrugged nervously. I'd never been asked by a girl to let her touch my dick. "I guess."

She stepped closer and reached out for my dick. I felt her warm hand wrap around my shaft, her fingers not able to reach all the way around. She started to slide her hand along its length. "Damn. It is big."

"That feels good," I groaned softly. She kept sliding her hand along my shaft, her fingers running over my engorged head with each stroke.

"You know, um, if you wanted, you could, um, you could touch me too if you wanted."

"Under your skirt?"

"Unless you want me to take it off."

"Take it off?"

She grinned. "Okay, since you asked nice." She let go of my dick and in only a few moments her skirt was around her ankles, exposing a pair of tiny black panties that clearly had a very wet crotch. She wasn't done yet though. She pushed her panties down to her knees, exposing her completely hairless pussy and mound. She reached for my hand and shuffled her feet slightly closer to me, pulling my hand to her pussy. I felt her hot wetness, as I let my fingers stroke her soft, protruding, inner lips. "Mmmm. That's better." She breathed softly, as she moved her hand back to my dick. "But if you ever tell anyone about this, I'll rip it off!"

"Got it. Who'd believe me anyway?"

"Well, just don't."

"Not likely!" I gasped, as she stroked her hand along my shaft again. "Oh damn, that feels good!"

"I'll take the picture when you come, if you let me know when."

"Okay. Won't be long, with you doing that."

"Yeah. I know the feeling."

"You like that?"

"Oh, hell yes! You're hitting just the right spot."

"So are you." I panted, as she worked me closer and closer to coming. "I'm going to come in a minute."

"So am I," she whispered.

"Oh, damn Becky. I don't know how much longer I can hold it!"

"So don't!"

"The picture?" I gasped.

"Oh fuck! Yeah!" She mumbled, as she fumbled with my cell phone.

"MISS WILLIAMS! What are you doing?!" We heard from the doorway to the shower room area. Becky jerked her head around.


I looked past Becky and saw the girls' gym teacher and cheerleader coach walking into the shower room.

"Oh shit!" I gasped, as the enormity of the situation hit me. She walked over to within a few feet of us, Becky's hand still holding my dick. I pulled my hand from between her legs and tried to push her hand away from my hardon, which she seemed to be gripping even harder.

"Miss Williams, just what the hell is going on here?"

"Um, nothing?" She answered hopefully.

Miss Song stood with her arms crossed. "Young lady, this is most certainly NOT nothing!"

"It's my fault." I started to say.

"I'm sure it is. And just who are you exactly? And don't try to give me any fake names!"

"Um. Billy West ma'am."

"Well Mr. West. Tell me, just how is this all your fault? Seems to me, it takes two for something like this."

"I talked her into coming to take a picture of me doing this stupid dare. She just sorta got caught up in the moment."

"And the stupid dare?"

"It's kind of embarrassing."

"More embarrassing than getting caught naked in the girls showers?"

"I, um, I sorta had to have her take my picture, naked in the girls shower." I said, blushing again.

"I see. And Miss Williams was your selection for this dubious honor?"

"Yes ma'am." I admitted, looking down at the floor.

"Miss Williams, I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt. You clearly exercised poor judgment getting involved in this. I would have expected better from you. Get your pants on and go. You and I will talk about this later."

"Yes Miss Song." She said, quickly pulling her underwear up from around her knees and then bending down for her skirt. Up until then I'd done a pretty good job of hiding myself behind her. But with her moving as she put on her skirt, I was left exposed. Miss Song stood only a few feet from me, her arms crossed just under her modest sized boobs, looking me up and down. She took long seconds working her gaze up and down my naked body, pausing twice looking at my hand covered crotch. "Here's your phone, Billy." Becky said, holding my phone out.

"I'll take that." Miss Song said, taking the phone from Becky, who looked apologetically at me before handing the phone to Miss Song and then leaving. She turned the phone to use my face to unlock it. "Well now. What should we do about you? Tell me again, just what you were supposed to have a picture of? I don't see any picture of you standing there naked, so clearly there had to be something else involved."

"It was supposed to be me coming." I whispered, looking at the floor.

"I'm sorry. I couldn't hear that. What did you say?"

"It was supposed to be of me coming." I said louder, feeling my face burning red.

"I'm not sure I heard that correctly. Are you telling me Miss Williams was going to take a picture of you ejaculating in my shower room?" I looked at the floor and nodded. "I see. And this was some kind of dare?"

"I lost a bet and this was, well, this was what I had to do to pay off the bet."

"I see. It seems like you went to a lot of risk to pay a silly bet."

"Yes ma'am. It was."

"Alright. Since you're already paying the price, you might as well get your picture." I looked up at her with a startled look. "Oh yes. You are clearly going to pay for this, so you might as well get what you're paying for."

"So, you want me to..."

"Finish what you started? Yes, I'll take the picture." I stared at her, more shocked than anything else. I didn't really think about what she said about paying the price, it was more that she wanted me to stand there and jack off in front of her. "Well?"

"I. um. I don't know."

"It seemed like the two of you were doing a pretty good job of getting each other there when I walked in. I don't see any reason you shouldn't finish."

"I don't think I can." I mumbled.

She looked down at me and stepped closer. "Put your hands on your head."


"Hands on your head." She said simply. I moved my hands slowly from my crotch, exposing my flaccid dick and rested both hands on my head. She reached out and gently grasped my dick and began to play with it. She teased and tugged it, slowly getting it to grow in her hand. She slipped the phone into the pocket of her spandex yoga pants, and stepped in front of me. She used both hands on my dick and began to massage and tease my balls with her other hand. "Mmmmm. Seems like you have a fairly, good sized piece of hardware here. I can see why Miss Williams was getting into what she was doing. Probably thinking about what this would feel like sliding in and out of her hot, wet pussy. Is that what you think about when you stroke off, sliding it in and out of a hot wet pussy?" When I didn't answer right away, she grinned a little. "I'm not surprised. Whose pussy are you thinking about now? Miss Williams, or mine?" I definitely was NOT going to answer that, especially since I was looking at her crotch and thinking exactly that. "Come on. You can answer me."

"You," I whispered, barely loud enough to be heard.

"I thought as much. Boys are so visual. Alright. Here's something to look at." She let go of my dick and in moments, pushed her spandex pants down to her thighs, exposing her from her waist to her thighs. She had a patch of short trimmed blonde curls on her mound, but the parts of her full round outer lips I could see were shaved bare. She had no inner labia protruding at all, making her pussy look much like what I'd seen on videos of teen girls, or at least, what the videos wanted you to think were teen girls, since everyone knew they had to be at least eighteen. Miss Song was older than that, maybe twenty-five or twenty-six years old. When she let go of her pants, she reached for the hem of the spandex shirt she had on, and pulled the bottom up, pulling it and the built-in bra up over her small, maybe C cup, boobs, leaving her naked from her upper chest to her thighs.

"Holy shit." I breathed as I stared at her mostly nude body. She reached back to my dick and started stroking again, this time with both hands.

"Mmmmmm. That's better. Now you're getting really hard, and bigger too. Yeah, this is a very nice sized dick." She whispered, as she stroked with both hands on my shaft, her fingers didn't quite reach all the way around my shaft and touch her palms, and with both hands on my shaft, a couple inches and my mushroom head easily stuck up over her hands. Her strokes slid up and down my shaft, her hand sliding completely over my engorged head with each stroke. I could feel my pre-cum leaking and being spread over my shaft, but even so, it was clearly not enough lubrication. She leaned over me a little more and drooled saliva down onto my head as she continued to stroke. "There. Better?"

"Oh God, yes." I groaned softly.

"You going to come for me?"

"Uh huh." I panted in response, knowing that she had pushed me back, nearly to where I had been before. I could feel the warmth and tingle of my impending orgasm growing inside me, radiating out through my body. "Oh God. Gonna come." I panted.

"Good. Let it happen." She whispered, continuing to stroke me without moving from in front of me. "Let me see it."

"Oh God." I squeaked slightly, feeling my climax about to take over.

"That's it. Let it happen. Come for me. Let me see your fat cock squirting all over me. That's what you want, isn't it? To see your cum sprayed all over my tits and my pussy?"

"Oh damn." I grunted, as I stared at her mostly naked body. I felt my body stiffen and then jerk hard, a huge gush of cum lancing out of my dick toward her. I watched, as the long creamy rope of cum pushed up through the air toward her, landing on her right breast, right next to her nipple. The sight of it seemed to make the next surge even stronger, spraying onto her other breast and leaving a long rope down her stomach. Half a dozen times I pumped cum out at her, her hands aiming my dick, so that I'd sprayed onto both tits and several smaller, less intense surges, onto her mound, some of it slowly sliding down onto her pussy lips. She let go of my now softening dick, letting it droop down between us, but not stepping away. She reached into the pants pocket by her knees and drew out my phone. She used my face to unlock it and then quickly found the camera app. She took several pictures, of my cum, on her tits and pussy, as well as leaking from my dick. Her final picture was of the head of my only partly hard dick, pressed to her incredibly sexy pussy lips, as if it were trying to push into her.

"Now to send them." She whispered, sending the pictures to someone else as I stood there, leaning against the wall, still panting.

"Who did you send them too?" I asked in shock, suddenly afraid of who might see them.

"Not to worry. No faces are included. But just so you know, you just texted them to me. Now, if you want to, you can stand right there and watch or take pictures of me doing the same thing. Unless of course you want to make it happen."


"You do know how to make a woman climax, don't you?"

"Actually, Becky was the first one I ever touched in person, besides my sister once."

"Well then, maybe it's time you learned. If you're going to expect a girl to do what I just did, you need to be able to return the favor." She reached for my hand and pulled it to her crotch. "Now, just slip your hand between my thighs. Yes, like that. Now let your finger rub along my pussy lips. Yes, just like that!" She whispered, as I started to slide my hand back and forth between her thighs, the side of my pointer finger working between her hot wet lips. I could feel her lips spread and allow my finger between them and then saw her take in a quick breath. "There you go. You found my clit. Now you want to rub it, but not roughly. Make some of your strokes firm, and others softer, gentler. But that's where you want to rub." She reached down and set my phone between her legs, laying it on the crotch of her yoga pants. I could see it was videoing her pussy as I stroked it, filming my hand as well as her entire pussy. She took my other hand and lifted it to one of her breasts and then coaxed me to squeeze and twist one of her nipples. "Yes. There you go. That's going to make me come. Ahhhhh, yes. I can feel it coming. It's growing. Don't stop. Whatever you do, don't stop." She panted.

I continued to stroke my fingers between her lips, teasing her with my strokes, pressing harder and then lighter, making her whole body seem to tremble and shudder. It went on like that for almost two minutes before she pulled my hand from between her legs. She reached down and got the phone, stopping the video.

"Now, you have something to watch while you jack off at home." She said, as she fixed her pants and shirt, not bothering to clean any of my cum off of her. "Now, we have to do something about the price of all this. Since you like the girls' locker room so well, I think it's only appropriate that you police it up after cheerleading practice. Once the girls are all done, you can come in and pick up all the towels and clean things up. And while they're practicing, you can be our mat boy."

"Mat boy?"

"Someone to help get the mats out and put them away again after practice. I think you can handle it. Practice is Monday, Tuesday and Thursday from four to five. I expect to see you there. If not, some of those pictures of your dick might accidently get circulated around school."

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