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Long Haul Pt. 01

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Adventures in truck driving.
4k words

Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 02/22/2006
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Chapter 1 – Reggie's Rotten Luck

It was a rotten weekend. Reggie's job as a heavy equipment operator had ended last Friday, after the site they were working on had been sold to a "preservation group". No explanations, just "thanks, but we won't be needing you anymore". He'd had it out with his live-in girl friend that night and she'd left Saturday morning taking her moth-eaten cat with her. She called Sunday to let him know she'd come back once he got his life together and learned how to control his temper. In retrospect, maybe he shouldn't have thrown the phone at her cat Friday night, but it was sharpening it's claws on his new sofa and she did nothing but giggle, thinking it was just "so cute".

His ex-wife found out that he'd lost his job and she was bitching about his ability to keep those fat child support checks rolling in, so she could continue to sit around on her fat ass everyday. Supporting her lifestyle alone took over $1200 per month for the 2 kids they'd had, but she refused to let him see. Seems that she had a problem with him seeing the children, as he was a blue-collar man and she wanted only the finer lifestyle for the children. He'd gotten to see them one weekend before Christmas, but the visit had been cut short when the ex-wife found out about the live-in girlfriend. Apparently, her church beliefs did not allow for co-habitation to be present in front of "her" children.

So, here it was Monday morning and he found himself standing in front of the Unemployment Office with his termination slip in hand, waiting to file his unemployment claim and hope for another job which would allow him to meet his financial obligations. His head was aching and he was in no mood to take anymore crap from the women in his life. He'd find a job and shovel the money out, just to keep that bitch of an ex-wife off his back. He'd set his mind and was going to refuse to allow the girl-friend back. Control his temper?? – Screw her and her cat!

He walked in the unemployment office and was surprised to be greeted by a smiling woman of about 30. Her "Good morning, sir. How may I help you?" was accompanied by her looking directly into his eyes. He just showed her his termination slip and she handed him the papers he would need to fill out. He accepted the pen she offered, sat down and filled in as much as he could, then returned the papers to her. Instead of ushering him back to a seat to wait, as he thought she would; she led him to her office, and invited him to sit down. Her name was Deidra. She was a heavy-set, blonde and perky woman with huge breasts. For the next 45 minutes, she asked him questions, processed his paperwork, let him know the process involved and how much money he would receive. She looked at his job qualifications and when she asked about his drivers license, she started to smile. Deidra told him she had a job opening for someone with a Commercial Driver's license to drive long haul for a company nearby. They were paying a percentage of each load, with an average of $1,500 per week. This sounded great to Reggie. He'd driven for 12 years during his marriage and enjoyed the job. The only problem for most people on that job would be the fact that they would be gone for up to two weeks to a month at a time. No problem there really. It would give him the time away to clear his mind and figure out what he wanted out of life. He accepted the referral information and headed to the trucking company with a glimmer of hope that this job might be the answer to his present situation.

Two hours later, Reggie was relaying the recent events in his life to his friends Bryan and Amy at their store. They were the owners of a local tattoo and body piercing shop and had been friends with Reggie since his divorce. Amy was quick to ask about the lady he'd met at the unemployment office. Apparently Reggie had described her a little too well, and Amy had picked up on the fact that he was more than just a little intrigued by her. They all looked up a few moments later as the bell rang, letting them know someone had come into the shop. Amy greeted the woman at the counter and found out she wanted a butterfly tattooed on her left shoulder. Bryan and Reggie stayed in the back of the shop, but Reggie had listened intently when he heard the woman's voice. Where they were sitting, they could look through the gap in the curtain and Reggie was thrilled to see he was correct – the voice he heard was Deidra.

As Amy escorted the woman back to her chair, Reggie stood up and said "Hello again" as she passed by. Deidra laughed and responded with a grin and "nice to see you again". Reggie let her know he had gotten the job and would be leaving on Wednesday morning for a short "training run" with a company driver, heading to Texas and back. He thanked her for her help and left her in Amy's capable hands. He and Bryan went to the front of the shop to give the ladies some privacy, but stayed close enough to hear the conversation between them. Amy knew Reggie was listening and helped to find out as much as she could for Reggie. Deidra was 33, her father had died recently and the butterfly was meant as a memorial to him. She was married and had been so for 16 years – unhappily apparently. She had 2 children, 14 year old twin boys. Her husband was a mechanic, earned a good living, but chose to spend his time with his buddies, working or with one of his girlfriends. Deidra knew her husband was going to be very unhappy about the tattoo, but she didn't care. She told Amy she had already found a lawyer and was planning a divorce, but just hadn't gotten up the nerve yet. Reggie smiled and left the shop, telling Bryan he would see them Saturday.

Wednesday morning arrived and Reggie reported for work at 5:00 a.m., bag packed and ready to go. The driver he was to meet, Tony, was in the truck doing his pre-trip check. Tony showed Reggie around the company office, the layout of the trailer lot and the procedure for their paperwork. By this time it was 6:00 a.m. and Tony looked at Reggie and said, "Just so you know, my old lady will be traveling with us. This goes against company policy, but you can either keep your mouth shut about it or I'll tell the boss you showed up drunk and I sent you home. What's it gonna be?" Reggie let him know he had no problem with it, he just wanted to get on the road. Tony walked back to his car, which was parked at the end of the lot and opened the trunk. Reggie watched as he reached in and pulled up a small woman with blond hair who could have been no older than 25. Her wrists were cuffed in front of her and a bandana was tied around her mouth. She was wearing shorts and a skin tight tank top that showed off her excited nipples very clearly.

Her eyes were twinkling and he could see the slightest hint of a smile as Tony hoisted her up and into the big truck. As Tony turned around he smiled at Reggie and said "Did I mention she was my slave? She'll do anything I tell her and will be happy to do it." The men climbed into the truck and Reggie was finally able to get a good look inside. Tony advised that each driver was assigned a specific truck and could modify the inside within reason. Tony's modifications included raising the top bunk in the sleeper, and chains hanging down that were apparently attached to some sort of a wench. Tony attached his slave's wrist cuffs (which Reggie could see were actually padded restraints) to the chains with an "S" link and raised the chains with the push of a button until she was stretched into a sexy pose with her hands held firmly above her and her feet touching the floor. He patted her on the ass, gave her a peck on the cheek and hopped in the driver's seat. Reggie sat staring in awe of the two.

Chapter 2 – Tony and Brandy

The big truck roared to life, and Tony pulled it out of the yard. Ten minutes later the trio were on Highway 75, headed north to Atlanta to take I-20 into Dallas. Reggie had sat staring out the window since hitting the big road and could finally take it no longer – he had to know what was going on – a fully grown, beautiful woman swinging by padded wrist cuffs from the roof of a Condo-Sleeper in the back of an 18-wheeler tractor trailer was not an everyday event. Tony had wondered how long it would take for Reggie to ask and readily began to relay their story.

He'd met Brandy a year before, at a truck-stop in Jacksonville. No, she wasn't a waitress or a cashier. She was a lot-lizard. She'd been going truck to truck sucking off and fucking truckers for money to pay her rent and buy groceries, and was so tired by the time she'd gotten in Tony's rig, she'd fallen asleep when he screwed her. Or so she had thought – Tony was quick to tell Reggie (while glancing back and giving Brandy a sly smile) that he'd given her a soft drink that he'd popped a couple of ground up sleeping pills into. She woke up 4 hours later, in southern Alabama tied on the bed of the sleeper, with a ball gag shoved in her mouth. It had taken a few weeks of training, but now she was his perfect slave. Her training ensued at each stop the big rig made. Her clothes were already gone, as Tony had cut them off and thrown them out the window going down I-10.

Tony had been in the S&M scene for many years and was well practiced in the techniques of breaking a slave. He had explained her new life to her – she was his slave, his property – he would take care of her needs and she would provide him with pleasure, in any manner he saw fit. He'd placed a catheter in her in order to keep her from having to piss while they were going down the highway. To humiliate her, he had put an adult diaper on her in case she had to defecate. She cried each time she did, as he made her lay there in it until he was ready to change her. He'd removed the ball gag and made her beg him to change and clean her each time for the first 2 days. It was important to humiliate her and break her will. She had to know that he was in charge of everything in her life now.

For the first 2 days, she was given very little to eat or drink – mostly water and a few slices of bread that he fed her with his own hand. Each time she had to thank him for anything he had done for her. Failure to thank Tony (or Master as she was required to refer to him) would result in a cane lashing her back 6 times for each infraction. On the third day, Tony parked the big-rig and asked Brandy if she'd like a cheese-burger and she was so happy she was crying as she nodded yes. He removed the gag and told her to beg. "Please Master, Please may I have a cheese-burger?" Tony smiled. She was crying as she begged. He told her that he would get her the food, if she showed him how grateful she was. He was unzipping his pants as he did. Brandy had assumed he wanted a blow-job. That was no big deal to her, as she'd been a prostitute for years before being taken. She opened her mouth, expecting him to shove his dick inside. Tony grabbed an empty Gatorade bottle and started to piss. He stopped when it was half full and looked at Brandy. He said, "I'm almost finished. I want you to suck out the last piss from me and swallow it." She closed her mouth and turned her head. Tony finished pissing in the Gatorade bottle, tied Brandy back on the bunk and got out of the truck, taking the bottle to the nearest trash can. He got back in the truck after about 20 minutes with a pack of crackers and a bottle of water and started feeding her the crackers. He let her eat 3 saltines and she drank a few sips of the water before the gag went back in her mouth. She cried as the truck pulled back on to the highway.

About six hours later, Tony again pulled over and made her beg for food. By now she was starving. "I tried to be nice and only make you swallow a little, but you wanted to be a bitch. Now, you can either swallow it all, or you won't eat anything for the next 24 hours." Brandy just turned her head away. The gag went back on. Tony went inside and ate.

He had slept each night in the sleeper beside her, holding her and caressing her body, but never penetrating her. He would pull on the catheter just for fun to make her wince, but he did not take it out. He rotated her position during the day, sometimes rolling her to her tummy or back, her sides and even having her stand with her hands attached to rings attached to the side of the top bunk bed. Each time he came near her, he was sure to rub his hands across her body, lick her nipples and occasionally rub his finger around her clit. She was aroused and left in want. He would smile each time he felt her growing wetness and return to the driver's seat of the truck, only to crank the engine and continue their journey.

The next day was not a good one for Brandy. Tony refused to even acknowledge she was there, having lifted the bottom bunk and put her inside the small storage compartment after he awakened. She'd shit on herself but he didn't even check on her. The truck stopped twice during the day, but she didn't know what time it was or even if it was still day-light outside. Finally after she'd given up hope and she had no more tears left, he opened the bunk and pulled her out. It was dark. He brought out the baby wipes and took care of cleaning her. Instead of replacing the diaper, he left her naked but the gag remained in place. The catheter bag was still strapped to her leg, but with the small amount of food and water she'd ingested, it was less than half full. When she looked out the windows in front, she did not see a truck stop or any of the big glaring lights she was used to. He quickly blindfolded her, tossed her over his shoulder and stepped out of the truck and down the steps to the ground. He walked a few steps and she heard a car door open. She was tossed into the car truck and told to keep quiet.

The car finally stopped and he removed her from the trunk, again tossing her over his shoulder. She heard a door opening and felt warmth as they went into a building. She was tossed down onto a carpeted floor, bruising her ass. He yanked the blindfold off and she discovered she was in a sparsely lit house. He grabbed her by her hair and sat her up on her knees, opening his pants with his other hand. His cock was loosed from its confinement and was promptly pushed into her mouth. He gripped her hair with both hands and started pumping. Brandy was an accomplished cocksucker, having serviced many lonely drivers in her tenure as a lot lizard and willingly stroked his turgid member with her tongue as he pummeled her mouth. It wasn't long before she heard him groan and a wave of cum erupted into her mouth. "Now, Bitch, you want things the hard way – FINE. If one drop of this comes out of your mouth, I will take the cane and I won't stop until every part of your body is bleeding." With that, he shoved his now softening dick further into her mouth and a hot foul tasting liquid began pouring from it. She had learned her master meant what he said in his threats and swallowed as quickly as she could. Although she gagged once, all but a few drops passed down her throat. "Thank you Master" said Brandy after he had removed his cock from her lips. Tony smiled as he realized she was breaking. He told her not to move and walked into the kitchen.

He positioned himself where he could see her and watched for a few moments. Brandy never even flinched. She knelt still as a stone on the floor. He went to the cupboard and took out a packet of instant oatmeal, and mixed in some hot tap water in the bowl. He stirred the mixture and took it to Brandy. She looked up and he told her to open her mouth. He spooned the mixture slowly into her mouth. She thanked him after each bite. He walked back to the kitchen and returned with another glass of water. She drank it and again thanked him.

Tony pulled her up and led her into the bathroom. It had been at least 4 days since she had bathed and even with his cleaning her with the baby wipes, she had begun to smell. He laid her on her back on the cold tile floor and told her to spread her legs. He began to rub her clit and Brandy tilted her head back. He then took his other hand and removed the catheter slowly. It was slightly painful, but Brandy did not complain. Instead she thanked her Master. He started the warm water in the tub and told her to get in. With her hands still restrained in front of her, he thoroughly scrubbed her hair and washed her body. Tony made her raise her arms above her head, and using his own razor, shaved her underarms. He then had her lift each leg to the side of the tub, and he lathered and shaved them. She again thanked him. He realized it was time for Brandy to be tested.

Tony told her there was no way out of the bathroom except the door into his bedroom. He told her he was going to release her hands and he wanted her to take the razor and shave her pussy. Instead of being shocked, Brandy smiled and replied, "Yes, master." He released the restraints and handed her the razor and shaving cream. Tony knew there was nothing in the bathroom that she could have used as a weapon, so he told her she had 15 minutes to completely shave herself, if any hair was left, she would be caned. She was told to shave and open the bathroom door after she was finished.

Tony left the bathroom and waited. 13 minutes later, the door opened and a smiling Brandy walked into the bedroom. Tony told her to lie down on her back, on the bed and he would inspect her. To his delight, she was as smooth as a baby's bottom. "Is Master Pleased?" she asked with a slight smile on her face. In reply, Tony buried his tongue inside the plump folds of her cunt and began licking and sucking each of her lower lips. He licked up and found the little nub of her clit and licked it until it began to plump against his tongue. He then sucked it between his teeth and began to slowly gnaw on it, as he inserted a finger into her dampening opening. Brandy was writhing beneath his ministrations, her head thrown back, biting on her lower lip. The last few days of sexual frustration having left her in a constant state of arousal, it only took moments for Brandy to approach her climax. Just as her legs began to shake, Tony pulled away from her.

"What do you want?" Tony asked. Her eyes pleaded with him, but he wouldn't budge. "Please make me cum master, please!" she replied. "What are you?" he asked. "Your slave, master! Please finish me, please!" "Will you stay with me of your own free will and abide by my rules?" he asked, while stroking his hand up and down her leg. "Yes, please, anything, just finish me, master, please!"

He stood quickly and, in one swift moment embedded his cock in her pussy. Brandy moaned as he pulled out completely, only to immediately force his member back into her body. He repeated the movement with an increasing pace. His hands gripped her hips and ass and he slammed harder and harder. Brandy's pussy began to quake under his assault and her release came in a geyser of fluid and her muscles grabbing his cock. He continued to pound away at her during her orgasm, and once she finished, he grabber her hard by her hair, jumped to straddle her chest and forced her mouth onto his throbbing erection. With only a few quick thrusts, Brandy was treated to her second cum feast exploding down her throat this evening. She dutifully licked her master's dick and balls free of her cum juice and he rolled beside her. Tony raised her left arm above her head and affixed her wrist to the bed with a restraint attached to the spindles of the headboard.

The next day Tony and Brandy truly began their life together. Tony asked Brandy about her life and she was only too eager to answer her master's questions. Brandy was 23, had been a run-away at 17 and had been working the truck-stops ever since. She'd rented a room at a "long-stay" motel, but had been having to work her ass off (literally) to keep the rent paid and keep food in her mouth. She enjoyed sex, but was tired of being afraid of getting beaten or killed every day. The talked for hours and Tony told her that from now on, he would take care of her, provide for her needs and all she would have to do is take care of his home (when they were there) and provide him company and comfort on the road. Tony's sexual tastes ran strictly toward a BDSM lifestyle. He was the master and she was his slave. After years of prostituting herself, Brandy was only too happy to submit herself to her master.


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