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Lora Ch. 01

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Lora was my former student.
5.7k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 07/11/2023
Created 12/19/2022
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Lora and I were together for 3 years before I realized that I knew very little about her fantasies and deep-down wishes.

I was her biology teacher in college. She was smart, smiley, and a hard worker. I used her motivation and dedication multiple times as an example for the rest of the class. I liked her a lot as a student.

I was also attracted to her physically, but I was too scared of the implications. At the time she was 22 and I was 36 years old. In class, I tried my best to address everybody. But with her eyes focused on me, it seemed like I was talking to her. On occasions, there were subtle hints that only she understood. When it happened she would smile at me.

On her last day in school, Lora approached me, and with a soft voice, she mumbled, "Mr. Gibbons, you were my best teacher in college and I owe you a lot. I bought a small present for you. I hope you'll like it." She handed me a small box and continued, "Please teach, open it later, when you are already at home."

I gazed at her pretty face, "Lora, that is very nice of you, but you know that is unnecessary. It was my pleasure to instruct such a great student. I am sure that you'll excel in whatever you choose to concentrate on in life."

She approached me and kissed my cheek. I saw tears in her eyes. She glanced at me one more time and then she left.

At home, I opened the box and found inside a decorative heart made of colored glass. Underneath there was a small card with an inscription, 'To the best person I know. My teacher, my friend, and... my love.' On the back of the card were her e-mail and phone number.

I sat down, closed my eyes, and recalled several episodes that should have given me clues about her feelings toward me earlier. When we were alone discussing a project, she was leaning into me with her body frequently touching my own. On breaks, whenever I was talking to another female student for more than a few seconds, I noticed her staring at me continuously.

I wasn't sure what was the right thing to do. I was not married and had no girlfriend. And Lora was a very attractive girl. She was about 5'6", 130 pounds, with blond hair, and a great figure. However, I was 14 years her senior and she was my former student...

I decided to think about it for several days. I attempted to behave as usual with my parents and friends, but it was tough. Deep inside I was torn. I wanted to call her, but I was still hesitant.

One day my mother called to chat. She mentioned that Dad was becoming older and forgetful. It was time for me to find a good woman, get settled, and have kids, so Dad would see grandkids before his brain gives in. I said that I was too busy teaching and didn't have time to meet girls.

"Son, I understand what you are saying, but you are not getting younger and so do we. You better set your priorities straight."

"OK ma, I'll consider it. Say hi to Dad for me."

The same evening I called Lora, "Hi Lora, this is Allen Gibbons. I hope you still remember your old biology teacher."

She chuckled, "After the first word you didn't have to say anything. I knew it was you. Did you look at my present?"

I smirked, "Young lady, I got a heart made out of glass. After reading the card, I was wondering if this is really the heart you meant to offer me..."

"It was a symbolic gift. Since my first semester in your class, I felt that we had a connection that was much more than a teacher and a pupil. My impression was that the only reason you ignored me was because I was your student. But now that I am not, I wondered if you will reconsider it."

"Lora, I'll be lying if I told you that I am not attracted to you, but that is not a good enough reason to waste your time. Many students become fascinated with their teachers, so you may be one of those."

"Look, now that you are no longer my official mentor, may I call you Allen?"

"Yes, of course."

"Allen, in the beginning, I thought so too. However, it never happened to me with other teachers. The more time passed, the more I fell in love with the person that I saw so often in school. I don't know much about you except for what you allowed me to see, but you are a good man, very patient, funny, extremely wise, and... attractive. If I go on, I doubt that I'll find anybody better! If you do not have a mate, why not try?"

"Lora dear, I am 14 years older than you. I could almost pass as your dad..."

"Allen, let's compromise. You will take me to a restaurant and I'll call you 'Daddy'."

I laughed, "You are so stubborn! How can I say no to my favorite student?"

"Allen, I am your FORMER student..."

"OK, it's a deal. What kind of food do you like?"

"Anything but burgers. Seafood, Thai, Indian, Mediterranean... you choose."

"I know a good seafood restaurant and can make the reservation. Is Saturday at 6:30 pm good for you?"

"Absolutely. Give me the address and I'll meet you there on time."


I arrived 5 minutes early. Our table was ready and the waitress seated me. I didn't have to wait long. Minutes later I saw Lora following our waitress. I could hardly recognize her. Her flowing blond hair adorned her pretty face. The golden ring earrings were barely seen. She smiled when she noticed me and her luscious red lips looked so tempting! A midi-style black dress with generous cleavage just added to her sex appeal.

I had to shake myself out of these thoughts. 'Man... grow up and behave! After all, you were her teacher just a few weeks ago. She is just a child!...'

I stood up and extended my hand to her. She ignored it and kissed my cheek instead, "Allen, it's not a girl scout camp. It's a date."

"Lora, you are a beautiful woman, but it's difficult for me to get over the fact that 2 minutes ago I addressed you as my young student. How do you expect me to ignore our age difference?"

"Look, it's our first date and I hope that we'll meet again after we leave the restaurant. But if the age difference still bothers you so much, from now on I won't call you Allen, but Daddy. Happy?..."

I laughed, "Lora, address me as Daddy. It will make the whole atmosphere more amusing and less serious."

"Would you rather it be Daddy or Sugar Daddy?..."

"Lora, I was never exposed to your funny side. You have a great sense of humor!"

"Daddy, there are many things you don't know about me yet. It's only our first date. Slowly we'll learn about each other. I don't know much about you either, but from the little I do know, I like you a lot."

"Thank you. Now let's choose something to eat. Did you look at the menu yet?"

"Not really. Walking here I saw you ogle me with your eyes. I knew that I had to sit down quickly before you eat me!..."

I blushed, "Sorry girl. For a moment I was staring at a very attractive woman, completely forgetting who you were..."

"Allen, thanks for the nice compliment. Now, can you forget everything you knew about me before today and think of me as,... how did you say it, a very attractive woman?"

"I'll try... I'll order the New England clam chowder soup and the Grouper. What about you?"

Lora gazed at the menu for a moment, "I want the cranberry salad, and... you. But if you are not on the menu, I'll take the Mahi Mahi..."

"Girl, were you always so bold with other men too?"

"No. Actually, I am a shy person, but I feel different when I am with you. I feel that I know you well for a long time. With you, I feel at home. I do not need to pretend to be somebody else..."

"I am happy to hear that."

The appetizers were served and both of us started eating. We hardly talked until the end of the tasty meal. We were exchanging glances, smiled at each other, and then continued eating.

Eventually, we were done. I paid the waitress and added a nice tip. As we were heading toward our cars Lora noticed the big tip and commented, "I always knew that you are a good man. But I see that you are generous as well..."

I smirked, "Is this an opening line so that later you ask Daddy for a bigger allowance?"

"Yes, Daddy! However, it's not your money that I want. I want you to kiss me. When you stared at my body, I was glancing at you and I loved your lips. I have an urge to feel them right now on mine!"

I chuckled, "Girl, I am afraid that being with you for another half an hour will end up with me being raped..."

Lora grinned, "Daddy, you sound miserable, but I see through you. I think that you find me attractive and you'd like to touch my body. The only reason you won't do it is because you are a wimp. Your body wants to do it, but your brain is scared..."

"Are you the same Lora, that until lately was a quiet, polite, gentle student?!..."

"Daddy, thank you for the delicious dinner. look, I think that you talk too much. I told you how I feel about you. Now it's up to you if you want us to continue dating or not. You have my numbers... May I get one good kiss before we separate?"

I held her in my arms and softly covered her pouty lips with mine. She hugged my waist and her soft breasts crushed against my lower chest. My prick reacted immediately, beginning to harden. Lora raised her face to me and kissed me again, this time with an open mouth. My tongue found hers in a passionate French kiss.

My cock gradually expanded further, hitting her lower abdomen. She moaned and ground against my front. My arousal grew fast...

I forced myself to disconnect from her sexy body whispering, "Lady, you are dangerous! We continue like this and we'll be having sex on the street in no time!..."

Lora laughed, "Daddy, I leave now. As I said, I want you more than anything in the world. If you feel the same, call me."

She sent me an air kiss and drove away.


Never in my life, I was so tempted by a woman. Lora was everything that a man can dream about. She had wisdom, beauty, and sexiness, and... she wanted me. So what if she was much younger and used to be my student?!...

I held up for a week before calling her. By the weekend I dialed her number. She chortled, "I knew that eventually, you'd understand that we were meant for each other. The problem is that your stubbornness is messing up with your brain. Can I come to your house?"


"Right now."

"But except for coffee, tea, and some cookies, I don't have much to offer you. How about tomorrow? I'll be more prepared."

"Allen, if I wanted to eat or drink, I'd suggest going OUT together. I want YOU! I waited for too long already..."

"Lora... I hardly know you anymore. You were so polite and gentle in class. You turned into an aggressive beast!"

She whispered sweetly on the phone, "Daddy, you turned me into one! I waited years for you. I waited and waited, but enough! As we speak, I want to feel your body on mine. Don't you find my body enticing? Don't you want to see what I have under my clothes?..."

"Lora, you know my address. I'll be here."

She hung up the phone.

I arranged my home the best I could, including placing the dirty plates in the dishwasher, putting away the laundry, and changing the sheet on my bed. Then I shaved and took a very short shower.

Lora rang the door when I was drying up. I shouted through the closed door, "Just a second, let me put something on myself."

"Please don't! You are wasting time. Soon you'll be naked anyway..."

I thought about it for a moment and then opened the door with my towel wrapped around my waist.

She gazed at me with a grin on her face, "Daddy, you look awesome. If I weren't shy, I would have eaten you alive..."

I laughed, "You, shy? Are you the same Lora I was talking to on the phone half an hour ago?!..."

Lora ogled my half-naked body for a couple of seconds and then she whispered, "Please remove the towel. I want to see all of you. PLEASE!"

"No such thing! If you want to see me in the nude, you better take off your clothes too."

"Daddy, I am embarrassed to do it. Will you be nice and help me undress?"

"Lora, you are such a tease! OK, I'll remove your clothes, but afterward, I may spank you for being very naughty!"

She gazed at me and mumbled sweetly, "You are right. I was a BAD girl. I deserve to be punished... But first I want us to see each other with our birthday suit."

When I approached her, she stood still with a smile on her face. I started by unbuttoning her blouse from the top down. The stunning cleavage above her soft white bra was hard to miss. My eyes focused on her perfect mounds. I noticed her nipples hardening and pushing forward... Next, I unzipped her jeans and lowered them to the floor. The concave navel above her low-cut white panties was pierced with a small blue stoned ring. I liked it.

Watching her heavenly body in front of me with only a bra and tiny panties on was fantastic for my upper brain. However, my lower brain had different ideas... It began its ascent and soon enough my towel displayed a huge tent that was tough to miss.

"Daddy, you are so nice helping me with MY clothes. Would you like me to reciprocate and free the big thing you have down there?..."

"Yes. But only after I have seen all of you."

I moved behind her and unclasped her bra. The cups remained covered. I walked to her front, seeing her smile broaden. She was enjoying it immensely!

With trembling fingers, I released the cups exposing the most beautiful tits I have ever seen! The areolas were pinky cream color and stood firm without minimal sag. The dark pink nipples were hard and very tempting... I resisted the urge to tweak them and instead placed my palms on her waist, gradually lowering her panties. Her tiny landing strip ended in a protruding mound...

By now my cock was pushing the towel toward the ceiling. My thighs and the bottom part of my sac were easily seen.

Lora stood still for a moment, allowing me to gaze uninterruptedly at her magnificent assets. Once I raised my eyes to hers she moved closer to me and slowly released the towel. Her eyes were mesmerized by my penis and she licked her lips, "Daddy, you were blessed with a very nice one! Shall we go to bed?"

I grabbed her hand and led her to my bed. We lay down side by side facing each other and started touching. I still recall our first time. We were both hungry for each other but hesitant. We gently caressed each other's organs until Lora whispered, "Please Allen, I can't take it anymore. I tried to be good and patient, but I want to feel you inside me..."

I was extremely horny as well, so I knelt between her wide-open thighs, inserted my cock gradually in, and then began pounding her cunt gingerly. She was so aroused, that after a couple of strokes, she started shivering and her mouth blubbered out, "Oh god! OH, GOD!!!... I aaam Cuuuuummmmmmming!..." Soon after her I orgasm too. I thought that it was perfect! It was nice and gentle and we both climaxed. What else did we need?!...

After a short relaxing break, we took a shower together. She washed me and I did her. It was an intimate act that I cherished for a long time afterward.


Following our first intercourse that solidified our relationship and commitment to each other, we started meeting 3 times a week and on weekends. When it was nice outside, we loved strolling in the park. When the weather did not cooperate, we'd go to museums, movies, or restaurants. Frequently we'd stay at my house and watch comedies or foreign movies on TV.

One time Lora brought her laptop to my house and said that she was spending a lot of time there, so she might as well prepare for her continuing education when we were resting. She told me that the other computer she owned was in her home. It sounded very logical because by now Lora was spending more time in my house, even when we did not have specific plans. She arranged my spare room as her working place, having there a good office chair and a small desk that she used for her computer work. Twice I suggested that I could help her with the preparation for her advanced studies, but she smiled and politely declined, saying that she loved me as a person, but she wanted to succeed without my help.

Routinely, once a week I did a superficial cleaning of my small home, doing Lora's room too. One evening she was working on her computer when she got a call from her mother. Her father was taken to the hospital with chest pains and a suspected heart attack. She cried uncontrollably and seemed very confused by the emergent situation. I offered to drive her to the hospital but she refused and elected to drive herself.

I stayed at home and tried to watch TV, but I couldn't concentrate. I turned it off, grabbed the dustbuster, and began cleaning the rooms. When I was working in Lora's room, I saw her computer screen turned on with half a page of some writing. As her former teacher, I was curious to see what she was working on.

The first few lines caught me by surprise. Just below the date was a paragraph that read, 'Today I was disappointed again. I love him so much! But he treats me like a princess. I wish he loses his niceness and start fucking me hard. At least once I want him to grab me by the hair and rape me. I tried to make him mad on occasion, but he didn't even think of punishing me. If he only knew my fantasy of being dominated, abused, tied, spanked... I think he would have fainted. He is so good to me. but why can't he be rougher now and then? I wish I could talk to him about it. I gave him multiple hints and even asked if Daddy wanted to punish me... Can't he just do it instead of laughing it off? I am so miserable. Sometimes when we separate I cry myself to sleep. Next, I might try to stare at his eyes and send him a silent message about being rougher, more brutal... Own me!'

The writing stopped and it was obvious that Lora planned to continue writing, but was interrupted by her mother's phone call. I sat down thinking. So dear Lora, whom I was very fond of and maybe even in love with... She wanted me to dominate her body. She wished to be controlled and roughed... It wasn't my nature, but if it was so important to her, I could do it.


The next day I called Lora to ask about her father. She sounded much better and said that a heart attack was ruled out. He was discharged in the morning with certain tablets that he already started taking. She'd be at my house later in the evening.

I was thinking about a plan to accomplish Lora's wishes. I had several free hours, which I used to buy certain accessories. By the time she arrived, I was ready.

"Honey, it's nice to hear that your father is doing better. Are you OK?"

"Yes. Much better now, but yesterday I was scared to death."

"Dear, let's stay at home and relax." I poured Chardonnay into 2 glasses, "Cheers!"

She smiled, "Are we celebrating something special tonight or do you want me drunk, so you can take advantage of my body?"

I smirked, "I didn't think about it that way, but your idea sounds like a good one. For quite some time now I made an impression of a nice person, but we are together long enough. I think it's time to find out more about the real me."

Lora sounded concerned, "What do you mean?"

"Girl, most of the time I can control my temper and behave nicely, but other times I become wilder. Aren't you the one who wanted to call me Daddy? Aren't you the girl who deserved to be punished a few times before? Well, I think the time has arrived to discover our real character. So from now on there is no Allen. I am Daddy. And as such you'll do what I tell you, otherwise I'll get mad and trust me, you won't like it a bit! By the way, I have the urge to fuck you right now. So be a good girl, undress, and wait for me in bed!"

Lora had a surprised look on her face, but it changed quickly to a grin, "Allen, stop pretending. You'll never be a tough guy."

I gazed sternly at her, "Today I tried to be gentle with you because I felt sorry for you, due to your father's illness. However, he is better now, so young BITCH, no more pleasantries. Take off your clothes and get on the bed."


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