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Lost Creek Wives' Club Pt. 03

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Lonesome wives form a unique association.
6.1k words

Part 3 of the 40 part series

Updated 04/12/2024
Created 01/01/2021
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The following is obviously a continuation of the Lost Creek Wives' Club series (LCWC), which as always, I recommend reading the prior chapter first as an introduction. And as mentioned before, this is my first fictional erotic story. Everyone depicted in it is purely fictitious, as well as the story line. All except for yours truly, which I took the liberty to use myself in an imaginary role as the lead character based on my own experiences and fantasies. And it's a long story with multiple parts in varying lengths, so please bear with it.

I also decided to publish this in the 'Mature' category, as well as all follow-on chapters instead of switching categories based on subject matter since it can be confusing to some. Not that I blame them. Plus the fact all the characters are mature adults, being well up there in years as with all my narratives.

As always, comments are welcome as long as they are constructive. Thank you.


After Jim fucked me bent over on the kitchen table, we had sex another two times by Sunday night. But in spite of having more than our fair share of sex for one weekend, it still crawled by. I spent a large part of it imagining what it was going to be like going down on another woman for the first time. Even worse, going down on Maureen, who's been there before. It would have been best if I did on Friday where it would have been spontaneous versus having the weekend to think about it. I couldn't believe how often I thought about what to do, and how. I even found myself with my tongue out in front of a mirror as I flicked it up and down, and back and forth. I also thought about watching lesbian porno flicks to get a better idea of how to pleasure a pussy orally.

Sunday night I couldn't sleep worth shit. When Jim got up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom he realized I was still awake.

"Something troubling you Lacey?"

"Not really. Too many cappuccinos maybe. I really need to think about buying decaffeinated coffee beans."

"You never had a problem with it keeping you awake before. Want me to get you a sleeping pill?"

"No. Besides, I don't think we even have any. You go to sleep. I'm going to get up and read for awhile, which always makes me sleepy."

I did, which is where Jim found me in the morning. On the sofa in the family room sound asleep with magazines scattered around me. After he woke me, we walked on our his and her treadmills for about forty-five minutes, or two miles, which we do religiously every morning. Although rarely together except on weekends. We then had a morning espresso. After he took his shower, dressed and left for work, I took mine.

Just as I was blow drying my hair, my iPhone chimed, which I had on the vanity. It was Maureen. When I looked at the clock radio on the nightstand by the bed, it was exactly eight o'clock. Seems she was as antsy as me about things. But during the night, I had this awful thought about her viewing me as an easy, or convenient lesbian fuck. Although I doubted it, it wasn't entirely improbable since she gave me the impression she was "active" in the past with other like-minded women and seemed to miss it. Experienced as hell for sure by the way she ate my pussy. Thinking it could be the case, I hesitated somewhat before answering.

"Good morning sweetheart."

"Good morning Maureen."

"How was your night?"

"Fine, except I didn't sleep much. Yours?"

"About the same...and probably for the same reason."

"I doubt it, but more on that later. What'll it be, your place or mine?"

"Here if you don't mind. With our security system we'll know immediately if anyone pulls in the driveway. So how soon can you be here?"

"I just got out of the shower, so how does nine o'clock sound?"

"Make it eight-thirty since you don't have to fuss with make-up for me. Or with what you wear since I plan on you being naked five minutes after you arrive."

"Very funny Maureen, but I'd never go out without any make-up. As for what I wear, I guess I could forego any undergarments to save time. So how does in forty-five minutes sound?"

"Too long, but I can live with it...and the front door will be unlocked, so just come in when you get here."

After which the call ended. And it was nice to get the impression she was eager to be with me as I was her. Although I still had this nagging thought about being a convenient fuck.

Before I got dressed, I gave myself a quick "look-over" in a full length wall mirror in the bedroom to assess my assets since Maureen was going to see me totally naked for the first time. Plus I was still having trouble fathoming as attractive and younger as she is, being attracted to someone nearly fifteen years older.

As for my weight, I wasn't as slim as when her age, but I wasn't a whole lot heavier either. I added a few pounds, ten maybe, of which some could be accounted for in my breasts at a now larger 36C. And they did sag somewhat due to the law of gravity slowly winning the tug of war. Plus there was a little extra weight around my tummy, which wasn't as flat as it used to be. But thankfully, none of it went to my hips. As for my bum, it was nearly as firm and shapely as when her age due to regular walks on the treadmill, and bike rides during the warmer months. Both of which probably had a lot to do without a hint of cellulite anywhere, and any stretch marks from having two daughters being all but long gone. As for my legs, same thing as far as still being fit and trim. Actually very shapely and ending with my pretty feet, which they've always been, and I keep that way with regular pedicures. Last but not least, I always thought I had a pretty pussy with eye-catching inner labia, which extended beyond the outer labia. Plus they're more visible due to the fact I have very little pubic hair, which what there is of it, is fine and silky, and blonde as winter wheat.

Once satisfied I looked as good for my age as I could hope, maybe even better, I dressed and headed for Maureen's house.


As soon as I closed the front door behind me, I heard it lock and Maureen yell..."I'm in the kitchen Lacey."

When I arrived there, her back was towards me as she was making froth with an espresso machine on the counter. She first looked over her shoulder at the clock on the wall, then at me..."You're two minutes late Lacey."

After confirming I was..."You're right, but it took me thirty seconds to get from the front door to the kitchen so I'm officially only a minute and a half late. And it's quite the security system you have with the front door locking behind me."

"It doesn't lock automatically. I locked it from here on the control panel after you closed it since I knew it was you and don't want anyone else wandering in. Especially when we're busy together. And we just had the system upgraded."

"How did you know it was me? Did you have security cameras installed?"

"Yes we did, and I could see you here on the monitor as you walked up to the front door, but we only had cameras installed outside. We would have in the house if we both worked, but felt there wasn't a need with me being home most of the time."

"Thankfully you didn't. I hate the thought of John being able to see us together."

"I never thought of that. Excellent point."

"While we're on the subject of security, what are the chances of John unexpectedly coming home?"

"Around zero. He rarely does once at work. The times he has, he's always called to advise me he will be, and to see if I need him to stop for anything on his way home. By the way, you look terrific."

"You too. Actually it's a good thing I wasn't someone else with you in a very revealing robe as you are. If you want to call it a robe since there isn't much to it."

Revealing was an understatement as it didn't leave anything to the imagination. It was obviously meant to be worn while wearing lingerie under it, but she wasn't. A pretty wrap-around in sheer white polyester material with a belt tie, flared three quarter length sleeves and very short. So short, if she bent over even slightly, her ass cheeks would be clearly exposed. I couldn't help but admire her all but bare ass and how it jutted out towards me from her leaning against the counter. Not forgetting the clearly visible and nicely contoured crevice between her bum cheeks, which I could only wonder what kind of treasure was awaiting to be discovered at the bottom of it. As for the back of her legs, they looked fabulous. Flawless actually, as well as her pretty feet since she was barefoot.

She finally finished making the froth and topped off two steaming cups of espresso to complete our cappuccinos. She picked both up and turned around to carry them to the breakfast bar. When she did, she took my breath away. I thought she looked fabulous from the back, but more so from the front. I could easily see her beautiful breasts, which I've been longing to get my hands and mouth on ever since I first laid eyes on them. And since I didn't see it the same day, I was unexpectedly pleased to see her pubic mound was completely hairless.

"My God Maureen. I can't begin to tell you how nice you look."

"Thank you, I was hoping you'd be pleased. I haven't worn this in ages and thought about you when I came across it when looking for something special to wear. You look pretty nice yourself, in spite of being in a tracksuit, which I don't plan you having on for very long. I like it's a leopard print, and it fits you beautifully. Where'd you get it? And nice slip on sneakers too."

"Online at DHgate, and it's more for casual wear than an actual tracksuit. Although there's no reason you couldn't use it as one. I figured it would be quick and easy to slip on if I had to along with the sneakers, and no one be the wiser I didn't have anything on underneath it." Then with a smile..."But I wore it mostly because of how easy it's to take off."

Once sitting down next to each other at the breakfast bar, Maureen leaned towards me and we kissed. Tenderly at first, before planting sweet little pecks on each other's nose, chin, cheeks and eyes before it became very affectionate solely on the lips. Unfortunately it was a bit awkward because of how far apart we were. Finally we moved our stools together and began kissing again, but more passionately, and with our arms around each other. As we did, I couldn't help but smell the distinctive fragrance of Opium, which seemed to be Maureen's favorite perfume, and made me thankful I decided on Trésor.

After a few minutes of what turned into some very heady French kissing, and groping, I suggested we drink our cappuccinos before they got cold, and to chat for a bit.

"Maybe we should since you seem nervous Lacey. When we talked on the phone this morning you mentioned something about not being able to sleep, but alluded to it being for a different reason than me."

"I am nervous, and at my age you wouldn't think I'd be. Or such a worry wart."

"What are you so nervous, or worried about? The fact we're going to have sex?"

"No. Actually I'm looking forward to it. Been horny as hell all weekend thinking about it. This might sound silly, but I'm worried about going down on you and not being very good at it. Especially after you blew me away when you did. I never orgasmed like I did, and it was the most incredible oral sex I ever experienced. The problem is, here I am a woman in her fifties, and I'm not sure about how to pleasure another woman. At least very well, and more so someone who's experienced at it."

Maureen laughed, and not just offhandedly. She burst out laughing..."You're cute Lacey, and so funny. Of course you do, you just don't realize it. And thank you for the compliment. But so you'll know, I performed as well as I did not because of any past trysts, but because of my desire to please you as much as I could. And because of the incredible pussy you have, and how it deserved to be pleasured in the most amazing way possible. Truth be known, I was worried I wouldn't do it, or you justice. I was terrified you were going to ho hum yourself to death. Even worse...not orgasm."

Now it was my turn to laugh..."Apparently I didn't make myself very clear, but I didn't know it was possible for me to cum the way I did, so you can't be serious."

"Very much so. But more importantly, the point I'm trying to make is that when the time comes, you'll do just fine. No matter what you...or we do. We could act like two bumbling idiots and it wouldn't matter. The fact we're going to make love to each other, regardless of the caliber of it, is the important thing. We're not doing it to score any points as if we're in a competition, or to check an item off a bucket list, but because of how we feel about one another. Now just relax and finish your cappuccino so we can have what I'm sure will be a very rewarding time together."

She left me kind of speechless. I didn't know how to respond. Mainly because she made perfect sense. Not forgetting how true it was the only reason I was wanting to have sex with her is because of how I felt about her. Not because it was a nice thing to do, or to satisfy my curiosity. Although there was a certain degree of the latter, but only with someone I truly cared for.

Nothing else was said until we finished our cappuccinos, which we did quickly.

"Time to go Lacey, before I leak all over the floor." She then took me by the hand, and headed straight for her bedroom.


Unlike our ranch, Maureen's house is a two story. And it's a lot newer. The first homes built in the subdivision were all ranches, or ramblers as they're sometimes called in the Midwest. But over time as two story houses became more economical and eco-friendly per square foot, the last homes built were nothing but.

While I've been in her home many times, I never saw the master bedroom before with it on the second floor, and was surprised how large it was. It had a sitting area as big as some living rooms. The bed was a beautiful canopied queen size bed and she had the bedspread off and the blanket and top sheet already pulled down. She even had a couple of towels conveniently placed on one of the nightstands next to the bed.

As for the master bathroom, it was also huge with a large walk in shower, oversized whirlpool bathtub, two separate vanities, and even a bidet next to the toilet. Her bedroom also had two his and her walk-in closets. But what I found unusual was two large valet mirrors strategically placed on both sides of the bed.

When she noticed me looking at them..."John and I like to watch ourselves while having sex. I thought about putting them in the closet since I was worried you might think it odd or was..."

I quickly interrupted her..."Not odd at all Maureen. Jim and I love to watch ourselves too, but in the large wall mirror in the bedroom. I'm glad you didn't put them away, be kind of neat to see us together from different angles."

After giving me the fifty-cent tour, she put her arms around my waist and looked me in the eyes..."You still nervous Lacey? If so, we can postpone things until you're more comfortable with it, or outright forget about it."

I simply replied..."No way Maureen." Then proceeded to remove her robe.

Once it fell to the floor, I stepped back to get a full view of her totally naked for the first time..."My God Maureen, you're more beautiful than I imagined. And I'm especially attracted to your bald pussy." I was actually captivated by it. "But I still can't understand why someone your age, and lovely as you are, would be attracted to someone my age with all the flaws that develop as you get older. If it's just sex with another woman, I'm sure you could find someone a lot younger, and more attractive."

"It's not a case of just having sex with another woman as you put it Lacey, it's with you. Or making love to you...and you me. You seem to be having trouble understanding it's you I want Lacey."

The way she said it, and especially how she looked at me, convinced me I was anything but a convenient lesbian fuck. The thought thankfully disappeared from my mind. Being relieved as I was I slowly unzipped the top of my tracksuit and somewhat nervously removed it. Off came the sneakers next and then I removed the bottoms, but not as apprehensively since she already saw me naked from the waist down the one time.

Soon as I was completely naked..."Any second thoughts Maureen?"

"God no Lacey. You're everything I imagined...and more. And what a pleasure to see your lovely breasts finally. I'd trade them for mine in a heartbeat." After which she cupped my tits with her hands before rubbing both nipples simultaneously with her thumbs, which caused them to become immediately aroused. She then raised my breasts slightly to suck each nipple. Tenderly, and only briefly as though to ensure they were fully erect. Once satisfied they were, she wrapped her arms around me and we kissed.

Affectionately at first with our tits pressed tightly against one another's before our tongues found their way into each other's mouths and we began kissing almost hungrily as though we were "starving" for each other. While still kissing we shuffled clumsily towards the bed and as soon as I felt Maureen's legs bump against it I pushed her onto it with me on top, and us still kissing.

We both laughed, and then quickly got entirely on the bed. Once we were, I straddled her kneeling upright over her lower abdomen so I could finally get at her magnificent tits. I simply gazed at them at first and they looked like two huge water balloons lying towards her sides. And her nipples couldn't have been more erect at a good inch long and big around as my little finger.

"I thought about this moment all weekend Maureen. So please bear with me while I ravage your tits and nipples after you teasingly evaded me from doing so on Friday."

"I thought about it too, so have at them. And don't be bashful. There's nothing I like more than for someone to be rough with them."

I first pushed her heavy, but very pliant breasts towards the center of her chest before leaning down to take one of her nipples between my lips. I was amazed how rigid it was. Stiff as an eraser and I was pleasantly pleased how incredibly enjoyable it was to suck on another woman's nipple. It felt heavenly in my mouth, and to say I sucked it, would be putting it mildly. I sucked it so hard, I thought for sure I was going to dislodge it from the areola, which was also partially in my mouth.

Just when I thought I might be getting too carried away, Maureen began moaning ..."Mother-fucker Lacey, you're sucking it perfectly. The harder the better. Now be sure to suck the other one before it feels neglected."

I did, but not before I noticed how long and dark the one I just sucked now was. Looked twice the length of the one I hadn't. Just as I went for it, Maureen reached for my tits, which were hanging down invitingly, and began pulling hard on my nipples. As she did, I proceeded to suck her other nipple even more intently while cradling her huge tit in both hands. And to the point I also had her large areola entirely in my mouth.

Finally I released her nipple with a loud noise as I pulled my head back quickly. Unintentionally it made a cute sound as when someone pops their mouth with a finger.

"Now I want you to just lie there Maureen, while I explore the rest of your heavenly body. And since you're dealing with a 'newbie', don't be afraid to tell me if you like what I'm doing, or you don't."

All she did was nod her head, after which I proceeded to kiss and lick her voluptuous breasts before slowly working my way to her abdomen. I must have planted a hundred kisses and left a long zig-zag trail of saliva with my tongue before I reached her navel. An adorable little "inny", which I tongue fucked like I would someone's ear.


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