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Lost Creek Wives' Club Pt. 17

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The big day for the sex toys presentation finally arrives.
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Part 17 of the 40 part series

Updated 04/12/2024
Created 01/01/2021
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The following is a continuation of the Lost Creek Wives' Club (LCWC) series, and as always, I recommend reading the prior installment first. As for this installment, it's longer than most from me, and more of an introduction to an exciting event/evening. And while it took longer to publish than promised, I have a better excuse than being busy with the holidays as with the delayed prior installment. I actually came down with the Wuhan virus, or Covid for those of you more politically incorrect. But I'm pleased to say I'm feeling fine now after a miserable week.

As always, comments are welcome as long as they are constructive.


As soon as I entered the house the landline phone started ringing. When I picked up the handset I saw by the caller ID it was Maureen..."Good morning Maureen."

"Where the hell have you been!?!"...she yelled.

"Don't I get my usual 'Good morning Sweetheart'?"

In her normally sweet voice..."Good morning Sweetheart,", which then just as quickly turned to a near yell again..."now where the hell have you been!? I must have called you a dozen times last night between your cell phone, which you obviously turned off, and your home phone."

"If you really want to know, I spent the night at Louise's.

"I knew you were going to visit with her, but how did it turn into an all night affair?"

"Coincidentally, both our husbands are away on business trips and we'd thought we'd take advantage of it."

"You know you're going to have to tell me all about it."

"I figured as much once I told you, but not now. Now what's so important that you've been calling me repeatedly?"

"Colette called and she wanted to make sure she had 'all the bases covered' as she put it in regard to her presentation tonight."

"What does that mean?"

"After she had a long talk with Carol, who she knows through a mutual friend, she thought it might be best for a couple of ladies to accompany her in case an in-person demonstration of any of the sex toys is necessary. Apparently it's not uncommon with groups of just women, but she never thought to mention it to us until she talked to Carol, who explained why and how the idea for the sex toy presentation for our club came about. Upon learning the majority of the housewives in attendance are disgruntled with their sex life, she feels from her experience they'll be more interested in live hands-on demonstrations versus watching videos of how to use the different sex toys. It could very well not be the case, but since her goal is to sell as many as possible, she wants to be prepared. Like she said, supposedly it's not uncommon to have live demonstrations, and sometimes even members of the audience participate."

"What was your response?"

"I told her I wanted to talk to you first, and she's expecting me to call her first thing this morning so she can arrange for two other ladies to be with her."

"Something like in-person demonstrations never crossed my mind. I know it's not uncommon at lingerie parties where someone models the lingerie, and participants try them on to see how they look in them, but I never gave any thought to a similar scenario happening with a sex toys party. Do you think any of the other girls will be interested or expect such a thing? I know it'd be a lot more informative to see a toy you're not familiar with used up close and personal than watching a video."

"Like you, it never crossed my mind either, and as for the other girls, I don't know what to expect. I know I would prefer to see something used live and in-person versus a video, but I'm not sure anybody else besides you, Carol, and Louise maybe."

"I know Louise would, and speaking of Louise, I took the liberty to tell her to invite her next door neighbor who she's very close with. As for Colette, tell her to feel free to come prepared. Worst condition it'll all be for naught. And if it's the case, I'm sure the ladies can keep themselves busy by explaining verbally how to use certain toys, and to help take orders."

"Will do as I'd hate to tell Colette not to be concerned about it and it being just the opposite and her not prepared. The last thing I want is for the presentation not to go well, and her not to do well as far as sales. With that settled, who's Louise's friend?"

"Her name is Trish, and while I've never met her she's Louise's next door neighbor. The reason she doesn't attend our regular socials in spite of Louise having invited her, she's a full time teacher. I thought it'd be a good way for her to meet some of the other girls since I got the impression she pretty much keeps to herself. Not sure why other than she's a divorcee and keeps busy with teaching and associated activities."

"Well Louise won't be the only one bringing a guest. A couple of the other girls asked if they could too. Now I need you at my house as soon as you can get here. We have a lot of errands to run, and then we need to rearrange the living room since we're expecting a large crowd. Plus Collette will be here a couple of hours early so she can set-up her display, and I want to have everything ready for her."

"Give me an hour or two since I need to shower and get a couple of changes of clothes together and some other things since I'll be staying overnight with you. Plus I need to tidy up the house since John will be staying overnight here with Jim."

"Okay, but please hurry." After which the call ended.


After I took my shower and dressed casually since we'd be running errands first, I packed an overnight bag with a change of clothes for tonight's gathering, and another one for in the morning. I then made a quick pass through the house to make sure it was neat and clean. Since Maureen lives just a couple of houses down the street, I walked instead of driving or riding my bike. As usual when she's expecting me I let myself in the front door since I have the passcode to her security system.

I found Maureen in the kitchen at the sink washing some dishes and walked up behind her before putting my arms around her waist and kissing her neck. As always, she smelled delicious as I teasingly kissed all over the back of her neck and behind her ears since she had her hair up in a loose bun.

"It's about time you showed up."

"That's not a very nice greeting. I expected something more like 'I can't tell you how much I missed you'. Or at least a deep sigh as I kissed you."

"You already know I miss you." After which she turned around and after drying her hands on a dish towel grabbed my face and kissed me passionately as her tongue licked my lips before she inserted it deeply in my mouth."

Just as we were both getting pretty heated, she stopped..."As much as I'm enjoying kissing you, we can't afford to get carried away. While there's nothing I'd like more than to go down on your sweet pussy, and right here with you on the counter, we don't have the luxury of time."

Even though I knew better..."Are you sure? It'd be a great way to start our day together."

"I'm positive as we have lots of errands to run, things to prepare once we get back, including rearranging the living room so it can accommodate everyone before Colette arrives. Besides, with you staying overnight we'll have plenty of time later to enjoy each other. Now let's be on our way. As it is, we're already running late and we haven't even started yet."


The errands we needed to run took longer than expected. Just the booze we bought nearly filled the back of Maureen's SUV. In hindsight, we should have polled everyone as to what their preference was as far as alcoholic beverages instead of buying a little bit of everything to have on-hand. The most anyone would drink during our afternoon socials is a glass of wine, but with it being an evening event on a Friday night, we expected anyone who drank would do so freely. Especially since most everyone lives within walking distance. And as with all our socials, Maureen and I split the cost for everything. Although neither one of us anticipated how much it would be.

After returning to her place, we unloaded her SUV before we set-up a make-shift bar on the breakfast counter. As for the assorted hors d'oeuvres and canapés we bought, they were already nicely arranged on covered trays, which saved us a lot of work. Next project was rearranging the living room, which took a good two hours until we felt it would accommodate everyone. Albeit a few would have to be comfortable standing in spite of using every chair Maureen had in the house.

When we finished with the living room, we barely had an hour to clean-up and change clothes before we expected Colette to arrive with her "helpers". Just as we entered Maureen's bedroom, her phone rang and it was her mother. As she sat in the sitting area in her bedroom talking to her, I decided based on past history of how long her phone calls with her mother can be to take a quick shower. I then fixed my hair and applied my make-up before getting dressed in Maureen's dressing area all while she continued talking on the phone.

I brought along a black and white floral bandeau sundress to wear that came down to a few inches above the knees, and a pair of wedge sandals by Kenneth Cole. Obviously with the sundress being bandeau style there was no need for a bra. Fortunately the elastic material supported me enough without much sag being evident. Just as I finished dressing and was checking myself in the mirror, Maureen's call finally ended.

"Damn Lacey, you showered and dressed already?"

"Already? You were on the phone for nearly an hour."

"Unfortunately there's no such thing as a quick phone call with my mother."

"Well you need to get moving...and fast. Colette will be here any minute. While you are, I'll wait downstairs in case she arrives before you're ready."

No sooner did I arrive in the kitchen I saw Colette's large commercial van coming up the driveway on the security monitor. Once she parked at the end of the walkway leading to the front door, her and one other person exited the van. Maureen said she was going to bring along two other ladies, so I wonder why there was only one. While she looked familiar, I couldn't place the face or where I might have seen or met her before due to the long range wide angle view on the monitor.

By the time I reached and opened the front door both Colette and her "helper" were walking up the walkway as they each pulled a two wheel dolly with a large case on it. The cases looked to be four feet by three and two feet deep, but didn't appear to be heavy from the way they easily handled them. As soon as they reached the stairs leading up to the landing to the front door, I recognized the other woman immediately.

It was Sharon, who demonstrated a g-spot vibrator in the video Colette showed us when she first visited with Maureen and I. In the video she looked to be what could best be described as an average looking middle-aged woman, but in person she was a lot more attractive."

After I greeted Colette, and just as she was going to introduce me to Sharon..."No need to Colette, if I remember right, it's Sharon."

After I stepped down to the walkway, I went up to Sharon and extended my hand..."It's so nice to meet you Sharon, and I'm Lacey."

She took my hand in hers, and while holding it looked puzzled..."You seem to have me at a disadvantage. Have we ever met before?"

"We haven't actually ever met, but you could say I'm a fan of yours after seeing you in one of Colette's videos. It's so nice to meet you, and you're a lot lovelier in person."

Which she was. While she didn't have the kind of looks that would turn people's heads, she was an attractive woman with pretty facial features. Lovely gray eyes, with beautiful eyebrows and long natural lashes. A cute button nose, luscious looking lips and a long slender neck. As for her hair, it was light brown and short in a very carefree style like she doesn't spend much time fussing with it.

"Thank you, that's very nice of you." Then after she thought for a second..."And it's probably because you weren't paying much attention to my face in the video. Most people don't...if at all. Not that I blame them because of what I'm usually demonstrating. Out of curiosity, which one was it?"

"You were demonstrating how to use a g-spot vibrator. And very well, I might add. So much so, Colette promised me one when I mentioned after seeing the video I had to have one."

After she laughed..."I'll make sure you get the same model I used as it's the best."

Eventually Colette spoke up..."I hate to interrupt you two, but we really need to get these cases in the house and the display set up."

It prompted Sharon and I to realize we were still holding hands, and after we reluctantly released each other's, Colette and her proceeded to wheel the cases into the house. They then got two folding tables from the van and set them together in front of the fireplace in the living room before covering them with a bright red cloth.

As they were placing the sex toys haphazardly on the table from the two cases, I asked Colette where the other lady was since Maureen mentioned there would be two accompanying her.

"She called me at the last minute and had to cancel due to some kind of emergency. Not sure what it was since she didn't have time to explain. But Sharon here should be able to handle things if the need arises for any in-person demonstrations. If she can't, I'll chip in to help, which I've done in the past when short handed."

Even though I was still doubting there would be a need for live demonstrations I was almost hoping it would come to that since I still couldn't get over how much Colette reminded me of Nicole Saphier. There would be nothing I'd like more than to see her naked. Or at least naked from the waist down as she demonstrated one of the toys.

Just then Maureen came down the stairs and she was also wearing a sundress. Being a pretty red and white floral print, but with spaghetti straps, which also came down to just about the knees. She was also wearing wedge sandals and her feet looked pretty as could be in them. She looked fabulous, but she always does.

After she gave Colette a big hug, Colette introduced her to Sharon. Surprisingly she didn't seem to recognize her, which could only mean she was paying strict attention to what she was doing in the video, or her lovely body, versus anything else.

While it was hard to appreciate Sharon's figure from the way she was dressed in a loose fitting white blouse buttoned almost entirely to the top, and a pair of nice fitting black culottes that came down to mid-calf, it was easy to remember it from the video.

She's fairly big busted with the normal amount of sag you'd expect for being so well endowed at her age. Her areola were about the size of a silver dollar and in the video were swollen and all bumpy along with her nipples being hard and erect as she worked herself up to an orgasm from using the g-spot vibrator. Her tummy, while a little plump, wasn't any more so than you'd expect for a middle-age woman. As for her pussy it was cleanly shaved, which I'm assuming she has that way for the videos, and any live demonstrations she might perform. I also remembered from the video that she has pretty feet, which we couldn't presently see as she was wearing a pair of stylish slip-on sneakers. And while we couldn't see her bum in the video, I assumed like the rest of her, it had to be simply divine.

After Maureen and Sharon greeted each other, Maureen asked Colette if we could help arrange things on the table.

"No need to as we know just how everything needs to be staged and it'll be quicker and easier for us to do it. Why don't you two busy yourselves with something else and I'll give you a holler when we're done so we can chat until the other ladies arrive."

With that said, Maureen and I went off to the kitchen to finish getting things ready with the makeshift bar we set-up earlier, and to arrange the trays of hors d'oeuvres and canapés on the kitchen table along with plenty of plates and napkins.

As we were..."I couldn't help notice Maureen, that you didn't seem to recognize Sharon."

"She looked familiar, but I didn't give it any thought. Should I have?"

"I thought you would since it was Sharon who demonstrated the g-spot vibrator in the video Colette showed us."

"Oh my God! Now that you mention it, it was. How cool is that? We couldn't have asked for anyone better to demonstrate some of the toys from the way she did in the video. Not that she'll necessarily have to, but Colette couldn't have come better prepared. Which reminds me, I forgot to ask where the other girl is."

After I told her why there was only Sharon, Colette called for us and we headed back into the living room. Soon as we arrived she asked us what we thought of the display of the different sex toys. At first glance it was very professionally arranged with things separated into different categories such as dildos, vibrators, anal toys, strap-ons including strapless ones, lubes & lotions, etc. And some items were nicely displayed on small battery powered rotating pedestals for effect.

Also on the table was a pile of catalogs for everyone with a complete listing of all the toys available by category since she couldn't display everything. When I scanned the table of contents, the one that made me curious was..."When Simple Toys Are Not Enough!"

I quickly flipped to the appropriate page and learned it was for "sex machines" such as a Sybian and more elaborate ones, which I've only ever seen in porn videos. When I asked Colette if she had any of them with her in the van in case someone was interested, she explained the only one she had was a Sybian due to its popularity and it was for demonstration purposes only.

While scrutinizing the items on the tables, the ones that caught my immediate attention were powered suction cup devices for one's clitoris. When I pointed them out to Maureen, her eyes got wide before saying..."Now there's something I've never seen before." After which she turned to Colette and asked..."Do they feel as good as I imagine they might?"

"I'll let the expert here answer your question." Of which she obviously was referring to Sharon.

Before Sharon did, she picked one up which looked similar to a facial cleansing brush, all except for where the rotating circular brush would be, it had a hole for your clit. As she was showing it to Maureen and I..."This is the Satisfyer Pro 2, which if it were me, would be the one I'd get and also comes highly recommended by everyone I know who owns one. From my experience it feels heavenly. Once you find the right setting since it also vibrates, it'll work its magic quicker than any other model or toy you've used and have you cumming in no time. Multiple times too. I even know women who squirted for the first time from using one of these." Then after pausing for a second..."But be advised from talking to a few women who have these types of devices, they seem to work better for those who have a larger than average pea or bean size clitoris. Since mine is, I can attest to the fact it does."

After which both Maureen and I looked at each other since we both have larger than normal size clits. Mine more so than Maureen, but hers is still bigger than most, and I could only wonder if it would be as effective as Sharon described it.

"I don't know about you Maureen, but I'm sold." Then I jokingly added..."And if it wasn't for the fact our guests should be arriving shortly, I'd take this for a test drive."

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