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Love Can Conquer All, Even A Dragon!


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"No, I just wanted to be near you. I hope that's okay," she said in soft voice.

"You kept me warm," Paragon replied.

"Were you cold?" Aurora asked.

"Just a little... Fire Dragons do generate some heat because we are large, and it takes a lot of energy to be able to fly, and we are considered cold-blooded even though we are not cold to the touch," Paragon revealed.

"That makes sense," Aurora admitted as she put her hand on his tail and gently caressed it without even realizing it. Paragon knew he should have objected since humans were not allowed to touch dragons, but he liked how it felt. Her warm tender touch was soothing, and since she was already laying next to him, the rule had been broken.

"Your scales are so soft and smooth," Aurora remarked as she ran her hand along his tail a couple more times. Paragon could tell she was bonding with him, and even though it was against the rules, he didn't want her to leave. She was kind and affectionate, and he liked having her with him.

"The storm seems to have passed, but you can stay a little longer if you like?" Paragon offered as his pulse raced in anticipation of her response.

"Are you sure, you seemed a hesitant about it before?"

"If you are not worried about your kin finding you here, then why should I be?" Paragon remarked.

"What would happen if your kin found out you were letting me stay with you?" Aurora asked, not wanting him to get in trouble.

"I would tell them you are my guest, and they would not harm you," Paragon promised.

"Then I would love to stay as long as I'm not bothering you," Aurora remarked.

"I like having you here," Paragon admitted. He wanted to say more, but he wasn't sure how to express what he felt. All he knew was that he didn't want her to go, and his inability to express what he felt didn't really matter to him.

"If you are still interested, I could tell you why I wasn't afraid of you when I was a child," Aurora offered.

"I have wondered about that from the day I first saw you," Paragon replied.

"When I was a little girl, every time I had a nightmare, a dark blue dragon would appear in my dreams and scare the monsters away. All my friends laughed and said dragons were monsters too, but I didn't believe them. The blue dragon in my dreams was my friend, and he came whenever I needed him. When my parents realized how much I liked dragons, my mom made me a dragon doll for my sixth birthday. Since she used one of my drawings to design it, it came out looking just like you, the dragon from my dreams. It was my most cherished possession, and when my parents were taken from me, it was my only comfort. Now you know why I wasn't afraid of you that fateful day," Aurora revealed.

"I was wondering why you looked as though you knew me," Paragon remarked.

"Paragon, I feel a deep connection to you. I can't explain it, but I have felt it since I was little girl. The only question I have, is do you feel it too?" Aurora asked. Paragon looked away without responding. He knew he had feelings for her, but if the other dragons ever found out, he would be banished from his clan.

"Paragon, don't you trust me?" Aurora asked in response to his reluctance to answer her question.

"I do trust you, but it's difficult for me to express what I feel without condemning myself."

"But you do feel some connection to me?" Aurora asked.

"I do," Paragon admitted.

"Would it help if I shared what I feel with you?" Aurora offered.

"Are all humans so eager to share what they feel with one another?"

"No, people don't normally reveal their true feelings for fear of being judged or ridiculed by others," Aurora replied.

"Then why would you want to share your feelings with me?" Paragon asked.

"Because what I feel in my heart has everything to do with you, and keeping it from you feels like a betrayal of your trust," Aurora admitted.

"I promise I will not judge or ridicule you no matter what you share with me," Paragon said with a look of sincerity.

"I came here not only to meet you and thank you for saving me, but because I care about you and I want to be with you," Aurora admitted with a nervous look.

"You are very brave and courageous not only in the face of danger, but with your words and your heart," Paragon said with a look of admiration.

"So you are not repulsed by my confession?"

"No, it is flattering, and I appreciate your honesty," Paragon replied.

"I was so scared that you would reject me once you knew how I really felt about you," Aurora sighed in relief.

"I have a confession of my own," Paragon remarked. "When I saw you bathing in the creek, I didn't look away," Paragon admitted with a look of guilt.

"I knew you were watching me, and I thought you might come down once you recognized me. I had no idea that dragons were such shy and modest creatures," Aurora said with a gentle smile.

"I wasn't positive it was you, and an encounter with a dragon is not generally welcomed by your kin, not to mention you weren't even clothed," Paragon replied.

"You don't cover your body with anything," Aurora remarked as she looked him up and down.

"I do not wear clothes because I am not a human."

"And humans only were clothes because they are ashamed of their bodies, but like you, I am not ashamed of mine," Aurora replied.

"You seem to have more in common with us than your own kind," Paragon joked. Aurora nodded and Paragon could tell by her expression that she felt more connected to his kind than her own.

"Would you mind telling me more about your life?" Aurora asked.

"Well, I grew up in Castle Crag, which is on the far northern end of the island. I have several brothers and sisters, but once we reached breeding age we went our separate ways. I moved here about fifteen years ago with Silverwing, and after she was killed I have spent my days looking after myself," Paragon replied.

"Why did the men attack Silverwing?" Aurora asked, hoping the question wasn't too painful for him to answer.

"People without a soul think that if they kill something with a soul it will satisfy their craving for one. From what I have seen, it only fulfills them for a short time and then they need to kill again," Paragon replied with a look of sadness in his deep blue eyes.

"I'm so sorry they did that to her. It seems like we have both suffered the loss of loved ones, and been left to fend for ourselves," Aurora remarked as she gently caressed his tail.

"I miss her, but dragons are tough, and we are taught to move on and not to dwell on the past. Regret is like a poison, draining the life out of a dragon's happiness," Paragon said as he glanced at Aurora for a moment.

"How long were you two together?"

"Five years. She lived in the hills to the east, and she came to Castle Crag to select a male to pair with. When she met me, she liked my coloration, and even though I was not the most ferocious or outgoing dragon, she picked me to be her mate."

"Were all of the other female dragons in Castle Crag already taken?" Aurora asked.

"No, but dragons from different clans often cross-breed in order to keep the blood-lines strong."

"Did you and Silverwing have any offspring?" Aurora asked.

"We didn't, but I'm sure we would have at some point."

"Do dragons only mate when they're trying to conceive?" Aurora asked.

"No, we're passionate creatures," Paragon replied as he looked away for a moment.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. I seem to lack many of the refinements of my kin, a result of being raised by degenerates," Aurora apologized.

"It's alright, dragons don't normally share their feelings or intimate details about their lives with each other. Soft emotions are considered to be a sign of weakness in my culture," Paragon revealed.

"Then I am honored that you trust me enough to share what you have. I promise that I will never betray your trust, or think that you are weak because of the personal things you tell me about yourself. I know you can be ferocious and I have seen your wrath first hand. I also know you are compassionate and caring, and I believe you have a kind soul despite your reluctance to show it," Aurora remarked.

"Am I that easy to read?" Paragon asked.

"Yes, but only because I feel deeply connected to you."

"I must admit that I like having someone I can trust, and talk to, but we are taught to be very careful with our words. If one dragon insults another, or says something offensive, it will end in a fight. That's how we normally resolve our problems and our differences," Paragon admitted.

"Then I will watch what I say and do in your presence," Aurora replied.

"I am sorry, it wasn't meant to be a warning, quite the opposite. I was trying to explain why I am a bit reserved with my words. I don't know all the rules of your culture and I fear that I might do or say something that would offend you," Paragon admitted.

"I am not easily offended, and I will never fault you for being open and honest with me. Since I am your guest, I think you should tell me the rules of your culture, and I will endeavor to follow those," Aurora suggested.

"That might be hard to do," Paragon chuckled.

"Are the rules that difficult to follow?" Aurora asked.

"In our culture it is frowned upon for a dragon to befriend a human, but if we do, we are not allowed to share any specific details about our society or our lives with them. Humans are never allowed in our dens, and it's absolutely forbidden for a human and a dragon to co-habitate. I think it would be best if I follow your rules since I am clearly incapable of following mine," Paragon admitted.

"Actually, it sounds like the rules of your culture and mine are pretty much the same. We are taught to fear dragons, so obviously we would never befriend one, and anything else would be unheard of and also strictly forbidden. So, it would appear that I am also incapable of following the rules. Perhaps it would be best if we just followed out instincts, and leave the rules for those who need them," Aurora suggested.

"What happens if our instincts lead us in two different directions?" Paragon asked.

"You have already told me that dragons do not let regret hold them back, so it would seem that you have nothing to lose," Aurora said with an innocent smile.

"You're trouble, you know that, right?" Paragon said in a friendly tone.

Not long after the first snow melted, the weather turned colder and Paragon knew that winter had finally come. Aurora showed no signs of wanting to leave, but he felt like he should make sure she was still happy staying with him.

"Aurora, I was thinking that you could stay here through the winter if you wanted too. I don't think anyone will bother us until the spring, and even then, the odds are very low since my kin rarely ever visit," Paragon said as he gazed her.

"I would love to stay, are you sure I'm not intruding?"

"Not at all, I enjoy having you here," Paragon admitted.

"When was the last time you saw any of your kin?" Aurora asked.

"It's been a number of years," Paragon replied.

"Why are you the only dragon that lives in the Windstone Mountains? There seems to be plenty of game, and there are other caves nearby."

"This range of mountains is on the bottom edge of our territory, and my kin prefer to stay near Castle Crag which is our traditional home. The entire northern realm is dotted with small clans of dragons, but the south has none. We left that area when the first humans settled on the island. Since Windstone sits between the two realms, it is not considered a desirable area since it is sometimes encroached upon by the humans," Paragon admitted.

"So why did you choose to live down here when it's so far form your kin?"

"I never really fit in," Paragon replied.

"Will you ever go back and try and find another mate?" Aurora asked.

"I see no reason to leave," he said as he gazed at her fondly. Aurora could tell he was fond of her. Even though he wouldn't admit it, he did other things that revealed his true feelings. If she didn't go over and lay next to him at night, he would snort and sigh as if something was wrong until she joined him. She also noticed that he always slept with his tail curled around his body, but if she wasn't lying beside him, his tail was always left uncurled as if he was waiting for her. Another clue that he liked her more than he was letting on, was that every time she was bathing in the hot spring, he would take little peeks at her when he thought she wasn't looking. If she caught him, he would pretend he was staring at something else in that pool before looking away. After a while, it became a game, she would try and get him to look, and he would try and not get caught doing so.

One morning while Aurora was rubbing his tail, she noticed a look that she had not seen before. It was tender and loving, but there was also a hint of desire in his majestic eyes.

"Paragon, it's boring in the hot spring all by myself. I want you to come swimming with me," Aurora offered.

"I probably shouldn't," Paragon replied as he felt his instincts stirring.

"Oh, come on, I promise I won't bite," she joked as she gently ran her hand along the edge of his muzzle. Her soft touch made his heart race for a moment.

"Are you sure? I don't want to invade your privacy."

"If you're holding back on my account, you don't need to," Aurora insisted. Paragon wasn't sure how to respond, but he followed her down to the edge of the water since she seemed intent on having him swim with her.

"I can stay covered-up if you prefer, but it's a lot harder for me to swim in my clothes," Aurora said as she waited to undress.

"I'm concerned that I might bump into you since I am not a graceful swimmer, and I don't want to offend you," he replied.

"I would not be offended by your touch, accidental or otherwise," Aurora said with an innocent smile as she slowly undressed and then waded out into the water. Paragon could feel his heart race for a moment as the line separating their friendship from something more blurred. He knew she liked him, and she was always very affectionate towards him, but this was the first time she hinted that she wanted more.

"The water feels nice," Aurora remarked as she waited for him to wade out to her.

"I'm glad you like the hot spring," Paragon replied as he gently nudged her with his muzzle to push her through the water.

"Do all Fire Dragons like the water as much as you do?" she asked as she floated along.

"No, I'm one of the only ones that plays in the water," Paragon admitted as he splashed her with his tail when she wasn't looking.

"See, this is a lot more fun now that you're with me," Aurora remarked as she splashed him back before disappearing into the depths. A few seconds later Paragon felt her grab his tail, and he lifted it part of the way out of the water along with Aurora.

"It's all muscle," she remarked before letting go of him.

"Fire Dragons are light and strong so we can fly great distances," Paragon remarked.

"Would you let me ride around on your back for a few minutes?" she asked.

"Sure, just grab the edge of my wing and pull yourself up," Paragon replied as he tilted on his side to make it easier for her to get on him. Once she was firmly seated, he swam around the hot spring, dipping and swirling as she clung to him. When he heard her laughing, it filled his heart with joy, and it was the happiest he had felt in as long as he could remember.

"Thank you," Aurora said as she slid down his tail as if it was a water slide.

"Is that all you wanted?" he asked when she floated past him on her back.

"For now," she replied. Paragon couldn't help but notice her alluring form, and he headed into the shallows so he could bask, and continue to watch her.

"Are you done swimming?" Aurora questioned when she noticed him lounging near the edge of the hot spring.

"I am, but you don't need to stop on my account," he replied.

"Would it be okay if I came over and soaked with you?"

"Absolutely not! This is my spot, you have to find your own!" Paragon joked, as he uncurled his tail to make room for her.

"Someone is in a playful mood," Aurora remarked as she swam up to him.

"I wasn't sure if I should tease you or not, but since you wouldn't stop splashing me and yanking my tail, I thought it would be alright."

"Of course you can tease me. I like it when you let your guard down and have a little fun," Aurora said as she leaned her back up against his side.

"Aurora, I hope you know how much I like having you here. I had no idea that a human could make such a great companion," Paragon said as he gently caressed her side with the tip of his tail.

"I love spending time with you," Aurora replied as she gently rubbed his tail.

"I wish there was more I could do to make you happy."

"I am perfectly happy just spending time with you. I am curious about one thing though."

"What is that?" Paragon replied, hoping he hadn't done something wrong.

"When I sleep next to you, or rub your tail, you seem to really enjoy it. In my culture that is a form of intimacy that is a few levels past a simple friendship. Are dragons affectionate like that with their friends, or are we more than that?" Aurora asked. Paragon could feel his heart pounding in his chest, he knew what she was asking, and she deserved the truth.

"Dragons are only affectionate when they have bonded with another," Paragon admitted after a long pause.

"Did you know that sometimes while you are sleeping, you gently nibble and lick the back of my neck," Aurora revealed as she gazed at him affectionately.

"I was probably dreaming about that savory deer you cooked for me," Paragon said, knowing full well it was her affection that he was craving in his sleep.

"If I was a dragon, would you be attracted to me?" Aurora asked. Paragon could feel his heart racing again as he searched for an answer that he would not be ashamed of.

"If you were a dragon, it wouldn't change how I feel about you at all," Paragon admitted. Aurora smiled and then moved her hand onto his side so she could caress him.

"Are you ticklish?" she asked when he recoiled slightly at her touch.

"A little bit," he remarked.

"What about down here?" she asked after moving her hand lower so she could feel the softer scales near his rear legs.

"That's a sensitive area, especially further down," he cautioned.

"Does my touch offend you," she asked as she ran her hand back and forth along his underside.

"No, I like it," he replied as he gazed at her fondly. When she paused for a second so she could move closer to his rear legs, he nudged her with his muzzle.

"Does that mean you want me to continue rubbing you?" she asked in a tender voice, knowing full well what he wanted.

"If you don't mind, it feels so good," he replied as he relaxed his legs so she could rub lower down if she wanted to. It was a subtle gesture, but she knew he was offering himself to her. As she continued to run her hands over his soft scales, he laid his head down and closed his eyes. She could tell he found her touch mesmerizing and she slowly moved her hand lower down until she was rubbing the area alongside his sheath. When he didn't object, she placed her hand on it, and started to massage it. Paragon lifted his head in response to her arousing touch, but he made no effort to stop her.

"Is it forbidden for me to touch you there?" she asked while continuing to gently caress him.

"It is," Paragon replied as his sheath started to firm with desire.

"Would you like me to stop?"

"No," he replied, as he laid his head back down and closed his eyes. Aurora could tell he was getting aroused and she continued to rub him, secretly filling her own desire to pleasure him. It was a fantasy born out of love, and the hunger to feel his passion. She wanted him to bond with her not only spiritually but physically as well. When her touch revealed his offering, she was enthralled by how it looked and felt. It was an alluring sight, and well proportioned for what she had in mind. As she ran her fingers down it, she loved how it felt in her hand. The tip was tapered so it could gently open a female's tender flower, giving it time to accept the offering. Just below it, the phallus was covered in rows of alluring ridges that increased in size the further down her hand went. Each ridge seemed to be designed to pleasure the female and the thought of them pressing into her ignited her imagination, and desires.

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