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Love Doesn't Choose Pt. 02

Story Info
Sibling's love blossoms, but something happens at the prom.
11.7k words

Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/16/2023
Created 03/30/2023
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Hello, dear readers.

This is another part of Tom and Maggie' love.

As the category title suggests - this is an incest story and it's a story about siblings who come from a religious family.

The two main characters in this story were already in my other story, Twins' Special Bond, so if you've read that story, you'll know who this story is about.


English is not my native language, so please excuse any spelling errors in the text.

This story is not dark or sad like my other stories. It's just about love, which is rare and I believe that is the most beautiful love that can happen between people. Whether between a man and a woman or the people of the same gender.

I wish you a pleasant reading and I will be glad if you leave me a comment on how you liked the story.

All characters are over 18 years old.



I slowly opened my eyes. I felt a pleasant warmth. It was morning and the sun's rays from outside shone beautifully into the room. But... my little sister wasn't lying next to me.

Where is she?

I reached out with my right hand and felt the place where she contentedly and happily slept next to me during the night. Her place was still a little warm, so it couldn't have been long since she left.

I sat up and rubbed my eyes. I could see outside through the window, and I realized that it was a really beautiful spring day. There was nothing better than waking up in a warm bed on a day like this... if only my little sister was still lying next to me.

I yawned a little and heard a noise. It was like the sound of a shower.

Is Maggie in the shower?

So she was taking a shower... and without me. I smirked a little as I thought about it. I got out of bed, stretched properly, and entered Maggie's bathroom.

But as I walked into the bathroom... I thought a little and replayed in my head the wonderful night I had last night... and I felt even a little guilty.

Is Maggie mad? Does she regret it?

It could have been just a moment of weakness for her, and now she might think she made a big mistake. That WE made a big mistake. I had no idea if I should follow her into the shower.

"Are you going to stand there all day?" I heard my little sister's soft voice.

I looked toward the shower stall, whose door was ajar, and my sister peeked out from behind it with a shy smile on her face and raised eyebrows.

Maybe she's not upset...

"I... I just got scared, Maggie..." I sighed uncertainly and took a few small steps toward the shower stall.

"Of what?" Her expression turned sad.

She opened the shower door even wider and I saw her beautiful little body with drops of water on it. Her wet golden hair was truly gorgeous.

"I've been thinking... Do you regret it? Do you regret what we did?" I looked at her with fear in my eyes.

She smiled again and opened the shower door all the way. "If I regret it Tommy... I wouldn't show you myself naked right now," she replied, giving me a small seductive smile as she finished.

I breathed a sigh of relief and smiled as well. I stepped into the shower and joined my sweet little sister.

"True enough," I laughed and hugged my little sister lovingly.

"I could never regret such a beautiful thing... Tommy." Maggie sighed happily as I held her in my arms and she rested her face against my big chest. Her body was so soft, just like last night. I felt the touch of her breasts against my belly and I also smelled the scent of her beautiful, washed body.

My brain registered this and immediately sent all the blood in my body to my soldier, who stood up and saluted.

Maggie giggled, "You're poking me." She had to feel my hard cock touching her tummy.

I kissed the top of her head and looked into her wet and cute face. "Yeah... you're beautiful, Maggie," I replied, caressing her blushing cheeks. "You're my angel... and I love you.

"I love you too, Tommy," Maggie whispered and our lips connected.

Whenever we connected in any way, I felt like electricity was flowing through me. Maggie was sweet, pure... and we had a certain bond. There was a sibling bond between us. We were one blood and so the feeling was much more intense than with anyone else... and also the great feeling... doing something forbidden.

"Mmmm..." Maggie purred during our kiss and after a while we both went even deeper and our tongues joined in our act.

My little sister wrapped her arms around my neck and pressed my mouth even tighter against hers. It was starting to get uncomfortable for me though, because Maggie's body size reached up to my chest, and after a while I couldn't take it anymore. I wrapped my hands around her back. Then my hands slid down and gently squeezed her round and firm buttocks.

I lifted her up in the air by her butt and Maggie instinctively clamped her legs around me. I took a small step and leaned my little sister against the wall.

"Ahh..." Maggie moaned softly. "I want you Tommy." She was looking at me with her big blue eyes which were filled with love and lust.

"Okay... my sweet little sister. My lover," I whispered in her ear, kissing her cheek.

I moved away from my sister a little. Maggie lifted herself up a bit so that she was leaning against the wall with only her shoulder blades. Without taking my eyes off her blushing face and her beautiful blue eyes full of love, I took my cock and began gently... and carefully penetrating my sister.

Maggie's mouth opened and she let out a small sigh of happiness that we were reunited. We were connected by love and our bodies.

Our mouths also connected and our tongues intertwined as my pelvis touched her thighs. It was such a wonderful feeling... to be inside my sweet little sister again that I never wanted to be without her.

Slowly, gently and lovingly, I began to move and carefully thrust into my sister. Maggie moaned with pleasure into my mouth. She held my neck tightly and her right hand reached into my hair and pressed me much harder to her mouth.

"I love you... so much..." Maggie groaned lovingly as our mouths separated for a few seconds.

"I love you too."

I increased my pace a little and we both started moaning louder. I was holding my little sister by her butt, her back was rubbing against the wet tiles, and our love echoed throughout the bathroom.

We were wet and hot, the water from the shower running over our bodies in streams.

I increased my pace even more. Maggie was squeezing me nice and tight around my dick. It was the most beautiful feeling I could ever experience and I never wanted it to end.

I was close to climaxing and I could tell by the high volume of my sister's moans that she was feeling the same way. I leaned my chest against her firm breasts, Maggie rested her chin on my right shoulder. Her fingernails dug into my back a little painfully as she held me tightly and went wild in our lovemaking.

And after a few more thrusts and loud groans from both of us, we climaxed together. Maggie gripped me tightly and dug into me like a cat's claws into a tree, screaming loudly with the joy and pleasure of a wonderful orgasm. I had to support myself against the wall next to my sister's head with my right hand to keep from losing my balance, and I felt my cock spurt several strong streams of my cum deep inside my lover.

We both gasped loudly and panted after an incredibly beautiful orgasm. Maggie released me after a moment, her arms were still around my back, and her feet touched the shower floor again and my dick slowly slipped out of her.

"That... was... so wonderful." My sister breathed loudly and rested her head on my chest.

I recovered from my orgasm and from our beautiful lovemaking and once again held my little sister in my arms. "I want to be with you... forever," I whispered and kissed her wet head.

"I want the same... Tommy," Maggie replied happily, stroking my back with her hands.

God, thank you... for giving me my little sister.



That was a wonderful morning shower. And the lovemaking in it... was even more beautiful. I really loved Tom with all my heart and I couldn't get enough of that love.

I knew it was wrong... and sinful. But my love for my brother was much stronger than I was. I was truly happy.

I sat down in front of my mirror and dried my wet hair. Meanwhile, Tommy went downstairs to the kitchen to make us breakfast. But I also felt a little sad... because today mom and dad were supposed to come back... and Tom and I wouldn't be able to be together much more. But still I was happy about every second I could spend with my brother.

After my hair was dry and straight... I got dressed and slowly left my room to look down at Tom.

I walked into our kitchen, Tom was standing at the stove and the smell of bacon was in the air. Tom had his back to me and I came up to him and wrapped my arms lovingly around his stomach.

"I'm so happy, Tommy..." I told him softly and sighed happily.

Tom stroked my hands, which rested folded on his stomach. Slowly, he turned to me in my embrace and our blue eyes met. His hand caressed my left cheek and tucked a strand of my long blond hair behind my ear. I gave Tom a really big, happy smile.

His big arms held me gently and Tom propped his chin against the top of my head. "Oh..." He sounded a little sad. "What are we going to do together now, sis...?" he said softly, patting my back.

He was sad?

"I love you so much, Maggie... and I know you do too... but we have to keep our love for each other a secret." His hands rested on my cheeks, lifting my face, and I looked again into Tom's beautiful eyes, which were the same as mine. "We would be severely punished... if anyone found out about us... Maggie..." His face was really desperate.

"I know, Tommy. It scares me a little too... but I still want to be with you all the time... no matter what," I replied softly and kissed his lips.

Tommy grabbed my hips and lifted me into the air, and I wrapped my legs around his hips. "I think we were made for each other, Maggie..." And finally there was a smile on his face again, and his lips met mine. "I don't regret anything," he said as our lips parted and he paused for a moment. "Except my behavior toward you... when you were born... my sweet little sister. I know we promised each other never to speak of it again..." He averted his gaze from me. "But it still bothers me... and especially now that I realize... how much I love you."

I stroked Tommy's clean-shaven face. "I forgave you a long time ago, Tommy... you don't have to worry about it anymore," I told him quietly, resting my chin on his shoulder. "The main thing is... that you love me..." I added happily, hugging him tightly with my body.

"My love for you Maggie... is more than my mouth and my body can express..." he whispered sweetly and kissed my cheek.


We had breakfast together. Tom made his favorite morning coffee and made me tea because he knew I didn't feel well after coffee. We talked about school, about studying, about our love, and Tom also brought up the subject of my partner at prom.

I knew very well that Andrew bullied students. He had also bullied me and Tommy, but I still believed that there might be a good person hiding inside him.

After breakfast, we set out to do our work. Tom took care of the cattle, especially the cows, which he didn't really love, but Tom was so happy that this time he showed them his love and the cows accepted it in a friendly way.

My duty was to take care of the horses in the stable. I couldn't have asked for better work on the farm. I loved horses. They were such beautiful creatures that had great emotions and could understand a person. Especially my stallion Sugar. A beautiful white horse that loved me as much as I loved him.

While I was cleaning his stall, he would wait outside in front of his stall, but after a while he came back to me and snuggled up to me. That was always a sign of his love for me.

I put the pitchfork down and leaned it against the wall and wrapped my arms around Sugar's big neck. "I'm so happy..." I sighed out loud and the Sugar neighed.

He was able to understand me, and I would say he knew I was in love with my brother before I did. He was also the only one I confided in before I decided to reveal my feelings to Tom.

We had a great and special bond with each other.


Everything was done by lunch, and after the meal we did what we wanted. Tom got his Jeep out of the garage and worked on it again. He was very fond of cars... but he also liked guns. Although he did not own a gun, he often talked about getting one... which my parents weren't too thrilled about. Weapons bring misfortune.

I was in the stable on the first floor. I was rolling on the hay, and looking out the window at our big yard, and watching Tom work.

Today was very hot and so Tom was dressed only in his shorts and his top was bare. I watched him with a big smile and supported my chin with my hands. Tom did not have the body of an athlete or a muscle man. Sure he had muscles from working on the farm and in the fields, but you couldn't say he was any kind of jock. He was more like a very tall twink with some muscles and a big chest. He had short blond hair parted to the right and beautiful blue eyes like mine.

Even our faces were similar... which in our case was somewhat of a disadvantage. People could so easily tell we were siblings... and not boyfriend and girlfriend.


How beautiful it sounded in my head. Could Tom be my boyfriend?

"TOMMY!" I called out to him from the window and waved.

Tom turned from his car toward the barn, his eyes searching for the place from which I had shouted. But then he noticed me waving at him.

He washed and wiped his hands and followed me into the stable without any questions. He climbed up the ladder to me, and when he was beside me, I turned on my back and smiled happily at him.

Tom lay down on his side next to me, propped his head on his hand, and looked at me. "You look really happy, sis. I have never seen you like this... and I like it. A lot."

I moved closer to him, rested my chest on him, and hugged him lightly. My head rested on his shoulder. We just lay there together... were meditating, listening to each other's breath and my left hand circling Tommy's chest.

I sighed softly and relaxed completely in Tommy's arms. "I have been thinking a bit, you know..." I said quietly.

"About what... baby?" Tom replied curiously, running his hand through my hair.

I was silent for a moment, thinking... how to ask him, but finally I took a deep breath and asked him, "Will you be my...boyfriend?" I whispered very gently.

Tom grinned loudly and patted his forehead. Then he exhaled and stroked my long hair again. "Of course, my little sister," he replied softly and sweetly. "I belong only to you, Maggie... and I swear I will never be with another woman... The future is only ours..." he added quietly, turning back to his side and holding me tightly.

"That's so nice to hear..." I answered him with a big smile and let out a weak sob, shedding a few small tears of happiness.

My brother slowly turned me onto my back, and he lay on top of me. He brought his face closer to my chest and with the tip of his nose circled a few little and slow circles.

Gently, he slid his right hand under my white T-shirt and cupped my left breast. His mouth moved closer to my face and he tenderly kissed my neck.

"Ahhh..." I moaned softly.

My arms wrapped around his neck and my mouth began to return his kisses. After a while our lips met and our mouths and tongues met in a wonderful way. We were connected again... with love and body.

We kissed slowly, but sweetly. My brother played with his hand on my breasts and his fingers gently squeezed my nipples, which were hard... and I felt myself getting wet again down there.

"Tommy," I moaned louder, lifting my back a little and grabbing my brother's blond hair tightly.

He reached for the end of my shirt and began to pull it off me. I lifted myself up a bit again and straightened my arms, and Tom pulled the shirt over my head. I laid back down on the hay and my brother's mouth attacked my nipples.

He kissed, licked and sucked gently and nicely on my left nipple while his left hand played with and squeezed my right breast. I grabbed his hair with both hands and pulled him closer to me. I was moaning really loud, wriggling with excitement and breathing heavily.

When Tom was done with my breasts, his mouth moved to mine and we began kissing and caressing each other again. Tom's hands gently ran over my sides, neck and belly while my hands focused on Tom's large chest where he had some light hairs.

"Maggie..." Tommy whimpered as our mouths parted for a moment. "I want you... mmmmm." He was silent as I kissed him again and nibbled on his lips. "I want to taste you..." he breathed out.

Our kiss was interrupted again... this time by me. My hands gently caressed Tommy's smooth cheeks and when our mouths separated, I looked into his eyes. There was love and lust in his eyes too, just as my eyes showed him.

I remembered last night when Tom tasted me for the first time. It was so incredible that every second I thought I was going to pass out. It was my first orgasm in my life and it was so powerful.

I nodded my head slowly, "Hmmm..." I murmured and kissed his amazing lips again.

When we stopped kissing after a long while, Tom placed his kisses on my neck, between my breasts, on my belly, and on my belly button, and moved down to my crotch and kissed my thighs and around my pussy. Then... he took the edges of my skirt between his fingers and slowly pulled it down from me, my white wet panties following shortly after.

I showed myself to my brother once again in all my beauty, just as God created me. Tom looked at me for a long time, examining my body and stroking my thighs, which he slowly and gently opened and looked at my core... which he already knew very well.

I laid my head in the hay, closed my eyes and relaxed completely. I began to feel Tommy's breath on my crotch and after a few seconds of waiting I felt the wet tip of his tongue brush over my lips.

I moaned out and stretched. Tom slowly and very gently began to taste and lick me down there, and it was something incredible to me. After teasing his tongue for a while, I started to move my hips and when his lips started sucking on my clit, I started screaming like crazy and tossing my head from side to side.

"TOMMY!" I moaned very loudly. Thank God we were alone at home.

My right hand held Tom tightly by the hair and pressed him into my crotch, while my left hand played with my breasts, squeezing and caressing them.

With each movement of my brother's tongue I felt closer to climax, and after a few seconds a powerful flash went through me, I clenched my thighs, squeezed Tom's head and dug my nails into his hair. At that moment I didn't care if I was hurting him in any way... because I was completely intoxicated by another powerful orgasm that ran through my whole body and shook with me.

After about half a minute of trembling and heavy breathing, I relaxed again, my thighs opened and my hands let go of my brother's head, who immediately started breathing heavily and moving his chest.

"Are you okay?" I asked him softly, feeling drained.

"Yeah..." he breathed out, taking another heavy breath and falling onto his back next to me.

"Damn... sis. You were like the devil..." He laughed a little when he felt better.

"Perhaps you're right..." I still spoke weakly. "For what we have done...we will burn in hell."

Tom leaned over, took me by my hips and laid me on top of him. He was gently and lovingly caressing my hair and he was still breathing, just like me.

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