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Love, Texas Style 15


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"Yes," she groaned through a contraction. "Tell Michael I'm going to the hospital. I think our baby is coming."

"Good, God! He'll be calling you in a few seconds, Amy!"

Moments later, Amy's phone rang... It was Michael.

"Hello, Handsome," she answered, as she looked down the street and could see Presbyterian Hospital up ahead. She smiled at hearing his voice.

"Dang, Amy. You sound wonderful. Are you OK?"

"We're fine, Baby. Mommy is with me and she's driving to Presbyterian and I called Dr. Austin. She said she would meet us there."

There was a silence on Michael's end of the call.

"Michael? Are you there?"

"Yeah... It just hit me, Amy... Real hard. We're going to be parents today."

"Oh, God, Michael! We are!"


Amy beamed.

Happy to see her man enter the suite where their baby would be born. The nurse finally let him enter... The nurse needed to make sure Amy was indeed, in labor... all of the medical equipment, IVs, and other equipment were set up. She was now in a hospital gown lying on the bed. Olivia entered right behind him.

"You are so beautiful," he whispered, as he bent over to kiss his wife. "How do you feel?"

"Cranky," she replied with a giggle. "It hurts a lot. The contractions... Oh!" She groaned her last word. "Speaking of which. Damn."

Two hours later...

"My water broke! It's all over the bed!"

Michael rose from his chair and headed for the nurses station... returning with Molly, Amy's nurse.

"Yep," Molly affirmed. "Your baby will be here soon, Mrs. Woods. Time to call Dr. Austin." Molly left and two other nurses entered to change the sheets.

Thirty minutes later...

"Amy! My favorite patient. Gonna have a baby today, yeah?"

Dr. Austin took Michael's seat and grabbed Amy's hand. Smiling widely.

"You're doing great, Sweetie. Molly says you're handling the contractions wonderfully. So, how are you?"

"Ready for my baby to get out! Get it out!"

Sally looked up to Michael... concern on his face. "Don't worry, Dad. This is gonna be a piece of cake." Leaning back over to Amy... whispering...

"You said your husband was handsome. You understated his looks, girl."

Forty minutes later...

"Amy... you are doing so well. The baby's head is showing now, so I need one more good push from you. Now!"

"Oh, God, Michael! Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrggggggggggghhhh!"

"Yes! Yes! The shoulders are clear... Oh, my! Yes, ma'am, Mrs. Woods. It's a girl."

Dr. Austin holding the tiny baby up for Amy and Michael to see.

"Oh, my," Amy croaked. "Hello, Verónica. Hello, Baby... I'm your Mommy." Amy cried and choked her last words.

Verónica replied with a prompt squeal and wail. Dr. Austin handed the squealing baby off to Molly, who then wiped her clean, placing her on Amy's chest. Verónica began calming down when Amy placed her hand on the back of her new baby. Her baby cooing on her shoulder... listening to her mother's heartbeat.

"She's beautiful, Michael," Amy whispered. She turned to look at her husband sitting next to her... he, smiling widely and admiring his new daughter. His hand on top of Amy's hand.

"She is," Michael replied. "Just like her Mommy."

Verónica squeaked her next words...

"Yee oh!" A pause. "Yee oh!"


Amy opened her eyes.

Slitted... drowsy... exhausted. She turned her head a little. She struggled a smile.

"There you are," Michael offered, as he sat next to his wife. "A little tired are we?"

"Umm," Amy moaned. "Verónica?"

"Right here with her grandmother," Olivia replied, from the other side of Michael... out of sight of her daughter. "Your Daddy is on his way, Amy. He's excited for you and Michael." With that, Olivia appeared at Michael's side. "She's beautiful, Amy. She reminds me of you when I first held you." Olivia struggled with her last words. She then bent over and handed Verónica over to Amy, who took her with a motherly smile.

"I love you, Verónica," Amy whispered, as she settled her daughter into her arms. "And, I love you, Michael." She placed a hand on her husband's cheek and caressed him.

"There's a lot of love goin' on in here," Leon chuckled, as he entered the room... hearing the words from his daughter. "Well, I understand I'm a grandfather again. Number 20." He rounded the bed, pulled a chair close and sat next to his daughter and granddaughter. Michael on the other side of the bed.

"Verónica," Leon sighed...

"Thank you, Amy. For remembering where it all began."


Terry ended the call with his mouth a little open.

He blinked. He gulped.

"A granddaughter," he sighed out loud in his office. "Wow."

He leaned back and pondered the thought... for the next few moments. Then, Mary entered his thoughts. "Oh, God, Mary. I hope you can see this. I miss you so much."

He choked on a tear and the lump in his throat. He wiped the tear away.

He picked up his phone, dialed a speed dial...

"Martin, good afternoon. Will you pull the M2 from the hanger tomorrow, please? About 2 pm."


Terry stayed behind the wheel after he killed the engine.

A few moments passed.


He nodded to his wife. "I can't help it, Traci. Mary's been..." He choked on his emotion.

Traci pulled on is hand and squeezed.

"It's OK. I'm not jealous. I'm in love with Mary, too... because of you."

"She's missed it all, Traci. Our children are grown up and have their own families." He choked on the last two words. He shook his head side to side. "And now a granddaughter."

He began weeping softly. "I can't believe I'm doing this. It's not like me," he groaned.

Traci pulled his chin toward his face and kissed his lips. "I'd be disappointed if you weren't emotional for his child. A granddaughter because you and Mary loved one another."

He nodded as he choked back the tears. He squeezed her hand. Then, reached for the door release to get out of the car at the hospital.

Minutes later...

He knocked on the door to the room and cracked the door slightly.

"Come in," came the cheerful and familiar reply.

He pushed the door open and there they were. Mother and daughter in bed together. Amy beaming with her unique and cheerful smile. She looked a little tired, he thought. Michael by her side across the way... Smiling.

Traci slipped past him and stood to the side.

"Come here, Grandpa," Amy chirped... her cheerful and unique smile beaming at him. "Verónica has been waiting for you all day."

"How are you feeling, Amy?" Terry asked in a soft voice as he neared her bed.

"Other than a little sore, perfect," she chirped. "I feel like I've never felt before. I'm a Mommy, now." She choked on her last four words. "Michael, take Verónica and take her to her Grandpa."

Michael nodded to his father, took his daughter from the lap of his wife, and approached.

"Verónica Mary, Dad."

"Oh, Lord," Terry choked, as the tiny baby was cradled in his arms. "What a beautiful name for a beautiful girl." He quickly found a chair and sat. Beaming at the sleeping and tiny face just inches from his eyes. Verónica Mary, I have been waiting for you for a long time, he thought. Oh, God Mary... I hope you can see this.

Traci pulled a chair next to him and sat. Michael returned to Amy and held her hand. Amy looked into his eyes and smiled.

"Take pictures of Verónica and your father, Michael," she whispered...

"I want this moment displayed in our home. So... I'll never forget."

Chapter 167

Amy smiled as she brushed her hair.

A wonderful day. Her birthday... January 3... 24 years old.

A wife. A mother. And happy.

She had gotten back in shape. Her figure returned by going to the gym and Pilates with her mother. She had stopped going to the tanning salon months ago when she was carrying Verónica. Her skin nearly white... just a hint of olive.

She and Michael celebrated her birthday at the club. Olivia begged to watch Verónica while they celebrated. Dinner, dancing. She wore a new cocktail dress Michael bought for her. Michael was bringing money into the home. A modest sum.

Verónica was getting cuter each and every day. Making her mother and father happy. Dark hair and dark eyes. Michael swears her smile is just like her mother's. And grandmother's.

But, now... Amy was horny. She intentionally put on her red shelf bra and matching panties for when Michael returned from retrieving Verónica from her parents' home.

Not the first time she had been horny since Verónica was born two and half months ago, but, more so tonight.

"Your mother begged me to let Verónica spend the night," he called, from the bedroom. "V is asleep and I set up the monitor in the nursery." He paused as he crossed the huge bedroom toward the bathroom. "Do you need anything from the kitch... Dang!" He froze in his tracks as he entered. "Oh, Amy. You... you are stunning," he whispered from the doorway.

"Do you like it?" she replied, as she drew a finger across the exposed nipple resting on the edge of her shelf bra. Smiling seductively. Striking a sexy pose with a hand on the vanity.

"Yes... May I kiss you?" he whispered, as he swiftly crossed the bathroom into her arms.

She snatched his neck and pulled him hard into her lips. Seeking permission with her tongue. A good minute of passionate kissing...

"The next time Mommy offers to let Verónica spend the night, you let her, Mister Woods." She resumed her kiss. She pushed him away. "Get those clothes off," she ordered.

Michael chuckled as he stepped back and began loosening his necktie. Removing each piece of clothing... exaggeratingly slow. Frustrated at his tease, she leapt forward and started tugging at his belt and trousers. She fell to her knees, untied his shoes and tossed them aside. "Hurry up, Michael!" She reached inside his loosened trousers and began pawing his pecker. Raking her fingers through his pubic hair and massaging his balls. She raked his trousers and boxers to his feet and ordered him to step out. She peeled his shirt from his shoulders and tossed it aside. She fell to her knees and began sucking his half erect cock... feeling it swell between her lips.

"I love it," she mumbled after releasing his cock from her lips. "Come in my mouth." She growled her words and resumed her sucking and licking. She pushed him against the wall as she licked... and sucked... and watched his face get ever more tense.

"Soon," he garbled. "Fuck yeah!"

Amy had learned over the years to take Michael's huge cum shots without spilling a drop. Swallowing quickly the first rope to allow the following ropes to accumulate in her silky mouth. When she sucked him dry, she gulped it down her throat, rose to her feet, grabbed his hand and pulled him into their bed.

"Fuck me now," she ordered, as she laid on her back and spread her legs. "I need you now."

He peeled her panties down her legs and tossed them away. He lined up his still firm but sensitive cock with her oozing hole and slowly slipped inside... cringing at the over sensitized end of his cock... her silky tunnel clutching and gripping him. He fought through the sensations. He tapped her cervix.

"Yes," she wailed, as her head flung backwards into the pillow. "I love it." She began humping her hips up and down to encourage him to get after it. He complied.

He pushed her left leg towards her and let it rest against his arm. He then placed his left hand long her face, leaned over her and began fucking her. She responded by snatching his head and began making out with his lips... Moments later...

"Holy fuck," she squeaked, while her cheek was against his. "It feels so good, Michael." She pulled his lips and nose into her neck. Squeezing the back of his head and shoulder with her arms as she gasped and panted. Her nerves nearing the expected explosion with each stroke of his cock through her silken tunnel. "Oh, I so love it, Michael... don't stop... Yeep!"

She quaked beneath him. Nerves firing off... exploding in ever increasing pleasures. Colors everywhere. Pulling his face, head and shoulders into her neck.

This continued for the next 40 minutes.

He fucked her with both her legs folded toward her.

He fucked her with his hands on the back of her thighs.

He fucked her standing by the edge of the mattress.

Her milk swollen breasts wobbling inside the sexy shelf bra. She came every five to six minutes... crying out her love for him. Quaking and shivering under his control. Begging him for more. Then...

"Fuck me up, Michael. You're so sexy, Baby."

Her signal. Her command. He nodded and responded.

He flipped her over, placed his knees beside her hips, lined his engorged pecker on her slit and slipped slowly inside to tap her cervix.

"I love it," she whimpered. "Fuck me up, Michael. I love it."

Her legs between his, he long stroked her needy puss... a minute later, slapping her ass with his pubis on the inward stroke. She pleaded for him to cum inside her, but, she quaked through another orgasm. Her eyes rolling around in her head. He leaned over to whisper softly in her ear as he continued fucking her through her orgasm...

"I love you so much, Little One. I love it when you cum with me. You are so hot when you cum, it drives me crazy... oh, YEAH! CUMMING!"


Amy opened her eyes as she heard Verónica.

"Baby, can you go get... Michael?"

She reached for her husband. He was gone.

She was about to roll out of bed, but, stopped when she heard Michael... and Verónica crying.

"I love you, Sweet One," he whispered to his daughter as he entered the room. He could see Amy in the silhouette light from the bathroom. "I changed her diaper. She has a little rash on her bottom, but I put the ointment on it. The one you bought the other day."

Amy extended her arms to him and Michael slipped his daughter onto the bed. Amy popped her bra off and away and offered her daughter a nipple. Verónica became quiet as she nursed. Cooing and smacking as she dined.

"Beautiful," he sighed. "I'll never tire of seeing you two together." He nodded. He looked at his watch. "I've got to get ready for work."


Amy blinked.

Then gulped.

Then found her phone.

"Mommy? May Verónica and I come over? I have something I want to show you."

Minutes later...

Olivia blinked.

Then gulped.

"Do you think it's wrong?"

Olivia chuckled and shook her head. "Amy... If it's wrong, explain why you bought a pregnancy test."

Amy couldn't speak... not knowing how to respond. "I... don't know. I just felt like I... may be pregnant. A little morning sickness. But how? Verónica's only 3 months old. I thought you couldn't get pregnant if you're nursing."

"Well, apparently you can. The stick shows you're pregnant."

Amy, holding her daughter, walked to the couch and sat down... And paused... And sighed... and whispered...

"I'm pregnant."


Michael was reviewing the monthly report and the annual report.

Kylie going over each and every line item. The firm was now a year old and his clients were expecting their first dividend payments.

Leon was nodding... with a smile... with each comment Kylie provided.

Everything is looking very good, Michael thought. A good year. Better than I expected.

"And, the Peterbilt truck dealership in Memphis... You and I will close the deal next week. Over the road, local and regional trucking is strong and we can look forward to great sales." Kylie looked up from her report. Michael and Leon both smiling.

"Well?" she asked.

Michael chuckled. "Well, I think we've had a good year, don't you think Mr. Masters?"

Leon ran a finger across his chin... chuckling as he did it.

"Well, let's see... $490 million in invested capital, $183 million in cash, book value of invested assets, $627 million, $111 million of yearly income from invested assets, $27 million in liabilities. Starting with nothing a year ago. Yeah... I would say it's been a good year." He roared a gut laugh. "Great work, you two."

Michael nodded as he turned to Kylie. He smiled. "It has been a good year. Thank you, Kylie. You and I are working well together."

"You damn right we do. I've learned a lot from you, Michael. Some of those projects we looked into, looked like crap to me, but, how you do it, I haven't figured out yet. But they have grown into income producers. Particularly the real estate purchases we've made. I would've never thought to turn a triangle shaped, no good use, parcel of land into a lay down area for construction companies and charge them rent for it. You see the potential I don't see."

"She's right, Michael. I sensed that from you the day I met you. You have a positive insight on everything. I haven't forgotten the first client we had. I thought we'd never get that money back from the Botkin brothers, but you turned that mess into a huge asset, and old man Botkin is happy you've taken over. We now own 30% of the business."

Michael nodded and smiled. He stood and walked over to the floor to ceiling window... gazing out over the busy Central Expressway. The DART light rail speeding north.

Leon and Kylie stood on each side of him... Michael towering over both of them.

"There's a little smog today," Leon offered. "For January, at least."

Michael nodded as he looked in the direction of Fort Worth. A hint of brown haze hugging the landscape. An awkward pause... "It's been a hectic year for me... With Amy and Verónica and all. I... I don't know... I suppose I'm grateful for the wonderful things that have come our way here. The insurance company in St. Louis, the banks in Laredo and El Paso, and the many other projects that have come along. It certainly went a lot easier with each of you beside me."

"Ah," Kylie cooed. "Thank you, Michael."

Michael turned from the window and looked at each of them. "I mean it..." He paused...

"Thank you."


Michael blinked.

Then gulped.

"I was surprised, too, Michael. But, I'm happy. I love this baby as much as I love you and Verónica."

He nodded with an ever increasing smile on his lips. "I thought you told me you couldn't..."

Amy laughed hard to interrupt him. "I thought so, too. But, I called Dr. Austin and she told me I can get pregnant, basically any time after a baby is born. She did say, if I was nursing, the chances are much lower, but I guess we hit the jackpot and should buy lottery tickets." She giggled. She looked at her daughter in her arms. Verónica was smiling at her mother. "She's so cute."

"She is. I swear, she's gonna have the same smile you and your mother have." He stood from the chair in the dining room and walked to the window... to gaze out upon the front lawn and the street beyond. His in laws' home just across the way.

"What is it, Michael?" Amy asked as she stood next to him. Concern in her tone.

"I'm happy, Amy," he replied without looking away from the window. "My life has changed dramatically this past year. You, Verónica, and the firm. It's been... exciting and sometimes overwhelming, but, not this, Little One. The new baby, I mean." He turned to smile to his woman. "I am grateful you are pregnant again. I'm looking forward to meeting our baby." He caressed the cheek of his daughter... she was smiling at him. "I love you, both." He sighed loudly. He turned to face the window again. "We just finished the year end reports and the firm is doing very well. Dividend payments to our clients are going out on Monday." He nodded and turned to face his girls. He leaned against the frame of the window. "The $60,000 salary I gave myself and Kylie last spring? Well, there was enough for a bonus for your father, Kylie and myself. Each of us got $110,000 and... Our salaries are going to increase. Kylie to 100K, and mine and your father... 200K each. And, I told Kylie to take a least a week off, more if she wants. It was an order."

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