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Love Thy Neighbour Ch. 06

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Greg takes Luka to a safe house.
6.3k words

Part 6 of the 9 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 05/10/2017
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Luka woke up again after we had passed Camarthen and it was dark so she had no idea where we were when she sat up and looked out of the car. She looked at me with a slightly surprised look.

"We have been travelling for a long time. I did not think that Britain was so big."

"Well normally it's not but we've moved onto the bit of the map that says 'Here be Dragons' and we're worried about falling off the edge of the world so we're going slowly."

I heard a snort from Mitch and he and Tess exchanged something in Welsh which I took to mean 'bloody English coming over here and taking the piss' but I took no notice.

"How are you feeling, would you like something to drink? We will be there soon so you can have some proper food then as I wouldn't recommend the sandwiches."

She took some water but declined food ... I obviously hadn't done a good selling job!

She lay down again with her head back in my lap and Tess turned to look at her.

"Greg has told us what he knows of your story. Do you feel up to telling us the rest? Like why Zoltan is still looking for you as, with respect, you are only a 22 year old porn actress?"

That's Tess ... direct and to the point.

Luka looked up at me and for a moment I thought she was angry that she was being disrespected but she was looking for confirmation that she could talk freely.

I nodded and squeezed the hand I was holding. She returned the squeeze and sat up but I kept holding her hand.

"I was at university one day and came out of my lecture and went to my car to go home and found Zoltan sitting on the hood ... sorry you call it a 'bonnet' ... I must remember my 'English' English. I was frightened and shocked and stopped whilst I was 20 metres away and asked what he wanted. I went to get my phone out of my bag to ring the police but one of his bodyguards came from behind me and grabbed me and marched me over to the car.

"Zoltan smiled and said he was pleased to see me again and was looking forward to working with me again. I told him that I had left the industry and wasn't going back as I was a full-time student. He then pulled some documents from his jacket and said one was a contract that I had signed making him my agent and the other was a contract he had arranged for me to do a three volume series called Analise Love's Anal and other films with a production company that he happened to own.

"I could not understand this as I had not signed anything so asked to see my signature on the documents. He got to his feet and came over and showed me both signatures. Unless someone was a really good forger they were genuine but I could still not understand when I signed. I looked at the date ... it was the day of the 'rough' shoot ... he got me to do it when I was drugged. I tried to be brave and tore them both up but he laughed horribly and told me they were only copies. He then slapped me really hard and told me that would be the last time I would challenge him. To prove the film contract was genuine he showed me a print-out of a bank account in my name with a deposit for $200,000 which he said he had prepaid and now it was time for me to make the films as he would not give me the access code until the films and any other he organised for me as my agent were completed."

Luka stopped and I could tell that she was getting upset. I looked at Tess and shook my head. This could wait.

Luka caught the interchange and squeezed my hand.

"It's ok Greg ... I can go on ... so long as you are here."

Tess made an "awww how sweet' face and I blushed.

"They filmed all of them in a few days in Russia and my body was very ... err ... sore and let's say that I couldn't have made it through without heroin. Zoltan suggested it early on and I refused at first but when I told him I couldn't go on after the second day he got angry and hit me and got one of the guys who used to fix me up before filming each day ... and then it got to twice a day ... and then ..."

She started to sob and I tried to hold her as best I could with the seatbelts in the way. She quietened eventually.

"After the filming I tried to go back to university and didn't see Zoltan for a few weeks. I knew I had to get off the drug and went cold-turkey and stopped using for a while. Then he showed up again with more film ideas that he claimed were in my contract. These were just him and me and were really bad ... painful and I started using again. He let me have some of the money so I could give it back to him for heroin."

Tess interrupted.

"Why didn't you go to a lawyer or the police to challenge the contracts, why didn't you run away?"

"I did. The lawyer said they seemed to be legal and I would need witnesses to prove that I had been drugged when I signed. I went to the police but they just laughed at me and said that as I was no better than a whore I should not expect too much protection. I went to Germany to hide and the next time I phoned my parents they were very frightened and said that Zoltan had been to see them and had made threats as to what would happen if I did not return. They too had gone to the police and had got no help. Zoltan has them in his pocket I think. I went back and Zoltan beat me very badly and told me what he would do to my mother and father and my sister if I ran away again."

Again Tess had a question.

"It still doesn't explain why Zoltan did it. He could have got lots of other girls to do it. Why you?"

Luka was quiet for a while and spoke in a whisper when she answered.

"Because he's in love with me ... was in love with me."

Tess and I both gasped and looked at each other and then back at Luka.

"He has a funny way of showing it."

"Apparently he had seen me in my early stuff and got infatuated ... but he's banned from the US and I spent a lot of time there. It was only when I gave up and came back to Europe that he could get to me. He created a sort of shrine to me in his house near Moscow ... I know as I have seen it ... I lived with him as his ... fuck toy ... for six months while I did more films with him ... each one worse than the previous. However, about 2 weeks ago he brought this other young girl to the house, an Italian girl called Francesca and he started to sleep with her and ignore me. I tried to speak to her but she was frightened that Zoltan would hit her if she did."

She stopped and a strange look appeared on her face. She turned to look at me and grasped both my hands.

"Do you know that I was relieved at first and strangely ... a little bit jealous ... then I started to worry what it meant? He still wouldn't let me leave but a few days later he said we were going to meet a producer in London who wanted me for a special film. It would be my finale as the contract would be finished.

"When I met the producer, an American called Tony Bent I started to get really worried as he has a reputation for making realistic 'punishment' movies and it is rumoured ... that ..."

Her hands were gripping me very tightly as she stopped again and I could see horror in her face.

"It is rumoured that some of his movies take things too far and girls die ... he makes 'snuff' movies."

She sobbed quietly for a few moments before pulling herself together.

"I knew that I had to escape as I felt that every time Bent looked at me he was measuring me for a coffin or working out which construction site my body would be buried in. I wasn't listening to any of the details of the deal but I did understand that I would get $100,000 which in my mind confirmed it was all bullshit. Zoltan wouldn't let me walk away with that on top of the $200,000 he already owed me.

"Then it got really weird because they said it was going to be a high quality art-house film and they wanted me to get some new lingerie and nice clothes for the film. I was given £5000 in cash and told me to go off and buy what I wanted. Whilst it wasn't the first time that this had happened it was certainly the largest amount of money I had been allowed to spend. I was also surprised when Zoltan said he wasn't coming with me as he had done in the past and was sending one of his bodyguards to be my chaperone. I wondered afterwards whether they might be trying to confuse me ... to make me think that every thing was ok ...a double-bluff I believe you call it ... in case I had worked out what was going to happen."

She stopped talking as she felt the car slow and then turned in over a cattle grid before coming to halt a few seconds later. We descended stiffly after several hours in the car and Tess went off to organise food and drinks. I turned to Luka.

"Can you walk sweetheart or do you need me to carry you?"

She leant against me and smiled cheekily.

"I can probably walk but I prefer if you carry me."

I chuckled.

"Is this how it's going to be? You flutter your eyelashes and I end up as your slave?"

She fluttered her eyelashes.

I bent and picked up and she put one arm around my neck and pulled her mouth close to my ear and whispered.

"I very much hope so but I think roles will be reversed very quickly."

I turned to look in her eyes and tried to flutter my eyelashes. She giggled.

"No that is not working! Keep going slave."

She dropped her head onto my shoulder and I carried her up the front steps of the big farmhouse, into the hall and then into the huge kitchen. A tall young man of about 18 was putting plates out on the massive table in the centre of the room and turned as we entered and then pulled out a chair so I could put Luka down.

"Hi Uncle Greg, I didn't know you were coming or that you were bringing ..."

Luka snorted at the mention of 'Uncle Greg' and I turned to give an admonishing glare that just turned into a smirk mirroring her own.

The young man stopped and looked at Luka and a look of part-recognition passed over his face. You could see his mind working as to where he had seen her before.

Another one with questionable viewing habits or did he see Lizzie in her?

"Hi Hywel, this is Luka but you have never seen her ... she is not here. Do I need to say more?"

He met my gaze and gave a slight nod. I had no worries about secrets being kept in this extended family. There had been too much blood spilt in the past as a result of a misplaced word.

I knelt down by Luka's chair.

"Hywel is Mitch's son, the nephew of Tess and cousin to Lizzie, my wife so I'm not really 'Uncle Greg'. You will meet some of the other members of this inter-related family in the morning but check if they have webbed feet and 6 fingers first."

Hywel laughed at my standard joke about the family.

"Only you could get away with that comment coming from Norfolk, the incest capital of the world."

I snorted.

"You are confusing those of us from the Royal County with the in-breds from Suffolk young man."

Luka watched the interplay with a smile and then turned to whisper to me like a shy child.

"You are loved here. They think you are a good man. I am glad you have brought me here to meet your family."

"Yes, they are a great bunch. I'd trust them with my life ... in fact I already have on a number of occasions."

Tess returned and started organising as only she could. We tried to come up with a sensible idea for food for Luka and settled on porridge with bananas as both are slow release foods and hopefully would not overload her fragile system. Everyone else got microwave pizza!

We didn't talk any more about Zoltan and Luka's story as that could wait until morning and as it was late. Luka asked about the farm and Tess filled her in on the fact that whilst they still did some sheep farming the place was used more for 'glamping' and as a yoga retreat to keep it running. After the meal it was decided that bed was a sensible next step and Tess grabbed some old clothes and toiletries for Luka and took her up to Lizzie's old room. Tess came down a bit later.

"She's having a shower. She did say that she hoped she wouldn't drown this time. I'm assuming that's another story from your eventful last 48 hours which I haven't heard about yet. Anyway, what are you standing around for? Get up to bed, you have had a tough couple of days."

"I need some blankets for the couch."

"Greg ... much as I love you ... you are an imbecile sometimes. You may be thinking you are sleeping alone but Luka is definitely looking forward to sleeping in a big bed with you."

My mouth must have hit the floor.

"Huh? Did she say so?"

"No, she doesn't have to. The way she talked about you non-stop when I was making up the bed and the way she has been attached to you for the all the time that I've known her is a bit of a clue. Also, the look of pure adoration that comes out of her big eyes every time she looks at you is a big give-away."

I huffed.

"That's just rescue-hero syndrome. She'll get over that when she knows the real me. Anyway she's 13 years younger than me."

Tess' eyes lit up in anger.

"Oh, yes, 'the real you'! That will be 'the real you' that is so scary that he gets the devil himself quaking in his boots. For god's sake Greg this is the 'real you'. The man who goes out of his way to help a girl he's never met before. The man who has promised to sort it so she doesn't have to hide any more. The man who has sat and held her hand and stroked her head for the entire journey. The man who has attended to her every need as though she is the queen herself.

"Yeah. That 'real' you'!

"As for your ages those are just numbers and have nothing to do with the way the pair of you feel about each other.

"Now get upstairs and get in that bed before I have to drag you there myself."

Suitably chastened I tried to get the last word.

"Hang on, the first time I came here you wouldn't let me any where near Lizzie's bedroom. I'm sure you made Ben lay anti-personnel mines on the landing to make sure I stayed downstairs. But now you are encouraging me into an unmarried girl's bed under your roof. What would they say at chapel?"

She giggled.

"Well she was only 17 and you were this decorated war hero. I couldn't have my baby girl violated by this smooth-talking officer the first time you pitched up. She had already taken a shine to you when she met you at Ben's medal celebration so who knows what would have happened if we hadn't mounted a landing patrol."

We both laughed and Tess looked at me strangely.

"You know Greg that is the first time you and I have talked about Lizzie without you breaking down in 5 years. Luka is doing you good ... and I'm really pleased. She's a sweet girl."

I started to feel guilty and Tess could see I was conflicted.

"You are not dishonouring Lizzie's memory by having feelings for someone else. You know she would have wanted you to find the happiness the pair of you had together. Now get up those stairs."

I came to attention and gave her my snappiest salute.

"Aye, Aye, Sir"

She nodded.

"Carry on, Major."

I climbed the stairs and went to the familiar room and quietly opened the door in case Luka had gone to sleep. I could see her eyes in the soft light of the bed-side lamp and I could see her mouth curve into a welcoming smile. She whispered.

"Hi. I wasn't sure if you would come. You don't have to sleep with me if you don't want to. Now that I'm getting better I don't need looking after all the time."

I sat on the side of the bed and reached over to stroke a stray lock of her blonde hair out of her eye. She caught my hand and pulled it to her mouth and kissed the palm.

She smelt of shampoo and toothpaste and the indefinable smell of 'her', something I was beginning to adore.

I lay down on top of the duvet so we were facing each other and our faces were inches apart.

"Dr. Greg thinks there's a chance you may have a relapse so he would be remiss in his duties if he was not on hand to help you though that crisis."

Her smile got bigger but turned into a teasing grin.

"Well I will always obey Dr. Greg's instructions but it is a problem that I am naked under the duvet. You will have to sleep in your clothes on top."

I pretended to consider the problem.

"Well it will save vital milliseconds if I'm under the covers should you need CPR. Also I'll lose time in moving towards you from the friction of my clothes on the duvet so I think it would be better if I was naked too."

Her teasing grin became a chuckle.

"You could write dialogue for porn scripts."

"What dialogue? I thought it was mostly ... 'Oh my god ... do you like your cock in my tight pussy ... fuck my slutty ass' ... etc. etc.'"

She giggled.

"It is not Shakespeare that is for sure ... we do a bit of Shakespeare at university ... I find it difficult to understand at times."

"You and me both, sweetheart! I did it at GCSE and I needed all the translation notes I could lay my hands on."

She giggled and looked severe.

"Shame on you! Your greatest ever writer and you need a translator."

"I suppose you understand every word of Franz Kafka?"

Her eyes opened wide with surprise and then amusement.

"You know about Franz Kafka? A soldier knowing about Kafka ... that is a surprise."

I pretended to look affronted.

"Not all of us in the military are uneducated you know. Some of us can read and write and do sums. However the truth is I have never read any of his work and the only thing I, and I suspect most people, know about him is that he wrote surreal stuff like the one about a man changing into an insect and the term 'Kafkaesque' came from his weird stories."

She grinned sheepishly.

"I don't know much more except that he wrote in German but I think we cover an English translation of The Metamorphosis later in my course.

We lay quietly for a moment and then she pointed to my head.

"I have just learnt something about the 'you' up there and I like it. I still want to learn more. I seem to remember you promising to answer one of my questions if I answered one of yours but I have done all the talking. I think it is time you answered one of mine."


Smart cookie this girl!

I grinned and nodded with a 'you got me' look.

"I guess I have managed to get away with it for a while but there might be some things I can't answer."

She looked puzzled.


"Some of the stuff I have done is classified. I was a Royal Marine officer for 10 years I did some things for my government that they do not want made public. I was decorated for two of them and I have medals."

She laughed and pointed to my head.

"Will it help me understand the 'you' up there by how you got those medals?"

That was a good question. She definitely was a smart cookie.

I tried to change the subject.

"Shall I get undressed and get into bed or are you going to interrogate me like this."

Her grin reached maximum wattage.

"Actually, I think having you naked in bed might help with my interrogation."

I think she might be right!

I slid off the bed and quickly undressed and climbed under the duvet into her waiting arms.

It felt so natural, like we had been sleeping together for ever.

We kissed slowly and tenderly like we were already lovers before I broke away and leaned back to look at her.

"Why would you think I wouldn't want to sleep with you if you kiss me like that?"

She looked shy and embarrassed and lowered her head.

"I ... err ... worry that ... I'm scared that ..."

I cupped her chin and lifted her face so I could see her eyes.

"What are you worried and scared about sweetheart?"

She looked sad.

"I'm worried that you still think of her."

She nodded behind me at the group of pictures on the wall that Tess had never taken down. I rolled over and looked at them for the first time in a long time.

I still felt emotional but not the gut-wrenching pain I might have expected previously.

What was happening to me? Tess was right, Luka was doing me good.


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