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Love Your Teacher

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Hayley Atwell seduces one of her students.
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The sound of a busy corridor immediately greeted Steve as he entered the building. While he had spent quite a while there during his orientation week, he still felt a little lost. He quickly moved to the board, looking for a way to his class. When he first heard that he had been accepted to the community college for English and Theater classes, he took the news with joy. His parents weren't well off enough to send him to a "proper" college right away, so this was the best way to foster his love for theater and arts.

In high school, he always excelled in the arts, taking part in school plays and acting classes, practically living and breathing theater, film and TV. It did make him into sort of an outcast, with only a few friends and no girlfriend through his entire high school tenure, but he didn't mind much. He was shy, sometimes cripplingly so and because of it used to the feeling of being alone. As he moved towards the classroom, he could feel his hands jitter a little, excited as to what the day and the next two years would bring.

As he finally reached it, he went inside, finding a desk to the left of the class, right next to the window. He sat himself won, pulling out his writing block, pen and phone. He relaxed as much as he could in the hard chair, scrolling and tapping on his phone as the minutes passed. Soon, a trickle of fellow students started to come in. He acknowledged them with nods as they streamed in, observing them. They were a mixed bunch, but with a clear sway towards girls. None of the students tried to spark a conversation with him as they settled down, also busy either with their phones or their food and drinks. The minutes passed slowly, the class settling in. Steve was, however, so caught up in his phone he didn't spot another person enter the room, heels clacking against the wooden floor as she moved to the teacher's desk.

"Good afternoon, class. Hope you're having a good day today."

The voice made Steve quickly hide the phone in his pocket as he looked up. He was surprised to hear a female voice with a posh, English accent, smooth like honey. He physically had to stop himself from gasping as he actually recognized who the teacher was.

It was Hayley Atwell.

The famous Hollywood actress stood in front of the class, leaning to her side as she rested her right hand on the desk. Her head was slicked back, tied up in a ponytail, accentuating her strong jawline. She was dressed casually - a black turtleneck and grey, striped trousers. The turtleneck hugged her body tightly, giving James and the class a good idea of what was hiding underneath. The sight made Steve squirm a little, before the sound of her voice brought him back to reality.

"So, as some of you might know, I usually don't do this sort of thing." She spoke, moving forward and hiding her hands in the trouser pockets. "However, ever since I left drama school I was always very grateful to my teachers for giving me the tools and skills that shaped my path as an actor. So, to honor them and to try something new I decided it was time for me to do some teaching. I always thought we, actors, make the word a little more colorful as we go along, so I hope my class will show you how fun our trade can be."

Steve's world narrowed only to her, listening to every word falling from her lips. He felt hypnotized by her poise, beauty and the compelling way she talked

"As for the class itself - the only thing I expect of you is to come here and speak up a little. There will be an attendance list which I will always pass around when class starts."

Saying that she dug out a pen and a sheet of paper from her purse, laying it on the desk of a girl sitting in the first row.

"You can miss three classes throughout the semester with no explanation why. Any more and you fail. Outside of that, just stay active, don't look at your phones and we shall be all right. No reading list either." She finished, a wide smile decorating her lips.

As the list circulated, she started speaking again.

"So, for those of you who don't know who I am - I'm Hayley Atwell. I finished my theater training in Guildhall in England before playing in theater, TV and movies. Most of you know me from the Marvel Universe, where I played Peggy Carter. I do have to say I loved that role, even though my heart is always in London on the West End... Regardless, I'd love to know more about you. Let's start with... you." She then spoke, aiming her hand right at Steve.

He froze for a second, ripped out of his trance as he quickly composed himself.

"Oh, ummm... OK." He spoke, a little laughter escaping his lips. "My name is Steven, although you can call me Steve." He didn't miss her lips curving into a little smirk as he said so. "I'm 23, and I'm doing an English course here. Hoping to get into college later on, currently saving up. I've always loved theater, being very active in high school."

"Oh." Hayley interjected, cocking her head to the side as the smile on her face widened. "Have you acted?"

"Yes, a little. School plays, mostly, was very into the drama club." He spoke further, noticing how Hayley's eyes lit up.

"Mhm, very good. I think you're just where you want to be."

"I do hope so, Miss Atwell." He replied, relaxing back into his chair, casting a quick, lustful glance onto her very visible bosom, the turtleneck hugging those big breasts very tightly indeed. The sight made his cock harden a little in his pants.

"Very well." Hayley spoke, seemingly not noticing Steve ogling her. "So, now... you, please." She spoke as she then pointed to another student.

The rest of the class passed quickly - after introductions Hayley steered the discussion towards different acting methods. Steve was pretty active during that time, speaking a lot about his own experiences and what he already knew from reading different sources. The minutes breezed through as then, suddenly, the time was up.

"Right, thank you so much for coming today, and I hope to see you next week!" Hayley spoke, moving behind the desk to pack up as the students moved out of their seats, rushing towards the door. Steve packed up and moved as Hayley took off too. Seeing the door closing before her, he rushed forward, opening it wide.

"Oh, thank you very much Steven. See you next week!"

"You too, Miss Atwell." He replied, holding the door as he then moved behind her, casting a quick glance at her ass as he closed the door.

Damn. He thought, feeling himself blush. This is gonna be fun.

Steve was feeling good.

The day up until that point was going great. He got a good grade on his presentation in Literature, his Linguistics test wasn't as bad as he feared and he also got a call from his work telling him he got the weekend off.

All that remained now was the Acting class with Hayley - by now his most favourite teacher. Her open style and knowledge made it easy to simply relax and participate, without fear of being thought of as a know-it-all. His crush on her helped too, although he, of course, was doubly careful in trying not to ogle her too much during class. She didn't make it easy on him, however - even her casual outfits a perfect blend of class and sex appeal, teasing but not openly exposing herself. Today was no different - Hayley appearing in a red blouse, black blazer and a tight pencil skirt, her curves on display for everyone willing to look.

The class passed quickly - they spent it on discussing the latest movies and different aspects of performances they observed. Steve was active as always, taking part in all sorts of discussions, ranging from realism of portrayals to difficulties of learning an accent for a role. As the clock struck 4 PM, students started to pack up.

"All right, class, thank you very much for your input. See you all next week and have a great weekend!" Hayley said, starting to pack her own bag, scribbling something quickly in her pocket calendar. Steve hadn't actually unpacked himself, so he just threw his bag over the shoulder and started to move the exit.


He stopped in his tracks, hearing his name spoken by the teacher. He looked up, seeing as she stared at him, swearing he saw a hint of a smirk on her red lips.

"Could you please stay for a moment? I need to talk to you in private."

Steve nodded, suddenly feeling his heart beat a little faster. He couldn't remember any reason why he would have to stay back - he was always respectful and took an active part in the class, so it couldn't have been that. Before he could think of more reasons, the last student left the room, closing the door behind them.

"So, Steven." Hayley then spoke, moving from behind her desk, her heels clacking on the wooden floorboards. "I have to say I am very positively surprised by you."

"Thank you, Miss Atwell." He replied, feeling a surge of both pride and calm spread through his body. "I try."

"The pleasure is mine. And yes, I can see that." She spoke, now perching herself on top of the desk, crossing her legs. "You do seem to enjoy the subject very much."

"I've always been interested in it. And with a teacher like you, it's very easy to." He replied, casting a quick look at Hayley's shapely legs.

"Oh, stop it." She replied, a small laugh escaping her lips.

"No, really." He continued, his words suddenly coming a mile a minute. "You're so candid and passionate about it, it's hard not to."

"You're far too kind, Steven." Hayley replied, cocking her head to the side.

"You're such a good actress too, I loved the way you played Peggy Carter." He continued, his mental filter completely gone by this point. "So poised and elegant, and yet so powerful. You are so talented, Miss Atwell."

"Well... you do know how to make a girl blush." Hayley replied, her cheeks indeed rosy pink as she pressed a finger to her lips, covered in crimson red lipstick.

Steve chuckled at that remark, before suddenly feeling as if someone pricked a needle at his heart. He stopped smiling, looking away from Hayley's eyes.

"If only..." he then said quietly, his tone dejected.

"What do you mean?" Hayley spoke, moving towards him. "A handsome guy like you, sweet talking like that? Your girlfriend is so lucky to have you."

His only response was a sarcastic chuckle followed by a sigh as wave of self-doubt so common for him washing over. He stayed silent as he kept his gaze pointed at his shoes. He heard Hayley's heels clack against the floor, then stop just in front of him. He suddenly felt her hand on his shoulder.

"Steven, is everything alright?"

"Yes, Miss Atwell, it's just... I've never had... a girlfriend." He spoke, quietly.

"Oh..." She gasped quietly. He still kept his gaze down, not wanting to look at the inevitable look of pity in her eyes.

"It's OK, I don't care that much, it's not like any girl would want me anyway, you know..."

"Steven." Hayley suddenly spoke, her tone leaving no room for complaints. He bit his cheek, stopping himself from talking as a wave of embarrassment washed over him. "Stop this and look at me."

He obeyed, raising his head to meet her gaze. He looked deep into her brown eyes, seeing no pity or disgust.

"You are one of the smartest people I have ever met." She spoke, her tone sounding sincere.

"Passionate, knowledgeable..." She paused, suddenly moving her head, her lips just inches from his ear "... and handsome as fuck." She whispered, her tone suddenly changing to straight up seductive. He gasped, suddenly noticing how close she actually came up to him.

"Miss Atwell..." He spoke, not believing what was happening. Here he was, standing alone in a room with one of the most beautiful women on Earth telling him he was handsome. He watched as her lips curved into a sly smile, her teeth coming out to bite at the corner of her lip.

"I've actually thought that from the moment I saw you." She spoke, her voice lowering, her accent making him shiver. "And when I saw how you looked at me when you thought I wasn't noticing, I'd say you fancy me too."

"Miss Atwell, I'm so sorry..." he started to speak, feeling ashamed before Hayley suddenly put a finger on his lips. He fell silent immediately.

"Oh, no no no, you have absolutely nothing to apologize for, Steven." She spoke, her hand moving from his shoulder to his cheek, caressing it. "If it was any other man, I'd find it disgusting. But not you, darling."

He didn't respond, the entire situation overwhelming him. He felt hot, his breaths coming in quick, feeling his cock harden in his underwear just from the way Hayley spoke.

And then, she moved her head and kissed him.

Steve froze, feeling those soft lips on his. It didn't stay chaste for long, Hayley cocking her head and grabbing both of his cheeks, pulling him deeper. He unfroze at that, trying as best he could to follow the movements of her lips. He opened his mouth as he then felt Hayley's tongue push into his mouth, trying to wrap itself against his. He suddenly felt her right hand leave his cheek as it travelled lower, sliding against the slowly growing bulge in his pants. He then broke the kiss, gasping for air as Hayley smiled at him, biting her lip.

"Mmm, Steven." She cooed, her hand massaging his cock through the trousers as he gasped. "Is that a phone in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?"

"Miss Atwell..." He moaned, the feeling of her hand so close to his shaft making him hard as a rock.

"Call me Hayley." She replied as she then fused their lips again. This time, he moved his hands to her hips, his fingers digging into them as she continued to ravage his mouth, clearly enjoying taking the lead. He allowed her to, too afraid to screw something up because of his inexperience. Her kiss grew even more heated her hands clawing at his chest through the T-Shirt as he found enough courage to then squeeze her ass through the tight pencil skirt, Hayley moaning enthusiastically into his mouth in response. They broke the kiss after that, their cheeks flush and their breaths labored.

"Hayley..." Steve gasped out, breathless, aroused and confused.

"While this was very nice," Hayley spoke, similarly out of breath, her lipstick smudged, "I think we should stop here before someone finds us."

"Oh, yeah, right, good idea." Steve replied, snapping back to reality of what had just happened and where.

"However, I would very much like to continue this... wait a moment." She spoke, quickly grabbing her pocket notepad, scribbling something on the paper and then tearing it off, handing off the piece of paper to Steve. He accepted it, noting it contained and address and a phone number.

"After this I'm off for the evening. Got any plans?"

"No." Steve spoke, not lying - he was planning to maybe drink a few beers and watch some HBO, but Hayley's offer soundly threw that idea out of his window.

"Good. My place, nine o'clock on the dot. Don't be late." She spoke, winking as he smiled, recognizing the reference. She moved towards the door as she then pecked him on the cheek.

"You have lipstick on you." She then added, opening the door. "Off you go, Steve."

"Thanks, Hayley." He replied, basically sprinting out of the class to find the nearest toilet, trying to hide his wide smile as best he could.

As he approached the house listed on the note, Steve could already feel himself jitter. He gripped the bouquet of red roses and a bottle of red wine he managed to scavenge from some present he got a long time ago harder, not wanting to drop any of it. He really didn't know fully know what he was getting himself into - while Hayley's promise of "continuing" did lay out some guidelines onto what would happen, what would actually happen was another matter entirely. Regardless, he did prepare - showered, sprayed himself liberally with deodorant and cologne, put on fresh clothes and got the presents for her. He felt like going on a proper date for the first time in his life. He checked his watch, noticing he still had 5 minutes to go. Regardless, he then pressed the doorbell, feeling his hand jitter as he started stepping from one foot to another. He waited, all sorts of scenarios going through is head when he then heard the lock jiggle and saw the door open.

"Hello." He spoke, seeing who had opened the door. Hayley stood in front of him, her crimson red lips pulled into a wide smile.

"Well, hello there Steven. Very nice to see you." She replied, her tone bordering on seductive. Her eyes widened as she then spotted the roses and the wine. "Oh, you didn't have too, so sweet of you!"

"I try." He replied, a little chuckle escaping his lips.

"Come on in then. Unless you want to stay out..." She said, clearly smirking at him as she then turned around and moved into the house, shooting him a look at him over the shoulder. He followed her, closing the door and then quickly taking off his jacket and shoes, leaving them in the entry corridor. He then followed her inside, noticing her wearing a white coat, covering her up to her knees, her calves wrapped in sheer, black stockings (or pantyhose).

"Let me take those from you. So, so sweet of you Steven, you really didn't have to. You can make yourself comfortable on the couch." She gestured as she took the presents from his hands, setting the wine on the kitchen table as she looked for a suitable vase. He followed her command, sinking into the soft, red couch as he watched her, entranced. Soon, moved back into his view, her heels clacking on the wooden floorboards as she held the opened bottle of wine, alongside two glasses.

"Since you were so nice to bring this, I think we might as well." She spoke, then moving to sit right next to him as she set the glasses on the table and poured the wine.

"So, cheers." She spoke as they both clincked the glasses, taking sips of wine. "Mmm, pretty good."

"Nice to know. Not too big on wine, if I'm honest." Steve replied, setting the glass back on the table.

Hayley chuckled back at him as she toed off the heels, letting them fall to the floor as silence started to hang above them. Steven was the one to break it, taking a breath.

"So, Miss At.. Hayley." he spoke, lost in the depth of her brown eyes as he felt his heartbeat against his chest. "Why..."

"Why what, Steven?" She replied, twirling the glass in her hand, her eyes clearly showing amusement.

"Why exactly did you invite me here?" He asked, watching as her red lips curved into a sly smile. "I mean, what happened in the classroom was very nice, I do have to say, but..."

Anything he wanted to say after that suddenly evaporated as he felt Hayley's finger on his lips.

"Shhh, darling. Let me show you." She spoke, moving to stand up right in front of him. Her hands then unbuttoned the coat, her shoulders shrugging as it fell to the floor.

"Holy... whoa!" Steve gasped, confronted with the view. As it turned out, the only thing Hayley was wearing underneath the coat was a beautiful set of lingerie - a black bra with lace trim on the cleavage, a matching lacy garter belt, a black thong and a pair of sheer, black stockings, held up by red garters. "You look beautiful, Hayley."

"Oh, Steven. It's all just for you, my darling." She spoke, seductively, running her hands over her divine body - over her tits, her belly, her thighs and then back up again - as Steve felt his cock harden.

"Me?" He replied, not believing what he was seeing and hearing.

"Oh, yes." She practically moaned as she moved forward, suddenly straddling him on the couch, pulling him into a slow, sensual kiss. He let her lead, his hands gripping the couch as he felt her tongue slide into his mouth. He tried to follow her every move, groaning as he felt her hands rub hit shirt and her hips grind into his own, making his cock harder and harder with every passing second. She broke the kiss after a few long moments, panting, her cheeks covered in a crimson blush.

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