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Love's Wicked Craft Ch. 04


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"Fine. Let's do this."

"Can the worm come?"

"Hannah, just put the worm down. No offense, but he'll be better off without you."


Having been so visually aware of her progress, it hadn't occurred to Cat how effective her resistance training had actually been. She was surprised at her own strength and so was Hannah. The boost up she had given her had not only gotten Hannah to reach the surface, but had sent her flying well beyond the edge. To Cat, Hannah's buck ten felt more like fifty.

She didn't wait long for Hannah to return with a five gallon pail. It was all Cat needed to get her hips over the edge. After, they stood together, peering down into the grave's depth and the pail sitting innocuously at the base of its south wall. Cat turned to Hannah and said:

"You know we need to fill that in right? I mean like, soon."

Hannah shot a glance at Cat, folded her arms across the front of her little pink party dress, and then returned her gaze down into the depth. Watching her, Cat tried to read the varying expression on her friend's face and wondered when she'd have her next opportunity to procure another suitable eggplant. Presently, shrugging Hannah said:

"I think you think, I should do it now."

"Do you have another shovel?"

Staring, squinting from the sun, Hannah nodded.

"Well," continued Cat as she retrieved the shovel Hannah had dug her grave with, "go and get it and I'll get started."

It took a few hours and Hannah definitely, for whatever reason, didn't seem like she wanted to do it, but she'd done her share and the great hole was filled again. Cat, despite the heavy work-out that morning and having been surprised by the grave, her descent into it and by Hannah's materialization after four months of absence, was actually quite invigorated. For every one of Hannah's shovel's full, Cat had averaged between three to four. It had even been fun. They'd talked, fitting back into their natural ease of conversation and a quality of chumminess Cat hadn't known between them since they were kids.

Before the burial of Hannah's grave gotten into full swing, they had laughed like senseless fools. The five gallon bucket was still at the bottom of the hole. Hannah didn't want to bury it, so Cat grabbed her and prepared to throw her down, which caused Hannah to scream with nervous laughter. But, Hannah still didn't want to just bury the thing, so they went with Cat's idea, that she would dangle Hannah over the edge. But Hannah was just being very nervous and just plain too girly about the whole prospect, until Cat just grabbed her again, knelt at the foot of the pit and effortlessly dangled Hannah into the hole until, screaming and laughing like a mad woman, gripped the sides of the pail and pulled it up.

Cat had done her best to resist, but she'd begun to steal glances at Hannah anyway. She'd taken the opportunity as she'd held her captive, suspended in her grasp, allowing for herself free vantage of Hannah's round ass, the lobes of which had been smiling along the hems of her little pink panties. No Cat, she'd admonished herself. That's enough. You can't! You can't just assume to- I mean, just because you're horny and you've acquired a taste for sex with women, doesn't mean this is appropriate.

Oh shut up. Just one more look. Hannah hung there, still in Cat's grip, not aware that her ass was being hungrily ogled by her best friend. So Cat looked again, admiringly, and then guiltily. Damn it! I have to stop. I can't. I shouldn't. But, no longer able to control herself, Cat proceeded to the visual data for later reference, pondering the possibility of sex with her good friend as she enjoyed hearing Hannah screaming with laughter.

"I have to tell you something." Cat had announced as they worked.

The grave had become almost half full and there had occurred a lull, all be it, a comfortable lull, in their conversation. Hannah looked up, drenched with sweat, her pink dress smeared with mud, her legs caked with dirt.

"What?" she asked.

Still shoveling, sweating buckets and not meeting Hannah's eyes, Cat said:

"I was seeing someone for a while there, after Frank, a..."

It was then that she'd paused her shoveling. Standing completely upright and wiping her brow, Cat finished her statement.

"A woman."

She watched Hannah's expression as she stood, motionless, her eyes assessing, breaking the stare to gaze across the garden, searching for her next choice of words, and then settling them back on Cat's.

"Are you, okay?" was what Hannah chose to say in response, her expression settling into what seemed to Cat like concern and possibly dismay.

She hoped she hadn't made a mistake by telling her. Cat had thought of waiting. But, couldn't think of a good reason why. In fact, that moment was probably the best time. Why not get rejected right after an impromptu reunion? Why not feel Hannah out for her might feeling betrayed because just maybe, even if Hannah was capably bisexual didn't mean she'd be comfortable with Cat, her friend of years, suddenly joining the club. And it wasn't like Cat thought she'd stay in the club just because she had such a great time with Brusso or because she was really really really really eager for a woman's touch that very moment.

"I'm fine." Cat answered, "I'm good."

"Okay." Said Hannah, returning to the business of shoveling, "So, tell me about it."

Cat remained paused, watching Hannah, considering her, considering where to start and how much she should say. So, lifting her shovel, Cat reflected, got back to work and started at the beginning. The words flowed, tentatively at first, but, gaging Hannah's attention and in answering her questions with polite frankness, Cat gradually became comfortable enough to share most of the grittiest, juiciest, details.

In turn, Hannah had reciprocated in her own meandering way, her autistic interjections interrupting only occasionally, her reporting of events concise and entertaining, relating things about Chase that convinced Cat that Hannah definitely needed to move on. Then, as dusk waxed into night, the whole that someone would surely have broken a leg in was no longer there and Hannah and Cat were Hannah and Cat again.

"Now for that shower." Cat proclaimed.

"Right," Hannah agreed, "I'll get the hose."

Cat wasn't sure how she felt about being hosed off outside. But, considering how thoroughly filthy they were, it only made sense. Presently, Hannah returned, turning the adjustable spray nozzle as she walked. Then, arriving three feet away from Cat, Hannah held the nozzle, prepared to fire at Cat, who had only time enough to gasp in fear before the torrent of water sent her shrieking and throwing her hands before her face.

"Oh you, freaking snot face!" she cried as Hannah giggled.

Lunging, Cat grabbed at the nozzle, but Hannah pulled back. Then, bounding, Cat catapulted herself at Hannah's legs and tackled her. Cat quickly took control of the hose and, certain that the neighbors had to be watching them because of Hannah's screams, sprayed her friend at very close range, taking care not to hurt her. Still screaming, Hannah cried for mercy. Cat persisted a while longer and, still spraying, got to her feet. Soaked, panting, Hannah quickly scrambled to stand. Trying to cover her chest with one arm and her crotch with the other, Hannah regarded Cat cautiously.

"You think you're tough," she said, now that you can kick my ass, huh?"

"You started it." Cat laughed, "That was a high setting."

"I know. Can you finish cleaning me off now, gently, please?"

Turning the nozzle, Cat took a few steps closer, held the nozzle over Hannah's head and resumed spraying her. Hannah gasped, grunted and raspberries as she rubbed the soil from her hair and the exposed parts of her body. Presently, she turned around for Cat to spray the back of her legs, bent over, lifted the back of her skirt, and abruptly lowered the back of her panties. Helplessly eyeing her friends fine white buttocks, Cat whispered the words "oh my" to herself. Then, after she'd covered her ass back up, rose and turned back around, Hannah raised the4 front of her skirt and faced Cat, who suddenly happened to stop spraying.

"Would you mind," Hannah intoned, "You know-"

"You know what?" Cat asked.

"Spraying me down there with that setting."

Well, it was harmless enough. Wasn't it. Hell, Hannah was probably good and stinky down there. It was a soft enough setting. What was the harm? So, after a quick look around, Cat started spraying the front of Hannah's panties. Eventually, she spread her legs further apart and said:

"Could you, slow it down and, starting from under my butt, direct the spray upward and move it slowly forward, you know, back to the front?"

Cat stopped the spray and blushed, unseen in the growing night.

"I'm sorry." Hannah stammered slightly, "If you're not okay with it-"

"Hannah," Cat whispered, "the neighbors might be watching."

"Pussy Cat," Hannah whispered back, "don't be a dumb ass. Everyone is busy watching TV in their air conditioned living rooms. Look, just give me the hose."

"No. I, I got it."

"You sure?"

"I'm sure."

Cat took another look around, stepped forward, lowered herself slightly, reached between Hannah's legs and resumed spraying. After a moment or two, she asked:

"Like this?"

"Exactly, like that."

She peered up into Hannah's face and saw that her eyes were closed, her mouth was slightly opened and her expression was the picture of concentration. Then, looking back down at how she was manipulating the nozzle, Cat watched as Hannah affected a rhythm of slowly lowering and raising her hips, then punctuating the movements with even slower forward thrusts of her pelvis. Then, when Cat became aware of Hannah's legs beginning to quake, she felt her own sex begin to throb. I really should go home, she thought. Yeah right.

Hannah moved that way for another few minutes and Cat continued spraying her friend's hidden sex and perineum until Hannah began to softly moan, settle her palms onto her knees, crane her neck, open her mouth just a little wider, shiver, whimper and cry, just a little, until straightening her legs again, flexing her muscles, raising her arms behind her head, cradling her head into them, and then issuing a final, satisfied sigh before dropping her arms to her sides.


"Yeah Cat?"

Hannah took the hose from Cat, and then Cat stepped back, stunned, numb, and moving awkwardly until she was a yard or so from her friend.

"Look," said Cat as Hannah began to spray her in the flip manner of one who is cleaning off lawn furniture, " I want you to know that I, don't want to take advantage of you or make you feel like I'm taking advantage of your, disability."

With that, Hannah paused, stopping the spray and regarding Cat as if she'd just belched in her face.

"What the heck are you talking about Pussy Cat?"

Still stunned, but suddenly feeling quite stupid, Cat sighed and began to brush the grime from herself as Hannah casually resumed spraying her down. Well there went nothing. It's for the best, I guess. Now, I should definitely go home. But, Cat didn't go home. She was still soaked and the night was actually quite pleasant. The stars were out, for real, the air was cool, free of mosquitos and it was still good to be with Hannah, even if her social skills sucked.

"We should undress out here to dry off a bit before we go in." Hannah suggested after coming back from coiling the hose back on its hook.

"Excuse me?" laughed Cat.

Hannah started to make her way toward the patio and beckoned Cat to follow. Cat paused and took another look around the adjacent back yards.

"Cat, its dark enough. No one can see us."

The shiver of hope erupted up through Cat's core like a lightning rod, sending her clit and the bundles of nerve endings around and behind it into pulsing evolutions of anticipation.

"I guess." She whispered, trying not to sound too shaky, "Fine."

Together, they stood by the patio's sliding door and the next thing Cat knew, Hannah was kneeling at her track shoes, undoing their laces. Cat made a final scan of the neighbor's windows before fixing her gaze back on Hannah.

"I can, take my own shoes off you know."

"Of course you can." Hannah replied, glancing up to meet her gaze, "But, I want to do it for you. Is that okay?"

Again, Cat looked around, considered, wondered, hoped that there wouldn't be anything to regret, and then gave her answer.


Under Hannah's easy touch, Cat's skin had become a veritable sheath of electricity. Her eyes having adjusted to the dark, Cat eagerly observed Hannah's fingers. First, they were around Cat's feet, circling her heels and sliding along her toes. Next Hannah dragged their tips up along her knees and thighs, and then Cat knew for certain that she definitely wasn't going home until much later. Next, Hannah pulled the hem of Cat's tube top from inside the waist band of her cut-offs, and then gently tugged it from her torso. Then there was Cat's strapless bra. She watched Hannah's face, her serious, contented face, as she unclasped it and let Cat's firm breasts slowly drop out. After looking at her own aroused nipples, Cat moved her gaze back up into Hannah's eyes and thought: You know Hannah, this would be a fine time to kiss me.

But, Hannah had not kissed her. And, perhaps because Cat was suddenly so extremely relaxed or because she was so tuned to watching Hannah or because she was so sexually charged, Cat chose not to brave a kiss. Instead, she observed Hannah lowering her hands to the fly of her cut-offs, vaguely recalling that she hadn't bothered to put panties on back at the gym. It had been too hot, after all and, as cool as the night had become, Cat was getting very, very hot again in spite of the cool air around Hannah's fingers and against the bared skin and moist hair of her suddenly exposed pussy. Cat was fairly certain that she couldn't take much more. In fact, she was brimming with such anticipation that she was starting to find it very difficult to contain herself.

"Now it's my turn to undress you." She whispered against Hannah's right cheek, and then turned her around.

With Hannah's back to her bared breasts, Cat proceeded to draw the zipper of her party dress down the length of her back. Next, she caressed the garment from Hannah's shoulder, and then slowly pushed it down until the little dress dropped to her waist. Next, Cat stepped around to the front of her friend, knelt before her and undid the laces of her boots. Then, removing them, Cat returned her attention to the dress, pulling it down to Hannah's ankles, lifting one leg and then the other in order to pull the vestment free.

"Cat?" Hannah suddenly whispered.

Her finger tips reaching the hem of her panties, Cat looked up to regard her friend.

"I am a good person and you are good people, all the time." Hannah asked, "I'm, right, right?"

Cat smiled warmly, took both of Hannah's hands into her own and whispered her answer.

"Yes Hannah. You're absolutely right."

Hannah gave a small nod. Cat let go of her friend's hands and then slowly dragged her wet panties down the length of her thighs, over her knees, and then down to her ankles.

"Wait a minute!" Hannah suddenly hissed.

"What is it?" Cat squeaked as she covered her breasts and quickly scanned the back yard.

"I think we buried my keys."

You mean the keys to the house too? "Cat shrieked while rising quickly to her feet, "Jesus Hannah!!!"

"Kidding." Hannah said, "There right there."

She gestured toward the small plastic wicker patio table and two chairs to Cat's right.

"Right next to your eggplant."

Cat stifled a laugh.



"Never mind."

Cat looked on as Hannah gathered up their clothes, draped them along the backs of the patio chairs, tucked the eggplant under her arm, and then unlocked the sliding door. Once inside, Cat advanced first and switched on the kitchen light while Hannah locked the door again. Then, setting her keys and the vegetable on the kitchen table, Hannah stepped forward to watch Cat, who had been standing in the open space between refrigerator and counter, combing her fingers through her wet hair. Presently, she stopped, feeling the full weight of Hannah's stare and slowly brought her arms down to her sides.

Hannah stepped closer, her hands clasped before her, drumming the fingertips of her right hand on the knuckles of her left, her eyes staring, full with alertness and very intense desire. Cat's skin began to tingle again from the sheer sight of her, fully illuminated under the bright yellow of the kitchen's light. Hannah, whom she hadn't yet seen naked as a adult woman, Cat found very, very beautiful, a simple beautiful, flawless in her remarkability. Her hair too, thin, shining, wet and tangled, seemed to sweeten her face.

But, her eyes, the curiosity and sheer lust in them, Cat could hardly manage, oddly enough, the confidence to maintain looking into them. Hannah had said that Chase was too much. It made Cat wonder. What if she, herself, wasn't enough for Hannah? She felt her blush deepened and, as Hannah began to walk a slow orbit around her, the tingling in Cat's skin became focused in her most erogenous areas, as if the electricity had marched like a gentle army of ants to fill her breasts and the entire flesh of her sex.

Hannah was only intensifying that concentration of sexual charge, her eyes touching Cat as her fingers and palms touched her, drawing the energy back to the parts of Cat's body, all the parts of her body, upon which Hannah made contact. The relaxation, the hyper awareness, it was as if Cat had already reached an orgasm without actually having been manipulated to that end. Her lids were getting extremely heavy. Hannah's hands still, in their wisdom, learning each and every last inch of Cat's flesh. The heat, the humidity, beads of sweat, the smell of womanness, of fertility, Cat was trapped, captive, yet free, weightless in the oblivion of Hannah's beautiful, beautiful touch.

"Your pussy's dripping," she suddenly heard Hannah whisper, breathing the words against her right cheek, "I mean, really dripping."

"Hmm." Cat purred.

"I think I can fix that. But, there's something I need to do first."

"What's that?" asked Cat, her words barely a whisper.

In that instant, her eyes barely open, she felt Hannah move her lips closer to hers. Then she heard Hannah say, the word spoken softly, melodiously sweet:


The kiss happened like the dissolution of a dream, a good dream, warm bed clothes of satin and silk, a gentle breeze through an open window, the songs of morning birds, and the vaguest, first glimpse of a new day. Cat breathed Hannah in, like drinking, filling her nose with her, tantalizing, anticipating, imagining what other fragrances and flavors she would satisfy her hunger with. She couldn't delay it any longer. She didn't need to delay it any longer. Cat reached her arms around Hannah, stroking, caressing, feeling her way across her shoulders, down along her back, and then around her wonderfully smooth buttocks, grabbing their fleshliness, squeezing them and gently exploring the exciting humidity in the recess between them.

The lingering kiss suddenly broken, Hannah slowly withdrew a short distance from Cat, and then took both of her hands into her own. Still spellbound by the languid momentum of her friend's sensual provocation, Cat's eyes fluttered open and she was dismayed to see that Hannah's eyes were limpid with swelling tears.

"I'm pretty sure that you're thinking that this is a bad idea," whispered Hannah, as she reached a hand up to play with Cat's hair, "and I think, for the first time, this is a love thing I think I understand because, because I was with Chase for a while there and so I'm thinking too that I shouldn't be wanting you right now either-"

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