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Loving Silver Eyes Ch. 03

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Love can never be simple.
4.3k words

Part 3 of the 10 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 02/18/2011
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Hello everyone! Here's the third chapter and I hope you'll like this one too! I want to give my thanks to my editor, HMEdits. He is the awesome-est editor ever!!!

Please do rate and comment. I would be no where without you and your comments!! Also, i want to thank you all for liking my previous two chapters!!


* * *

"MAY!" I could hear a voice but was it his voice? I didn't know. Then I could feel someone moving me. Someone was definitely shaking me, pulling me and holding me. Then the voices were gone. It was sudden, just like when they started. The evening was eerily quiet except for the person who was holding me.

I gasped for air and turned to face my companion. The familiar silver-grey eyes met mine. I couldn't contain myself and I broke into tears. My sobs shook my body as I shivered in his cold but comfortable arms. What had just happened? Was I really going crazy? Why was I hearing voices? What the hell was wrong with me?

He held me and tried to soothe me.

"What is it? What happened May? Are you okay? Are you hurt?" his concerned questions gushed out at me but all I could do was cry. I couldn't stop, I was so scared. I couldn't understand anything.

I could feel him place soft kisses on my hair. At any other occasion I'd be swooning but then, I just pulled him closer, hoping he'd shield me from whatever just happened.

It felt like hours before my tears began drying up. Slowly, I started breathing and looking around me. Shit... was all I could think of as the blood rose to my ears again. I was literally mashed into him but I was still too cared to let go.

When he heard my sobbing subside, he gently pulled me away so I would face him.

"What happened May?" he asked handing me a Kleenex.

I wiped my eyes and my nose and took a shaky breath. My head was throbbing like I'd been hit by a hammer.

"I was walking to my car from the library and stopped to look at the sky. It was so beautiful and then I started hearing voices like I was in the middle of a crowded mall or something. Everything was spinning and then the headache started. I looked around but there was no one here..."

I was confused and when the memories of the horror came back, I couldn't hold my tears. I started crying again and feeling like an idiot at the same time.

He took my face into his hands and wiped my tears away. He looked into my eyes, with a pained look like he could feel what I went through. Involuntary I reached to touch his hands. They were cold as usual but I didn't care. I loved him; I wouldn't care if he'd turn into a hideous midget right now....

He kept gazing into my eyes and then came forward and placed a small kiss of my forehead and then moved towards my lips. Automatically my eyes fluttered closed as his lips touched mine. I'm sure heaven smelled like him, if there existed one. His breath was cool against my skin and even his lips felt like frozen roses, cold but so soft.

The kiss was chaste but then something inside me wanted more. I never knew I'd be so bold but then I'd been discovering many new things about myself since I moved here. I moved my hands and locked them around his neck. His moved to wind tightly around my waist as I moved closer. There was a fire building inside me, I wanted more of him, as if his kiss was acting like a natural stimulant. My heating body craved for his cold skin. My dreams played on my mind and I realized how similar the feeling was; him against me and me relishing his scent, his taste.

I thought I was going to pass out when he pulled himself away. Had I done something wrong? I was getting anxious again. I'm sure he caught the look in my eyes because instead of talking, he pulled me back and placed another kiss on my lips, a little less heated than before.

"Don't worry, nothing will happen to you. I wont let anything happen to you." He said, slowly moving strands of hair away from my teary face. "You're mine. I love you May. So whenever something goes wrong, I'll be there to make it right for you. Tell me, do you love me too?"

It was clear in his eyes, he wanted me as much as I wanted him. I nodded. I was so happy. I felt like standing up and dancing around. But instead, we sat on the cold concrete ground holding each other. A parking lot wasn't the exact place I had in mind for my first kiss but right now, I didn't care about that either. My first kiss had been awesome and I doubted I'd feel equally comfortable if I were sitting on a rose-petal bed.

Eeshh... roses on a bed?When did I become so romantic? My mind was surely messed up.

I closed my eyes inhaling his scent. Everything else was forgotten, all the pain I was going through before. That fear I was feeling moments ago just faded away and there was just him and me there. Being held by him and letting his long fingers stroke my hair was definitely the best feeling I'd ever felt- except for the kiss of course.

He insisted on carrying me to his car. I wasn't sure of my feet either so I agreed. It was amazing how easily he lifted me, almost like I weighed nothing. I wrapped my arms around his neck; I just couldn't get enough of the closeness between us. He wanted to carry me to my room but I knew granny would freak out so I leaned against him while we waited for granny to get the door. I didn't carry a key with me and my head was still reeling to be able to stand upright by myself.

"Oh my God, what happened?" I hated seeing granny worried.

"Nothing serious granny, I just got dizzy and tripped. So Ayden helped me home." I tried steadying myself against the wall. "Granny, this is Ayden, he is the one who tutors me in Chemistry and Ayden, this is my Granny."

"Hello, Mrs. White." Ayden was suddenly very serious.

"Hello." Granny replied with a smile. Oh God, this granny meeting secret boyfriend thing was really weird. I tried walking to the couch but as soon as I turned my head, a jolt of pain shot right through my brain to my eyes.

"Gah!" I gasped trying to hold the door frame but Ayden was already by my side, helping me stand.

"I better get you to your room." He said and my granny nodded in affirmation. So, he lifted me in his arms again and headed towards my room.

"I'll make us some coffee." Granny told me. Then she turned towards Ayden with a grateful smile. "You've helped a lot. I hope you'll stay for coffee."

"So what happened back there?" he asked crouching beside my head as soon as granny was gone.

"I really have no idea." I sighed. That experience was really disturbing. "I was just walking when it hit me. I've never felt like that ever! I just hope that doesn't happen again, I don't think I'll be able to take it!"

"Shh..." he placed a finger against my lips. "Don't stress yourself. Everything will be fine. I'm here for you; I'll always be here for you and no matter what you go through, I'll be by your side. OK?"

I simply nodded because I was sure my voice would crack.

"I've grown to love you, May and nothing you do or anyone else does will ever be able to separate me from you." He said softly tucking my hair behind my ears and softly trailing his fingers along the shape of my cheeks as I lay there, dumbstruck by the emotions in his eyes and his voice. Suddenly, he got up to sit on a chair near the foot of my bed. I was about to ask why when granny entered.

How did he know she was coming? Maybe he heard her and I was so lost in him I wouldn't know if a tornado hit the town.

* * *

He left with a decent looking goodbye but his eyes spoke volumes. I knew he didn't want to leave me without knowing what was wrong. I assured him I'd call him later.

"Here honey, I've made you some soup. Drink this and take something for your headache. I'm sure you'll feel better after you get some sleep." Granny said patting my hair.

As I lied down to get some sleep, I was just praying I had no dreams. I just wanted to sleep peacefully and thankfully, there was no dream that night.

I knew after missing one day at school, I'd have heaps of homework but I was still not prepared for the stack of books in front of me. Thank God Amy volunteered to help and I was waiting for her.

"What happened to you? You look so pale!" she exclaimed as soon as she got through the door.

"Nothing such. I had a migraine attack yesterday and nearly passed out. It was Ayden who helped me..." I was cut in mid sentence.

"Ayden helped you? Ooooo!!! This sounds like a movie. Just like a hero, he helps the damsel in distress..."

I sighed and shook my head. She was getting dramatic again.

"Amy, will you please sit down? You're making me dizzy!"

"Uh... sorry, got carried away. But this is awesome! You don't date anyone and then end up with the hottest guy in town? You lucky swine! By the way, is it official now?"

"God Amy! Take a breath! First you're going to show me today's lessons and assignments. Store the gossip for later. Get your books out while I mix some lemonade, ok?" I said, puffing at the fringe of hair that always fell acriss my face. Why did I ever let Lizzy decide a new hair cut for me? If I tried tucking it behind my ear, it never stayed and now it was really getting irritating.

She got serious and nodded like a good girl. I knew that look wasn't going to last long.

After a tiring 3 hours of studies and another hour of gossip, Amy was ready to leave.

"Hey before I forget about it again, next Friday is Lizzy's birthday and you've got to help me set something up for her. I really haven't done something like this- ever. And I need to get her a gift soon, if you know any good place we've got to go there ASAP!"

"May, don't get hyper! I'll handle it. You can throw her a party at my brother's shack. And about the gift, I know this awesome silver shop where they have these classy jewelries. I'm sure she'll love it."

"Ya, your brother's shack sounds great! We'll have to hurry with the gift... and I'll bake the cake. She loves my cakes. Alright it's done then. This weekend, we're going to that shop, OK?"

"OK, done!"

* * *

Stat test was great. Actually, the whole week was awesome. I was happy that Ayden was showing his emotions in public and we were usually holding hands in school and I definitely didn't mind the kisses. We usually went for walks during the evenings and the way he wrapped his arms around me made me feel so protected. Lizzy called me thrice that week so that I wouldn't forget her birthday (I wondered if she knew that I nearly did forget).

So, in total, I was a happy girl who was kind of worried about her Biology test the next week and of course the birthday party she was supposed to throw.

Thursday was hectic. Bio test was pretty OK and I was really exited about Lizzy coming. As soon as the class was over, I hopped into my car and drove off to the airport. Thank God the drive was short, just half an hour so I was on time.

"May!!!!" Lizzy squealed as she rushed towards me. I could see Mark trailing behind with his easy-going smile. Mark was good looking but I never got close enough to actually know him.

"Hey babe!" I exclaimed as we hugged like separated lovers. She even gave me a huge smooch on my lips... well not the lover-kind of smooch; it was totally playful and innocent.

After some pleasantries with Mark, we drove towards the motel where they were supposed to stay. I'd love to keep Lizzy with me but since Mark was here, it didn't feel right regarding the fact that granny wouldn't agree. I had school the next day, so we all agreed on going for a quiet walk along the beach, well with Lizzy nothing could be quiet.

She was chattering the whole time, telling me how beautiful Astoria was and how happy she was to finally be here.

We took a small detour and headed towards Amy's place. I wanted them to meet no matter how much I dreaded the consequences.

Amy was surprisingly quiet though. Maybe it was because I'd told her not to let Lizzy know about Ayden. I would deal with it later. So after a light dinner, I drove them to their motel and proceeded homeward.

I had just wrapped the silver bracelet I bought for Lizzy. It was delicate with purple crystals attached to a sparkling chain. Purple was her favorite color and I knew it would go well with the purple dress she was planning to wear the next day. I was settling in bed with Bram Stoker's Dracula when my phone rang. Yes, that is a very old book, but I still liked reading it.

"Hey, what are you doing?" I smiled at hearing his voice.

"Reading Dracula."

"The one by Bram Stoker?" he asked in an amused voice.

"Ya, what's wrong with that?"

"Nothing is wrong. Do you like that book?"

"Umm... like, as in I am fascinated about the relationship Mina has with the Count. A human and a supernatural being, I like the way it's shown in the book. But there are parts I don't like too. Still, this book is a classic."

"Which parts don't you like? May I know?"

"Its how he shows that vampires are evil. I mean; they are mythical and cursed, so why not leave them alone? For centuries vampires have been regarded as evil just because they drink blood! I mean couldn't they be good guys instead?"

He laughed at my response.

"What's so funny?" I tried to sound hurt.

"Nothing is funny sweetheart. I was just wondering how different your thoughts are."

"Ya whatever. Hey, tomorrow's Lizzy's birthday and I know I've already invited you, but just in case you forget. Don't worry about gifts. You need to be at Reggie Johnson's beach shack by 11:30. Don't be late OK? I'm telling this to you now because I don't want unwanted people asking about the party in school."

"No way would I be late to meet Lizzy and my lips are sealed, my princess. No one's going to know about it. I'll see you at school tomorrow, OK? Good night and sweet dreams."

Uh-um... my heart skipped a beat. He'd called me his princess before but I really couldn't get used to it... it always messed me up- in a good way ofcourse.

"Okay, goodnight. See ya!"

As expected, the next day was awful. I woke up late because I was busy with my dream-romance. Amy was helping me keep Lizzy out of the house after school while I baked her cake. I knew Lizzy was expecting a party but I also knew she had no idea where it was going to be. By 11:30, everything was done and I asked Lizzy to take a walk with me.

"So, we're going shopping tomorrow." She was already excited about the shopping part, more excited than her birthday. "Hey, don't forget to invite Amy, I like that girl! I can see that we've a long way to go as friends."

I knew it. Amy and Lizzy were like twins- unidentical ones at that. I knew Lizzy would like Amy at once and I also knew she'd like Ayden at once too.

I led her towards the shack and she was oblivious to where the party was.

"Surprise!" everyone yelled as soon as we stepped on the porch. The decorations were perfect and so was the look on Lizzy's face.

"I had no idea it would be here!" she said jumping with excitement.

Mark moved forward to give her a birthday kiss as Amy brought out the cake.

"Blueberries! You baked it for me, didn't you?" she smothered me in a hug again.

"Happy birthday babe!" I exclaimed, glad to see that she liked what we'd done.

"I love you I love you!" She screamed as she placed a huge kiss on my lips which brought out a huge hooting from the 6-membered crowd. "By the way, who's that delicious guest?" she asked noticing Ayden.

"Uh- umm... first cut your cake! We'll talk later."

"So back to the guy. I could see he wasn't letting you go at all!" she said poking at my ribs.

"OK, OK I'll tell you. He's Ayden Castellan. We go to school together and we're kind of seeing each other." And as if on cue, Ayden moved to my side.

"Hello Miss Elizabeth Cole. It is a pleasure to finally meet you." He said extending his hand and I couldn't stop myself from rolling my eyes. I swatted at his arm and told him to quit it.

"Hey Ayden. I didn't know anyone had the ability to make my friend see right and date. It looks like she's finally met her match!"

"Sure she did!" he replied snaking his arm around my waist and sending shivers all over me.

* * *

"Lets go for a walk." He said after the clearing-up was over. It was well after 1 in the morning and Lizzy and Mark were already gone. Amy was locking up. It was late but I loved our "walks" and I was sure Amy wouldn't mind.

"Hey Ams, I'll catch you later OK?" I called behind me.

He laced his fingers through mine as we walked along the beach. The silence was comfortable and I didn't feel like talking. I just wanted my piece of sanctuary with no disturbances. After a while, he removed his hands to put them around me instead and I shivered. I wasn't planning on swimming but Lizzy had talked me into wearing the new black bikini she'd bought for me. I had my shorts and a thin cotton shirt on top so the chilly wind added up to his touch.

"Are you cold?" he asked rubbing his hands up and down my arm. I shook my head and leaned towards him, letting my hand circle round his waist. We walked a little further towards the water and stopped to enjoy the view. It was a full moon night and the reflection of the moon on the water was magical. Since it was late, the place was empty and the silesnce added to the moment.

I looked up at him only to find that he was staring back at me. My face coloured as I hastily looked away but he held my chin and made me face him. He gently moved my hair away from my face as he gazed into my eyes. I remembered the dream I had about him where he was complimenting me about my eyes, telling me how he wished to keep looking into them.

Then he bent down and kissed me, his hands slowly moved down my neck to my waist and pulled me closer.

He was a lot taller than I was. Standing at 5'2, I felt like a tiny speck in front of him and I tried to stand tip-toe so that I could kiss him back. I guess he figured it out that it was difficult for me so he pulled me down so we could sit. And then we started where we'd stopped.

I was clinging to him as he ravished my mouth with his. His hands slowly slid under my shirt and the way my skin reacted was unexpected. How could someone so touch be so pleasurable? No way was I going to stop him; I had wanted this for a long time.

Slowly, he laid me on the sandy ground and his lips traveled downwards while his hand moved along my body. He placed kisses along my jaw and down my neck. My breath was getting heavier as he trailed lower still. I could feel my nether regions heating up as he unbuttoned my shirt. His kisses proceeded towards my heaving chest and I wanted to feel his skin against mine. So I unbuttoned his shirt and ran my hand along his rock-hard chest. I had been dying to do this since the first day I laid my eyes on him and I loved the way his skin felt against my fingers.

He moaned and moved my hand away from him. Then, he reached behind me to undo my top. I couldn't suppress my own moan as his hands found my breast and his mouth found my hard nipple. I didn't want to act desperate but I had to do something about the burning sensation between my legs. My fingers were tangled on his hair as he licked and sucked on my bud while his hand massaged my breast and all I could do was thrash around and moan with pleasure.

He paid similar attention to my other nipple and I was going crazy. I unbuttoned my shorts and guided his hand towards my pussy and held it there. He understood and slowly started moving his fingers along my soaked slit. I caught a breath as his finger bumped against my clit through the fabric.

His lips moved to kiss mine and his fingers moved beyond my bikini bottom. His cold fingers on my heated skin was amazing, nothing I'd ever dreamed about. He slowly stroked my outer lips. My breathing automatically became erratic as jolt after jolt of pleasure shot through me. He slowly made his way to the engorged button and made gentle circles on it.


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