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Loving Silver Eyes Ch. 06

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Love can never be simple.
6.1k words

Part 6 of the 10 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 02/18/2011
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Sorry guys, this was a little late... but the sixth chapter is here!!

Please vote and rate and of course, never forget the comments!!!

I want to thank my editor HMEdits for his awesome help...



* * *


I still didn't have the guts to tell her the truth. I had to... Annabell chided me every time she had a chance so I took her home. Mother and father wanted to meet her and I wanted to show Annabell how wrong she was about Mayira. Everything was fine until I saw a flash of Hidie's face in Mayira's mind. Hidie's eyes were flashing white and I could see she was seething with anger. Why would she be angry at Mayira when she'd never met her?

It was a mystery I'd have to solve later. Right now I needed to find the courage and the words to tell Mayira what I really was.

I got all prepared to call her and ask her to meet me but she was already tense about the dream she recently had. I wouldn't know what it was till I met her personally, so I put it off for later. I needed her to have a calm mind and a good mood.

I was sitting with my guitar, playing a tune Annabell and I had recently composed. We were planning to release a secret album... she had a really good voice and I was glad I could help her in any way possible. There was a note that sounded out of place so I was trying to get it right when I heard her call my name. It was faint and I wouldn't have heard it if I weren't writing the recent notations down.

I held still to listen... maybe my mind was playing tricks on me... but then I heard it again, more clearly. It was like the was wind carrying her voice to me... She was afraid, really afraid.

I looked at my watch and it was well after 7. She was supposed to be with Amy and her cousin, watching a movie... Why was I hearing her voice? I decided to follow her trail.

Although I had an unbelievably fast speed and equally good senses, I couldn't track her. She'd obviously taken her car and it had made her scent very faint but still, I found her... like a map in my head had shown me the path. What I saw was something I wasn't prepared for.

The smell of her blood hit me first. It had been tolerable when she had a thin layer of skin in between us but right now, I could almost feel it, warm and sweet... my throat started burning, like I'd drunk acid but that was soon forgotten... the sight of her blinded me with rage. Someone just slapped her and the smell of fresh blood made the burning come back with a worsening pain.

I never knew when the monster inside kicked in. Hunger and anger all rolled into one, I guess it fueled it and the next thing I remember I had my hands on her throat and I was staring at the blood that flowed form her lips... oh how much I wanted to lick it, to suck on it... until her voice brought me back to myself.

"Ay-Ayden?" she was so scared.

I moved back... what had I just done? How did I give into the thirst? How did I ever let go of something my father had so strictly taught me? And most importantly, how did I do this to her?

"I'm so sorry May..." I tried apologizing but I knew it wouldn't be enough for what she saw.

I could read her mind; she was more than just scared. She was terrified- of me... she wanted to run away, from me, from the hideous creature that I was.

"May, please stay..." I tried pleading... I'd do anything just to make her stay.

She was fighting against what she saw and what she knew... she was confused... I knew I'd lost her forever and she'd never be mine.

She ran away, not even once looking back and I stood there for some time, hoping she'd return.

I couldn't bear not knowing how she was, so I went back to her home but she wasn't there. Then I heard her granny talk on the phone to someone and that she was at Susie's. I sat outside the house listening to her cry and feeling miserable for having done that. Is that how you felt when you were punched through your heart? I just wished I could hold her... wished I could soothe her, make her pain go away but I was the one who caused it...

I'd sworn myself to protect her and today I'd tried to kill her. It was right for her to hate me... I didn't deserve her.

I wanted to scream, I wanted tears to wash my agony away but even my tears were stained with blood... and that never helped. Still, they dripped from my eyes, staining everything they fell upon.

I went home, unwilling... I was pacing up and down, wanting a solution.

"What happened to you?" Annabell rushed to my side instantly.

"Nothing... I'm fine. Leave me alone!" I almost growled at her.

"Just tell me..." she pressed.

"I said, leave me alone!" I shouted smashing my hand against a marble statue. It shattered into pieces, just like my non-existing heart... just like I'd broken her.

"What's wrong honey?" Mother was there followed by Hidie.

"Mother, she saw me... she actually saw me!" I said restlessly.

"What did she see?" mother asked, confused.

"She saw me, mother." I said covering my face with my hands. "She saw it all, me, she saw the monster I am and now she's hurt... she's broken mother and I broke her..."

"Tell me what happened...look at me, tell me what happened." She said, firmly holding my face looking into my eyes and I let her into my thoughts... I showed her everything.

She gasped, maybe seeing how I lost control but whatever it was she hugged me again and I sighed.

"Its OK honey..." she said hugging me.

"Its not OK mother, nothing's OK. She hates me." I whispered squeezing my eyes shut.

"I've seen her, Ayden. Believe me, she'll come back." Mother continued. "She loves you; she loves you too much to let you go. Just give her some time. She's meant for you, nothing can change that."

I sighed wanting to believe her. That was all I could do, hope and believe on that small thought.

* * *

I spent a whole week around her, never in sight... always looking out for her, listening to her thoughts. My dead heart almost leaped in joy when she asked about me in the office but then crumbled into pieces as she dialed my number and it went into voicemail. I'd crushed my phone in desperation when she refused to listen to me and now she thought I was gone. I sat there and watched her cry, wanting to comfort her but unable to move.

I was afraid she'd refuse me again...

I knew going into her dreams right away would be a mistake. I didn't have the courage to face her. Yet, I had to gain her trust and the only way I could do so was in her dreams. I would apologize continuously until she'd forgive me.

She'd stopped thinking about the incident and when she did, it was only me she remembered. It crushed me, seeing my face in her memories like that. I had to know what those people wanted... why they attacked her, so I started asking her the same question every time I went for my little visit but every time she refused to answer. I apologized, I begged but she just sat there, staring at me... and I never knew what she was thinking because the dream world is always undergoing constant changes.

Finally one day she spoke.

"Why? Why do you need to know? They're dead and its over. Get out of my dreams..." she was so stubborn!

I hissed but then berated myself. She was looking at me but the fear was no longer there. Maybe a hint of anger but no fear.

I moved to her side in one fluid motion. I needed to know the truth but she still had no intention of replying me. Instead she stuck her chin at me, staring into my eyes as if daring me to kiss her.

The memory of her warm lips on mine was enough to make me lose my control and I moved closer mesmerized by the feeling.

"Ayden, don't go... Ayden, I love you!" she said, frantically trying to grasp me. The darkness was growing and something was pushing me out.

"Ayden, what's happening? Don't leave me alone..." she was crying now and I tried to soothe her, to comfort her but she couldn't hear me.

My eyes snapped open. I had to see her; I had to be with her. I grabbed my phone and dialed her number.

"Ayden! I'm so sorry. I need you; I'm lost without you... I can't live alone Ayden... you have to come back. I don't care what you hid from me; I don't care about anything... Just come back to me... I miss you, I miss you like crazy and I love you like one too... Ayden please..." she sobbed as soon as she heard my voice.

I tried comforting her... she sounded lost, I had to see her so I promised her I would.

I ran, I ran like crazy and I was there in minutes. After another few agonizing moments, she was in my arms... crying and babbling about how sorry she was. I was just glad she was mine again... glad I'd found her back and I swore I'd never let her go.

"Do it... make me yours forever..." I could see it; she really meant what she was saying. I was still afraid I'd hurt her. After all, she was a human... a brittle, breakable human. Still, I couldn't find the will to refuse her.

I looked at her writhing in pleasure, feeling it in my mind. I was glad I could make her feel good, I could in some way please her but she wasn't done. She wanted me to go further; she really wanted me to take her.

"Are you sure I'm the one you want to do this with? I mean I'm not even a human." I asked her but she cut me off in mid-sentence. I knew the answer but some things felt good when you heard it.

I laughed inwardly at her ironical thoughts. She was comparing me to a marble statue...

A statue wouldn't hurt you... I thought as I let my mind go blank. I wanted to feel everything she was feeling, I wanted to do it right... I wanted this to be her best experience. I'd missed her a lot and I wanted to show her how much I missed her being by my side, how much I missed holding her, listening to her silence.

I've never fallen in love with a human but I've been with humans before... 'Sort of a teenage rampage' mother said. Father never approved of getting physical with humans, it was dangerous for them and later I agreed but I had to be with her... nothing could stop me when I was with her.

The feeling of her around me was different. With the others, it felt like an oven of some sort... but with her, it was warm, like the heat from a hearth... which warmed you up with love. It was like I was being caressed by fire and not like I was getting scorched.

I went slowly, very slowly because I didn't want to hurt her but also because I wanted her to feel everything. I stopped short as soon as I could sense her hymen tear. I could feel her pain... I wanted to, along with everything else she felt.

I held still until the pain faded away and she wished I'd move. Even after that I took it slow, relishing the heat and her soft caress around me. Watching her whimper and gasp, I could barely control myself. The only thing keeping me from gaining full speed was the fact that I could kill her. It was soft and mellow... I was not just having sex with her; I was making love to her. I've always looked human but it was the first time I felt like one.

I could sense that she was close, I could feel every nerve in her body getting excited as she rode higher up the cliff of pleasure. I held on, wanting to sync my own release with hers. The way she squealed on her release always made me smile. For a moment, her mind went blank and the first thing that appeared was me.

I kept looking at her face when something bothered me. Her eyes were glowing, just like mine did. Only, hers were deep green. It reminded me of a luminescent jade and no matter how magical they looked, it bothered me. She was a human, her eyes weren't supposed to glow.


"May," he whispered, a frown appearing on his brows. "Your eyes..."

"What is it?" I said blinking. "What's wrong with my eyes?"

He looked confused for a moment but then he sighed and smiled.

"Nothing is wrong with your eyes. They're beautiful, just like you." He placed a small kiss on my lips while I tried to stop an oncoming yawn.

"Go on, go to sleep." He said getting up but I caught his hand.

"Don't leave... stay here, we can go to school together tomorrow... right?"

I wasn't ready to let him go anywhere... actually; I'd never be ready for that.

"I wasn't going to leave, May. I was just getting dressed. You don't want to catch a cold now, do you?" he added with a wink and I blushed.

He arranged my bed and tucked me in. Then, he lied beside me and I moved to fit his body. Even with the bulky rug between us, I fit perfectly. He kissed my hair as I sighed and closed my eyes. I was happy, really happy.

"No, no don't!" I shouted, pounding against an invisible barrier of some sort as they dragged her away again. I had to know who she was and why she was bothering me.

"Mayira..." she gasped. "You have to save us. You have to free us, you're the only one, my child." He face was contorted in pain. Her green eyes showed fear and sadness.

"Stay away from her!" she screamed suddenly and I spun around to see who she was screaming at. All I could see were white eyes and bloodied fangs. I screamed as the mouth opened to tear me apart.

"May! Are you OK?"

I took a huge gulp of air and sat up. I was sweating and crying. Ayden was holding a cold hand to my forehead which seemed to gradually take the heat out of my body.

"I- I..." what was there to say? I looked up into his eyes and he froze.

"Who is she?" he whispered and I jumped to look behind me. Thank god no one was there.

"Who?" I asked confused.

"The woman in your dreams. She looks just like you."

"What do you mean... hey, how do you know?"

"Uh-..." he stammered. That was the first time I saw him stammer. "I can sort of read your mind..."

"WHAAAT???" I was so shocked; I fell off the bed, flat on my butt.

"A.." I winced at the pain. Great, now how the hell was I supposed to sit in class?

I heard him laugh but it ended as a cough when I passed him a stare.

"I'm sorry..." he said his eyes still bright with humor as he picked me up and put me on his lap instead.

"Reading others' mind is a mean thing to do." I said crossing my arms over my breast and looking away. Damn, had he read all of those naughty thoughts I had about him?

"Of course. Those were my favorite ones."

"Ayden!" I gasped, blushing terribly. "Either stop it or get out of my room."

If he was taking the bus to Meanville, there was no way I would stay back.

"Look at me..." he whispered and I turned to look into his eyes. "Your thoughts are as beautiful as you are. And anyways, what's bad about your boyfriend knowing your thoughts?"

"Everything is bad about my boyfriend knowing my thoughts. Those are confidential matters and from now on, you're to keep yourself out of my head."

He tried to speak and I continued. "And if I somehow find you've been prodding again, you'll never enter my room again." I said with a mock pout.

His melodic laughter boomed around the room and I smiled. It was difficult being angry when he was around.

"Its just 5, go back to sleep. We'll talk later." He said putting me back into the blankets and circling his arms around me.

"OK... hey don't you have to sleep?" I asked, the thought suddenly entering my head.

"No, we don't sleep... yes, never." He continued answering my thought.

I groaned and covered my head with the blanket hoping it would keep him out. This is my magical blanket and you stay out of it. He laughed at my thoughts again.

The alarm woke me up the next morning and I stretched, looking for him. Where was he?

I heard a dish clatter in the kitchen so I rushed downstairs.

"Ayden?" I called out and then found him making breakfast. French toast and coffee... smells good.

He kept looking at me with a surprised expression and I snapped.


His eyes travelled from my head to my toe and then I realized I was still naked.

"EEkkk..." I shrieked and rushed upstairs.

"A perfect morning!" I could hear his comment as I ran.

* * *

"You did it, didn't you?" Amy whispered from my side and I looked up, totally confused.

"Did what?"

"Don't act all innocent. I know you did it..." she whispered a little louder. "With Ayden..." she added in a flirty voice.

"Amy, shut up and let me concentrate!" I whispered back, hoping she'd get off my back. Just because I scored A's in my previous tests didn't mean I could stop listening to the teacher.

"Just answer yes or no and I'll leave you. Promise." She blinked her chocolate brown eyes at me and I sighed.

"OK fine, yes I did. Now no more questions in that topic."

"But... I-."

"No." I gave her a I am serious look and she shut up. Well, that went well.

"At least tell me how it went..." she asked again winking at me. I was staring at my lunch tray which looked ver which looked very uninteresting. But if eating lima beans in silence would make her quiet, i was ready to make that sacrifice. I silently shewed on my salad as she sighed and finally shut up.

* * *

"When's your granny coming back?" he asked after dinner.

"Don't you know?" I asked sarcastically and he laughed.

"I thought you ordered me to stay out of your thoughts."

I rolled my eyes but it was only my dishes that could see me. "Since when do you do as I say?"

"Since now..." and he was suddenly behind me, his arms around my waist.

"Hey, don't do that. Stop showing off." I scolded him, slapping at his hands but they didn't move.

His lips moved to my exposed neck and I shivered. I gasped as he sucked on a small area of skin, nipping at it once in a while.

"What was that for?" I asked, kind of dazed after he was done.

"Just marking you, in a human way though..." he replied, his lips still lingering there.

As soon as I put the last glass for drying, he spun me around and then his lips were on mine. My hands moved around his shoulders as his hands tightened around me.

He must have sensed I was out of breath so he let go of my lips and we stood there hugging each other.

"We still haven't talked, remember?" I asked in a small voice, torn between the beauty of the moment and my curiosities.

"Of course. Let's finish the revision part first and then we'll talk."

"So, tell me more." There were so many questions, I couldn't decide on which one to ask first.

"You don't need to ask. I'll tell you myself. The first thing is why I never told you. We're never supposed to tell anyone about ourselves. The knowledge of our existence can cause a havoc in the world so the council prefers keeping it a secret... well, not that any weapon could actually harm us... the consequences can be dire if we let anyone into this little secret of ours- dire as in death..." he said replying my thoughts and I gasped. I actually blamed him for not telling me without knowing the actual fact.

"It's OK I was thinking for some way to let you know but I couldn't come up with any. Anyways, it was a good thing you found out... although the situation wasn't what I imagined it'd be."

The memories threatened to rear their ugly heads but I pushed them back. I was going to forget that night.

"I was born a vampire... yes, vampires can procreate. It's kind of different from the humans but it is there. We also have the ability of going into people's dreams but that requires a lot of concentration and energy. We usually don't do that. Reading minds is a gift that only the Castellans have so Hidie doesn't have this quality and neither do the other vampires."

"So that's why... hey what about the first dream I had about you?" OK, now I was horrified and well... blushing.

"That one, I had nothing to do with... it was all you. But I did see it in your thoughts the next day..." he had his mischievous smile on.

I groaned and covered my face. That was embarrassing.


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