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Lucy Strays

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An inexperienced wife learns that size can make a difference.
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Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 05/04/2020
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Lucy Strays Chapter 1


"Babe, did our costumes come today?"

"Yeah, in the closet," Lucy said as she continued to get ready for bed.

Lucy and I were having a costume party for my birthday this year and the theme was movie characters. Because I had a thing for Hermione from Harry Potter, I ordered Lucy a Griffindor costume and myself a Draco Malfoy one as a partial joke, considering the two characters would never be together. Her costume consisted of a knee length schoolgirl skirt, white long sleeve button up shirt with a sweater vest that went over it, a bow tie and color coordinated knee high socks. Lucy had agreed to wear this specifically because it wasn't a "Slutty insert blank" costume. It was tasteful, yet part of my private fantasy, so it was sexy to me. Of course, being the pervert that I am asked,

"Honey, you should go commando in the costume"

"In your dreams Chris, all of our friends will be at the party, and last thing I want to do is flash my lady bits to everyone, especially my fellow teachers" Lucy stated matter of factly.

"Besides, David is going to be there, and that guy is even more perverted than you. He'll probably have mirrors on his shoes or a hidden camera."

"Oh, come on, David isn't that bad. I don't know why you always give him so much shit. Sure, he can be loud, obnoxious, cocky...OK, maybe I can see why."

David and Lucy had never gotten along. In fact, at times I thought she straight up hated him. Lucy always thought he was a bit of an ass to his wife Claire, and he wouldn't ever stop talking about sex or bragging about how easily he knocked up Claire. Not that it wasn't true; they already had two kids that were only 10 months apart. Because we choose not to have kids, we would jokingly make fun of his potential virility, saying stuff like, "Don't let him look at you too long" or "If he hugs you make sure he wears a condom." Granted, it could just as very well be Claire's fertility, but it was more fun to make fun of David's boasting.

"Speaking of the Parkers, is Draco going to be impregnating Hermione tonight?" Chris innocently asked his wife.

"That's not funny Chris. You will continue to wear condoms until I get that IUD," Lucy scolded.

"Boo, I hate wearing those things. This IUD appointment is taking forever. Can't we just have one fun night? I promise I'll pull out."

"Fine, but only if you promise not to flirt with Anna at the party," Lucy said with a bit of an edge

"Ugh, here we go. I don't flirt with Anna. She's just very touchy feely, and she's fun to talk to."

Lucy has never quite trusted me to be faithful, and while I haven't strayed, I can't really blame her for being suspicious. David and I both like to talk about sex a lot, so I'm not undoing her suspicions. That being said, Anna is very flirty and acts like the guys: tells dirty jokes, doesn't offend easily, and isn't afraid to get a little grabby at times. I can see why she might be a threat to any wife, especially since Anna seems to be perpetually single and available.

"I promise, with threat of giving you foot massages for a week, that I will not flirt with Anna at the party."

"Actually, maybe I DO want you flirt with Anna, Lucy whispered seductively. Now, get over here and make me cum," Lucy giggled as she laid back on the bed.

I love Lucy's body so much. She plays soccer twice a week still and competes on the local tennis team. I take every opportunity to look at her naked body, no matter how many times I have already seen it. Tonight, wasn't going to be an exception.

I grabbed her foot and planted kisses up her smooth, sexy legs until I got just below her pussy lips. Then, I switched legs and worked my way back down to her foot. This would drive her crazy, and I wouldn't stop until I saw that first glistening dewdrop at the entrance to her sweet honey pot. I loved the way her pussy grew as her lips puffed fuller and spread out even more. At peak horniness her lips extended an inch out like pink butterfly wings. I know this vision isn't everyone's cup-o-tea, but it certainly is mine. Those pink lips acted like two little sex blankets, wrapping around my hardening dick. Of course, I could never resist the temptation to suck on those lips, so on my fourth pass, I did just that, eliciting a deep and throaty, "Ohhhh." I slowly ran my tongue up the middle, spreading Lucy's lips as I rested on her clit for few extra licks. I would do this over and over again until Lucy's hips lifted off the bed as she strained to get her clit rammed almost down my throat. As she raised, I rolled the condom onto my rock-hard cock, using my hand to guide the tip inside, very slowly rubbing my head around her labia collecting those slippery juices. Once my cock was nice and slick, I slowly pushed....

"Ummm, you feel so big inside me," Lucy moaned in her best bedroom voice.

Lucy was not very vocal in bed. Usually it was heavy breathing with maybe a moan or comment during her climax. I'm almost happy that she isn't more audible since words can deter me from the task at hand. Tonight, would be no different. I began thrusting in rhythm with her hips and ass as her mewing sounds increased. This got me worked up, and I could already feel that inevitable building in my balls. I wasn't going to last very long unless I stopped, so I tried to pull out, but Lucy wrapped her feet around me trapping me inside her.

"You better let me go, or I'm going to cum"

"Do it, fill me up, I want your cum," she said.

Ok, that was too much. A few more thrusts and I unleashed my little swimmers deep into the stupid condom. As I pulled out, Lucy let out a disappointed sigh and spread out naked on our king-sized bed.

"I'm sorry honey, I can finish you off with my mouth if you want?"

"No, it's fine. I'm tired anyway; thanks for the offer though."


This costume party was stressing me out. I always worried about everyone else having a good time and inevitably have no fun myself. To make matters worse my flirty friend Anna was coming, whom I never quite felt I could trust. The real topper was going to be dealing with David. For whatever reason he really pushed my buttons, especially his arrogant cockiness. Sure, he was good looking enough, but his personality overrode his looks. To make matters worse, the stress of not having my IUD in was kind of ruining sex for me. I was just so nervous that I might get pregnant, even with using condoms, that I was having a hard time climaxing. For his part, Chris tries so hard to get me turned on and excited, but the truth is that I don't feel sexy or womanly and I have no idea why. Maybe it's the condoms and IUD, I don't know. Generally, I fake being interested and make the noises he wants me to make so that he can hurry up and finish. To be fair, I can orgasm with Chris; it's just that it isn't really worth the work it takes me to get there. The orgasms are always just a little lacking, if you know what I mean. I know this sounds crazy, but that's just how it is. I know that if I say the right things to him, I can get him to cum quickly so now that's my new game: See how fast I can get him to cum so I can go back to reading or sleeping. I really just haven't figured out what all the fuss is about if I'm being honest. Sure, it feels pretty good for a few seconds, but the orgasm isn't really worth all the effort. So here I was again, with my legs spread, hoping that Chris would be satisfied enough to leave me alone for a few days.

"Don't forget that Friday after work I'm going over to Claire's for the baby shower," Lucy yelled down.

"Yeah, I know. What time will you be home? I'll probably just go to a movie or something while you're there."

"Well, it starts at 5, and I'm guessing about 3 hours," Lucy continued.

Luckily, the Parkers lived in the neighborhood so I could walk to their house, meaning I could have a few drinks without worrying about getting home. I typically don't drink that much. Two is usually where I like to be buzz wise, although Chris jokes that three to four is where he likes me to be sex wise. I wasn't super excited about going to my third baby shower for Kristen, but she was my friend, and Claire said this party would be a little different since Kristen had already had two and didn't really need another shower. Claire had been nice enough to host since they were such good friends, which was great for me because her house was so close. Claire thought we needed an excuse for some ladies-alone time, but we didn't need a stinkin' excuse: this was the 21st century! I decided to wear nice jeans and a comfortable blouse. It was stylish, but not too sexy in case that ass David was there.

Once I arrived, the party and the white wine were both flowing generously from the looks of things. After a pleasant hour of catching up, Claire announced a change of pace.

"I never got to play this game at school, so ladies, gather 'round; we are going to play "Never Have I Ever".

A chorus of groans reverberated around the room. I had never played the game either, so I just sat quietly, but expectantly as Claire explained the rules. The game sounded easy enough, and Claire even put a nice twist on it, changing the normal drinking game into a wine sip/cookie bite since Kristen couldn't drink and no one really needed to get wasted.

So, if we had done what was stated then we took a bite of a cookie or sipped our wine. I like cookies and wine, so this new combo sounded simply great to me. The hard part would be choosing which indulgence to pick first. The other ladies quickly got on board since the initial protests appeared to be based on the usual alcohol rules.

"Never have I ever had sex at my parent's house," Teresa shouted to get things started.

Most people had done that one, including myself.

"Never have I ever cheated on my taxes," our cute, red-headed accountant friend giggled.

A few nervous glances went around the room as one by one the girls began nibbling their cookies or sipping their Zinfandel. However, this one sin I could proudly deny.

This scenario went on for a few more rounds as the questions bounced from the boring to scandalous. I was reaching my two glass, self-imposed wine limit, so I switched to water for a bit. I was also approaching my self-imposed limit of two cookies faster than I would have thought.

"Never have I ever had sex with anyone but my husband," a shy girl I had never met said.

Seeing as I was a virgin when Chris and I first met at 17, I raised my glass to my lips, but was shocked to see that the only other person to do so was Claire. This surprised me a little because Claire always seemed wilder than I was, but I guess she did get married to David rather young. The rest of the group naturally harassed us for being a bunch of prudes. I wouldn't exactly say I'm a prude. I had my fair share of second and third base encounters. I've at least seen five different penises in my life. Seen one, seen them all I used to joke because they all seemed so similar. In a small way though, I was a little bit proud that the group thought of us as prudes. Better than slut I suppose, not that I'm judging, of course, to each her own.

"Never have I ever had multiple orgasms," Lilith interrupted a little too loudly, breaking me out of my thoughts.

I didn't really believe multiples were possible, so I was curious to see if anyone else had experienced this phenomenon. I figured sitcom writers invented this standard trope, as Lilith's reveal was the only real life reference I had ever heard. After seeing no one moving, everyone was surprised to see Claire slowly raise her cookie with a sly smile. It took me a second to process this. She had only slept with David, so that meant that ass-face jackass David gave her multiple orgasms?!? WTF? The game was briefly paused as everyone stopped to ask what it was like, but Claire said she didn't kiss and tell, and the game moved on as my inner thoughts took over.

Well, just because David was her sex partner, doesn't mean that someone else couldn't have licked her into multiple orgasms. Strangely, that made me feel better. I mean seriously, there was no way that pompous ass David knew anything about a woman's body. Everything he said was vulgar and generally demeaning towards women. I would be surprised if he even knew what or where a clit was located. Not to mention I was unwilling to accept a world in which that oaf gave multi-Os and impregnated Claire on command. Uh uh. Nope.

As the game wound down, my painful bladder begged for relief. The downstairs bathroom already had a lucky recipient and Teresa waiting impatiently for her to finish. I couldn't wait another minute, so I raced upstairs to the master bath and barged though the door. I was not ready for what I saw. Standing in complete profile was David and what looked like a summer sausage hanging out of his shorts. I was so shocked that I just froze. David wasn't even supposed to be home, and yet here he was with what didn't even appear to be a real fucking dick just dangling for me to witness. He was obviously completely soft, and yet he was bigger than Chris at full erectness. In fact, David was bigger than any of those five dicks I had seen hard. How could a cock even be that big? Chris told me that he, himself was slightly above average, but if he's average, I didn't know what to call this monster. These thoughts raced through my brain when I was brought back to Earth with a typical David move.

"I can send you a picture if you want to stare at it any longer," he mocked.

"You wish," I shot back immediately. Why do you always have to be such an ass," I said to him as I backed out of the room and shut the door.

I stood outside for a minute to gather my wits. What just happened? Why did I stare at his cock so long? Why didn't I just back out immediately and say excuse me like any normal person? Why was it so big? In the middle of this mental exercise, David opened the door. I guess because I was still standing there, he assumed I was waiting for him. He put his arms around my waist and pulled me into him briefly, grinding his giant appendage against me before I pulled away and slapped him.

"What are you doing you nut job, your wife and my friend is right downstairs," I urgently whispered.

"So if she wasn't here, you'd be interested then?" he shot right back at me. "I'll let you touch it if you want," as he pulled His Royal Thickness out for me to see again.

Up close, it looked even bigger and just so damn thick. For the briefest moment I felt my pussy quicken and my clit harden as I thought about reaching out to feel it. Just one quick squeeze, what could be the harm? No. I just can't I told myself. This is wrong, and I had to leave before I made a huge mistake, so I darted into the bathroom, locking the door behind me. Remembering I had come up to pee, I tried, but peeing and processing what just happened seemed a monumental task at the moment. Why DID I say your wife is downstairs instead of "don't ever touch me again?" Was that a Freudian slip, or was I simply confused by the speed of events? Is that huge shlong why Claire has had multiple orgasms? Does size make a difference? All of this was going through my head, but the last and my most alarming thought was: why was my pussy absolutely soaking wet?


When Lucy came back from the party, I couldn't understand the look on her face. I saw confusion and lust in equal measures, but in my slightly inebriated state, I choose to focus on the lust side.

"Hey, baby, how was the party?"

"Pretty fun, we played Never Have I Ever," Lucy winked at me slowly.

"Oh, how many glasses of wine did you have then?"
"Four," Lucy grinned as she sashayed her hips up to me.

My mind was racing. She drank the magic four glasses of wine, AND she flirted sexily. This was a dream come true. I hoped maybe she'd be a little horny after talking about sex with her friends all afternoon, but this Lucy, although very, very welcomed, was not what I expected. She pushed me back on the couch and told me to unbutton her jeans.

"Now, slide them down my legs please."

I could feel the heat radiating from her pussy as my hand brushed past her panties. I was also acutely aware of a dark spot on her crotch; she was juicy wet.

"Would you be so kind as to remove my panties as well," she coyly asked, biting her bottom lip.

I looped my fingers under the outer band of her panties and slowly peeled them down from her curvy waist. As the crotch of the panties finally separated from her lips, about five strands of her juices stretched between her pussy and panties like a sexy spider web. Soon enough she was standing before me in just her bra, legs slightly akimbo. The string of nectar hanging from her-now-very-distended lips to her inner thigh was the hottest thing I'd ever seen. Holy shit, how horny was she, and what kind of party did those ladies have?

I raced to get all of my clothes off, throwing them wherever in my haste. Sitting on the couch naked, Lucy knelt between my legs and slowly stroked my aching cock, putting her face right next to it. This was quite the surprise because normally blowjobs happened only on the summer and winter solstices and are usually as a reward for something I did. This was different, and I loved it!. Not only did she take charge, she seemed to enjoy her body and its power over me. Oddly, as she stroked and licked my cock, I got the feeling she was actually seeing it for the first time. Normally, Lucy gets right to it as if my cock was her day job, but this time she lovingly licked and savored every inch. After toying with me some more, she abruptly stopped, stood up and slowly fitted her sexy, strong legs on either side of me.

"Do you have some protection baby," she whispered.

Luckily, I had stashed some condoms in the drawer by the couch for just such an occasion. I rolled it down over my throbbing member as quickly as I possible could. As Lucy sat down, I slid inside her like a hot knife through butter. I had never felt her this hot and wet before; I was thrilled. She kept grinding herself down on me, alternating gently pulling my cock all the way out, to sliding herself back down on it. At the bottom she would grind her clit into me hard and then repeat the process. Although my head was soaked in delight, literally, I had to get her bra off so I could play with her beautiful tits, which were perfect handfuls with pink areolas that were slightly big for her tits and a nice nipple that just begged to be sucked on.

"You feel so good inside me, you make my pussy so wet," Lucy cooed.

"OMG, you are the hottest woman I've ever seen," I shot back, super aroused.

"Ummm...yesss. Faster, fuck me faster...I'm so close baby," she moaned.

I increased my tempo, taking a moment to thank the alcohol and condom for making my dick not explode immediately. I was pounding her hard, and she was matching me thrust for thrust. Her head tilted back and her eyes closed as she came hard on me.

"YES, YES, ooohhhh, ohhh, fuck, fuck, ugghhhhhhhh," she let out in a deep guttural moan.

I couldn't take it any longer and released my spunk with her orgasm, filling the condom with every ounce I had. Surprisingly, Lucy stood straight up, pulling on her pussy hair. As she pulled it back she rubbed her juices up and down her slit. Lucy wasn't one for masturbation, so I found this quite shocking. I'll admit that it was sexy as hell seeing her lips hanging there covered with her cum as she stroked her clit. I was mesmerized watching her get close to another orgasm. Damn! Her phone rang and snapped her out of it...Claire checking to see if Lucy got home OK. Oh well, that was one great orgasm.


On the walk home I just couldn't stop thinking about David's donkey dick. I felt so stupid and childish. Who cares about cock size; sex is about love and trust, right? Having a large dick wasn't going to magically make sex any better was it? But, then why did Claire have multiple orgasms and how did they have two kids so easily? I didn't want any kids right now, but still it was kind of sexy thinking of how virile David might be. Ugh, all of this was so frustrating. First off, I don't normally think about sex, and second, especially not from some brutish moron like David. I was a feminist for Pete's sake. Men like David were everything that was wrong with the current macho culture. Relationships and love are built on trust and care, not macho men who think a cock makes them superior. Besides, I have orgasms regularly with Chris, even if they are a bit lacking. I was just being silly; the four glasses of wine had made me hornier than usual I surmised.

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