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Young business woman masturbates for the window cleaner.
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God I just wanted the phone to stop ringing! It had been hell in the office all morning, with one thing and another. I glanced at the clock, nearly lunchtime. At least I could have an hour to myself, an hour of perfect peace and quite. I pressed the intercom button on my desk. “Sandra…no more calls, I’m going to take a short nap.”

“Very well Miss Trimble,” came the tinny reply.

I unplugged the phone anyway, somehow I just didn’t trust that Sandra. My office was on the fifteenth floor, over looking the river. It had cost me an arm and a leg to get it, but the view was spectacular. When Daddy died, leaving me to run his business, I had fought tooth and nail to get an office with a view. Now I had got one, and I was going to enjoy it, if even only for an hour.

The one thing I had insisted on was my own bathroom. It got hot up here, particularly during the summer months, and sometimes I had to look my best for important clients. Besides I didn’t want to keep running outside every time I needed a pee. I pulled my chair over towards the window, which dominated the wall, and perched my self down with my feet up on the coffee table. Then I noticed, horror of horrors! I had a huge ladder running the full length of my panti-hose.

Getting up, I walked across the office over to the bathroom. The bathroom was really something special. It was wall-to-wall Italian marble, with a huge ornate mirror hanging over the ‘his and her’ sinks. I can’t really remember why I had twin sinks installed; it just seemed a good idea at the time, besides they were Tax deductible. Pulling up my lipstick red skirt, which wasn’t very far because I like to wear them short. I removed my laddered panti-hose, screwed them up into a tight ball and deposited the offending items into the rubbish bin.

Walking back to my chair by the window, a wonderful feeling came about me. I realized that for the rest of the afternoon, I wouldn’t be wearing any panties. I suddenly felt really wicked and daring. Still it didn’t matter, because I’m seated for most of the day behind my desk anyway. I pulled up the blind on the window so as to appreciate the view, whilst I ate my sandwiches. It was then that I saw him. There outside the window on one of those pulley things, squeezy and chamois leather in hand…the office window cleaner! I quickly pulled down the blind again, but left the slats open to let in a bit of the sunshine.

Annoyed that my precious hour was going to be disturbed, by the presence of the maintenance staff, even if they were outside the building. They were still only feet away from my little Shangri-La, my quite time. ‘Oh well’ I thought, I suppose it can’t be helped. I resumed my seat and opened my novel. Now ‘Mills and Boon’ is not everyone’s cup of tea, and agreed one could hardly call them thought provoking, but never-the-less… I enjoyed them, and that was the main thing. In fact the one I was reading at the moment was quite raunchy. I was so engrossed in the book that I didn’t realize how carelessly I was sitting.

I had put both of my feet up onto the coffee table in front of me, and my skirt had ridden up my thighs. Normally this wouldn’t have mattered, but two things were different about today. Firstly, I wasn’t wearing panties, and secondly the window cleaner’s squeezy mop had suddenly gone quite. I was in a quandary as to how to save face. Then a really wicked thought entered my head, I would do nothing.

Whilst pretending to read, I swiveled my eyes upwards without moving my head, and saw the window cleaner staring through the narrow slats. He was kneeling down on his pulley thing and staring at my legs. Slowly and deliberately, I moved one of my legs off the table, and at the same time parted my knees a little. I’m sure that I heard a small moan come from the other side of the glass. I wasn’t one hundred percent sure as to whether or not he could actually see up my skirt, so I decided to cut the odds a little.

I jumped up and walked quickly towards the bathroom. There I pulled up my skirt to make it as short as possible, rolling the excess material over itself around my waist. ‘God’ I thought, ‘I haven’t done this since my school days in the fifth form. The skirt was considerably shorter now, and due to its tightness, rode up even more as I walked. Grabbing a handful of toilet tissue, I parted my legs and wiped the excess moisture from between my labia. ‘Ok’ I said to myself in the mirror, ‘you can do this’

My heart was in my mouth as I returned to my office. I quickly glanced over at the window, and saw that he was still there. On the way back to my chair, I made a sudden detour and walked over to my desk. On the pretense of retrieving something, I bent over from the waist. I could feel the tight material creeping up my legs and across my bare bottom. Now I knew that I was fully exposing myself to him. The feeling was a bit scary, but thrilling at the same time. I must have stayed like that for over a minute. I could feel his eyes burning into me. Clutching a sheaf of papers I stood upright and slowly sauntered back to my seat facing the window. This time when I sat down I left my legs uncrossed, but my knees together. I didn’t want him to get bored too quickly, besides I was really enjoying myself. I never dreamed I could be such a tease.

When I was certain that I had his full attention, I leaned back in my chair and feigned tiredness by yawning and rubbing my eyes. At the same time I placed both feet onto the edge of the coffee table, but this time about two feet apart. I pretended I was sleeping, whilst all the time I watching him through a crack in my eyelids. His face was a picture. I tried to imagine what he must be thinking, what he could see. The thought made me randy as hell. I was so flushed with sexual excitement that small droplets of perspiration trickled down my spine.

Now whether or not he had figured out that I was just teasing him, I don’t know, because he did something that I hadn’t really expected. He had taken out his penis: the size of which was nothing to write home about, nor was it something he should be ashamed of either, and was masturbating himself whilst staring at my exposed pussy. I found that the most exciting thing I had ever witnessed. I had never watched a man wanking himself off before. Now I wondered, who was teasing whom? I must say… it was quite a turn on!

I thought to myself, ‘why not?’ if he can do it, then so can I. Now feeling really brazen and completely un-inhibited, I draped my legs over the arms of the chair. My legs open to the fullest extent. My skirt was naturally pulled up to my naval, leaving me completely exposed. I wet my finger and slowly eased my hand down towards my hot little cunt. Spreading my labia lips with one hand, I gently rubbed my clitoris to and fro with the fingers of my other. I got so involved at frigging myself off, that for a minute I completely forgot about him.

There was something a little surreal about this. Two complete strangers, which had never spoken, nor likely ever will, masturbating to one another fifteen stories up. It was going to be a race to the finish line. I think it happened almost simultaneously, I wasn’t sure whether the sight of him ejaculating all over my nice clean windows made me come, or whether it was the sight of me writhing about in my chair that made him come…. It didn’t really matter lunchtime was over!

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s34npjs34npjalmost 10 years ago
Believable and enjoyable

Good build up to a quick, excitable ending that was believable, if i had to offer anything it would be maybe a little more of a conclusion, did she just turn around and start to work, open the blinds, i don't know but from my personal point of view i need closure in stories lol but all in all i enjoyed it good work... next lunchtime though can you drop me a mail?:)

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago
hot hot hot!!! i wanna do this!!

hot hot hot!!! i wanna do this!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago

Very nice. You are a great writer.

Harper2Harper2over 16 years ago
One hot lady

Your build up was believable and brilliant. I could see it all happening in my minds eye.........Wow

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago
Good build up but..........

Good build up but you finished the story up in a paragraph. You lead the reader on and then stop....poor writing indeed........

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