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Lust for a Loving Wife

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Intense desire of a husband for his lovely wife.
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All day long I've been thinking about this moment Laura. No, that's not right.

All week I've been living out this moment. But that's not strictly true either.

Since booking the hotel three months ago, I've been thinking of the moment we finish our glasses of Prosecco, and leave the table for the anonymity of our room. That moment is now.

The short walk along the corridor passes in a blur and suddenly I'm pinning you against the hastily closed door. I'm holding your hands and stretching your arms to the ceiling as I push my swelling bulge into your sweet, dampening mound.

And I'm all over you Laura. My mouth pressed to your mouth. My lips dancing with your lips. And then you feel my lips, my tongue and the gentle nips of my teeth on your neck, your shoulders and your ears. Your cheeks. Your breathtaking cleavage. Your mouth your neck your shoulders.

Three months of pure, wanton desire for my beautiful wife is exuding from every one of my pores Laura.

I want to be inside you. I NEED to be inside you. My heart is racing, my mouth is desperate and the bulge in my trousers can hardly be contained any longer in the lacy white thong that I chose especially for you; especially for now.

Your breathlessness takes me aback and I can tell that you had no idea how intense my desire for you has been since the moment I looked into your stunning blue eyes this morning. Such pent up desire Laura. Desire like I've only ever experienced with you, my beautiful wife.

In one swift movement, I untie your wrapover dress and open it up, revealing the beautiful black lingerie that I bought only yesterday for you. In an instant, your dress is off your shoulders and onto the floor Laura. You feel and hear my intake of breath as I begin to take in your pure beauty as, clasping your hands above your head once more, I begin to hungrily suckle your delicious breasts through the lacy material of your sultry lingerie.

I want to be inside you Laura. I NEED to be inside you.

I forcefully take both your wrists in my left hand, forming an erotic triangle above your semi-naked body, as my right hand rubs desperately at your tingling pussy through the damp gusset of your knickers. Knickers that I'm desperate to tear from you, but it somehow feels much more erotic to leave your hot pussy confined in your soaking wet lingerie; for now at least.

Your gusset is saturated Laura.

My hand is dripping wet Laura.

How fucking wet are you Laura? Your wetness never ceases to amaze me whenever I probe your hungry pussy with my tongue, but fuck me Laura; it's almost like you've squirted for the first time as you feel my lips, my mouth and my hands all over your body.

There is so much I want you to do to me right now Laura but there is nothing you can do. I have your hands restrained, my uncontrollable bulge is firm against your trembling thigh, and I have you pinned tightly against the wall. There is nothing you can do right now to satisfy me, other than stand there and be taken, nay used, in whatever way I see fit for my beautiful, desirable wife.

Right now Laura, nothing if off limits. There is barely a sex act that's been mastered that I wouldn't do to you right now.

Do I force you to your knees and fuck your mouth? I mean REALLY fuck your mouth!

Do I rip off your knickers and force my throbbing bell end into your unprepared arsehole?

Do I force you to strip before squatting over me and pissing into my open mouth?

I don't know Laura. Right now, I don't fucking know!

What I do know is that I want you more than ever Laura. More than any other time in my life, I want this gorgeous woman who I am so lucky to call my wife. I want you more than ever but I don't know how...yet.

Still my mind is racing. Racing, whizzing and whirring and in an instant I've released your wrists, wrapped my arm around your waist and pulled you urgently towards the bed. My swiftness gave you little time to react and your arms are still outstretched as I push you back onto the soft, ivory duvet, your legs falling open so naturally as your shimmering golden hair hits the pillow.

And now I look at you. I just stand and look. I stand and look at the beautiful, breathless, busty woman lying spread-eagled before me.

Your gorgeous hair simply flows from the pillow Laura, as your bra now lies deliberately tugged down to expose your hard pink nipples. But my focus is between your legs Laura. The sensual silhouette of your sodden labia lies clearly visible through your lingerie. I had no idea how beautifully your new lingerie would show off your saturated sex for me Laura. Your hot, fleshy labia looks delicious in its naked state but the outline of your most intimate parts through such sexy lingerie is so incredibly erotic. I simply can't avert my eyes from your sodden sex; what the fuck have I done to deserve such a wonderfully explicit view of your soon-to-be-fucked pussy?

And now I'm inadvertently stroking my cock Laura. My cockhead feels like it's swollen to twice its normal size and my cum-heavy balls just want to explode all over you. Onto you or into you; it matters not.

You need to make me cum Laura. I want to cum right now; but NOT right now. I don't know what I want Laura.

But I know I need you in a really urgent and dirty way. I want my wife to feel the full force of my lust, my desire and my passion for her. If that means a deep and prolonged anal fucking for the woman I love then so be it.

I need you to feel me slamming into you Laura.

My bulbous cockhead needs to fill the very depths of your pulsating vagina.

You need to feel stretched to the limits by my thick, gyrating shaft.

And you need to feel my eager balls slamming into you time and again as I thrust into you harder, harder and harder towards my orgasm.

Most of all, you need to feel my hot, sticky juices flooding inside you as I pump you full of my cum. I have no intention of withdrawing until every drop has been milked from my satiated cock.

Then you can suck me dry. You can take my softening bell end into your mouth and suck every last drop of cum from me. EVERY last drop my darling Laura.

"Rub your pussy Laura," I demand. You comply without hesitation.

"Rub those soaking wet panties into your cunt," I demand more forcefully, deliberately using two words that I know you don't like purely for effect.

As you begin to massage your warm, wet juices into your vulva, I'm taking off my shirt for you. Your attention is drawn to the flashy divers' watch that you didn't know I was wearing. It was worn halfway up my arm at dinner to conceal it from you.

"If it's good enough for Lush69 then it's good enough for me darling wife," I say to you, remembering how you swooned over the images of his magnificent cock and his manly watch.

You rub your vulva harder at the mention of his name Laura. I know how wet he makes you. I know how he wants to cum on your tits. But most of all, I know how much I want that for you Laura.

I'm removing my shoes and socks for you, my eyes transfixed on your frantic rubbing between your open, inviting thighs.

"He'd love to fuck you Laura," I announce as I unbutton my trousers.

"He'd fuck you so well Babe," you hear me say as my trousers drop to the floor.

"He'd fuck you longer, and harder then me don't you think Laura?" I ask, not really demanding an answer but you murmur your approval as your fingers slip inside you saturated knickers.

Your beautiful blue eyes are now closed as you pleasure yourself and your lingerie is doing nothing to hide the fact that you have placed at least one finger inside your pussy.

You haven't even watched me remove my underwear Laura. You haven't even watched me approach our bed. Your wetness, your fingers, and Mr. Lush69 controlled your every thought at that moment Laura. At that moment.

That moment when you felt my hand quickly turn your face towards by dripping bell end and force it into your mouth as I stand over you. Half way in at first whilst I grab a thick bunch of your hair, before forcing my thick shaft deeper and deeper into your tender, loving mouth.

"Is this going to keep you quiet My Lady?" I ask, referring to your very explicit messaging with Lush69 that had us both so aroused.

You struggle to nod your approval Laura but your attempt at nodding your head means that I'm almost fucking your mouth. Even the term 'fucking your mouth' sounds really dirty Laura but that's what I'm going to do to you. Not 'you to me'. Not 'with you'. YOU are going to have your mouth fucked by ME, and you're going to take it as softly or as firmly as I want to give it to you.

With your head and your hair in my solid grasp, my hungry dick begins to slide in and out of your soft, pink lips.

It feels unbelievable Laura! So fucking naughty too!!

You glance up at me. Such a dirty, debauched look is in your eyes as I force my cock almost full length into your mouth. Then almost out. Then back in, just as deep as my last thrust and brushing your cheek on it's way down your throat and making it bulge; just what Robbie liked to see when you took his cock into your mouth; just what you liked to feel as you devoured Robbie's cock with your mouth.

Faster and harder I force my cock into your mouth.

Faster and harder I force my cock down your throat.

Faster and harder I'm fucking your mouth; I'm fucking your mouth Laura!

This isn't a 'blowjob' or simply 'oral sex' Laura. And by no stretch of the imagination is it 'cock worship'.

I'm fucking your mouth. The tender, loving mouth that for so many years has provided the soft, warm love of a passionate kiss is now taking a good, hard face fuck. And I'm enjoying every second of it. I'm enjoying every fucking second as I imagine you sucking on the powerful, thick cock of your Mr. Lush69, your hunky online FWB.

I have your head in both hands now and your mouth is perfectly still as I continue to fuck it. More than a dribble of precum is oozing from your lips which gives an even dirtier feel to what I'm doing.

I glance down to see if you're still fingering yourself but both of your hands are grasping at the bedclothes, like you're hanging on for dear life.

It won't be long before I cum Laura. My balls were fit to burst as I gazed at you over dinner.

It won't be long darling wife. As far as I can see, you look shocked, possibly scared, at the way I've taken you since ramming my cock down your throat.

"You'd have taken this from Lush69 wouldn't you Laura," I suggest, almost sarcastically.

You don't answer. You can't answer. You can't answer because I still have your head in my grasp and I'm thundering towards my orgasm as I continue to fuck your face.

More sticky precum oozes from my dick but you can't really taste it Laura as it's being forced from your mouth by my steam-hammer cock with every thrust.

I will cum in your mouth Laura.

I WILL cum in your mouth.

I will cum in your mouth and you will swallow every drop of my hot, fresh cum darling wife. Any that finds its way onto your lips, your cheeks or your chin will be teased back into your mouth, onto your tongue, by my agile fingers. You WILL swallow every fucking drop Laura.

I will cum in your mouth and such is the intensity, almost ferocity of our sex, I can feel my climax quickly building in my ball sac. This will, I know, be a full body orgasm and there'll be lots of cum given the way you've made me 'abstain' as you so nicely put it.

Blame yourself darling wife if you gag on the quantity of cum. It was your idea for us to abstain.

The look in your eyes tells me that abstinence suddenly feels like a bad idea with my sex hungry dick about to unleash every drop of my cum-filled balls into your mouth.

You gag a little as I push into your mouth just a little too far. I must have pushed too hard as I felt my balls slam against your chin; it felt nice; very nice!

So you gag a little more as I do it again. And again. And again until...

"FUCK LAURA. OH FUCK," is all I can manage as the first explosive spurt of cum fires to the back of your throat. I swear I can feel it splash onto my bell end from the roof of your mouth.

And the second. Yes I can definitely feel the splash.

And the third. How is this not leaking from your mouth Laura? (I actually want some to leak onto your chin because I've never fed my own cum into a woman's mouth before. What a 'first' that would be Laura!)

Fucking Hell Laura. I've not cum so much or so hard for a very long time. How much hot spunk I've just emptied into your mouth is anybody's guess but you're taking every drop for now; good girl.

I'm almost breathless such is the overwhelming relief I'm feeling. I can hardly manage a pant as I tease the last few drops of my cum from my excitable dick.

And still you grasp the bedclothes. The taut, strained grip of your hands would make for a great 'guess what's happening to me' photograph but I'm more concerned with you swallowing every drop of my cum Laura; EVERY drop.

I'm squeezing my balls Laura. I mean REALLY squeezing. How I wish Robbie was there to stand behind me; kissing and caressing my shoulders as HE squeezes and teases the last drops of me into your mouth. And then it's his turn to have his way with you.

But thoughts of Robbie are for later Babe. And Mr. Lush69 can wait until later too. Until you tell him how your sex starved husband has just fucked your mouth and pumped it full of cum that is. Because you will tell him; I know you'll tell him; I want you to tell him.

It's all I can manage for now to take my softening dick from your mouth, lay down beside you and rest my head on your tender breasts, laying an arm across to cuddle you as I. All I want to do is cuddle my beautiful wife; I'm exhausted!

"Sorry Babe," I tenderly whisper to your still-hard nipple as I enjoy the warmth, the touch and the smell of your soft naked flesh against mine. It feels so nice, so loving, so peaceful.

"Slow and sensual later Babe; slow and sensual," I softly say, drifting off into a dreamy, orgasm-induced sleep.

"No need to apologise," you say assertively.

"I could have taken more of that. Much more," you add, even more assertively.

I'm not in the least bit convinced of that as I close my eyes.

I close my eyes wondering if you imagined me to be Lush69 as I kept you quiet Lynn.

I wonder if you did. I hope you did. Yes. I really hope you did Lynn.

Such a naughty, almost taboo thought pushes me into the land of dreams. But no dream can surpass the eroticism of the evening I've just spent with my very loving, very beautiful lady wife.

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