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His Wife's Massage

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In horror he realized his wife's masseur was Jim.
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There were two new emails in Arthur's inbox; one was from his wife, the other was from the Athena Spa, where he knew his wife had been for a massage that afternoon. He opened the email from his wife first. The subject was 'Anniversary Present'.

'That was the most wonderful extraordinary anniversary present that a woman could ever have. You have opened my eyes to what's important.'

He read her short email a couple of times, feeling warm and contented. His present to her had obviously fulfilled all his hopes.

He was puzzled to receive an email from the Athena Spa with a video attachment and opened it with interest.

The idea of a massage for his wife had arisen three weeks before.

He was having a poker game with Jim and it was before they started the game that Arthur told him that he was having a problem thinking of an anniversary present for his wife, Penny.

Arthur loved his wife very much. They had been married ten years and were both thirty. His wife was still a beauty. In fact, since her breasts had become larger and her butt developed by determined gym work, she was a stunner. He'd noticed how other men ogled her and hated their lustful looks of which his wife was completely unaware. He was very possessive and encouraged her not to wear any clothing that was too revealing.

Even though they were very happy, he believed he would have been even happier if their sex life had been a bit more exciting. Because of his snoring, they had slept in separate beds for the last five years, so the possibilities of sex were greatly reduced. They'd tried oral sex on one drunken night on their honeymoon, but Penny had found it distasteful and had never wanted to do it since. She was happy for him to be in the missionary position, but never wanted to get on top herself or to be taken doggy style. He wondered why she should be so unadventurous and asked her rather nervously if it was because his cock might be considered by some women as a little smaller than average. Penny hugged him and persuaded him that size did not matter in the least. It was how he used it that counted she said and promised him that he made love to her wonderfully.

He did find her words reassuring, but would have been even more convinced if she'd become more animated during their lovemaking. He could always tell when she was excited by her distinctive moans, which he didn't seem to hear often. Her last orgasm was years before and he remembered it well as it was the night she'd been to see Fifty Shades of Grey with some girlfriends. As he fucked her, her mewing cries had built up to a high pitched shriek that had him cumming simultaneously with her. Although he had enjoyed the fantastic experience of his wife cumming, he suspected that, with her eyes closed, Penny had been imagining being fucked by the actor she had seen in the film.

Yes his wife was gorgeous and their life together contented, except that he had a hidden gambling problem. Well he didn't acknowledge it as a problem enough to attend a Gamblers Anonymous meeting, but it did mean that he never had any spare money, especially for things like anniversary presents. His debts were not huge, but they never seemed to diminish. His wife didn't seem to notice, but he was well aware that he couldn't treat her to something special as often as he'd have liked. In fact, the purpose of the poker game with Jim was to take enough money off him to at least give Arthur some money to spend on Penny.

Arthur didn't like Jim much. He was a guy in his early twenties, whom he'd met in a local bar one evening, joking about how women loved the size of his cock. Arthur admitted to himself that Jim was handsome, in an uncouth kind of way. Jim kept his body in good shape, which was not surprising as Jim had some kind of Assistant Manager's job at the Athena Spa. Jim boasted that he was extremely fit and could keep a woman satisfied for hours. In short, Jim was arrogant, but Arthur knew it was the kind of arrogance that could lead Jim to lose a lot of money to him. The only thing that Arthur had regretted after meeting Jim was that, in a drunken moment in the bar, he had confessed to Jim that he borrowed money from his wife's Trust Account. He intended of course to pay it back when he had the funds.

Arthur had allowed Jim to win some small amounts on the previous two occasions that they played. However, tonight Arthur was hoping to take him for a thousand dollars. Arthur's wife never knew Arthur played poker, believing he was playing some kind of friendly whist game. Jim had seen Arthur and Penny once together and told Arthur afterwards that his wife was a gorgeous piece of candy. Arthur certainly didn't want Jim ogling Penny, so he ensured that she never met him. He always played poker at Jim's place.

Tonight Jim was obviously feeling confident. He had been going to gamble five hundred dollars, but apparently earlier in the day he looked so confident that his sister, Eve, who was five years older than him and also worked at the Athena Spa, insisted on investing four hundred of her own money. And then his younger eighteen year-old brother, Pete, who worked at the Spa at weekends, also invested a hundred dollars of his hard earned savings. It was therefore a thousand dollars that Jim placed on the table next to his drink. Arthur was not a good poker player, which is why he owed so much money. However, he was banking on being better than Jim and to make sure of that Arthur intended to cheat. Arthur was feeling pretty confident then, as he placed his own thousand dollars of stake money on the table.

Arthur saw Jim's eighteen year-old brother, Pete, come in through the front door. He went straight upstairs, but not before he had eagerly glanced across at the card table.

The hands were fairly even until one of the deals when Arthur dealt the cards, where Arthur knew they both had good hands. Jim tried to hide his excitement, but Arthur could see his breath becoming shorter. Arthur had calculated that Jim would swap one card and then Arthur would swap one card which would result in him have the winning hand. However it suddenly started to go wrong. Instead of drawing one card as the probability rules said he should have done, Jim drew two. This meant that instead of two low pairs, by sheer good luck at doing the wrong thing, one of Jim's pairs was now two queens.

Jim immediately raised the stakes and Arthur pondered what to do. He knew that his two pairs were now lower than Jim's queens. He could just throw his hand in, but that would end his careful plan of setting Jim up. He decided to take a risk.

He discarded one card but, as he went to pick up his replacement, he slipped two cards up his left sleeve and extracted two cards from his other sleeve to replace them. He'd practiced the sleight of hand many times till it was perfected. The problem this time was it was not perfect. One of the replacement cards seemed to catch on his cuff, which gave a fraction of a second delay until the trick was completed.

Arthur looked quickly across at Jim, who seemed puzzled at Arthur's sudden awkwardness at holding his cards, but thankfully appeared not to notice anything unusual.

The stakes continued to rise until the whole of Jim's thousand dollars was in the middle of the table and so was Arthur's. As they had both agreed to the thousand dollars limit, they laid open their hands simultaneously.

Jim gasped, "Goddammit you've got a full house!"

Arthur collected up all the cash as he apologized to Jim for such a lucky hand. Jim just stared vacantly at the table.

There was hardly any conversation between them as Arthur put his coat on to leave until Jim said "Wait."

He then said, "Arthur, I'm sorry I've been such a poor loser, but I can make it up to you. I've been thinking about your wife's anniversary present. Why don't you give her a VIP day at the Athena Spa. I can help you. It would normally cost over five thousand dollars, but I can get that reduced."

Arthur looked very interested as Jim continued, "I can get you a seventy five percent reduction on beauty treatment; the full waxing, eyelash and eyebrow tinting, facial peeling and nail manicuring. That will then only cost you a thousand dollars. The deep massage I can arrange for free. The Massage Manageress owes me a big favor. Your wife will also get picked up by one of our limousines and be escorted in the Spa at all times by her Personal Athena Representative. And of course they'll be champagne with lunch. When is your anniversary?"

Arthur was still thinking about the thousand dollars it would cost him, when he was suddenly aware of Jim's question.

"It's on Saturday. The trouble is I'll be away on business and not returning until the Monday, but I suppose Penny could go on her own. After all, she won't need me to accompany her, not with your Personal Representative looking after her."

"Great," said Jim, "Give me the thousand dollars back and I'll make the payment and post a special VIP invitation through your door. Tell her it's a once in a lifetime experience and she must enjoy all the special extras that will be thrown in on the day. They say that if a person relaxes completely and just lets the masseuse have control it can be a very liberating experience, especially for women. They say that women are often far more relaxed in their physical relationship with their husbands afterwards."

Jim could see Arthur's eyes light up at the idea of his wife becoming more liberated. He'd guessed that Arthur didn't physically benefit that much from his beautiful wife. He couldn't understand what a gorgeous voluptuous doll like Penny could see in a nerdy wimp like Arthur. He decided to push Arthur further.

"Look Arthur, why don't you tell her that you've discussed her massage in detail with the management and that you have dictated exactly what you want your wife to enjoy. Tell Penny that you want her to be as uninhibited as possible."

Arthur bitterly disliked parting with the thousand dollars that he had just won from Jim, but it was a way of giving Penny a special expensive treat, which he'd never been able to do before. He needn't tell her how he was getting it all at a knock-down price. Furthermore he found the idea of Penny being massaged by a professional masseuse gave him quite a boner. After Penny had enjoyed a woman's hands massaging her thighs, surely she would be more uninhibited with him.

After Arthur had left, Jim started making his plans. He didn't intend paying any of the money to the Spa. He could arrange the beauty treatments as part of Penny winning a competition. They had a special accountancy code for that. The Beauty Department wouldn't know any different. He had a different scheme for the massage and he licked his lips as he started planning it in his mind.

When Arthur arrived home, he told Penny immediately about his present for her, as if he had booked it at the Spa earlier in the day. Penny was overwhelmed, especially when he explained to her that he had personally defined all of the extras she would be getting with the massage.

Penny was thrilled. She knew that he didn't earn a huge salary. She had money of her own, a trust fund left to her by her father, but she did not intend to touch this as she was considering a change of career and knew that training could be expensive. She never looked at the fund as she knew that dear Arthur was keeping an eye on it.

"Darling," Penny breathed, "it must have cost you a fortune."

"Because you're worth it", said Arthur, with the air of a smug generous financial benefactor.

At that moment he didn't think his wife had ever looked more gorgeous. Her thick light brown hair seemed to shimmer. Her beautiful blue eyes were glistening in her excitement. Her voluptuous bosom was rising and falling with her quickening breathing. With her slim waist, firm round ass and long legs, Arthur felt a mixture of love and lust for her.

He was hoping she'd suggest an early night, coming into his bed to show her gratitude, but instead she whispered that she would be showing him her gratitude when he came home the Monday after the massage.

Jim's sister Eve had arrived at Jim's house two minutes after Arthur had left. As she walked into the lounge where the card table had been set up, she met her youngest brother, Pete, coming down the stairs to see how Jim had got on.

Jim motioned to them to sit down and then explained what had happened. They both looked shocked when he said that he had lost the whole of the thousand dollars. Then they looked angry when he explained that he strongly believed that Arthur had cheated. Then they looked relieved when he explained further that he had got all their money back.

Jim said bitterly, "Of course, we have still been robbed of the thousand dollars that we should have won, but we are now going to have our retribution, through his wife."

He then described his plans for the following Saturday and Eve and Pete grinned as they understood what their parts would be in the revenge plot.

Arthur had to leave on his business trip the day before Penny's day at the Spa. That night Penny found she was excited but apprehensive at the thought of her VIP experience the following day. She had never had professional beauty treatment before and the only massage she'd had was a ten minute free trial at a cheap salon in town. The woman had smelt of cigarette smoke and the massage itself had been very cursory. On her visit to the Athena Spa the following day, she wanted to act in whatever the proper way was and not show herself up as a greenhorn, who had never had such expensive treatment before.

The following morning the doorbell rang at eight o'clock and Penny hurried to the door carrying a small handbag. In the literature she had been sent, it said that a toweling robe would be provided that the client could wear for all activities including lunch, so clothing was unimportant. However, she felt that she had to look her best, so she was wearing her smartest dress when she opened the door.

Outside, Eve was waiting in a blue Athena staff uniform.

"Hello Mrs. Clarke, my name is Eve and I will be your Personal Representative for the day."

Penny smiled nervously and followed Eve to the courtesy limousine, which Eve had borrowed from the Carpool that morning.

As the car arrived at the Spa entrance, Pete, in his blue Athena staff uniform, dashed out, winked at his sister in the driver's seat, and opened the rear door for Penny to step out of the car. As Penny followed Pete into the foyer, she could not help noticing the handsome young man's slim physique, but did not acknowledge to herself that she was staring at his tight butt.

He led her through reception and down some corridors to the beauty treatment center, where she was met again by Eve. Eve had some quiet words that she couldn't catch with the beautician and then disappeared.

As the treatment commenced, the beautician didn't say much but just concentrated on her work, which started with a hot face mask. When she did talk, it was with a strong foreign accent and with sentences that frequently contained the wrong words, but which conveyed her meaning.

One of the things she said was, "Madam is so lucky to have big prize."

Penny murmured her acknowledgement, translating the word 'prize' for the gift she'd received from her husband.

She hadn't realized, until it was over, that in the full body wax, all of her pubic hair had been removed. It gave a slight feeling of vulnerability, but also of wholesomeness and an awareness of her body.

After the waxing, she had a type of Turkish bath and was wrapped in hot towels. This was followed by a dip in a perfumed bath. So just before her lunch she was feeling clean, fresh and slightly exotic.

At lunch, which she ate in her toweling robe, she had a choice of salads and complimentary sparkling wines. She picked the champagne for her drink and then, as it was free, decided to treat herself to another glass. She was not used to having much alcohol and so when Eve came to collect her to take her to the massage room, she felt just a little woozy.

Her lightheadedness would have passed quite quickly if it wasn't for the welcoming large glass of champagne that Eve pressed into her hand as she entered the massage room reception area.

As she gave her the glass, Eve looked appraisingly at Penny. Penny's hair had been tied back in a ponytail to pull her hair off her face for the morning treatments. With her hair pulled back, Eve could appreciate Penny's fine bone structure. Her eyes were even prettier than before with her eyelashes being tinted. Her arched eyebrows had been finely trimmed in a classic style. Her cheeks were prettily pink, the blush caused by the oils and skin cleansers she had enjoyed in the morning.

Eve wasn't the only person gazing at Penny. Pete had now changed out of his Athena Spa uniform and was wearing the sporting attire that the male assistants wore in the warm areas of the spa like the pool, the gym and the massage rooms. This was a white vest cut off at the shoulders and white jogging pants. He was gazing lasciviously at the gorgeous housewife who filled out her bathrobe with her big breasts and firm round ass.

Penny didn't notice his lustful staring, but did observe how well the sporting clothing fitted his slim figure. She also failed to observe the likeness between him and his older sister, probably because he had dark hair whereas hers was dyed blonde

Penny felt that she'd had enough alcohol, but sipped the glass of champagne intermittently so as not to offend Eve.

"Right" said Eve, looking at her notes, "you are to have the full body rubdown with deep massage. I am afraid that James, your masseur, has been delayed a few minutes as he's giving an interview to the New York Times."

"What! A man?" Penny gasped.

Penny could see that Eve looked slightly irritated and Eve's voice sounded tight as she replied, seemingly astonished at the question.

"Mrs. Clarke, James is the ultimate professional. Your husband asked for him in particular as he had seen his references and the recommendations of national women politicians, film actresses, female athletes etc. The full body rubdown with deep massage really requires the strength of a man's hands. Mr. Clarke was adamant he wanted James, even though James is very expensive. In fact I think, after the next article appears in the New York Times, James's rates will be out of the reach of his usual local clients."

Penny's worry, about having a male person massaging her, disappeared quickly as her embarrassment at having questioned his suitability overwhelmed her.

"I'm so sorry. I never meant to -". Her voice trailed off as she blushed with humiliation.

Eve just nodded at Penny's apology. "Drink up," she said briskly, "I'll get you set up in the massage room."

After Penny had hurriedly gulped down the rest of her drink, she followed Eve into the room. There was a mirror covering one of the walls, which made the room seem larger.

Indicating a hook on the wall, Eve picked up a towel and instructed Penny to take her bathrobe off and lie on the couch. Penny nervously did so, feeling very naked and vulnerable until Eve draped the towel over her. The towel covered her body from the top of her breasts down to about four inches above the knees.

Muttering "Your massage will start shortly," Eve left the room, leaving Penny to lie there in expectation.

Outside Jim was waiting wearing the same style of white vest and white jogging pants as Pete. Walking up to him Eve said, "Now just remember that I've told her that you've just been giving an interview to the New York Times, so make something up that sounds good. Oh and don't rush the massage. She's gorgeous and I know you'll want to get to the sex as quickly as possible, but take your time and you'll really be able to make the most of her."


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