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Lustful Mothers: The Collection


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They began passionately making love in the office of a family counselor. But that only lasted a few moments as Tom's carnal lust overwhelmed him and he started to FUCK his mother. He went harder and faster in order to appease his inner-most desires which had been torturing him for the past several months. And with every forceful thrust he gave, his mother responded with a loud grunt or a moan, affirming her own pleasure from this sexual encounter.

The counselor looked on at the unholy coupling which was happening before him. He took great pride and pleasure knowing that he was able to bring a mother & son closer together in such an intimate way, as they now began sloppily tongue kissing as well. Tom soon reached his second climax, treating the counselor to the sexually explicit view of a hard cock plunging in and out of a soaking wet pussy, with large amounts of cum beginning to ooze out of her insides.


Linda and her son got cleaned up and dressed while the counselor grabbed a notepad and began quickly scribbling down instructions. He then handed the note to Linda when she was ready to leave.

"What's this?" she asked him.

"It's my personal recommendations for what you and Tom should do these next few weeks," he told her.

Linda blushed as she read his orders, "Well...I look forward to following your advice."

"And I look forward to our next meeting. I wish nothing but the best for the two of you."

Linda and Tom thanked the counselor for everything he had done for them, and as they left the room, they were greeted with a big smile from a secretary who knew what they had just done.


I've always been close with my mother. But in recent years we kind of went our own way, with me going off to law school, and her eventually moving in with her fiance.

But in this past year, both of us faced an unexpected change which led to something that neither of could have ever predicted.

It started when my mother was laid off from her job as a university science professor due to California's budget cuts. Around that same time, she and her fiance agreed to mutually spit up. Some timing, eh? But at least it was an amicable break-up and there weren't any hard feelings whatsoever.

Thankfully she was able to land another teaching job fairly quickly, but the dilemma she faced was that she would have to move to another state. Looking for something new in life, she took that opportunity, and that's where things developed between us.


It was early in the morning when I showed up to help my mother pack her stuff. Her ex-fiance, Dave, was off at work and he didn't mind me being there with her.

We were in the living room, and in between putting her things in boxes and carrying her books for her, I picked up a picture frame of her running past the finish line during a marathon in San Francisco. It was something she liked to do annually for both personal achievement and charity awareness.

"Not bad for a 46 year old woman, eh?" she asked proudly when she saw me looking at it.

I also couldn't help but notice how pretty she looked at that moment, with her hair tied in a ponytail, her eyes shining bright, and a look of pride on her face. She was barefoot, wearing a simple outfit consisting of gray sweatpants and a white t-shirt.

"Not bad for any age. Seriously, I know I couldn't do it."

She smiled, "That's because you never try."

"Good point," I replied. "But even if I did, there's no way I could finish as early as you did. That's one heck of an accomplishment. You always did have a lot of heart ya know."

"Thank you. Have a seat. I want to show you some pictures."

I sat down on the couch and my mother turned around to rummage through a box, pulling out a photo album. She sat down next to me and opened it while it was on her lap.

"I managed to make the top twenty percentile of all the participants."

She pointed to a picture of her celebrating with her ex-fiance, and she was drenched in sweat with a big smile on her face.

"Jeez, I had no idea you were in such great shape," I said.

"Like you said, it takes a lot of heart, and it was worth it for charity. That was my last time running a marathon since it wears your body down, so I gave it my all. These days I mainly stick with pilates and yoga."

"Whatever works for you. But if you don't mind me asking, what happened between you and Dave? You two looked so happy together in this picture."

She sighed, "He really is a nice guy. In fact, he's a great guy. But at the end of the day, we're just two different people. If I want to watch science programs at night, he wants to watch reality tv. If I want to go hiking during the weekends, he wants to stay home and relax. And I suppose the fact that he works with attractive young models all day at the fashion agency doesn't help our relationship either."

"You mean he's cheated on you?"

"No, I didn't mean that. But it's hard to compete for attention with women who are literally half my age. You wouldn't understand," she said with an emotional tone.

I patted the back of her shoulder. "I do understand. And there are plenty of guys out there who actually prefer older women. I know I do."

"You do? That's news to me. I've only seen you with college coeds. Besides, it seems like all the younger guys who lust after mature women are only looking for that novelty one-night-stand. I've never had any interest in doing that."

"That's because you're a classy woman," I replied.

She gave me a look of appreciation. "So what's going on with your love life these days? Dating anyone new? Anything serious?"

"No...well...not exactly. We go to the same school and we're just keeping it casual. Nothing serious."

"So all that talk of you liking older women was just to make me feel better," she questioned.

"I actually meant what I said about that. Honestly. I've always admired the grace and class that older women carry. They're smarter and much more elegant. And I prefer the way they look over younger woman. You would be a perfect example of everything I just said. I think Dave is a real fool for letting you go and not giving you the attention you deserve."

She suddenly grabbed me by the neck with both hands, pulled me towards her just as she leaned forward, and give me a simple kiss on the lips. It only lasted a second.

"That's for being a real gentleman and making your mother feel special," she said as she let me go.

I paused for a moment to enjoy the feeling of her lips. "That felt...that felt nice mom."

"Why do I get the feeling you enjoyed that a little too much?" she asked playfully. "You're hooking up with a girl your own age and I'm sure she does a lot more than give you quick kisses on the lips."

"Sure she does. But...it's hard to explain. It just feels nice from you."

She looked over at the clock. "It's 9 am on a Friday morning. I'm leaving tomorrow and I won't be seeing you until at least a few months after. Have you got anything better to talk about?"

I paused for a moment. "I know I'm going to regret telling you this, but you've always been my ideal woman. Whenever I go out on a date with someone new, if she doesn't have your qualities, then I'm not interested. You've really set the standards for me. So to have a kiss from a woman like you is like a dream come true."

"I had no idea you felt that way," she said with a genuine tone. "I had always assumed you were like most boys who can't wait to get away from home. I mean, gosh, is this even normal?"

"I knew I shouldn't have mentioned that. Let's just get back to packing."

She put her hand on my leg for a moment to stop me. "No. I apologize if I came across as being judgmental. I'm not upset. But I am a little curious about this, that's all. My friends who are around my age tell me about how their children rarely ever call or visit them once they're out on their own."

"Yeah, well, I'm sure their kids don't have a mother that looks like you," I replied honestly.

"That's very sweet of you to say. Can I ask you a personal question?"


She took a deep breath, "I get the feeling that this is more than just about personality. Are you...have you ever been...attracted to me? How did it start?"

"Is this really necessary?"

"To me it is," she replied with complete sincerity. "My biggest regret these past few years is that we kind of drifted apart with you going off to law school and me moving in with my ex-fiance. I know I would deeply regret it if I moved to another state without getting to the bottom of how you truly feel about me."

I paused and thought for a second before replying, "It was a long long time ago. I came home after high school and you were asleep on the couch with your blouse slightly open. It was the first time I had ever seen a bare breast and I never forgot it. I tried catching glimpses of you over the years, and sometimes I was successful, and sometimes I wasn't. Since then you became the standard for what I look for in a woman, both physically and personality wise."

"I certainly wasn't expecting to hear that."

"I'm sure you weren't. I never thought I'd find myself explaining that to you."

She put a hand over her heart as an emotional gesture. "I'm actually very flattered by this. I'm flattered that you would think this way about me. I know it's strange and not exactly common, but I'm really touched."

"I'm just glad you haven't freaked out and sworn to never talk to me again," I joked. "You've always been such a cool and understanding mom. And I guess it hasn't really hit me yet that you'll be moving away."

"One foot in front of the other is what I like to say. We've all got to move on sometime. I love my life here. But I have a great job offer teaching science over there which pays well, along with having more students to work with. I also get to meet new people and experience a new environment."

"But won't you miss San Francisco and all it has to offer? You've lived in this area your whole life."

She smiled, "Of course I will. But like I said, new experiences. And let's not act like I have no other benefits from living there. I'll finally get to work on my tan all year round, among other things..."

"Among other things? You sound like you have something up your sleeve?"

"Not really," she replied with a coy and mischievous look.

"Wait a second, after everything I've told you, where I risked total humiliation, you're still keeping secrets from me? Come on, what 'other things' are you talking about?"

"You've always been too curious for your own good," she said with a smile. "To tell you the truth, I would get to enjoy roaming around my own home naked again. It's a hot climate there, and I see it as an extra perk that comes with a new job and a new state to live in."

"Oh..." I gasped. "I wasn't expecting to hear that."

"So it looks like both of us learned something new about each other this morning."

"You've got that right," I replied. "Dave is a real idiot for letting you go."

"I wouldn't use harsh language like that, but I felt more comfortable being naked and he didn't. That was another source of contention between us. It's not that he minded seeing me bare while I cooked or graded school papers, but rather he didn't want to join in which made things awkward. Most men are insecure with their bodies, which I think is really unfortunate."

A warm tingly feeling crept through my body and I started getting aroused.

"You cooked and graded school papers while you were naked?" I asked rhetorically. "You've officially become even more perfect in my book."

She laughed, "Thanks, I suppose. All my life I've always felt comfortable without the constraint of having to wear clothes. It gives me a sense of profound freedom. And I do my best thinking while undressed, which is why I like to grade school papers naked, not to mention writing articles for the school newspaper or online publications. If the scientific community only knew..."

"Yeah, I bet those nerds would have a serious nerdgasm knowing how you like to write. And I bet your classes would be packed with male students if they knew how their teacher liked to grade papers."

"Hey, those 'nerds' are my friends. And students only come to my class to learn. Got it, mister?"

"Got it. So when you're unpacking in your new place in Arizona, I take it you'll be doing it while unclothed right?"

"Gosh, you won't leave this alone, will you?" she replied. "And this whole time I thought we were having a mature and enlightening conversation."

"We are, but it's hard for me to overlook the fact that my beautiful mother is a secret nudist."

"Do you think it's any easier for me to overlook the fact that my son has an incest fetish? You don't hear me making wisecracks about that do you?"

I paused for a moment, "Good point. What an educational day."

She pressed her lips together and raised an eyebrow, thinking, wanting to say something important, but struggled to find the words.

"Look..." she said in a moment of candor. "This may sound a bit bizarre, but by your own admission, you have a certain interest in me, and I've just told you I have a thing for nudism, so why not make this a special day before I leave?"

"Are you suggesting what I think you're suggesting?" I asked nervously, with a hint of excitement.

She nodded. "Why don't we just get naked and get this whole thing over with? You won't have to spend the rest of your life wondering what I look like nude, and I finally get to experience the freedom of nudity with someone who I truly love and who appreciates what I have to offer. What do you say?"

"I say that sounds like a freaking awesome idea mom. Dave's probably gonna kill us if he finds out that we pranced around his house naked- but hey, it'll be worth it."

She chuckled, "Actually, I doubt that. Dave and I had some pretty personal conversations in bed together, and he made me swear that I would never tell another soul about this... but... well... he sort of... his mother and him... God, I really don't know where to start..."

"He fucked his own mother?"

"That's a blunt way of putting it," she replied. "But to put it in less crude terms, yes, he sort of had an adult relationship with his own mother which lasted for many years. That was one of the reasons why I was so intrigued by what you said about me. He's only talked about it vaguely, and it was the first time I had ever heard anything like that. So it came as a real shock to me that both of you feel the same way about your respective mothers."

"You have the internet, right? I suggest you turn off your safety filters and do some online research. It's a pretty common deal amongst men. It's even starting to become popular amongst women."

Her eyebrows raised, "Good to know. I'll have to do some research on that...umm...for scientific purposes of course. As for right now, the clock's ticking, who should go first?"

"You're the experienced one. You should go first, mom."

"Fine. And it's such a strange feeling hearing you call me 'mom' right before I'm about to get naked in front of you. Anyway, here it goes..."

She stood up and undid her ponytail, letting her long hair fall freely. I could see her breathing become heavy as she bent down to remove her sweat pants, revealing her legs. Then off came her t-shirt, revealing her upper body with its small breasts. She stood in only her bra and panties.

"What do you think so far?" she asked with her hands raised high.

I looked her body over and replied, "I think you're perfect as far as I'm concerned. You're the reason why I love older woman."

Her face lit up with pride and she got the confidence she needed to reach back and undo her bra, letting it fall to the floor. She bent down and did the same thing with her panties, letting them drop to her ankles and kicked them away with the tip of her foot. My eyes examined every inch of her, taking in her small but slightly hanging breasts, and her large brown nipples which stood in stark contrast to her fair skinned body. Her crotch had neatly trimmed pubic hairs and I could see her dark brown labia protruding below it.

My heart pounded as my long time fantasy of seeing her completely naked had finally come true.

"God you're beautiful," I told her. "You're amazing. Even better than I ever could have imagined."

"You always were a charmer. Now it's your turn. Let's see what you've got underneath those clothes."

I remained seated and pulled my t-shirt off and tossed it to the other end of the couch.

"And the rest of it?" she asked.

"I don't think that's a good idea right now. Can I take a rain check?"

She put her hands on her naked hips and gave me a stern look. "A little shy all of a sudden?"

"It's not that," I replied. "It's just...you know how these things go. You're a beautiful woman. And you're naked. You can see where I'm going with this."

She raised a single eyebrow, "Are you erect?"

"Yeah, I am."

"It's nothing to be ashamed of sweetie. I gave birth to you and raised you. It's a perfectly normal human reaction, and in my life experience, men's penises pretty much look the same. So stop being such a wimp and undress already."

"Okay, if you insist."

I took off my socks, stood up, and in simple movement, I dropped my shorts and underwear to reveal my fully naked body to my mother.

She squinted her eyes and leaned forward, looking at my crotch. "I thought you said you were erect? Are you cold or something?"

"You better be joking or else I'm unpacking all the things I helped pack."

"I'm kidding!" she shouted with a laugh. "I couldn't resist taking a jab at your delicate ego. You're a perfectly healthy young man. And whoever you're currently seeing is a very lucky young woman."

"Thanks," I replied. "So what now? Do we just hang around doing naked stuff together? Or do we just sit down and enjoy our nakedness? I'm new to this."

"Well there's not a lot of things we can do with that stiff erection between your legs. And we certainly can't have you pack my things like that. God forbid you drop something heavy on your precious manhood. I would never be able to forgive myself."

I laughed, "You still haven't lost your sarcastic touch. It's your fault I'm standing here with this erection, you know."

"Then I suppose it's my responsibility to undo it. Is that what you're saying?"

I tried my best not to jump around the room with joy, and I succeeded. I stayed as calm as possible with my mother seemingly offering to take care of me.

"You can interpret it that way. You're the scientist. I don't mind."

She took a few steps towards me and we stood face to face. She maintained a relaxed expression while she used both hands to softly caress the shaft of my erection with her fingertips.

"I certainly didn't plan for this to happen," she said with her fingers staying busy. "But we're already naked and your male fertility appears to be at its peak. So are you interested in making my last full day here a special one? It'll be special for both of us."

"Why do I get the feeling that you haven't made love in a very long time?" I asked after seeing the longing in her eyes.

She paused for a second. "It hasn't been that long. But it's been unfulfilling in many ways. I'm not a woman who goes around looking for one night stands. I have nothing against women who do, but if I don't feel that there's love and a connection there, then it's meaningless to me. And that's what's been missing between me and Dave. We haven't had an intimate connection in a long time."

"You seem like that kind of woman," I replied. "That's one of the things I really love about you."

"Thank you."

Her fingers went from simply caressing me softly, to wrapping around my entire shaft and giving me a good squeeze, which sent a jolt down my body.


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