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Magic Milk Farms Ch. 03

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Anna finally gets a little relief.
1.5k words

Part 3 of the 4 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 01/04/2003
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Anna did not receive any sex for the next eighteen hours, and it was with good reason: they needed her as horny as possible without driving her completely insane. The men had no choice but to lay Anna down (for making her super-pregnant form stand would be too difficult), restrain her, and seal her mouth, (her screams had become far too distracting).

They had given her the same amount of sex stimulants as always, but without any relief whatsoever, her body went into shock. Without the stimulants, her body and brain would begin to go back to their normal state. Even if they had given her something to distract her from the discomfort, she wouldn't have been interested in it. Her brain had been transformed to only seek her own pleasure, semen, milk expression, and breeding.

It was the blonde man who finally opened the door. Another man that Anna had never seen before followed. The restraints prevented her from positioning her head to see either of them, but her excitement and hope built with their sounds.

The blonde entered a computerized code into a high-security box that was attached to the wall at eye-level. He then told his companion to double-lock the door.

The blonde then moved to where Anna could see him. "Anna, we really feel that you are at a loss by not hearing any of the prepared speech from the assembly. We would like to give you another chance to try to understand." He knew it was almost pointless for him to speak because she was so focused on her sex.

"Anna, it comes down to this: the head Director ordered that the breeding cows... I mean, the women... receive the general information. But we know if we try to explain any of it to you, you will just get too horny and full of milk to pay attention. Therefor, we are going to um... experiment with a new device on the more stimulated of our females. It is not going to be very comfortable, but it is the only way. Breathe deeply, Anna."

With that said he blindfolded the girl and plugged her ears with plugs specifically designed for her ears. He then unlocked her knee and ankle restraints and spread her legs wide apart. Just feeling the air on her clit excited her. She fought with him, struggling to rub her legs to get herself off, but in her state it was useless. He then reclined the bed so that her feet and legs were fairly high above her waist, but her stomach and head remained level. He locked her ankles down until once again, Anna was immobile.

The two men looked at eachother. Both were a little afraid of what they were doing- they had never done such a procedure. The lab had come up with a device that should quickly and effectively give the user a horrible, painful, and unbelievable satisfying orgasm. The Director concluded that after the use of this device, the woman should be able to focus her attention for at least fifteen minutes.

After entering three more codes into the wall safe, it opened. He carefully removed the wonder-device. He held it while the other man used a couple of four or five paper towels to remove the moisture that had built up around her pussy and thighs.

The blonde nodded when he felt it was clean enough. He placed the expensive and technical object directly on to her pussy. It somehow fit, molding to her, with a "smart" dildo, a clit surrounder/punisher, and labia massager.

The blonde adjusted the wall camera so that the lab technicians could clearly see the first use of their equipment. Her body turned multiple shades of pink, as did the device. "It is warming and cooling for effect," he told his companion.

It was hard to determine exactly what was going on since both the woman and the device appeared still and silent. "Is this when you think her clit is being sucked into the mini-vaccuum and squeezed?"

"No, don't you remember... they re-modeled it so that it does that the entire time it is in use."

Anna was enjoying herself. It had everything she could ever ask for- even electronic bumpers on the sides to both soothe and excite the delicate skin of her inner thighs. She felt her entire pussy being sucked away from her body, and then pushed back again. Her hot pink lips were being stretched back and forth and coated with even thicker cum-like fluids.

Then, the orgasm began.

She hated that her mouth was sealed. It was obvious that breathing had become tremendously difficult since her face was so red, and the men could clearly hear her inhaling hard and often through her nostrils.

She felt the device working overtime, pushing and shoving and gnawing at her. It must have been at least a minute since she had began to cum, uhhh and it was getting unbearable. The intense pleasure turned into a forced reaction. Her body was now a machine working with the attached machine, whether she wanted it or not.

Thinner streams of juice sprayed out from around the rubber dick, pouring in and out of her like a volcano. Her pussy attacked the dick while it attacked her, both fighting for control. The mini-vacuume grabbed hold of her clit like shark jaws into flesh. Finally, after four minutes of this torture, the machine turned off.

The men removed it and locked it away, careful that she wouldn't ever view it. They then cleaned her pussy off and applied a medicated lotion to keep her from inflaming. They let her rest this way for about three minutes, and knowing that time was precious, decided she was ready to have her blindfold removed.

They allowed her to see, hear, and speak. Her immediate reaction was to cry, and beg to be untied. She wasn't actually depressed since the drugs kept that from happening, but she was somehow not cheerful.

"Why?" she asked, feeling too weak to become hysterical.

"I explained it to you. Had you paid attention, you would know. Isn't that what you wanted?"

Feeling ashamed, she closed her eyes.

The Director entered and took a seat next to her bed. "Hello Anna, I am the leader of this lab. I just thought you should be informed of the general procedures here in a little more depth than you already are currently aware."

Anna knew she should not anger anyone while so helpless, so she kept her feelings to herself.

"You look sad-faced, little pussy," he brushed her soft cheek. "Since I am very busy and you are under a time limit, we will keep this short. You already know that you are here for breeding and all of that. I wouldn't want you to go into shock upon delivery, so I should tell you that you are pregnant with little fiends."


"Beings that help us with our operation-not very attractive little guys. Different batches lead to different things. You were given hormones to turn your litter into fiends... basically monsters that the women with severe behavoir problems are sent to. After a little time with a fiend, they all return to good mommas."

"What else are there?"

"Well, the pregnancies must be frequent and multiple. This is because the hormones we give you cause the beings to grow very very quickly. That means they become adults very quickly and die very quickly. This is good because we don't like to feed or waste time or money on the creatures... and we wouldn't want them to get old enough to really learn anything. We also have women pregnant with spermers- men with supreme sperm, and gordons- creatures designed to consume all of our wastes, including the corpses of our deceased beings. Quite a lovely system, eh?"

"You're a sicko."

"Aw, perhaps we should send you to a fiend... might I remind you that the device you just endured was inspired by one of the hobbies of the fiend."

Anna looked afraid and sad. The Director exited, realizing that Anna had learned all she needed.

The blonde man tried to tilt the camera away a little. "Anna, I am sorry."

"How did you get here?"

"I volunteered."


His face changed, and he was firm in saying, "No, I have told you all that you need." And he undid her binds and dragged her out to the milking booths. Then it was business as usual for Anna and the crew.

But a few days later one of the upper-level scientists came in to review Anna. She was due for labor the day before, and it hadn't happened. He carefully examined her.

He took hold of one of her breasts and looked at his watch while he squeezed for five seconds, letting the excretions pour into a measured bucket. He then examined it. "One cup," he said, "that is a little low."

He then injected her stomach and hard nipples and pussy with a breeding stimulant. "Okay boys, bring in the cage," he ordered.

A 10-foot square cage was brought in. Immediately Anna felt her stomach pushing on her womb. "Ohh, it's time."

As instructed, the blonde man shoved his cock into her pussy. This made her very uncomfortable, but since she was very horny indeed, she accepted it. Once he had depositited his sperm, he removed himself from Anna.

A tongue licked at her clit from above while Anna was ordered to push.

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Papa_CaliPapa_Caliover 17 years ago
Strangley twisted! I can't stop reading!

Very interesting read! I find myself intensely intrigued and fighting nausea at the same time. Plaidskirt's descriptive skills are strong, as she paints a bleak distopia where humans are used as plain vessels. Very cool, and disturbingly erotic! I can't wait to read more of this ongoing story!

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