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Maid Service Ch. 01

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A widower is awakened once again by his young maid.
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Bill and Amanda were reaching that time of life, where they transition from workaday to leisure. Both have enjoyed full careers together, with Amanda getting ready to retire almost a full year before Bill. They had their nest egg where they needed it to be, to enjoy their autumn years. They were both finishing off their last couple years at work, as they prepared for their adventures, helping build homes with Habitat, traveling, exploring all those places they'd always wanted to see when they were younger, but never seemed able too.

Erica, Amanda's best friend and neighbor, wasn't the least bit surprised when they backed a brand new forty foot camper into their driveway. It was something they had talked about for years. She was happy for the two of them, to see that they had made that first step, in their carefully laid plans. Everything seemed to be going so perfectly for them, and in some ways Erica was jealous. Bill was everything in a husband, any woman could want. Kind, considerate, loving, a good provider, and if Amanda was to be believed, still damn good in bed, or anywhere for that matter. Amanda had once, over several glasses of wine, at a lingerie party they both went to, confessed that Bill enjoyed surprising her with titillating little things and even sex in all sorts of places, including once getting naked with her in a swimwear dressing room. Yes, Bill was everything she wished her ex had been and wasn't. So, she was happy for them, but also a little jealous.

That was two years ago. That jealousy was washed away in an instant, replaced with concern and sadness. Everything had seemed to be going exactly as they planned. Bill was out of town on business when it happened. It had fallen to her, to call him, knowing how devastating the news would be. But better from her, than some impersonal call from the police. At least she hadn't suffered. The EMT's said she probably didn't even know what had happened. She just sat down on the ground next to the car, the trunk still half full of groceries, and fell asleep one final time. The stroke was massive and unpredictable. They eventually learned she'd had a weak vessel in her brain that ruptured. It could have happened any time in her life. The hardest thing for Bill had been being unable to even say goodbye to the love of his life.

Since then, Erica had done everything she could to make life easier for Bill. She felt like she owed Amanda that, after all the years Bill and Amanda had been a ready hand when she needed it. If something broke, or the lawnmower refused to start, she knew Bill would be there to help. She hadn't even realized how much she had leaned on Amanda over the years until she was gone. She felt his loss in many ways, but she knew that hers could never match the intensity of the loss he felt.

It had been nearly two years and he was still deep within that shell he had quickly built around himself. Other than his adult children and their kids, he rarely let anyone in through that protective barrier. No matter how hard she tried, the most she could get from him was that he never wanted to love again. He never wanted to feel that pain again, or to cause anyone else that kind of pain. So, he closed himself off from life. Sometimes, it was even difficult for her to go over and see him like that; sitting, just waiting for his years to expire. It was a lonely way to live, but try as she might she just couldn't seem to break him free of it.

"Bill? You here?" He heard Erica call, from the usually unlocked back door.

"In here!" He called back from his recliner, the tv playing some old movie he wasn't even paying attention to, like most of his evenings. He turned and saw his neighbor walk in through the kitchen with a young woman in tow behind her.

"Bill, this is Tanya. She came over recently from Romania."

"Oh, hi," Bill mumbled, as he pushed himself out of the recliner, holding a hand out toward the young woman.

"I've brought Tanya by to start working tonight," Erica said, getting a curious look from him. "We talked about getting a maid service in to help you? Tanya's going to come by twice a week to clean for you."

"Oh, yeah. Sure," Bill answered, with a curt nod.

"Do you want to show her around?"

"Oh, yeah. Sure." Bill answered with a shrug. "You've seen the kitchen. This is the living room and down the hall here are the master bedroom, guest rooms and two bathrooms," he said, pointing down the hall.

"Men are hopeless!" Erica said, to Tanya. "Come on, I'll show you," she added, motioning for the young woman to follow her.

Bill dropped back into his chair and watched the two disappear down the hall. After the tour Erica left the young woman to work and Bill to watch his movie.

Bill couldn't help but notice, that Tanya was a very good looking, young woman, by anyone's standards. Long dark blonde hair down to the middle of her back, the golden mane tied in a long ponytail, green eyes that seemed to smile, as much as the seemingly permanent smile on her lips. She filled the t-shirt out nearly as much as Amanda had, with a figure that was every bit as enticing as Amanda's had been, when she was that age. Full, round butt, that seemed to wiggle while she worked and a slim waist. Her legs, completely bare from the micro shorts to the tops of her athletic shoes were lean and powerful looking. Yes, for someone twenty or thirty years younger than he was, she was one hell of a good- looking woman!

Bill watched her bustling around, moving with deliberate speed and purpose. In three hours, she had cleaned the kitchen and both bathrooms from top to bottom, leaving them cleaner than they had been since Amanda passed.

"I come tomorrow?" She asked, in heavily accented English.

"Sure, that'd be fine. What time do you want to come?" He answered.

"I come tomorrow?" She asked again, almost as if she were reading it off a cue card.

"You don't speak a lick of English, do you?"

"Yes, I come tomorrow?" She asked a third time.

Bill sighed and then chuckled. At least she wouldn't talk his ear off. "Yes, you come tomorrow!" He answered her.

"Good!" She said as she headed for the back door.

"Well, she cleans good!" He said to himself, as he followed her to the back door, looking around the kitchen at the neat, sparkling surfaces. "She must think I'm a real slob!" He said aloud, after closing the back door after her. He watched out the kitchen window, as she got into her little car and drove away.

Bill was still sitting at the kitchen table, just finishing off the TV dinner he had microwaved for himself, when her face appeared at the window in the back door. He got up and let her in.

"Hello, I clean now?" She asked, as she bustled past, with her bucket of cleaning supplies.

Bill chuckled to himself, as he watched her disappear from the kitchen. He sat down and finished the last few bites of food, dropped the fork in the sink and the plastic tray into the trash. He could hear the vacuum cleaner start running and decided to go see how she was doing. He didn't intentionally walk silently, but the carpet in the hall kept his steps more than quiet enough, that Tanya would never hear them over the vacuum. He stepped to the master bedroom door and stood watching, as she crawled around the foot of the bed, trying to vacuum under it.

Bill couldn't help but notice her firm round ass, the navy-blue micro shorts pulling tightly across her pussy, as she nearly lay her head on the floor to peer under the bed. The material pulled across her pussy lips, creating a shallow cleft, down the center of the short's crotch. He couldn't help but feel somewhat turned on by the sight, the image taking him back to one of the many times Amanda had worn tight little shorts like that, just to tease him. He remembered her kneeling at the edge of the garden, her ass pushed out at him as she worked. She never seemed surprised when he knelt behind her and stroked his hand between her legs, teasing her through the material. She would wiggle her ass at him, as his attentions made her wetter, encouraging him to do more. And more he did. He smiled to himself, as he remembered how often he pulled her shorts down over her ass, chuckling to himself at the lack of underwear. She would usually lower herself to her elbows, pushing her ass out at him even more, as he worked her shorts down her thighs, or sometimes stay on her hands and knees and pull her shirt up to expose her huge tits. She knew he loved seeing her tits swinging when he was fucking her, thought it always surprised him when she did it in the front yard. In his mind he could feel her hot wet lips spread around his engorged head, after he'd pulled himself out of his own shorts and rubbed his head up and down her wet pussy lips. His mind recalled how she moaned loudly as he pushed into her, her pussy expanding and stretching to accept his fat shaft.

"Oh God yes," she breathed, as she knelt before him, his cock sliding in and out of her, her sopping wet pussy making a soft squish, that was noticeable even over the wind rustling the dead leaves she had been pulling from the garden. In and out he stroked, driving his cock fully into her, feeling the end of her tunnel with the head of his cock, each time he pushed into her. He could hear her moans, as he drove into her over and over, their mutual climax growing closer by the moment.

"Oh fuck!" Bill grunted, his body jerked and spouted a long rope of cum into the air toward the young woman, not into his wife's pussy. He didn't even remember pushing the front of his workout pants down or stroking his cock.

He wanted to run away in embarrassment, as she knelt by the foot of the bed, watching him squirt shot after shot of cum toward her. The ropes of creamy white juice landed on the carpet between them as he stood, his feet rooted to the ground in the midst of a powerful climax, the first he remembered having since that day two years ago.

"God, I'm sorry!" Bill blurted, as he hastily pulled his pants up over his still hard cock and walked swiftly down the hall. Bill didn't stop until he was in the garage, panting and feeling incredibly embarrassed. "She must think I'm really a scumbag!" He grumbled to himself, as he stood in the garage, trying to work up the courage to even go back into his own house.

It took a while, but he finally worked up the courage to go back in and apologize. When he went back in, he no longer heard the vacuum and wondered if she had fled from the scene of his crime. The bedroom light was still on, so he walked down the hall preparing a speech he doubted she'd understand.

"Jesus!" Was all he could say, as he stepped into the room. Tanya lay on the carpet, her shorts and thong panties pushed all the way to her ankles. Her t-shirt and bra were also pushed up, her body completely exposed with the exception of one breast covered with her massaging hand. On the floor next to her, open, was the small wooden chest that Amanda had kept under the bed with her toys hidden away in, the toys that she always thought were a secret. She lay with her knees splayed wide, her eyes closed as she pumped a big pink artificial dick in and out of herself. He knew he shouldn't watch, but his brain still swirled with the aftermath of his own climax, so he stood watching, as she pumped the dildo frantically in and out of herself.

He couldn't understand her words, but her actions and the motion of her hips, trying to lift off the floor toward the plunging dildo, said everything. Her climax was nearly upon her. With a loud cry, in a language he didn't understand, her body jerked and then froze rigidly, her legs trembling ever so slightly, as she climaxed in front of him.

"Shit!" She cried in surprise, when she opened her eyes and saw that he was staring at her nearly nude body. She frantically tried to cover her tits and pussy, pulling the dildo from her pussy and dropping it between her legs. As he stood there he watched, more turned on than he could remember, as she alternately tried to cover herself and pull her clothes back into place. The whole time she kept a constant flow of what he assumed was an apology or explanation or both, in a language he clearly didn't understand.

With her shirt pulled down over her tits and her shorts most of the way back up, he turned and walked back to his recliner, dropping heavily into it.

"I sorry! I go now!" She said, as she rushed from the hallway toward the kitchen.

"Hey! Wait!" Bill called, as he tried to get up and catch up to her.

"I sorry! I go now!" She said again, as she reached for the doorknob on the kitchen door.

"Wait! You don't have to go. That was as much my fault as yours. Maybe more." He told her, as she paused at her door.

"I sorry. I go now." She said, more quietly.

"No, you don't have to go. I think we're both embarrassed enough. It's okay. You don't have to go." He said more softly, knowing she probably didn't understand, but hoped she'd understand the tone. He gently reached for her arm and pulled her back into the room.

"I no go?" She questioned.

"No, you clean now." Bill answered her, quietly.

"You no angry?"

"No angry," he answered. "You stay clean!"

She looked at his eyes for assurance, and then nodded slowly.

"I stay, only clean!"

"Only clean!" Bill answered, with a nod, letting go of her arm.

She walked past, hesitantly, then went back down the hall, while Bill went to sit back down.

"I done. Come back next week?" Tanya asked, as she walked from the hall, some time later.

"Yes. Next week!" Bill answered her, she smiled then walked from the room and out the back door.

"Well, the house hasn't looked this good in a long time!" Erica said, as she walked in the back door, the next day.

"Yeah, she did a nice job!" Bill agreed, not planning on telling her of their little embarrassment.

"May I?" she asked questioningly, pointing down the hallway as she paused to wait for permission.

"Sure." He answered with a shrug, after which he watched her disappear down the hallway.

"She did do a nice job, didn't she?" Erica called from the master bathroom.

"Yeah, she's good at cleaning." He called back, as he waked down the hall toward the bedroom.

"So, what do you think of her otherwise?" Erica asked, as he stepped into the bedroom doorway while she walked around the foot of the bed, inspecting everything, from the tops of the dressers, to the window frames, looking for any missed dust or dirt.

"Kind of hard to talk to. Only understands half a dozen phrases I think," he answered, as she paused on the far side of the bed, looking down at the floor.

"Well, she seems to have been thorough," She answered back, clearly suppressing a smile, as she stepped back around the bed. She stepped next to Bill and slipped an arm into his, to guide him back down the hall toward the living room. "So, you want her to keep coming?"

"Don't see why not. She seems nice enough and she does a good job." He answered, with a shrug.

"Good. So, how are you doing otherwise?"

"What do you mean?" He asked, furrowing his brow as the moved toward the sofa.

"Well. I was just wondering if you were feeling better. I mean, you're more talkative today than I've seen you in a while."

"Oh? Not really," he answered, as she led them to the sofa.

"Oh yeah, really." She said, with a grin. "So, you had a nice chat with Tanya?"

"Huh? Not really. She doesn't understand anything I say."

"Oh? Well, it just seemed like maybe you managed to find a way to communicate, anyway." She said, leaving Bill feeling like she was once again trying to suppress a smile, for some reason.

"Not really. Like I said, she only understands a few basic phrases."

"Well, your body language must have gotten the job done then." She said as she slipped her arm from his. She leaned closer and kissed his cheek. "I need to get home and cook dinner. You going to be alright alone tonight? If you need some company I can come back later."

"No. I'm fine," he answered, shaking his head, wondering what had gotten into her. Even he wasn't blind to recognizing that she was physically attracted to him, but he just wasn't ready for that, no matter how lonely it was at night or how tempting she looked and felt.

"Okay. Well, we'll talk later then," she said, turning and heading for the back door.

It wasn't until bed time that Bill realized that the small wooden chest was pulled out from under the bed part way, which he was now sure Erica had seen when she was inspecting the room. He doubted anyone else would even know that that chest contained, but Erica would, of that he was confident.


The week had gone as slowly as all weeks for Bill, maybe even slower, but Thursday finally came. He wasn't exactly sure why, but he was nervous. Would she think he was a pervert, after what he did the previous week? Would she even think anything of him? Hell, in a lot of ways he felt like a teenager again. Not that it was wrong for him to look. Even when his wife was alive, she'd always said it was fine to look, as long as he wasn't obvious about it. Men were wired to look, to check out the opposite sex. She just wanted to make sure, that he didn't do more than look.

He'd taken an extra shower and made sure to clean up the bathroom after he finished, and again, he wasn't sure why. He was paying her to come clean, or more the point, he was paying Erica to have someone come clean for him. The more he thought about it, the more embarrassed he was at standing in the hall, jacking off in front of her, not even realizing he was doing it until it was far too late. It was a good thing that she couldn't speak much English, or he was sure Erica would have had a real ear full of his misdeeds.

He finished his TV dinner and dumped the tray in the trash, setting the fork in the sink. He hadn't dirtied all that many dishes in a whole week, but he made sure to at least rinse them off and put them in a neat pile instead of leaving them haphazardly stacked in the sink. He'd not quite made it back to his chair, when the knock on the door interrupted him. He walked to the door and opened it, finding Tanya standing there wearing a smile, a tank top and a denim miniskirt.

"Hello. I clean?" She asked, in her heavily accented English.

"Yes, come on in," Bill answered, holding the door open for her as she walked in, with a bucket full of assorted cleaning tools in one hand, a long handled mop in the other. She smiled, as she stepped past him. Bill closed the door after her and then retreated to the living room to let her get to work. He alternately watched TV and glanced over where she was working in the kitchen, cleaning the counters at first and then moving to the floor. She mopped the floor and then on her hands and knees began washing the front of the cabinets. Bill really couldn't help getting a hardon as she worked, the tiny little skirt pulling up far enough on her round, firm little butt, to expose a tiny, little sliver of pink panty.

It wasn't much of a pair of underwear, as far as Bill could tell. It covered her pussy but left her entire ass completely bare, her creamy cheeks peeking at him from under the hem of the denim. Her ass wiggled side to side as she worked, his cock growing harder with each swipe of the sponge.

In his mind he could easily remember Amanda doing something similar, though usually in shorts, and the number of times he'd walked over and tried to play, sometimes being sent away and other times, allowed to tease and play while she worked until they were both hungry for the final event. Sometimes that event occurred on her hands and knees, and other times, much to her protests, it was with her bare ass sitting on the edge of the counter.

Bill was still remembering how his wife looked, sitting on the counter naked when Tania finally finished and stood up. Bill couldn't help but feeling slightly disappointed that the show was over, though not sure if it was because he was enjoying the view of Tania's bare butt, or if it was because of the memories that the sight flooded him with. "Just as well," he thought to himself, as she headed down the hallway toward the bedroom and the bathroom.

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