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Mail Girls Ch. 01: The New Start

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Willa and her daughter forced to repay their debt by nudity.
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Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 11/01/2022
Created 11/01/2014
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First of all, I want to excuse my poor English, I'm not a native English speaker. Thanks to Cambridge Caine and Katie Irwin who created the world of Mail Girls. And thanks to Pete_L who helped me with editing for publishing. If you haven't done it already, read their stories too, as my stories continue after theirs...

***** ***** ***** *****

Guillermo 'Bill' Martinez was in big trouble, although not his own fault. The Mailroom Girls Program was on the edge of collapse. As the Senior Vice President of the company, he established this program based on the ideas of the new CEO, Douglas Cameron. He set the basic rules of the Program, he picked the girls, he convinced them, or convinced their superiors, to help him convince them that joining this program would benefit the company and themselves. He made it! And those bastards ruined it!

Drankic and Fairview continued non-stop making the new rules of the Program. They were not satisfied with dozen of naked girls running around the building stark naked, they wanted go further and further with humiliating them.

First they made the girls run with messages in pussy tubes, then giving relief to anyone who wished for it; by mouth, hand, pussy or asshole, spanking girls for any reason or no reason at all. But that was not all. After some time they convinced Doug, the CEO that when the girls carry messages in their respective pussies, they don't need their hands, and the best thing would be to handcuff them behind them and gag the girls as you would dangerous convicts.

After making the Program official, there were negotiations with girls about them continuing in it. The result of this was that six of the twelve girls left it, even though they suffered severe financial penalties.

The remaining six girls were supposed to do the job for all twelve. They did their best, and they were just able to do it. They were however on the edge of collapsing from exhaustion after two months, because the company was unable to hire six more women who would do that job after they saw what they must suffer.

But those morons Drankic, Fairview and their followers who believe in the cliché that those women are there to satisfy their sadistic needs, weren't satisfied yet! Two weeks ago, the girls' legs were chained together with heavy short chains.

The inevitable happened three days ago. One of the girls, 'No.12', previously called Kirsten Allen before the Program, stepped on her chain, tripped herself on the stairs and because her hands were handcuffed behind her, was unable to protect herself and suffered major injuries.

Worst of all, she was unable to call for help, because of a gag in her mouth.

The maintenance guy found her 15 minutes after she had fallen on the service stairs. She was taken to hospital where doctors diagnosed her with a broken jaw, two broken teeth, cerebral damage, injured neck and three broken ribs.

Work inspectors immediately closed the Program for a week while they interrogated Chuck, the Mailroom girls' supervisor and the rest of the girls during the enquiry that followed.

It will take several months of therapy before the poor girl will be able to work again, and the company MUST pay all the costs of it.

On Saturday morning, when he had promised to take his son to the races, Bill was in his CEO's office saving the company from lawsuits which could cost them millions of dollars.

There were two more people in the office in addition to Doug and Guillermo. One was Frank Moore, a tall man in his middle fifties with pale skin and dark hair, in good shape, as former basketball player back in college in UCLA, where he studied law. Now head of the law department in the company, he was still keeping in shape by jogging and exercising daily.

Then there was Arlene Silverman, Head of Human Resources at the company. A woman in her late forties, but in good shape for her age, who felt pity for the mailgirls, but even she saw the benefits of the Program on company results.

They worked almost all day, debating how to save and improve the Program and to survive the evaluation of the inquiry, drinking only a few coffees and water served to them by Doug's beautiful secretary Jennifer. She was a kind young woman, about 27 years old, 6'7'' tall, curly, reddish-brown shoulder length hair, cute face with big green eyes and ideally proportioned body with 38D breasts. She was also very efficient and loyal to her boss.

Around 17:00 they concluded with the new ground rules of the Mailgirls Program and a way to keep it alive. It would be a struggle, but could be successful after all.


Next Tuesday morning, at 6:00 when the Mailroom opened again after the incident, the girls arrived and stripped off their clothes in the lobby area, in front of everyone. They are forced to parade naked and take a humiliating public shower, shaving their body of all hair except on their head. They then have to put on their makeup, all in front of anyone in the building, including their former colleagues, if they are there early.

They then proceed to the office floors. There they run coffee makers, put fresh fruits on tables and distribute newspapers and mail. When they have finished that, they proceed to the basement mailroom and have iPhones placed on their arms.

Mallory, girl 'No.3' saw that other girls also looked around them in disbelief. There was no trace of those horrible chains, cuffs, sibians and gags, which they are forced to wear around their mouths previously.

At that moment, Chuck, their supervisor stepped into the room. He was much earlier than on other days, it was barely 7:29 in morning, he was at least 20 minutes ahead of the usual time.

All five girls immediately took up their positions kneeling in front of their places, legs spread, so anyone would have an unobstructed view of their shaved pussies, waiting for Chuck to attach them to the wall, with a wire that clips to the girl's collar and to the hook above her on the wall. He instead goes to his 'office', basically a table with a computer, big screen monitor and a chair on wheels, in one corner of the room.

About 30 seconds after him, into the room came CEO Douglas Cameron himself, accompanied by Rudy Garnett, HR Supervisor in the company, who was cruel to the girls by humiliating them with rude words and comments, and with Frank Moore, who was more kind to the girls.

Chuck ushered the girls and they quickly stood up, legs spread to show their pussies, chest pushed forward, hands behind them and eyes slightly down, as mailgirls are not supposed to make eye contact with management, so the rules of the Program stated.

Doug at first roams his eyes over those young girls' bodies, then chuckles, clears his throat and speaks.

"After the incident last week, management feel that there must be some changes in the Mailgirls Program rules. They will be almost basic rules set by Mr. Martinez at the beginning of the Program, with only few additional ones."

" There will be no physical punishment of girl, no more canning, whipping, etc. for no reason. It can only be applied from the hands of Senior Management and Chuck. Employees who break that rule will be penalized financially, or even with termination of his/her job, depending on the case. There will be no more sexual favors or 'reliefs' as they called it when anybody wants it, it will be limited for use as a punishment, for collecting a lot of demerits only."

The girls sighed loudly, relieved. Doug shoots them with a quick glance and they immediately calmed down and froze in place.

Then he continues, "There will be no chains and handcuffs when you are on duty, for safety reasons and to allow you to carry packages in your hands, " he smiled at them.

"Still, if you get too many demerits you can be chained to the wall, gagged and blindfolded in the main lobby for all to see and fondle your body."

After that, Doug scans the room, feeling the girl's discomfort and seeing how they have shrunk in their positions.

He continues again, "As we have too few girls now at our disposition, we will recruit new girls into the Program."

Then he nods to Chuck, who goes to the doors and opens them. Into the room came six women, different ages, races and body types.

All of them were still clothed, but have frightened looks and an ashamed stance as they walk. They are arranged by Chuck to stand beside the naked girls.

Doug then spoke to them, "Get into your uniforms, now! "

They looked terrified, but hesitate, so Chuck barks to them, "Strip off all of your clothes."

The women slowly proceed with taking off their clothes, their hands shaking with shame. One by one they strip, most on the edge of tears. They all take off their clothes, except the oldest of them, who has 'No.1' as her new name.

Her real name was Willa Terry and she worked in the finance department as an assistant of Jakob Drankic himself. She just froze and her mind flashed to yesterday...


She had the day off and had just finished her meal with her family. This consisted of husband Brad, a 45-year-old security guard in the local prison, slightly balding, but in good shape as he was evaluated every year, as the work for his job demanded fit men.

There was their daughter Patricia 22 years old, who had just finished local college 4 months ago and is now also working in the company. She is a small bodied blonde, around 5'2'' skinny girl with perky 34A sized breasts and a son Clarence, who is a high school senior with a geeky look.

Her phone rang, when she saw who was calling her, she answers the call immediately. The call was pretty short, she dropped the phone and with an alarmed look in her eyes, tells her daughter to grab her purse, as both are summoned by Jakob Drankic to his office immediately.

After going to the security guard to check in, both women proceed up in the elevator to Drankic's office. Once there, they find two, young, ashamed and naked girls, tears running down their faces. Janice, the office receptionist tells them to wait, calls Dankic and after hanging up the phone, tells them to proceed into the office.

Both women step inside with shaky legs and see that Drankic is not alone in his big office. They see that seated, is the CEO himself, Arlene Silverman, Head of Human Resources, Ruddy Garnet, her most important assistant, Angie Moore, Head of Accounting and her husband Frank Moore, Head of the Law Department.

They are welcomed by Drankic and then he tells them to take a seat, as they need to discuss some important matters.

After they sit down, Angie Moore spoke to them.

"We called you here today, because we found some very unusual results on the internal revue of our accounting last weekend. We found that some money is missing and after double checking the accounts, we found some evidence that lead us to you two."

She shut up and then Mr. Drankic spoke, raising his voice almost yelling, "Will you tell us why you needed $200,000? That is not a small amount of money and the Company will demand it back one way or another!"

Mr. Cameron hushed Drankic and then said, "So, will you tell us more?"

Patricia said, her voice shaking, "It is all my fault, please don't harm my mother, she didn't know about it! I took it!"

Drankic yelled at her, "And for what?"

Patricia broke in tears and confessed everything, how she started gambling when she was at college and got in problems with debts. After she saw how much money went through the accounts, which her mother had access to, she 'borrowed' $10,000 to pay back the debt, and then more for new gambling. Unable to resist, she 'borrowed' more and more in the vain hope that her luck would change and she would be able to repay it all.

Her mother found transaction logs on her computer and after checking, confronted her. After she confessed all to her, she tried to get her to return the money but that was only last week and they were unable to do anything so far.

Then Arlene asked them how they planned to make enough to repay the 'loan', plus interest, and they just sat in silence.

Rudy then said that he had an idea and both women looked hopefully at him, but their hearts sank when they head his 'proposal'.

He suggested that they both enlist in the Mailgirls Program and stay in it until all debts have been paid and then there will be no need to call the police and prosecute them. They will avoid prison and the company will get their money back.

Willa and Patricia looked at him in disbelief, they were afraid of the police and jail, but were scared of the Mailgirls Program too. They cannot be forced to parade around naked, right?

They sat in silence for a couple moments and then Willa sighed and said, "We will do it, we will enlist in the Mailgirls Program, as long as we will not be prosecuted."

After Patricia tried to complain, she was silenced immediately by her mother with words that it is all HER fault and she will not go to prison because SHE fucked up with her respectable career at the company.

Then Frank Moore gets some legal papers and both women sign without reading them, as their eyes are too wet from falling tears. Ruddy then gave them pamphlets about the Mailgirls Program where all the rules were written up, which they must learn by tomorrow.

"By tomorrow?" both protested, but were hushed by their CEO and reminded that they had signed and that from tomorrow for the next two years they would be mailgirls. Then, after they have repaid their debt they must leave the company, in other words they will be fired.

Then once again, they are shocked when Ruddy orders them to disrobe.

The stunned women stand and look at him in disbelief. Doug explains to them that having signed that contract they are both forbidden to wear clothes at the company and they need his, or some Board Member's permission, to wear any.

Shocked Willa started to unzip her sweater, followed by her skirt, she glanced at her daughter who then proceed to undress too. After Willa put her clothes over the chair, she pulled off her shoes and stood only in her white bra and panties.

As she glanced in Patricia's direction she saw that she too was only in her underwear and looking at her mother for support. She had on a white strapless bra and rose colored panties with an ornamental knot. Then Willa sighed and nodded at her daughter, while she reached behind her to unclasp her bra. Patricia followed suit and both women showed their nude boobs at the same time to seated spectators, Willa her 36 D and Patricia hers 34A.

As final evidence of their defeat, at same time they both dropped their panties and stepped from them simultaneously, leaving them completely naked.

Doug then ordered them to do a full turn so that they can see all parts of them, with which they reluctantly comply. Arlene informed them that they need to go to the basement in Mailgirls HQ to finish their transfer into the Program.

Drankic ushered them out telling them on the way that he was looking forward to working with them tomorrow and for the next few years. Ruddy quickly added that the elevators are out of bounds to them and that they must use the service stairs from now on and learn all the rules by tomorrow or feel his wrath.

Even though it is almost 7 p.m. and official work time finished at 5 p.m. there are still some people at work. One of them was Willa's good friend Paula who instantly ran to them to ask what happened. Willa, in few short sentences, explains to her that they are now permanent Mailgirls, to pay back that $200,000.

When the mortified women finally reached their destination they found those same girls who were earlier in Drankic's office with Chuck and some young attractive woman.

Both girls stood ashamed with their legs wide and Chuck and this woman kneel in front of them checking their pussies, parting and fondling them. Both girls were utterly humiliated and red faced. This 'checking' lasted a couple of minutes more before the girls were permitted to move.

Both were ordered to kneel and spread their legs as Mailgirls do when they are idle. Then Chuck, who ordered them to call him Mr. Martin and the woman who was introduced to them as Mrs. Frost, completed Willa's and Patricia's paperwork.

After that they took a closer look at the two naked Terry women and Mrs. Frost frowned at the sight of the big brown triangle of Willa's bush and a small patch of blonde hair above Patricia's pussy.

"You must shave it. Now!" she ordered them.

Chuck concludes, "Go to the Mailgirls shower area and do it quick, we expect you to be back shaven in 15 minutes or you will earn your first demerits right away. Run!"

The women ran across the hallway to the main lobby, Willa's bigger boobs swing with the rhythm while Patricia's just jump with her movements.

They run to the empty showers and start the hot water to soften their skin for shaving and deposit shaving gel over their bushes. Willa was even more ashamed when she saw that they had spectators; janitor, security guard, receptionist and some random employees who were on their way home, but stopped when they saw the performance under the showers.

Patricia was done in a few strokes, as she shaved every few days around her small patch, and as she waited for her mother to clear her jungle. From her position, she then saw those onlookers too.

When Willa was done, they both stepped out and turned off the water, dried their freshly shaven areas and ran to HQ again.

They saw that those other poor girls were gone when they returned and reported to Chuck.

He then ordered them to stand in front of one wall and started snapping pictures of them. Mrs. Frost explained to them that the photos are for their new identifications, as Albert from security, who usually takes the photos has already gone home, adding that Willa's new name will be Girl No.1 or simply '1' and Patricia will be now referred as '6'.

When Chuck had taken pictures of them from a dozen different angles and poses, he gave them additional pamphlets, on which were described all the Mailgirls Program rules, telling them in the process that they would be expected to know them all before they start tomorrow. He then gave them back their clothes which someone had apparently brought down, so they quickly put their clothes back on and left the room.


The ride home was quiet. None of them were able to find the right words. When they arrived home, Patricia fled to her room and Willa went to the living room to find her husband.

Then she led him to their bedroom where she confessed to him about the meeting. For a moment Brad was upset, but he didn't yell, nor get aggressive towards his wife. He just demanded the pamphlet to read it.

After that, he called a family meeting during which Patricia and Willa were forced to read the rules of the Program in turns, aloud, in front of him and Clarence, who sat and listened in disbelief. His mother and sister will be spending the next two years stark naked at work?

To a boy who has never seen a nude girl other than in magazines and porn, this was too much and he felt his dick rise in his pants.

Then his dad shocked all of them by proclaiming that as they are such sluts they can give a thrill at home too and demanded for them to undress right now.

They were shocked, but broken already, so they started slowly stripping in front of them. Willa, who worked on her body regularly, taking yoga and swimming at the pool few times a week, looked great for her 44 years when naked. She shed all her clothes, arranging them on a chair until she stood completely naked in front of hubby and her son. With her hands at her sides, she barely managed to stop herself covering her D-Cup breasts with prominent nipples, still reasonably flat belly and her freshly shaved vagina.


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