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Mailgirls Down Under Pt. 03

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How do you solve a problem like Kimiko?
12.8k words

Part 3 of the 12 part series

Updated 03/04/2024
Created 07/23/2022
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For readers who recall the ending of Part 2, this part dives straight in from there.

New readers will find that Down Under, we have turned a lot of regular mailgirl tropes on their heads. Under our local labour laws, the company cannot do a lot of things here that they can do to mailgirls in the north. The local manager, Mitch Johnson, had to negotiate mailgirl conditions with a trade unionist who likes to be known by her surname Jackson. Then Jackson became a mailgirl at Harada Industries in Australia out of curiosity and a sense of obligation to the other mailgirls. At the end of Part 2 the owner of the business, Mr Harada, on a visit from head office in Japan found to his shock that he recognised Kimiko, one of the Australian mailgirls.

Mitch looked up from his work awakened by a knock on his door. It was Jackson, so of course he waved her in. Jackson swanned into the room seductively. She licked her lower lip as she approached Mitch who tried to look unaffected by her performance. Jackson tilted her head back as if in ecstacy as she squeezed a nipple then ran her hand down to her crotch. She made eye contact with Mitch as she fingered her clit for a moment. Then she stopped and smiled.

"Oh yeah, I have a message for you," she smiled, "now what was it?" She placed her hands behind her head and outstretched one knee. She held that pose with her legs spread for a moment. "You know that you can just give in," she smiled at Mitch salaciously. Mitch shook his head with a wry composure.

"Do you know anything about Kimiko?" he asked her.

Jackson shook her head. "I asked her, but she said nothing." She gave up on the posing and sat down in the seat facing the office boss, across his desk from him.

"Do you have any ideas?" Mitch saw Jackson as much as an ally in the office as a determined object of his desire. She shook her head at that too. "Anything else of interest?" he tried.

"Oh yeah, the message," Jackson recalled. "Shane told me he wants you to come to his office," she reported. "He says it's urgent," she added with a smirk.

"What's he up to now?" Mitch assumed that Jackson knew everything that mattered in the office.

Jackson smiled. "I guess you'll just have to see."

Mitch sighed and organised himself to go up to the tenth floor to find what his deputy wanted.


While most of the department got on with their work concentrating on their screens, Lauryn Marks swivelled around in the office chair that was once hers, sitting at her old desk from her pre-mailgirls days in Harada Industries' Business Analytics department. She was of course naked, as she was one of the six mailgirls employed in Harada Industries' Melbourne office. She smiled knowingly at the man sitting at the workstation next to her. "Your office politics and carry-ons take on a whole new perspective ever since I started to dress like this," she announced, gesturing how her bare body was on display to him. "Was I doing all that, the gossip, the intrigues, back in my fabric days?"

Michael slouched back in his chair as usual and gave Lauryn an incongruous serious look. "Do you miss your old desk?" he asked. It was unoccupied, exactly as it was when she had cleared it before starting on her new role.

Lauryn smiled at her familiar colleague. "You mean do I miss the days when I came to work each day, sat here, and kept my clothes on?" She let that issue hang and instead wheeled her chair over right up close to Michael and reached over to adjust his tie. "The way you tie your tie has been bugging me for years," she laughed. Michael seemed a little nervous with his naked co-worker so close to him. She seemed not to notice as she attempted to improve his neckwear. After trying to fix it, she gave up, loosened it and pulled it off Michael's neck, unravelled it and inching closer to her clothed colleague, she expertly retied it. "There," she announced as her breasts jiggled, so close to his face but unabashed by her display, "done."

Michael felt the newly corrected tie around his neck and acknoledged that it was now more comfortable. "How did you know how to do that?" he asked, trying to concentrate on her face.

Lauryn shrugged as she skidded her chair back to her old desk. "I went to that sort of school. So I got good at getting it right every day. It's a habit. They said it would help me with my career." She lifted her breasts, playing with the undersides. "But I'm not sure they had this role in mind. All I have to get right each day is this." Lauryn spread her legs to show how smoothly she was shaved bare of any pubic hair. She winked at Michael. "Did you ever want to see me like this?"

Michael unashamedly stared as he absorbed the whole picture, his former colleague sitting back where she used to be but nude and showing herself off. "Well, I wouldn't have passed up the chance," he admitted boldly.

Lauryn got up out of her old seat and stepped over to face Michael, sitting on the corner of his desk, so close to him although knowing that he would not dare to touch her, in line with the office rules. She spread her legs wide as she reclined back on the desk. The mailgirls had decided that this pose was a suitable level of provocation and broadly in line with their role to inspire the other staff. Leaning back on their summoners' desks hands behind them on the desk for support, legs spread and breasts thrust up. As they had agreed amongst themselves, wasn't that what the management wanted? Were they not there to stimulate the other workers to be better employees? Lauryn smiled down at Michael who appeared not to be too fussed by her pose, so she sat back up and closed her legs.

Michael shrugged at his former close colleague like he was now used to her working naked in the office. "What's up with Kimiko and Mr Harada?" he asked her. That encounter had naturally been news right through the office. Everyone knew that Mr Harada had recognised her, said her name and asked her what she was doing.

Lauryn shrugged at that. "I wish I knew," she admitted. "She's not talking about it."


Annette Kellerman eased past Mitch as he entered Shane's office. "Everything all right?" he asked her since the lithe red-haired mailgirl looked a little dishevelled and seemed intent on avoiding eye contact with him.

"Yeah, sure," she mumbled looking away from him to the side, in a way that indicated she was not going to tell him if anything was wrong.

"There is always the tribunal if you need it," Mitch suggested. He looked over to Shane who, relaxed behind his desk, seemed as unruffled as ever.

"Don't forget that message for Belinda," Shane called to her. She turned around, just outside the door to Shane's office and nodded, apparently happy to look Shane in the eye from a distance. The mailgirl then set off on her task, winding past the IT staff's desks. Mitch was sure that they were ogling her while pretending that they weren't interested.

Shane smiled after her as she disappeared. "In the US or Japan she would be getting demerits and punishment for being in the office with her hair mussed up like that," he laughed. "Here, the issue is whether she'll get incentive points for getting the message down to HR within the target time."

Mitch shook his head. "You wanted to talk about?" he asked Shane as he sat down opposite him.

Shane said one word. "Kimiko."

"Yes?" Shane had his attention.

And Shane looked serious, or at least as serious as was possible for him. "I've done some digging and got the guff on her. You won't like it."

"Tell me," Mitch asked with a look of resignation.

Shane looked pleased with himself. "She's his granddaughter."

Mitch groaned. Mr Harada was his mailgirl's grandfather. That was bad. Then he had a thought, a hope. "Are you sure? The surname."

Shane shook his head to wipe out that possibility. "Mitch, surnames don't stay the same when you're a daughter of a daughter."

Mitch nodded his resignation to that fact. He had employed this mailgirl who spent her days naked around their office, who by all reports provided the most intense shows at the dildo stations when she was not otherwise acting as the most submissive of the group, and she just happened to be the granddaughter of the company's owner and founder. Resignation seemed the right feeling especially as Mitch recalled standing next to Mr Harada and experiencing the full reaction of Mr Harada when he recognised Kimiko. But Mitch noticed that Shane did not seem too concerned. Was there hope? "Do you have a plan?" he asked his deputy.

Shane maintained his composure, like it was no big deal. "Maybe we can sack her for lying on her CV." he suggested.

Mitch shook his head. "I don't think it's a statutory requirement to list your grandparents on your resume. So you don't have a plan." He thought for a moment. "Well, at least we know what it's about. I'll talk to her."


Jackson strolled into Mitch's office. "You were expecting Kimiko, I guess," she started as she sat down facing Mitch across his desk just how they used to meet back when she was a consultant to the business wearing clothes. Which meant that she was up close to the desk resting her elbows on it, although with her breasts on display to him, now that she was a mailgirl.

"Well yes," Mitch agreed. "I did ask her in for a chat." He tried to give Jackson the impression that he was not currently interested in her breasts.

Jackson sat up straight and looked Mitch hard in the eyes. "Kimiko was worried you would be angry so she asked me to attend."

Mitch relaxed back in his seat. "Why would we be angry?" he replied. Jackson waited to see if Mitch was going to add anything to that. When he didn't, she smiled and then laughed, her breasts shaking just a bit. Mitch laughed too, releasing a bit of his tension.

Jackson straightened her demeanour. "She expects to be punished," she reported flatly. "That's what she told me."

"That's not going to happen," Mitch replied equally flatly.

Jackson shrugged like it wasn't her thing but her duty to report. "She wants to be punished," she repeated. "That's all she told me."

Mitch rolled his eyes. "Isn't there somewhere she can go and pay for that sort of thing?" he tried.

Jackson shook her head although she knew where Mitch stood on that issue. "I'm just reporting. She wants to be punished as a mailgirl in the office. She's been watching the Japanese videos."

Mitch thought about that for a moment. "It runs against everything that we have been trying to with the program here. And it goes against the rules and what we are allowed to do to you. You, of course, know that."

Jackson stood up and tilted her head in a sort 'I'm thinking this through' gesture. The thin mailgirl walked around to sit on the corner of Mitch's desk, up close to him in the now standard provocative manner. Although rather than reclining back she sat pretty much upright, swinging one leg open with the other anchoring herself to the floor.

"What are you trying to do?" Mitch asked her softly.

Jackson spread her legs just a little bit more, exposing herself to the manager of the Australian operations. "I'm just trying to work out a way for you and me to sort this out," she said. Mitch did not flinch, nor did he say anything to try to prise out the meaning or ramifications of that challenge. "Oh well," Jackson concluded and got up from her pose. "I'll talk to Kimiko and report back if there's anything to say. See you later Mitch," she promised as she turned around to give him a view of the curve of her bottom as she exited.

Don't you love her as she's walking out the door, Mitch thought as Jackson slowly trailed past Betty Cuthbert's desk tossing off her usual greeting to Mitch's PA which as usual Betty Cuthbert chose to ignore acting far too busy in her work to acknowledge the attractive young nude as she made her way out of the office area.


The next morning Mitch was working at his desk when Annette walked in, an unusual smirk on her face. She stopped near the door indicating that she would be quick so she did not need to settle in. "Shane says he needs you in the boardroom urgently," she said with a mysterious glint in her eye.

Mitch chose to respond straight. It was 10am so not yet time for a red wine tasting. At least he hoped that. Perhaps another brainwave about Kimiko? He started to get ready. "Any idea what for?" he asked the waiting mailgirl.

Annette screwed up her face, trying not to laugh. Apparently she did know but was under orders not to reveal what. She gave Mitch a look which said that the situation was not her fault.

"Okay," Mitch surrendered as he got up from his desk. Annette was looking hard at him. "Oh yes," he remembered and marked her call as done on the app. Annette checked her app which pinged just as she did calling her to another errand.

"Gotta go," she called out to Mitch as she turned and strode past Betty Cuthbert's desk, with the usual non-interaction from Mitch's beleaguered PA.

"I'll be in the boardroom," Mitch advised Betty.

"Yes, I heard," she snapped. She was never at her happiest after the appearance of a mailgirl.

The first thing Mitch noticed in the boardroom was the wrapping mess on the board table. "We had a delivery," Shane told him rather unnecessarily. "From Mr Harada apparently." At that point Mitch noticed a set of six very large prints that Shane had spaced out along the floor around the walls. "Well let's face it, the outback landscapes were looking a bit tired," he laughed waving his hand to where they hung languidly, lifelessly adorning the room like a hundred or more meeting rooms in the city. Mitch was not going to argue with Shane about that. They were so bland he barely noticed them. He took a closer look at the art that Mr Harada had sent. Should anything the owner of the company do surprise him any more? Now that Australia was within the mailgirl orbit, it seemed that plenty of other things would change too.

Mitch studied the set of matching prints. They were high quality photographs. In the first full length view, a thin naked Japanese woman had her hands bound behind her in a complex roping which also wrapped around her neck and her breasts but left her unobstructed from the waist down. Shane came up close to Mitch to admire it. "I'd say that was taken in Mr Harada's office, judging by the background," Shane noted. "Classy, isn't it? Certainly will add something to the ambiance in this room."

Annette sidled into the room and stood between Mitch and Shane, hands on bare hips, to also peruse the print that they were studying. "Nice," she agreed, "but not my thing."

"Are you sure about that?" Shane asked the naked woman who was now standing right next to him. She gave him a sharp warning look. At least that was what Mitch thought he saw but it was all gone before he could fully register.

"Oh yeah," Annette remembered, "I am actually here with a message. For you, Mitch." She stopped to closely regard the strained posture of the restrained model in the portrait and twisted her own arms back in the pose as she looked at it. "No," she decided as she loosened them back out purposely running one hand across Shane's cheek as she did so. "Ah yes, the message," she remembered. "the Bad boys downstairs got a few of these for their boardroom too. They were just affixing them to their walls when they called me to ask you if you wanted their help in putting this lot up."

Mitch looked at her a little confused. "Don't we just take this lot down and put the new ones up on the hooks."

Annette smiled. "That's what they said you would say. Apparently these prints are much heavier than the old stuff. You do that and you'll end up with a hole in the wall where the hook used to be. And a smashed print when it falls off. They have all the necessary gear and they're ready to help you now." She broadened her smile with the knowledge that she was right. What else could he do? Mitch nodded. Annette glanced down at his mobile. He remembered after a moment to record her mission as completed. And then to set up the next one, the return back to the third floor to invite someone up.

"Thanks," Annette added. "I'm going to get those merit points if it kills me." Mitch looked concerned. "But," she added, "it won't come to that." She stepped away from the two men, wriggled her bum at them as she departed back downstairs.

Shane shook his head. "I'm trying to remember if things were easier before all this started," he joshed.

Mitch looked at him, surprised. "You're complaining?"

Shane laughed. "No, not really."

But Mitch couldn't resist it. "At least for me, things were a whole lot easier B.G."

"Beegee?" Shane asked.

"Before mailgirls."

Annette returned with one of the tech guys from BAD Solutions who seemed happy to follow her into the room as she pretended not to notice his focus on her bottom and her legs. He did not seem particularly physical to Mitch, but he carried a set of tools with the authority of someone who knew how to use them. "This is Len," Annette happily announced.

"Annette here said you were going to hang those prints using the old hooks," he chided. "Just as well you got me in, Annette," he smiled.

"We'll leave you to it," Mitch responded. He and Shane started towards the door. "Annette?" he asked the mailgirl who showed no intent to come with them.

"Oh, I'm staying, helping Len." She saw the looks on the faces of her managers. "I do this all the time at home."

"Like that?" asked Shane who seemed genuinely concerned for her. "There must be some health and safety thing about it."

"Like health and safety wasn't an issue when you two were going to hang them on these hooks," Len soliloquised as he yanked one of the old hooks out of the wall and replaced it with a much more impressive one. Mitch and Shane watched as Annette lifted the large print easily, legs astride as Len apparently impervious to her stance helped her to manoeuvre the print safely into place.

Annette looked over to see Mitch and Shane still watching. "We'll be good," she stated firmly and smiled sweetly at them. Len had a wide smile too.

As Shane and Mitch left the boardroom, Shane grabbed his boss by his arm to look seriously at him. "Have you spoken to him yet?" Shane asked.

Mitch knew what Shane meant. "Not yet." Mr Harada had said nothing to Mitch during the rest of his visit. And Mitch had heard nothing since Mr Harada had returned to Japan, not even the emails he expected were sent in Mr Harada's name to him by his staff.

Shane shook his head. "You know you're going to have to at some stage." Shane stared at him. "And you are going to have to sort out Kimiko too."

Mitch nodded vaguely, still trying to work out what to do with the iceberg that could not be avoided.


Given that Kimiko had again avoided a request from Mitch to have a chat about the way things were, he finally gave in to do what Shane would insist was the only thing to do in that situation and used his administrator privileges to summon Kimiko to the boardroom, ostensibly for a message.

Mitch loitered alone for a few moments in the boardroom, wondering whether Kimiko would respond or perhaps whether she would twig and send Jackson again. He glanced at the walls of the room where in contrast with the cream plaster ambience of the walls, the recently hung prints depicting restrained naked women hinted at a fantasy of a darker milieu. Not for the first time Mitch wondered what was real, his office life or the promise of bondaged naked women that the prints suggested was a part of Mr Harada's workplace experience.

Kimiko sidled quietly into the room while Mitch was in his reverie so he did not notice her until she had taken her usual kneeling position, in this case not far from the door. Looking downwards, she held that position with her gaze fixed firmly on the floor in front of her. Mitch realised that this was the same pose that her grandfather had discovered her on his floor walk. Mr Harada was back in Japan. And Mitch was still in a dilemma.

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