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"Maybe she's next door," he said out loud to the empty house. He really didn't have a clue what the telephone number next door was, so he walked over and rang the doorbell. Rita answered.

"You're back!" she exclaimed with enthusiasm. "Jenny's inside. She'll be so happy to see you." Surreptitiously stroking his cock and eliciting memories of last Friday night, she added, "And I'm happy to see you as well."

Jason followed Rita into the den, where Mike and Jenny were sitting on a sofa, drinking wine. Jenny popped up as soon as he entered the room and embraced her husband-to-be. It struck Jason odd that she would be wearing a robe, but then again maybe they had all been swimming. But why hadn't she changed into street clothes before coming next door?

Mike stood and shook Jason hand, offering the weary traveler a glass of wine. Jason gladly accepted the offer.

Rita gushed about how everything was ready for the wedding, now that the groom was here. Indeed, Jason had missed the bachelor party his firm had planned to throw him last night. At least he was here for the rehearsal and rehearsal dinner, scheduled for tomorrow evening. The wedding itself was for early Saturday afternoon and then it was off for two weeks in Tahiti. Yes, two weeks of fucking the hottest piece of ass around, that's just what he needed. In fact, he was ready for some pussy right now. Finishing his wine, he suggested that he and Jenny go home.

Mike interjected, "I think we need a little talk, Jason."

"Sure, but can't it wait?"

"No, it can't. Last Friday... when we all went over to your house... you fucked Rita."

Jason was stunned that Mike knew, and stunned that Jenny now knew as well. He glanced over at Rita, who winked at him. His eyes darted from Rita to Jenny to Mike and then back to Jenny, trying read into their expressions as his mind raced searching for a way out of his dilemma.

"Relax, pal," said Mike. "It's no big deal. I fucked Jenny." Jason's mouth opened but no words formed. "While you were dancing with Rita and feeling her up, I was fucking Jenny in the pool. In fact, since the moment you left, I've been fucking her three, four times a day. She's a great fuck don't you think? Gives a great head as well, and her ass... smooth as silk and a nice tight fit."

"Now, I know you're about to marry this slut, and that's fine by me, but just so that you know, Jenny and I have a long history. She was my fuck toy at State U, a real crowd pleaser, if you get my drift. Well, she's still my fuck toy and I'm going to be fucking her on regular basis, whenever I get the urge. Now don't think for a moment that she loves me or any of that crap. She doesn't. She loves you. Me, she hates, but that's okay by me, I just want to use her."

Jason was speechless as he watched Mike reach over and open the robe, revealing that she was nude underneath. "This slut's been naked almost every moment since you left," Mike commented. "Naked and begging for cock." Tracing her fat nipple with his finger he added, "Gorgeous, tits! Just can't get enough of these babies!"

Hefting a bare tit, Mike turned back to the stunned fiancée. "Now, fair's fair. You can Rita fuck whenever, wherever and however you like. You can fuck her right here on the coffee table at this very moment. She'd love it."

Finding his voice, Jason muttered, "Uh, Jenny, we better go."

"No, no, no!" said Mike waving his hand. "I've got a couple of buddies that liked her so much last night that they're coming over again tonight for a second go at her. They should be here any minute. You remember, Rod Coleman and Tinker Jones? Yeah, they played on the championship squad at State U a few years ago. As you know, they're on the defensive squad of the Rockford Rockets. Great guys. Wait until you get to know them! They both love fine slut meat, and they love our Jenny here."

At that moment the doorbell rang. "Hey, I think they're here!" exclaimed Mike. "Rita, go get the door, will you?" Moments later two huge guys came strolling into the room, the white one hugging Rita tight against him.

"Hey, guys! I'd like you to meet my new neighbor, Jason Larson. Jason's an alumnus of State U too!"

"Hey, bro!" greeted Rod Coleman enthusiastically with a show of his gleeming white teeth against his coal-black face. "You gonna party with us tonight?"

"Not tonight, guys," answered Mike. "Jason here just got back from New York. He needs to rest up as he's getting married Saturday."

"Congratulations, dude," exclaimed the big linebacker sincerely.

Mike turned to Rita. "Rita, honey, why don't you take Jason home and help him to relax."

"She ain't staying?" asked Thinker with a frown.

"Not tonight, Tink. Jason and I have an arrangement. The cute whore here... she's his bride-to-be. We can't be greedy, now can we?"

Mike turned back to Jason. "Go on. Take Rita. She loves your cock. And don't worry, we won't hurt your girl, we're just going to fuck her." Seemingly paralyzed, Jason didn't move. "You better go, Jason. Rita will take good care of you. Now, go home, unless you want to watch these dudes fucking the brains out of your fiancée."

Jason turned to Rita. "C'mon, babe. I really need a good fuck in the worst way." To Jenny's dismay, she watched as her husband-to-be walked out, leaving her to be gang fucked. It's not that she minded a good gang fucking, but she was genuinely distraught at the thought that it was all over for her and Jason.


Friday morning, Jason woke in his bed in new house. He needed to get to the office, but he wasn't in a big hurry. Rita was up and gone, so he laid in bed, alone, thinking about things and how life always had its surprises. Eventually, he rose and took his shower. He was dressed and ready to go when Jenny showed up. Not surprisingly, she looked a mess.

"Jason, baby. Can we talk?" she asked.

"Not now, Jenny," he said coldly. "I need to get to the office and take care of a few things. We need to talk, that's for certain. I want you at the office at 10:30. Don't keep me waiting... not today. When you come to the office, I want you looking good. Right now you look like a used up whore, so get your ass cleaned up." Handing her a sealed envelope he added, "I don't have time to get into it now with you, but for the moment, here are your instructions."


Jason met with Dave Tellman, filling in his boss on the details of the completed Hammond deal. At 10:30, he returned to his office. Jenny was there, waiting for him. It was the first time he could remember that she was on time for anything. Looking her over, he marveled at the transformation from earlier in the morning, her hair and her makeup were perfect. He was pleased to see that she had followed his written instructions precisely. The slinky, form-fitting backless little blue dress accentuated every delectable curve of her sumptuous body. In that dress, with her magnificent tits nearly falling out, the fishnet stockings and 4-inch heels, the slut looked good, damned good and sexy.

Without explanation, he escorted Jenny out his office and down to the Partner's wing. "I need to see, Dave, again, Tilly," he said to Dave Tellman's secretary.

"Is this the bride?" Tilly inquired. "You're absolutely stunning, my dear. My, my, Jason, you do have a catch here, don't you."

"I think so," he replied. Hearing that, Jenny's hopes soared on the chance that maybe they weren't finished after all.

Tilly pressed the intercom. "Mr. Tellman, Jason Larson wants to see you again, and he has his bride with him."

"Send them in!" squawked the reply.

Upon their entering Tellman's office, three well dressed men rose from the two leather sofas. Jenny recognized two of the men as Partners of the firm, the third, an obese fellow, she'd never seen before. "Gentlemen, may I introduce you to my fiancée, Jenny. Jenny, you know Dave Tellman and Robert Baxter."

Baxter, with his eyes glued to her outstanding display of cleavage greeted, "Of course I remember Jenny, from the Christmas Party. It's a pleasure to see you again my dear." He looked up to add, "Your husband, or should I say your groom, is quite the exceptional man.

"Now, this other gentleman is John Hammond," said Baxter as a way of introduction. "John is an important client of ours. He took it upon himself to fly down from New York this morning just to tell us personally what a suburb job Jason did for him this week. Of course, we've all known Jason was exceptional for quite some time."

Baxter turned to Jason. "Steadman and Jacobs will be here shortly. But there's no need to wait. John needs to get back to New York shortly. Why don't you tell your bride the good news, Jason?"

"Yes, of course," replied Jason.

"Jenny, last week I was offered to become a full partner with Baxter and Associates. I didn't tell you about it at the time, partly because of the move and all, but more specifically, I had some decisions to make. Well, I made my decision and this morning I accepted their offer."

Baxter interjected, "Partners in this firm are required to be married. With it only being two days until the wedding, we made an exception for Jason." A wave of relief filled Jenny. She nearly burst into tears as she was now sure that the wedding wasn't going to be called off. Then Baxter added, "Show us your tits, dear."

Jenny was taken aback. She didn't think that she heard him correctly. "Pardon?"

From behind her she heard Jason growl, "You heard him; he said, 'Show us your tits.'" Jenny's mind was reeling. She felt the halter straps holding her bodice in place slipping as Jason untied them and then felt the back zipper of her dress unzipping. She was speechless as Jason pulled the top of her dress down to her waist.

"Oh, god damn!" exclaimed John Hammonds as her jiggling full bosoms were barred.

Jason's hands hefted her bare tits from behind. "The wives of the partners," she heard Jason say as he tweaked her big nipples up to peak, "they're expected to put out. Put out for the firm's clients and put out for the other partners. It's part of the deal." Stilling mauling her for the entertainment of the three other men, he kissed the nape of her neck. "Now, you can do that, can't you, darling? Put out that is. Be a whore... So lose the dress, Jenny."

Just as Jenny pushed the dress off her hips and stepped out of it, Steadman and Jacobs came into the office. Whereas the other five men happily soaked up the erotic sight before them, Jason was displeased. It wasn't that she didn't look absolutely stunning in the thigh-high fishnets and slut slippers, it was that she hadn't absolutely followed the written instruction he had left her this morning.

Retrieving a pair of scissors from Tellman's desk, Jason snipped the sides of her thong. Having ridden up her slit, it didn't fall away immediately, instead Jason extracted it from her and in doing so, his hand became soaked. "This excites you, doesn't it?" he said in a low tone. "Good. I'm glad, sweetheart. Now, you have fun and take care of these men, especially the fat one, he's the client. You do whatever he wants. Understand? Whatever he wants." He kissed her and said in parting, "After Hammond is finished with you, Tellman will fill you in on what will be expected of you from now on as my wife. He'll also give you a prenuptial agreement. Sign it. Now, enjoy yourself. I'll see you this evening at the rehearsal."

Jason turned to his new partners and the client. Hammond was already half nude and an unbelievable spectacle of flab. "Gentlemen, I'd like to stay and watch the fun, but I have some errands I must attend to. Our wedding is tomorrow and I need to pick up my tux. I also need to pick up a case of twelve-year-old scotch as a thank you for my neighbor. Unknowingly, he has kept me from making a really bad decision."


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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Wimpy coward 1*

26thNC26thNCalmost 3 years ago

Sick garbage at best.

Legio_Patria_NostraLegio_Patria_Nostraabout 3 years ago

It's TRUE! 99.999% of lawyers give the decent .001% a bad name!

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Eunuch & Slut bullshit!

They deserve each other but they need to get fixed so NO kids get in the way of their fucked up little world of idiocy.

betrayedbylovebetrayedbyloveover 10 years ago

I can't rate this tale. Some of the worst people who ever lived, in reality and in fiction, are characters in this tale. Let's just pretend that it was never written and go on with our lives.

johnnyjonesjohnnyjonesover 10 years ago

... Perfect! He can use the cheating slut to make partner, never touch her skanky ass again and find a real woman to have his kids who doesn't mind not being official.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

You have all the elements: a john (the well healed clients), hookers (wives & g/f as applicable), pimps (partners), the compensation, and the pragmatist (protagonist). Are their vehicles and homes with the pimp look too? At some point even Jenny will even being tired of being screwed over and the terms of pre-nup will even look ok to her. A view that hopefully bears limited resemblence to the real world, but...

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago
what price success?

someone one said, well that is business.

deadonedeadoneabout 14 years ago
great laugh

Finely a great use for slut wives.

Yes it was shallow and predictable, but so are all the cuckold stories these other shit head anons read and jerk to.

PistolpackinpetePistolpackinpeteover 14 years ago
It doesn't matter what the quality of writing is....

...this is an overused plot. If I am correct, you didn't think up a single plot device yourself, so why post?

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
I Assume You Got Fucked By A Lawyer

But still, this was about as erotic as a fat woman taking a shit, but perhaps that turns you on. It takes all kinds.

datadyndatadynover 14 years ago

I thought you had to be over 18 to publish stories here? This reads like the fantasy of a horny 12 year old boy

chytownchytownover 14 years ago
This story!!!!!!!


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