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Malcubus Ch. 05: Lesson Learned

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Enhanced interrogation techniques.
5.4k words

Part 5 of the 12 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 11/05/2015
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+++++Author's Notes+++++

Everyone involved is over 18, of course.

As far as fetishes go, this chapter contains MIND CONTROL. It does NOT have any actual INCEST, but if you're squicked out by the very notion you might not like it very much.



Rosmerta's Master barely makes it through the door before she's on Him. Her hands roam, her bare breasts press against His chest, and her tongue eagerly darts between His lips before He can even say 'good morning'. Pressing Him up against the shed's tin wall, she strokes His cock lovingly through His pants. He protests, but only very weakly.

Still so tender and meek, even when she can smell and taste His desire for her. They made good progress yesterday, but Rosmerta knows that reforging Him will take time. Luckily, time is not in short supply.

"Mmmph – no!" Eric mumbles around a demonic tongue. When that doesn't dissuade her, He tries to push her away. It takes several tries before she finally deigns to let him go. She steps back to the centre, tail flicking innocently.

Finally, her Master speaks. "Rosie," He pants, "no kissing!"

She nods towards the delicious bulge in his work trousers. "You're right, we could be doing other things – "

"No sex, either!"

"Wow. I guess all the things they say about teenage guys aren't true at all," Rosmerta says, her face a moue of perfect innocence. "But seriously, let's get your pants off."

"No, you – " He bats her hands away, and almost backs up into the lawnmower. "Damn it! This is meant to be – I'm trying to punish you!"

She rolls jade eyes. "Well you're going about it all wrong. Look, grab that spade over there and I'll show you how to spank my – "

Between His bulging cock and the throbbing vein on His forehead, her Master's heart must be working overtime. He pinches the bridge of his nose and mutters to himself for a moment. "Damn it, Rosie, just listen. Do you remember why you spent the night in the shed?"

She purses her lips and pretends to think. "Because your dad might hear us if I stayed in your bedroom? Or was it because someone wanted to go to sleep after just one orgasm, and apparently my tits aren't a good enough pillow – "

"Both of those! But mostly because you pulled some shit yesterday, and I'm punishing you! 24 hours without sex, without feeding! Teaching a moral lesson about drugging innocent shopgirls! Were you listening at all?"

"24 hours? So did the goodnight blowjob not count as sex, or – "

He grabs onto the lawnmower, looking for something to choke. "No sex today," He says, and His voice is admirably firm. "That's your lesson. You'd better learn it."

His attempt at being dominant makes her nipples iron-hard. "And I suppose you're going to work, too..."

He nods, trying to avoid staring at her tits, her eyes, her exposed, glistening pussy... any part of her, really. "Y-yeah. Uh. I'll be back this afternoon, so..."

"Aren't you kind of punishing yourself as well, here?" Rosmerta asks. "You don't have to. I could punish myself, if that's easier," Rosmerta says, slapping her own ass lightly. Too lightly. She wants Him to hit her properly, to hurt her, or to at least let Her hurt Him. He's not ready for that kind of sin yet, though. "So long as you watch me."


"Oh, poor Eric," she coos. As ridiculous as it sounds – He's the one doing this to Himself – she does feel for Him. He seethes with need for her, but forces it down out of some juvenile concept of justice. She can't wait to help Him grow up. "At least jerk off before you have to work all day." He turns red, then redder when she pushes her pendulous tits together. "You can watch me. You don't even have to touch me."

As temptations go, it's hardly the Knowledge of Good and Evil, but Eric Cooper's self-control has been strained mightily over the past few days.

Rosmerta kneels down to make His decision easier, tossing her hair back and stroking herself. It's frustrating, oh so frustrating to tease her slit without any certainty that He'll satisfy her, but her pleasure is not the point. His eyes bug; that's the result she wanted.

"You know you want to," she says breathily. "No touching me. No feeding me." She moans softly as she slides a finger through her folds. "Ohhhh. You don't need to pleasure me, to give me anything. Just satisfy yourself, use me and leave me. Please."

His mouth is half open as he watches, pupils dilated. Rosmerta strokes up around her clit, making her wires hum from toes to wingtips. She turns to present her voluptuous ass to Him, then curves her spine around so that He can still see the need in her eyes as she licks her lips.

Eric's already unzipping His trousers.

Mutual masturbation is a bit tame compared to what they've done in the last couple of days, but in some ways that makes it even hotter. Rosmerta pants lewdly as Eric jerks Himself off, egging Him on as she plays with her slit, her clit, her nipples. He refuses to step too close to her and she doesn't go any closer; let Him think He's in charge here. Soon His new stamina is overwhelmed and He's jerking Himself furiously, and Rosie moves over to kneel in front of Him.

"Cum, Master. Cum with me. Oh, fuck, please cum with me."

They climax together, and it takes all of Rosmerta's skills (and a couple of balancing flaps from her wings) to remain kneeling as her belly quakes and her fingers plunges in and out of her pussy. Eric's first spurt catches her on the cheek, His second landing in the tattooed valley of her cleavage, the remainder falling short. She gives a long, rumbling moan of contentment as she snakes out her tongue to taste His semen.

It's not like He fucked her, but it'll keep her going.

Eric just barely manages to remain standing, and falls against the shed wall with a tinny bang as Rosie licks herself clean with as much exhibition as possible.

"You like to think that you're immune to this stuff, oh yeah..."

Untangling His jeans from around his feet, Eric cuts off the ringtone and answers. It's His father, and she hears both parts of the conversation without difficulty. Both parts are boring, though, so she spends the time masturbating some more.

"My dad's at the airport, about to board the plane," He says to her after finally hanging up. His voice is still very unsteady. "And the job's gonna take even longer than he thought. Congratulations, you won't have to sleep in the shed again for at least a fortnight... assuming you behave."

"I'd sleep with you in the shed."

"You'd sleep with me anywhere." His tone is light even though the words are truer than the ground beneath their feet. "Fuck, I'm late for work. Again."

"Thanks for cumming, Eric," she says, licking up the last few drops of His cum

He sighs and chuckles in surrender. "I'm not so great at punishment, am I?"

"Really, there are better ways. Do you know what a nipple clamp is?"

"Oh, for... look, I really do have to go to work. Are you going to, uh, stop that any time soon?"

Rosmerta is a demon of strong will, but she still strokes her pussy a few more times before reluctantly standing back up. Her fingers are soaked, and she sucks on them indolently before speaking again. "You're not wearing your amulet."

"Sorry," He apologizes reflexively, before amending, "it wouldn't be a very effective punishment if you could telepathically tease me the whole time."

"Tease you? Why, that doesn't sound like something I'd do."

"Ha, ha. Look, Cassie's at work too, and she'll probably go to the gym or something afterwards, so the house is yours for the day. Watch TV, read a book, eat some mortal food..."

"Look through your hard drive for porn?"

Eric's cheeks colour. "Um." But some of Her guidance must be having an effect, because He tries for a cocksure grin. "Hey, you know what, knock yourself out. I can't imagine you'll see anything new, but..."

"You never know. You mortals are always the ones who invent the really kinky stuff," Rosmerta says.

"So... we're good?"

"Well, you still haven't actually fucked me... but we'll both have the house to ourselves when you get home from work, so yes, I think we're good."

Eric says His goodbyes and leaves.

When she hears His car cough out of the driveway, she sinks down with her back against the warm tin wall and moans desperately.

She has it under control. She is Lust, and a fire cannot burn itself. It is just this material body, this thing of flesh and wetness, that's suffering. Her soul – until He bound her, her only true self – is formed of pure Lust, tempered and focused, and cannot be overwhelmed in this way. A material body gives her other ways to perceive the world, other desires and emotions and thoughts, and so the teeth of her desire find something on which to bite.

In the Umbra, the Lust flowed through her like water in a river, powerful and yet utterly calm.

Now the river's water is plunging over a waterfall, and she is falling towards the rocks.

The worst part, she reflects, is that she will spend the day like this without any rancour at all, simply because it feels so damn great to be so damn horny.

Considering her sexual frustration, the rest of the morning is not too bad for Rosmerta.

The house is hers, and she spends some time exploring. There's no sign of the older woman whose picture she's spied in Eric's room. If only, she thinks, Eric lived with His mother rather than His father. An Oedipal liaison would be truly taboo, a real challenge to arrange... and a joy to consummate. Just thinking about it makes her pussy damp... well, more damp than usual.

Onwards again, to Cassandra Cooper's room.

Her Master's sister sleeps upstairs. Rosmerta passes the overstuffed closet and aerobics mat without interest. It's the aura of the room that she's concerned with, the subtle traces of Lust that have been imprinted on the environment here. There isn't much; Cassie has not had much sex in this room, or anywhere. Tinges of pubescent Lust are trapped in the old boy-band posters like long-dried stains. Cassie is certainly no virgin, but perhaps Eric isn't the only one in the house who was inexperienced.

The only real aura in the room is in the dresser. Nestled beneath clumps of Cassie's underwear is a slim blue cylinder, a vibrator. To Rosmerta's inner eye, it glows pink with Lustful light – and brightly. Cassie Cooper masturbates, and the vibrator has absorbed a fair amount of Lust in the past year. It smells of high school crushes, occasional indulgence, and a single, regretted relationship. For all that, its aura is paltry compared to the burning pink footprints Rosmerta leaves behind her with every step.

The demon flicks on the vibrator and holds it in her hand contemplatively as it quivers. There's no particular temptation to use it on herself; with one finger she could inflict more stimulation than all the sex toys in the Fundament. Instead, she slides the vibrator into her mouth. It's a small thing, and she does not even need to use her throat. Holding it in place with her serpentine tongue, Rosmerta focuses and begins to flood her saliva with venom.

After a minute she pulls the vibrator out, sopping wet. It will dry over time, but much of the venom will remain active on its surface.

Then, as she hides it back beneath Cassie's underwear, she thinks of Eric and lets the Lust boil up within her, heating her very core. The energy is captured and condensed in her lungs before she breathes out heavily. Warm red smoke bubbles from her mouth and nostrils. She bends over the underwear drawer and the mystical smoke sinks and settles into the girl's panties. When her lungs are empty she quickly slams the drawer shut, trapping the vapours in, saturating the undergarments with her Lust for Eric.

Cassie has just left high school, after all; it's time she had a real crush.


Rosmerta is downstairs once more when keys jangle in the lock of the front door. Peeking through the blinds, she sees a cheap blue hatchback in the carport: Cassie's car.

Eric was wrong about how His sister would spend her day.

Listening attentively from the bottom of the stairs, silent as snow, Rosmerta can hear the girl pottering around in the kitchen. Mixing up a protein shake, Cassandra goes to her room to get changed before going to the gym.

A moment's concentration, a pulse of crackling red witch-flame, and Rosmerta is back in her human form and clothed. Nothing fancy – daisy dukes, a t-shirt that displays the exact dimensions of her tits without quite qualifying as slutty.

The other, human girl is still getting changed as Rosmerta sneaks out the front door. She walks to the end of the driveway before turning around and walking back much more loudly the way she had came. When she reaches the front door she raps three times on the glass, folds her arms primly, and waits.

A minute passes. She knocks again.

"If you're selling anything, we don't want it!" comes a yell from upstairs.

"I'm not selling anything!" Rosmerta yells back. "I'm a friend of Eric's!"

"Now I know you're bullshitting," Cassie says quietly, but she gets up and comes down the stairs. Pulling back the wooden front door, she looks at Rosmerta and blinks. "Did you say you were a friend of Eric's?"


"Oookay... Look, I don't mean to be rude, but how old are you?"

"18. That's the legal age of consent!" Rosie says helpfully. It's not a malicious lie; she's certainly much older than 18.

"Um... sure, whatever. Look, what do you want?"

"I'm a friend of Eric's," the succubus repeats in a friendly tone. "You're His sister, right? Cassie?"

"Yeah, how did you – wait, this is some sort of joke, right?"

"I'm sorry?"

"Is this a hazing thing they're doing for next year's cheerleaders? 'Cos I know all of Eric's friends, and none of them are girls like – " Cassie doesn't finish the sentence, but she doesn't need to. The redhead keeps smiling pleasantly and asks again, "Is Eric here?"

"He's at work – "

"When will He be home?"

Cassie runs her fingers through her blonde hair. "Dunno, I don't keep track of his schedule. Hours, at least. Why do you want to see him?"

"Oh, I want Him to fuck me," Rosmerta says, as if asking to borrow a cup of sugar.


"You know, I need His cock," the demon explains helpfully. "In my pussy. Or my mouth, I'm not picky." She does a demonstrative gesture with her fingers so it's clear what she's talking about.

"...You know, my cheer squad's hazing jokes were way funnier, because they made sense," Cassie says, and starts to close the door. Rosmerta's hand shoots out to catch the frame, and the wooden door bounces off her fingers. No pain shows on her face, which is still set in a polite smile. That's what really starts to freak Cassie out.

"I really do need to fuck Him," Rosmerta says, stepping neatly through the door and well into Cassie's personal space. "Could I wait in here with you?"

"No! Get the fuck out of here!" Cassie yells, and pushes the other girl hard in the shoulder. Or she tries to, at least; although the redhead waif looks about as strong as a kitten, she catches Cassie's wrist and holds her arm with the easy strength of steel.

"That wasn't very nice," Rosmerta frowns. Before Cassie can scream, the stranger girls shimmies forward and sinks sharp teeth into her neck.

Cassie's scream turns into a kind of questioning moan as her head and torso go wobbly. A strange prickling sensation spreads from her neck all the way down to her fingertips and back, unfamiliar but not exactly unpleasant. As she's trying to figure out what exactly is happening to her, it becomes harder and harder to connect emotions, memories, or panicking survival instincts together. The girl is attacking her, and she should be struggling to flee upstairs, but she doesn't know why those two things are related.

Now she doesn't know why she's standing downstairs with this girl.

Now she doesn't know where she is.

Now she doesn't think anything at all.

Rosmerta holds the girl in an embrace for thirty seconds before she's satisfied. She closes the puncture wounds in Cassie's neck with a lascivious lick and then steps back, her expression one of girlish disappointment.

"Not very nice at all," she sighs. "You should really be punished – spanked, fucked hard, maybe choked on a nice fat cock... but given how horny I am right now, I'd get more worked up than you would, which sort of defeats the purpose..."

Cassie does not respond. Cassie stands, breathes, watches, and waits.

Shaking her head, Rosmerta regains some cheer. "Well, nonetheless, it's a pleasure to meet my Master's sister! Cassandra: Shake my hand." Cassie obeys without thought. "My name's Rosmerta, by the way, but you can call me Rosie. I just know we're going to be great friends!" Rosmerta's human form is taller than most mortal women, but Cassie is even taller, to an incredible extent. "Wow, I see Eric's height runs in the family. How tall are you, anyway?"

"Almost 6 feet," Cassie answers flatly.

"My lucky number," Rosmerta nods. "Anyway, I want to know all about you. Is anyone expecting you anywhere soon?"

"I'm supposed to meet Helen after my workout, at about 5 o'clock."

"Plenty of time for us to chat, then. Let's go to your room!"

She watches Cassie's ass as they ascend the stairs. The blonde girl passes the inspection with a gold star – Cassie is clearly a veteran of both cardio and the squat rack, and the results are beautifully displayed by the gym tights she's wearing. Her height means long legs, too, with calves that cry out to be kissed. Rosmerta sighs as they walk. This is already getting her painfully horny, and it'll be hours yet before Eric gets home.

In the bedroom she sits on the bed, rearranging the absurd number of pillows and stuffed animals until she's comfortable, and examines Cassandra Cooper.

The girl is definitely attractive, as far as mere mortals tend to be in real life. Her hair is blonde and straight, unlike her brother's curly brown locks, but she has the same hazel eyes. Unlike Eric's bony frame, Cassie is slim but toned in just the right places, a clear endorsement of her current exercise regime.

As nice as the gym gear is for showing off the female form, it still conceals some things. "Cassandra: take your clothes off," Rosmerta instructs, and soon the blonde girl stands naked in the centre of her room.

"Wow, that's a great ass. I'm actually jealous, which doesn't happen very often... at least my tits are better. Cassandra, what's your bra size?"

"I wear a 28A."

"My tits are much better. You've got nice areolas, though; Cassandra, pinch your nipples for me. Harder. Okay, let go – how old are you, Cassie?"


"Mm, you look very adult right now, trust me. Cassandra: start masturbating, please. Okay, tell me in a few sentences what you think of your brother."

"Eric is alright," Cassie says blankly, gently sliding two fingers into her pussy, pulling them out to rub near her clit, and then back in again. "He's a bit of a wimp, and kind of dumb when it comes to people, but he's a good enough brother."

"How very erudite," Rosmerta sighs, stretching on the bed. "Let's try another tack. Cassandra, do you have any thoughts about Eric that you are ashamed or guilty of?"

Being compelled to access her moral compass, Cassie feels a wave of shame at fingering herself so openly in front of another woman. Without a will of her own, though, she can't really do anything about it. "No." Haltingly, she managed to conjure up enough thought to add, "last year I kissed his friend, but nothing happened."

"Wonderful," Rosmerta sighed. "Master got the boring cheerleader for a sister. Looks like I'll have to do all the work..." She releases the magic supporting her illusory clothes, leaving her naked on the bed. "Cassie, do you find me sexy?"


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