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All Comments on 'M&M Kisses'

by Tx Tall Tales

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

Deliciously Different - Very Original, thoughtful & tasty!

Big Smile



LordSlamdawggLordSlamdawggalmost 12 years ago
One thing you know about this author is ...

You never know about this author. Great opening with pseudo-ransom note. Was this just a little too sweet ? Maybe. I think he's just scratching the surface of her quirks. But romance is the genre to take a break from gritty reality. OCD is a very unique subject to expound upon, here of all places.

Oh! Wow I was nervous when the mom started getting handsy ! Another walking the erotic tension wire tour de force. Sequel material ? I'm only sure if so ...it will be' must reading' for me. Better that foible then segregating M&Ms by color though.

dinkymacdinkymacalmost 12 years ago
Super story!!!

Thanks for sharing!!

GentleVikingGentleVikingalmost 12 years ago

What a story and definitely not the easiest topic to integrate into a bit of erotica.

Well done and many thanks for sharing

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Always a great story teller.

Very fresh and... Delicious.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
what a story

you realy should enter this, it is out of site. Great story, makes literotica worth reading

AeroielAeroielalmost 12 years ago
Loved it !!

I've know two M&M Sorters in my lifetime.

I worked with a woman for 15 years that was OCD & an M&M Sorter

& my first cousin, who is now 64, and she still sorts her M&Ms plus other quirky stuff.

I'll bet there are alot more M&M sorters out there too........

ReiDeBastosReiDeBastosalmost 12 years ago
Loved it!

I tried (unsuccessfully) to send this as feedback rather than as a public comment, so here it is:

Nicely told - thanks for sharing it!

I'm somewhat OCD, and this story reminded me of a time, about 15 years ago or so:

I had read somewhere (one of Cecil Adam's "Straight Dope" books, I think) that the proportion of colors in a bag of M&Ms (Red, Yellow, Green, Brown and Tan at that time) had been determined by marketing studies which had found the proportions of those colors which were most pleasing to the eye.

Curious to see if the percentages/proportions given in the book held true, I started buying bags of M&Ms out of the vending machine where I worked (One bag of each per day), counting the numbers of each color in the bags, and entering the copunts into an Excel spreadsheet which calculated the percentage for each bag, and for the total of all bags so far (for Plain, Peanut, and All).

I did this every day for more than a month. I would buy the bags at the vending machine, take them back to my desk, sort them by color, arrange them in groups (similar to what Briana does in your story), count the number in each group, and enter that day's totals into the spreadsheet, eating each group after entering its total.

Since I was entering the groups (and this, eating them) in the order of the columns in the spreadsheet, I always ate the colors in the same order (Red, Yellow, Green, Brown, Tan).

If I recall correctly, the percentages of the colors did, over time, come somewhat close to those mentioned in the article/book I had read, but the percentages in each individual bag seldom if ever did. This makes sense from both a statistical and marketing standpoint. Since the small bags had no clear "window" through which a consumer could see the contents, the mix of colors in it was of little importance from a marketing standpoint.

I would buy one large bag of plain and another of Peanut at the supermarket on the weekend, and counted those as well. They each came much closer to the percentages I had read.

Anyway, I was reminded of all of this by your story, and so identified with the characters because of it.

The only part of the story I did not enjoy was the phone call with the parents. More than a tad creepy to me.

Thanks again,


ipmwebipmwebalmost 12 years ago
Great Story

I enjoyed the story - I have know some people like Bree and can relate

blackdragon54blackdragon54almost 12 years ago

this was an excellent story. different for sure, but i can picture it so clearly. hope those two make it. bravo

LeFrog08LeFrog08almost 12 years ago
Hee hee hee - Loved this one!

What a good story, Kudos!

db1044db1044almost 12 years ago
Really Good One

1. - I don't care too much for the term OCD, I prefer OCB (Obsessive Compulsive Behavior). It can't be a Disorder when such a huge percentage of the population share the Behavior.

2. - OCB is as much a part of my wife's and my life as the seventh inning stretch is part of baseball . You can't have a baseball game without the 7th inning stretch and even after 40+ years I can't have a life without our two-way OCB response to each other.

3. - Your description of the sexual enjoyment between two OCB lovers is more accurate than Robin Hood's skill in an archery contest. This is your BEST story yet.

JonATaylorJonATayloralmost 12 years ago
Pleasant Story With an Educational Message

Really enjoyed this story. One little point. The father said his wife took the medication and his daughter didn't. The wife's behavior indicated she was not on the medication. I put you in my favorites.

harristharristalmost 12 years ago
As you said " "sweet" little story"

I've read everything you have posted, enjoying all, some more than others of course. This story is not what I would have expected based on that, but I liked it immensly. Not only "sweet", cute as well. Thank you very much

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

A bit long. Very descriptive, and, as usual, very well written, even though a somewhat "wierd" premise" Keep those stories cumming

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
excellently messed up

- Twisted like a wreck between a 2 seater and a semi

- demented, fucked-up, heart wrenching and beautiful.

Brillianty done.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
The ending

Spoiled it for me.

Eric_ShiftEric_Shiftalmost 12 years ago
You have some insight into this

Having OCD myself, I felt a connection, but there is a difference between what is obsession and what is compulsion.

And what really sucks is you know you are doing the action at the time, you are fully aware, but you can't stop yourself. Then you beat yourself up about succumbing to it yet again.

I don't know how the girl controls herself without the medication, But she's got my admiration.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
would love more

I love to read more like them getting married ,and just how mom shows how she pays her debt. oh my I hope you write one more installment.

tazz317tazz317almost 12 years ago
M & M & S & M & CEST-REL


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
great read

Ive read some of your storys and this is a really good read.

the contest part is perfect, part two would be great

allychris4allychris4almost 12 years ago
Blown Away...

First of all, you're writing skills are amazing. But here's what really got me. I know next to nothing about obsession, and yet, I feel like I personally *know* these characters. You drew me in...hook, line, and sinker. Wow! Thanks! And EXTRAORDINARILY well done!

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333almost 12 years ago
Loved it!

Sweet, sexy, and very well written. I think this boy is in for a wild ride. I could definitely see this developing into a series.

PanthergirlPanthergirlalmost 12 years ago
Five stars by page 2

Just an amazing story. It was perfect even before the removal of the costumes. Hopeless romantic here I guess. Mom thing was a bit.. oogy for me, but I always find Daddy/Mommy stuff oogy, oddly I'm not opposed to generation similar incest, siblings, cousins. Still, that it was because of the disability made it okay... I mean, for me... I'm sure a lot of readers are totally into mommy/daughter stuff, it's just so... eww to me. I ramble a lot when I'm nervous. Not sure why I'm nervous. I guess because whenever you post something, you throw it out there for criticism and I want to say things the way I mean them, not necessarily the way I word them. K, my own neurotic opinions on generation gap incest aside, I really, really, really, really loved it. It was beautiful and it made my heart soar. Going to get started on reading some of your over 100 posted stories tomorrow.

drteethodrteethoalmost 12 years ago

Hot and weird and sexy and strange and well written and funny and lovable all at the same time. I've never read a story like that before. That's a good thing, by the way.

I may have to check out some of your other stories if this is any indication.

Tx Tall TalesTx Tall Talesalmost 12 years agoAuthor

Just wanted to drop in and say thanks for all the great comments.

Small confession - this story wrote itself. I developed two characters, and in one long evening wrote 95% of the story. (Three more evenings of writing and edits to make it site-worthy). A lot of my stories start with only a very general plot-line and are character driven. Obviously, our quirky Briana, based on two very real people, was the driver behind this tale.

There was no intention of the girl's parents being anything more than a drive by, but once the words started going, her wacko mother wouldn't leave me alone and insisted on poking her nose into the story, to the point of weirdness.

I could have easily left that out, and probably had a more popular story, but hey, she insisted, and her rotten daughter wouldn't let it go either. Luckily Dad's a patient guy.

I wanted to give a little insight into my writing, and why this story had to have the additional 'ick' factor of a WAY to close a relationship with the Mom. Briana and her mother are unnaturally close, mainly due to their common issues. For the record, Mom's a teaser, not a pleaser - at least not for anyone other than her husband. Is there a name for an audio-voyeur?

Once again - Thanks to everyone who commented. I, for one, appreciate every word.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Well done!

I loved the lighthearted tone of the whole story, and, as always with your tales and characters, they pulled me into their world. I must admit, I'd love to see how Angela pays her debt! =)

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

Awesome as always - great character development - loved it!

SpotInTheSandSpotInTheSandalmost 12 years ago

You have very clever ideas. The mother connection threw me off a little bit, and in the hands of a lesser writer, might have ruined it altogether. But you made it work and it made it even better. Great work!

annanovaannanovaalmost 12 years ago
Even better the second time around

As an unrepentant M&M sorter, I understood Briana's reaction to Zach's taking Red and was happy with the way he resolved things. Amazing how understanding he turned out to be, especially when he realized that what started out as 'pushing her buttons' was becoming more than what he'd intended.

I wish other people could find that clue....

While the thing with her parents was strange, I understand how characters can sometimes wriggle their ways into your brain and not. Leave. You. Alone. I tend to try to bribe them into silence by promising them their own story later. It doesn't work.

Overall, a tender story and one that I'll revisit several times.

goldponygoldponyalmost 12 years ago

This is tome a very sweet story. Something that started out as a simple prank, and the heart and brain of someone willing to take the extra step to try. The mother is a bit ofa twist, but I can see happeni

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Super sweet

The beginning of the story was super sweet, and one of the best written stories I've ever read (and I read a lot). The parent thing was really weird though and put me off... but of course it's your choice to write what you want. Loved the beginning of it though!

GreenleafRGreenleafRalmost 12 years ago
Fantastic! Best I've read from the contest.

Minor issue:

"She nodded. "Ok. Let me now when you need to finish." - should be "know", of course.

Loved the story - I certainly understand the M&M ordering thing - do it myself and one has to get to the same number for each color before moving forward.

Wonderful details throughout - feels like you know OCD.

The mother thing is odd but, my gosh, think of the follow-up story(s) that could lead to. And, of course, the dad is there too. You have the talent to make the best of this group of characters. I'll enjoy it if you go there.

Best wishes to you in your writing.

goatman92goatman92almost 12 years ago

I know someone else already said this but...... a phone call to your mom while your doing it is way way weird. Just weird. Not cute, not adorable just plain weird. Doesn't mean I didn't enjoy the story though. But you know I think the only way this could have gone even worse was if the roles were reversed and Zach was the guy with OCD and called his mom during sex, I dare you to rationalize a girl that would still stay put after that.

JohnnyMaxJohnnyMaxalmost 12 years ago
Excellent writing

Quality workmanship.

Weird tale but so well put together.


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

Will you be continuing this story?

kuroukiphoenyxkuroukiphoenyxalmost 12 years ago

This story needs a warning: Do not read on the edge of the bed. I laughed so hard i fell off the bed! This was the sweetest, funniest and the sharpest curve ball I'd never expect !

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Oh, man

And I thought I've dated some crazy ones . . . but none so sweet and dedicated to making it right for their partner too. This is funny, wacky, weird (as Zach said), and through it all, sensual and HOT. No clue where your brain came up with this, but thanks for the great read.

fanfarefanfareover 11 years ago
while stumbling around

I myself am perpetually slopppy and messsy and I know that I drive the obsesssives in my life crazzzy. This story, M&M Kisses, is very enjoyable.

Alexandra Erin/TOMU coined the word 'hilaristurbing' and it certainly describes this cleverly imagineered tale of tail.

texcavemantexcavemanover 11 years ago
Hershey Kisses

A few years back my girl friend once asked me if I ever noticed what a Hershey Kiss looked like. I said I never thought about it. She said.....


I took the Kiss she handed me, sucked it and then put it in my mouth as I feasted on what was left of the candy and her lovely hard pink nipple.

Our love life is sweet passionate and kinky at times (kisses not being our only enjoyment of fruit and candy).

The image of Bree in her Kisses costume had me smiling and thinking....hmmmm

Lol. Thanks for a fun, different story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

brilliantly funny; creatively raunchy; lovingly erotic

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

not your run of the mill storey in a different setting, This is so different, the main character, the build up, the parents & the finish. Excellent

Tyler_HTyler_Hover 11 years ago
Well, that's certainly ONE way to get in good with your in-laws.

When love is not madness, it is not love. ~Pedro Calderon

And this family has plenty of both. Gotta confess in Zach's position I would have had to commit hari-kari before involving the parental units, but it's nice that Briana has so much support: a broken mind can still house a truly priceless (and fragile) heart. Fun side note: Love, like faith or hope, does not require sanity. Logic and reason require sanity, love just requires the courage to invest all that you are into something that cannot be seen, nor heard, but only felt.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

Was an amasinng story....bill

DirtyTykeDirtyTykeabout 11 years ago

That's an awesome story. A great read with an amusing twist.

I'm sure I'll read this one again, and again.

Privates1stClassPrivates1stClassabout 11 years ago
I'll never look at an M&M the same way again...

Awesome story. Yes, there are those among us who obsess about our M&Ms, and who line them up in rows by color.

I don't think Zach and Briana have bitten off more than they can chew--it just appears they will suck on it.

tavernkeepertavernkeeperabout 11 years ago

Incredible story! Thank you very much.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

Um weird story, i dont understand wats genre of story romance/ incest. i cant say it was freaky to me

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
Can it get any better?

Tex, this is equal to your best! When you get the time, I'd love to see Angela "pay her debt!" It's cliche, but "You 'da MAN!"

Niño the Mindboggler

"A slut is a terrible thing to waste"

VisualPervVisualPervalmost 11 years ago

What a sweet and fantastic story! I'd love to read more about these two, especially seeing Angie pay her debt.

REGG60REGG60almost 11 years ago

loved it as have have most of your stories that I have read so far

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
Sweeter than candy

One of the sweetest things I've ever read...the initial courtship is adorable.

Gets a bit too kinky for me from the 3rd page, but I'll deal with it like Zach would.

WisquejacWisquejacalmost 11 years ago
one of my favorites

i'd love more of these two and her family. very erotic and romantic story. plus the ransom note made me snort with laughter. doesn't get better than that.

YoungSeanThortonYoungSeanThortonalmost 11 years ago

the very best of your work

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
Wow !!!

One of the very best literotica stories ever. Sure wish you'd do a sequel.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

The OCD thing was interesting, until we got to the weird incest stuff. Trigger warning, please.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
well that was interesting with the OCD angle

loved the way they got together and then the Halloween night was fun with the mother teasing him like hell - even copping a feel but then it turned a bit crazy......considering she had had very few boyfriends she was well versed in anything sexual and knew what to do and what she wanted....the thing in her cunt was outrageous....just where did she get that from......but then the telephone call to her mom while they were both being fucked was unbelievable....sounds to me like daddy has been fucking her for a while as she was just too experienced to be a novice as she would have us believe.....I suppose when mother said she always pays her debts she meant she was going to fuck him at some point - I wonder if that turns out to be a foursome with her dad fucking her at the same time.....all very odd and just seemed too much considering she was supposed to not be very experienced....very odd....sounds like she had screwed around a lot before he came along and they discovered they were right for each other...loved it....great to write about her and her mothers condition....it needs careful handling and allowing the person to do what they have to do and being there when they get a panic attack...nice little story....

ILienBagbyILienBagbyalmost 11 years ago
Wonderful !!

This reader promises: "I will never not read a TX Tall Tale story when one appears. I will begin today to catch up reading his previous posts, but I will read slowly in order to prolong the pleasure."

shadowjack17shadowjack17almost 11 years ago
OCD and living with it

I've already commented in the feedback section, but it occurs to me the general public might want to hear a bit of it. I also am in such a relationship in real life, although in our case I'M the OCD one. I also have a fabulous woman who really does understand and is the one who allowed me to get OFF those &*#*^%$ drugs...anyone who has it knows what I'm talking about.

For those of you who don't have it but occasionally witness it in action--WE CAN'T HELP IT. Please don't laugh or point at us in sorrow or sympathy. The one and only time I saw my sweetheart bare her claws was spectacular, and it was at a lady salesman who could NOT understand I HAD to have the sales slip positioned the way it was and kept trying to move it until I was damned near catatonic. And people wonder why I love this woman. I completely understand the need for balance, although in my case it has to be a series of 3 or prime numbers.

Thank you for allowing these special characters out in the world, 3T.


AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Love this story but you have to continue

I mean to many unanswered question. How does this romance grow. Does mom pay her debt and what does she do? I mean so many possibilities. Do they marry, kids keep on writing.

DjshengDjshengover 10 years ago

I've never read a story with someone having a disorder before and you know what? Why not? They're still people they deserve love.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Would really love a follow up

I loved the story.

Made me think how to better treat someone I know.

A writer that entertains and makes one reflect, can not ask for more.

Please consider a follow up story.

OlingerOlingerover 10 years ago
I loved it

Wow, another great story, thank you.. As much as I loved it there are so many things I would love to find out, but the number one thing is :: , how does 'mom' pay her debt, omg the kinky possibilities :))

shytaz1960shytaz1960about 10 years ago
ASPERGERS SYNDROM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Its so good to FINALLY read a story about an autistic adult! I was Diagnosed at 47.Served 4 years in ARMY got in a LOT of Trouble in the barracks but they didn't get me tested! Just Barred Me From Reenlisting!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

Please write another chapter to this amazing story!!!!

KarenEKarenEabout 10 years ago

I have to admit I got a little weirded out when it got to phone sex with her parental units, but his unconditional love was just that, unconditional.

I was afraid something would blow them up, at least temporarily, glad that it didn't.

One thing in case you ever continue this, maybe I've got a dirty mind (likely!), but when Angela mentioned owing him "BIG time", I envisioned a sexual encounter, and I sincerely hope you don't go there.

BTW, a lot of stories, including this one to a degree, make a big deal out of kissing a woman after she's sucked the guy off. Well, if she's willing to take his cum in her mouth he shouldn't be that squeamish. I'm sure he expects her to kiss HIM after he's eaten HER out!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

Bizarre story. I read the whole thing but got grossed out a few times

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

So many people have no idea of how hard it is for someone with a mental illness to function in day to day life nor how it is for the ones that love them. You have written of several different ones in several of you stories like this one plus CvsN, Gamer goddess,charity begin next door, with a range of different illnesses from grief to PTSD ,ocd and others.I don't know if you knowledge is from personal experiance or professional,but you seem to know about them rather well from both sides as far as living or dealing with them. Many who outside those who have these illnesses will only see the bad side of the illness without seeing how great these people are when the illness is not acting up or under control.I am one of those who married one with several illnesses and I know the struggle of seeing it day to day,how wearing it is to try and live with the problems that come with it.You have written very well in your stories about the trials and triumps of those in your story,this is not something that is seen often.Good job.Keep 'em coming.

BurntRedstoneBurntRedstonealmost 10 years ago
Sweetest M&M story ever

Wow! That was a really great story! Loved the humor and the "flawed" characters made it really interesting! Thanks!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago

You are a very talented writer and it symbolises love and the sacrifices you have to make to keep that special person's trust you want soo much. More than some raunchy sex story this is a wonderful tale of a romance.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Screams for a sequel!

I see several possibilites for a sequel.

1. Briana's side of the story

2. The wedding, an OCD nightmare,

3. Mom and dad's story up till Halloween.

4. a long weekend snowed in at a rented mountain lodge.

just a few thoughts. The one thing that must never happen is sex between Zach and Angela.

Please continue this story. It's the best I've read in a long while...

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

Great story telling!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Really cute, but so dangerous. And maybe a little irresponsible?

When you trivialize a mental illness its always wrong. Here you even romanticized it. I enjoyed the story only because I kept reminding myself its only fiction. Like dealing with 10 inch cocks, non stop orgasms, multiple strangers as partners, no STD's, no physical or mental abuse. All fiction.

Mental illness is such a sinister and dangerous disease. And especially cruel when you consider some forms are passed on to children, as in this story. Besides the obvious inference, that this girl has been fucking around with unknown numbers of other men, and with her parents knowledge if not facilitation, there is the issue of eventual offspring who may suffer the same malady, if they don't have some fatal accident first when their mother has one of her issues that causes neglect or lack of attention during a critical moment, like backing out of a driveway, lighting a candle, leaving the baby in the tub to go answer the phone. In reality very sad, but a dangerous world for a sane spouse to enter into voluntarily. Bree should consider having her tubes tied, and then adopting, with nanny help. Not an easy answer. For me it was a sad choice to end a relationship once I understood that both a mother and at least one sibling suffered mental illness. Very selfish I guess, but my unborn children deserved better. Love is nice. Responsibility is harder, and more important. I hope she ended up OK. I did.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

It's good to see people with OCD being loved. Yes we can be a bit extreme but even we need TLC. Hope you have more for this story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

I really like this. A story of a girl with a mental illness entering into a loving relationship. I have a mental illness, myself. It IS hard for someone else to deal with, but not impossible. The most difficult is for the in-laws. They don't see how their children will make it work, and whats worse is they don't want to - deep down. They want their child to have someone perfect. I don't think you trivialize her problem, as another reader seems to think. It isn't unusual for someone who has a mental disability to have multiple romances and/or sexual partners while trying to find someone who will not only love them, but also will make the effort to deal with their problems. I slept around alot. Not because I wanted to be a 'lady killer' or 'Lothario', but because I was trying to find a girl who wouldn't run away when I'd eventually have a seizure. Children WERE difficult for me, but we just had to be careful. She learned to read my 'tells' and almost always knew when I was about to have a problem. I'm afraid it was difficult for her, but she's a trooper. Briana's parents are involved here, much more than mine were. In some ways it would have helped if they had been, well, almost as open to discussion as Bree's are. Something my folks never learned is that a parent of a disabled child will never totally hand off the responsibility to their son or daughter-in-law. I had to drift alot for a long time. This is a very good story and a wonderful romance.

GoesGruntGoesGruntabout 9 years ago
For Anon On 05/22/15

"Mental illness is such a sinister and dangerous disease."

I find your characterization of mental difference to be sinister an dangerous, since it is generally not an actual illness. Disorders like obsessive compulsive or bipolar aren't caused by infections but by differences from typical in brain function and chemistry. I would agree that some kinds of mental difference can be dangerous to others (e.g. sociopath) and some kinds dangerous to those trying to cope with them (e.g. dysthymia). Sadly, in most cases, people expecting people who are different to conform or behave in expected ways causes much more harm than the difference itself.

This story encourages overlooking differences to value the person if not outright embracing the difference and that's a good thing to encourage.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Well told until the very end.

Then Mom even freaked me out. That seemed a LOT over the top. People don't understand how difficult it is to be with and love a person with OCD. The issues never go away - never. And even the most well intentioned and loving person can run into problems dealing with the ongoing problems someone with OCD brings to the table. While I enjoyed the story I don't think he really has a clue as to the amount of time and attention it takes to deal with her day in and day out. There will definitely be times he fails. Interesting story for porn site. Not very sexy though.

movermoverabout 9 years ago

Never cosidered OCD as a serious Mental Health problem, more of a disorder. Loved the story. Really puts the erotica in literotica.

rightbankrightbankabout 9 years ago

This story deserves a big W. It takes a superb craftsman to build such a delightful story around a difficult social scenario. Instead of becoming awkward it built the "what's going to happen next" factor to a creative peak.


DireApostasyDireApostasyalmost 9 years ago

This story was both hot, and absolutely adorable. Loved it.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Your writing has ruined me...

I started with your series, and I'm now going through your singles submissions. I like the way a lot of them seem to tie into the series characters/storylines. You have one hell of an imagination, and the way you construct your stories is always masterful. I've read a few other authors on this site in between reading your submissions and they don't generally do very well in a side by side comparison. I enjoy your submissions so much that I read them despite the fact they are almost never a genre I'd normally select. I made the mistake of reading your 'Christmas' submission and it had a salty discharge nearly pouring out my eyes. I have no idea what was happening there.. hahaha.. Keep up the great work, and as several of your characters have stated, I'm a Fan!

shadowjack17shadowjack17almost 9 years ago

For anyone who thinks OCD is "only" a mild disorder...it's not. Trust me. I will give you a tiny example of what it IS like: if you are a person who cannot sleep with the television on, for example; leave it on as you try to sleep for the next week. I don't mean on low volume, either. Louder than you're comfortable with, and DO it. Next week, turn it completely off and ensure there are no extraneous noises at all in your bedroom. When you've done that, tell me truthfully if the first day you slept in a silent bedroom you could actually sleep through the night?

THAT is what OCD is like. You can medicate to a degree, and have people who love you (even better, and what was my personal salvation), but it. Never. Goes. AWAY. It does not "get better". There is no "cure".

And THIS story is the one I have ever read on this site that addresses all the complex and complicated lives that we who have OCD live in constantly. In my personal case, everything has to be a triad or a prime number (17 is the one that makes me easiest in my heart, and don't ask--it's an OCD thing). And Tx Tall Tales has one thing absolutely correct: we make FABULOUSLY loyal love mates. Even better than "Scotsmen or dogs" as the bloody English would say. Since I AM Scots born in the year of the Dog and grew up in Texas...well. I would know.

Best. Story. EVER.


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago

There is a very beautiful lady that is very important in my life and we deal every day with OCD. She has OCD, but we both have to deal with it of course. Circles are difficult for her. It is hard to get all the plates just right on the table if they are round when we have family over for dinner, for example. Triangle shaped plates, square drinking glasses things like that. The sex is amazing. The attention to detail in our love life blows my mind. I think sometimes that she is afraid I'll leave her for a normal (ha!) person, so I feel a responsibility. I haven't suggested children. Kids are messy and I don't know how she'd handle that for 18+yrs. This is a beautiful romance that just flirts around the edge of incest which is not too far off. MiLady's family can be pretty much 'up in our buisness' at times, but thats ok most of the time. This story address this kind of life pretty well, but of course, doesn't tell everything. Thank so much for writing this. However we haven't, to date, had simultaneous sex over the speakerfone along side with her parents! Meds helped, but I and she weren't sure it was worth medicating away part of her personality just to get her to act like other people.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

You are a god among men. You have the ability to wrestle my emotions all over the place, keep me tied to a chair bingeing on your words and blow my mind all at the same time. Your writing is masterful as well as entertaining and I can't seem to get enough of you. Thank you for sharing your humor, wit and imagination with us mere mortals. I submit to your brilliance.


J_RReaderJ_RReaderover 8 years ago

What a lovely story, I did not even realise OCD came like this, you have constructed a really believable story around this problem.

You also have humour, the : “WE GOT RED. KISSES OR SHE GETS IT” is a great idea and starts the romance rolling, oh not to mention that the erotic also follows.

I hope you continue posting on this site I am looking forward to new stories.

HTW2HTW2over 8 years ago

This is my favorite story of yours. Would love to see a sequel when he gets the fourth kiss.

jackh1962jackh1962over 8 years ago

Anon of 5/22/15 is living in the Dark Ages where all mental illness is something to avoid and shut away.He also needs to lean the difference between insanity and mental illness. The truth of the matter is that nearly everyone will be touched in some way by some form of mental illness.1 in 10 people in this country has clinical depression.I don't remember the stats on others,but shows that all families have to deal with something at some time.You can't breed it out of existance by not having kids,nor is a sure thing that it will be passed on to the next generation.Yes it can be hard on little ones when they can't understand what is happening,but they do learn and adapt. Generalizations like his do not help those that need it,and many today are still afraid to admit that they have a problem because of people like him,so they try to hide it from themselves and others,which does no one any good. as for goesgrunt idea that these are not forms of illness because they are not caused by germs or bacteria,he is way off base there too. There are many illness and such things that have nothing to do with germs, cancers are one example,also autoimmune syndromes are an other and the list could go on.I don't see where her problem is trivialized ,but is shown as a real problem that she needs help and support with.The leading man here learns quickly the things get complacated and figures out that he has a lot to learn and is willing to accept that help in order to help her and be with her.

goodwritingfangoodwritingfanover 8 years ago
how sweet! makes me want it

Very sweet indeed. The conference sex had me laughing on my bed. Definitely wierd. Thumbs up.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

I thought two laps was good ...but this story is better...incredibly imaginative ....forth kiss soon please ...

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
:) :)

With each story I pick to read... you become an even favorite author here Mr. TTT. Of course, I'm picking stories which I know won't repel me. But the way you go about your stories, taking time to develop the plot, the characters and then deliver... Gosh!! It's like a full course meal someone has prepared very lovingly for his readers. Just enjoying your stories is an experience in itself.

Needless to say... Loved it! :)

sithonsithonover 8 years ago
Nice story 5 stars.

I liked the story and it touched on a truth about being in a relationship with someone with mental illness. You have to be very patient and not to let it get to you. You have to make accommodations. But in real life it wears on your psyche. Before long the anxieties come up and cause problems with your other relationships. family and friends that don't understand why you can't just let things go or have a free schedule that isn't scheduled around his or her issues. Also if they are on medications the behavior can vary wildly depending if they missed their meds or the meds stop working and they become immune to their medicine. After a while you get to feel like you are dating a bunch of medications and not a person. It's rough and you know it's not their fault and you end up feeling bad that you can't stand it anymore.

Sorry touched a sore spot.

DrSemblanceDrSemblanceabout 8 years ago

Goatman and Anonymous 12/14/13 nailed it.

Was a cute story and then the end tanked it.

Went from 4 1/2 to 2 . The borderline incest was a complete interest killer

rayironrayironalmost 8 years ago
5 stars

And well and truly earned.

What a relief after suffering through innumerable stories about blonds with giant teats furiously fucking faceless guys with 9" cocks.


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
just what...

rayon said - exactly!

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

I have read this a few times, and it always makes me laugh. A lot. Outloud. With tears in my eyes. Every single time. Words can't express how rare that is, and how much it's appreciated! I'd give you 12 stars if I could. Honestly, thank you so very much! Absolutely superb!

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

Talk about a different tale. Certainly a new and interesting one for me. Always nice to read something new and interesting with a touch of humor. Thanks. A 5....

hillcountrycowboyhillcountrycowboyover 7 years ago
It's CDO

CDO is OCD, only with the letters in alphabetical order the way they're supposed to be. (Joke! And not original to me, I picked it up somewhere)

Very original! And yes, weird at the end, but calling her mom was not, to me at least, an act of compulsion, but consideration for her mom's feelings. Her mom was waiting on tenterhooks for word. I did wonder how Bree got so experienced, but I understand how mom and daughter's shared behavior could make them incredibly close. At the same time, dear Lord I hope mom wasn't the one who inserted the kiss in daughter's pussy! And it would have melted!

Muchas Gracias TTT! I have to admit, some of your stories I can't finish. Some are in categories I can't touch. Some, like this one, I never want to end! I know the stories I can't start and the ones I can't finish are my failures as a reader, not yours as a writer.

Thanks again,


Bandera, Texas

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
What an imagination!

You have the most imaginative story lines.


MacIntyreMacIntyreover 7 years ago
Still ...

One of my all time favorite stories. How I would LOVE to read a follow-on to this though .... Please?


jackh1962jackh1962over 7 years ago
Incest comments

To call the end of this story incest is stretching things to a snapping point.It is a bit odd,but I can't see it as incest.Yes they are having sex at the same time while on the phone but they are not having daddy/daughter or in-law sex, nor does it look like that there is any inclination in that direction.Just my opinion for what is worth.

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