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Mandy Ch. 03

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Doug gets another titjob, and more.
5k words

Part 3 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 10/24/2018
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Hello you naughty girls and boys.

My apologies to those who have waited so long for another Mandy chapter. I promise you won't have to wait as long for the next one.

Doug is trying to find something positive, and he thinks he's found it. But is everything as it seems?

WARNING, PLEASE READ: While many people have enjoyed and favorited chapters in the Mandy series, unfortunately it has also received the most comments or feedback of disappointment as to the relationship between Mandy and Doug. Thus I felt the need to add this warning.

The male character of the series, Doug, WILL NOT BE TREATED FAIRLY.

This was never meant to be an example of a real life D/s relationship. This is fiction. This series is heavier in the NonCon than most of my stories and it is in that category for a reason. This isn't a romance. To those who say this isn't a healthy portrayal of a loving couple; it isn't meant to be.

If that ruins the story for you then please just skip the series and try something else. If you're not sure how you feel about it you are welcome to read on, but please don't then give the story a poor rating or complain that Doug should have left, or worse, that he should retaliate with some form of abuse.

Now to those still interested in reading about how Mandy gets what she wants, please read on.


I can't say that I appreciated what Mandy made me do to apologize. Licking her asshole was well beyond anything I would have considered beforehand. And that it went further than that; the fact that my tongue had worked its way inside her asshole was something I didn't like to think about.

However, I can't deny that it did help to straighten me out. Fear of a repeat performance or any other new duties was enough to overcome my depression-fueled laziness. I don't know that I could say I was really happy after that apology, but I was putting my nose to the grindstone and felt I was getting my life back on track.

One night, not long after that night of apology, she called me in while she was sitting on the couch. She was naked from the waist down and sitting in her favorite corner. She told to me to crawl to her on my hands and knees.

I did so without question. Things had changed since our early days. I had a good idea what she wanted. I crawled to her and she directed my head into her hairy crotch. With a face full of her hairy muff she pulled a leg up and behind my neck. Her other leg she casually draped over the first so that the back of her knee was resting across her ankle, and thus I was in a simple headlock, my face unable to withdraw from her pussy until she decided to let me go.

I wouldn't say I had come to enjoy spending so much time in this and similar positions, but I had become somewhat accustomed to it. Rarely a day went by that my face wasn't between her legs. And once my nose made contact with her bush, I could expect to be there for some time, an hour or more not being uncommon.

So after I crawled into place and she pulled her legs in securing me I resigned myself to my fate and wasn't surprised when I heard the TV come on and her surfing channels. Soon I was nuzzling into her and began with some soft kisses and slow licks.

It wasn't always about oral sex. By that I mean sometimes she just wanted to hold my face against her. Sometimes she wanted to cut off my air and make me hold my breath until I turned blue. Other times she was so busy riding my face that any action from my lips and tongue was of no real consequence.

And of course I was expected to know what she wanted without her having to tell me. I couldn't always read her correctly but I was getting better. I was pretty sure she didn't want me to dive in and try to get her to climax right away. If that's what she wanted she would have likely told me so, in one way or another.

So I expected this was to be another 'lazy' stimulation where I would continue to build her up while I was trapped, and when she was ready for more she would let me know. It also suggested I would likely be on my hands and knees for the next hour.

While this all may sound rather strange, it was ordinary enough at present, that I felt a certain level of comfort. It's hard to describe, but she hadn't really been mad at me in awhile, which I was thankful for, and I felt I had a good grasp on what this night would entail.

I wasn't quite right, but rather than be fearful, she lifted my spirits when next she deigned to speak to me. Of course in order to really do that she had to relax her legs and open her thighs enough so that my ears weren't pressed against them. It was my first clue she had something she wanted to say.

"You've been a rather good boy lately."

It was said rather matter-of-fact. Still it was a compliment. Given my position I couldn't really answer her, I simply kept my mouth busy and waited for her to continue.

"I'm feeling rather generous tonight and I think I might give you a treat. Would you like that?"

Again I knew better than to stop what I was doing so I just eagerly nodded my head, rubbing my face against her wet, hairy pussy. I felt her hand drop to the back of my head and I knew I had made the right decision. Now I was left wondering what sort of treat she had in mind.

"Well then, if you're good, really good, and can give me three orgasms in the next thirty minutes...well then I might be in the mood to let you fuck my tits tonight."

Out of sheer joy I froze for a moment and then quickly reapplied myself before it could get me in any trouble. I had one titjob from Mandy before and it was the highlight of my sexual life. Mandy had the best breasts and I could just stare at them for hours. It's one of the reasons I really enjoyed her being on top.

I always enjoyed fondling them. They were so big and soft. I loved holding them, kissing them, suckling on her nipples. But when for whatever reason she had decided to give me a titjob, I realized her tits had an even greater pleasure to offer. I felt that one titjob had made up for a lot of my suffering and tonight I had a chance at my second one. I could only hope this was the beginning of a regular routine.

"Now I know you're excited but don't rush too much. Remember this is about me. You know what I want and I'm sure you can deliver. Your time starts...now."

It was a good thing that she reminded me to go slow. I was already revved up at the thought of another titjob and surely if she hadn't said anything I would have just gone into a frenzy, possibly blowing my chances. Instead I applied myself like a hungry man, but with enough restraint to start building her up.

This wasn't so difficult as I had already had my mouth on her for some time before she told me of her plans. She was already at a comfortable idle. But now I worked my mouth and even my face against her to really get her motor running. It wasn't long before I felt her thighs once again closing in on my ears, my face trapped within her flesh.

I was confident from the start that I could do it and with the possibility of my treat I had no intention to fail. But that doesn't mean it didn't take work. Mandy was also an expert at being able to hold off her climax and I had already considered she would make me fight for it to 'prove' myself. But I was also counting on her really wanting those three orgasms.

Before it was over I had been given a workout. My head and neck had been squeezed, crushed, and twisted. More than once I had to suck in desperate air when I finally had the chance, and that invariably meant sucking pussy hairs into my mouth and nose. And I was sweating like I had run a marathon.

Eventually it was over. Well sort of. The frantic pace stopped and she just held me to her, her thighs hugging my head and her hand stroking my hair like I was a pet. I was fairly confident that I had achieved my goal, but I also knew it would all come down to what Mandy decided. So I waited, face full of wet and sweaty bush, for her to let me know.

"You see Doug, you are good for something. Now just remain on your best behavior and you'll get my tits a little later. But first I just need to relax."

I had done it! I was going to get my second titjob! Unfortunately I still had a face full of pussy and I wasn't going to be allowed to get up right away and get clean. I felt some of the familiar aches from spending time, both with face buried between her thighs, as well as on my hands and knees.

She did a little adjusting to get more comfortable, with little to no care about my own comfort. And then I heard her breathing deeply. Her body had also received a workout and it was no surprise she needed a break. But now while she relaxed it was difficult for me to do the same. But my bigger fear was that she might fall asleep.

Thankfully she didn't really doze off. She did get some rest and likely skirted the edge of sleep, but after some time I felt her legs unwind and she pushed my head back as she stood up and made her way out of the room and down the hall; presumably towards the bathroom.

I slowly rose from hands and knees and then in a mix of rolling over and falling, I landed on the couch. I knew it was temporary and I didn't dare stay more than a moment for fear I could quite easily fall asleep and ruin my evening in more ways than one. But I did allow myself to stretch out my arms and legs before I got up and headed to the kitchen sink to wash my face.

For the next little while things were quiet and we both went about a more normal routine. I did some clean up in the kitchen and Mandy checked her emails and got ready for bed. I was eager to receive my treat but not stupid enough to jeopardize it.

Eventually she told me to check the door, turn off the lights, and come to the bedroom. I was careful not to run but I wasted no time. When I entered the bedroom I saw that Mandy was wearing what I had learned earlier was a harness bra. It provided the basic support of a bra, but was essentially cupless, revealing almost the entirety of her breasts.

It's not like I never got to see her breasts. She was often partially or completely nude around the apartment. I had come to know the underside of her boobs as I often looked up at them when my face was trapped between her legs. But seeing them wasn't touching them. And even staring at them could get me in trouble for not doing my chores or focusing on my work.

So having them on display and knowing it was meant for me was indeed a treat. My eyes rolled over her nipples and caressed her curves. And now my hands wanted much of the same. Slowly I approached her.

"Strip completely and lie down on the bed."

There really wasn't much to remove but I took off my shorts and underwear and crawled onto the bed as instructed. She was soon on all fours beside me. She slowly moved up the bed towards the pillows and as she reached the headboard one hand came across my body. Her bare breasts were now hanging just below my chin and just left of my face.

I knew better than to reach for them in any way. This was my treat but Mandy was, as always, in charge. Any bad behavior now would just blow my chances and maybe even get me in trouble. So with my own excitement building, I waited.

"I bet you'd like to kiss them wouldn't you."

She knew damn well I wanted to. And she knew I wanted even more than that. But I knew this was going to happen at her pace.

"Oh yes I would very much like to kiss them. Please may I kiss them?"

"Perhaps in a moment. Right now just open your mouth a little. That's it. Now keep still."

With slow precision, Mandy dragged her breasts, and more importantly her nipples, across my face and between my open lips. It was exquisite. Slowly she came back across the other way.

"Now stick your tongue out. Just a little. Not so much. That's better."

After getting my tongue in the proper position, barely past my lips if at all, she made a couple more slow passes. Now I was able to taste her tit and nipple. I was climbing the stairs to heaven.

"Now I suppose I could let you kiss them. Be a gentleman and show me how much you love them."

The gentleman comment was a reminder not to go wild sucking and attacking her tits, but I was still allowed to show a certain level of enthusiasm as my lips and tongue latched on to the closest nip. I also lifted my head slightly, allowing more of the weight of her breast to be supported by my face.

"That's a good boy."

Then she took it away only to replace it with its mate. Back and forth she moved her boobs allowing me to show them the devotion they deserved. I felt my dick surging below and bouncing in the air. My body was all but forgotten. I was just head and neck and somewhere down below a dick which strained for attention.

She continued to move back and forth and then she came down on my face pushing me into her ample cleavage. I kept kissing and licking between her breasts and I felt her throw a leg over my body, and then the hairs of her pussy tickled my shaft.

I didn't think she was actually going to fuck me and truth be told I would have been more than a little concerned if she had. I was supposed to be allowed to fuck her tits, but if she decided to ride my dick then I would almost certainly lose my load there and therefore miss out on the titjob that was promised.

I tried not to let that possibility distract me. Mandy also helped me to refocus when she spread her elbows and came down even harder on my face. I was already about as deep as I could go, but now her chest covered my face and cheeks and soon I was smothering between those beautiful breasts.

I knew I wasn't going to be able to breathe like this. I knew Mandy knew I wasn't going to be able to breathe like this. And I knew no matter how badly I needed air I didn't dare try to push her away. To her it was just a game, and one I would have to endure to receive my gift.

"Mmm. You're a little naughty trying to get so deep within my breasts. I guess you must really like them. What's that? You want to go even deeper? Naughty, naughty."

Now it wasn't just the weight on my face and the lack of air. Now in some way she was also squeezing her tits around my face and head. It was hard to tell where her tits ended and the pillow under my head began, but either way I was now in a vice of tit flesh.

Of course I hadn't said anything. I couldn't. But I knew that didn't matter. Soon she was rocking slightly, my face still crushed, but now moving back and forth a short distance within her cleavage. And I was getting desperate for air; really desperate.

When I thought it might be too late she lifted up and I sucked in some needed oxygen. She never pulled fully clear and while I tried to catch my breath she slapped my face from side to side with her heavy hangers. But that was soon over as she decided to come down once more. Again my face entered the divide and soon I was being crushed and counting the seconds until I would be able to breathe again.

I don't know exactly how long this game went on. Certainly it was longer than I had wished for and it probably was still less than Mandy could have taken it. But at some point when she lifted up and was slapping my face as I tried to regain my breath she came to a stop, her tits resting against my cheeks, but with a path for air to reach me.

"You look tired Doug. Do want to just call it off and get some rest?"

"No, no, please. I'm alright. I can keep going."

The words rushed out at the hint she might take away the present she had already offered me. I realized a moment later it was more of a tease but I still wanted to continue. She smiled and sat up, her boobs still beautiful, and for the moment less of a threat.

"Well then I think it's time for you to slide down to the foot of the bed."

It was happening. The foreplay was all but over. Some of the joy of her breasts was diminished as I fought for air, but now I was going to feel those amazing teats on my very anxious dick. This was the moment.

As I slide down to the foot of the bed Mandy got up and removed her bra. She then knelt at the end of the bed, a pillow or two under her for support. Under her guidance I sat at the very edge. She grabbed my dick and pointed it at first one breast and then the other.

"Ooh I think someone wants a treat."

"Yes please."

"Just one 'please'? Maybe you don't want this treat so bad after all."

"No, please, please, please, I want it. I want it. Please."

"Well what exactly is it you want?"

This was unexpected. I mean she was the one who first mentioned the treat earlier in the evening. She said she was going to give me a titjob. She said I could fuck her tits. But before I answered I knew the sound of me saying I wanted to fuck her tits wouldn't go over well.

Seconds ticked by and I was in a bit of a panic. I was sure this was something of a test and one I didn't dare to fail. I was so close, surely she wouldn't deny me now. But part of me knew that was more than a remote possibility. If she so chose, it would all have been for nothing. I came up with an answer and prayed that it would satisfy her.

"I want to make love to your breasts."

"What a nice thing to say. Rather naughty; but nice."

I let out a soft sigh. That was close; too close. But then she took my dick and started rubbing a circle around her nipple. The sensation was electric and my hands clenched the bedsheets in tight fists. And a moment later she rubbed the head of my dick across her nipple. My god, but it was amazing!

Then she pulled my dick off her tit and blew on it. A delightful little shiver ran through my pole. And then she applied it to the other breast; slow circles around the nipple and then the full contact. It was intense.

I was still holding out for her to place my dick in her cleavage but I knew I wouldn't last long. I'm sure I could have shot my load at the second nipple if I hadn't been trying hard to hold back. It was really the only downside to a titjob from Mandy. It would be over too soon.

And then I felt her pulling me to the center. At first my shaft just lay in the groove at the top of her tits. And then she pulled and pushed it in so that it sank between them. God, it was incredible!

Then I saw the top of her head as she looked down and spit on my dick. She also left me in place as she licked her palms and then gave me a look to let me know she was ready. The first time she slid up my dick was slow and steady.

As she came back down there was more squeezing of her tits against my shaft. Then up and down, up and down, squeezing this way and that, moving her tits in unison or in opposition. Did she have a pattern in mind, a rhythm? I have no idea. But what she did worked. I'm not sure if I lasted ten seconds. I know it was under thirty.

At the moment of release Mandy put her hand above my knob deflecting the spray from hitting her neck and chin. I was actually glad she thought of that. My one fear the first time, was that when I finally blew, some of my load had landed on her chin and cheek. In that second of mutual realization I was afraid of what Mandy might do.

But this time as I pumped and pumped everything was on her hand and chest. As the surges slowed and my dick came to rest there was more than a little evidence clinging to her tits. When I came to a stop she took her hand away and wiped off the cum onto her breasts and nipples. And that too I found rather sexy. In that moment I couldn't have loved her more.

"Well it seems you enjoyed that."

"Oh yes I did! Thank you, thank you. I love you."

She stood up at the end of the bed and then pushed my shoulders causing me to fall back. She then climbed on top of me and for a moment I thought we were going to kiss. But she continued to move farther up and her breasts were soon hanging before me once again.

"What's going on?"


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