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Marie's Key Pt. 02: Just a Toe In

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Why not check out the local sex club? For research purposes.
7.6k words

Part 2 of the 4 part series

Updated 05/22/2024
Created 03/15/2020
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"Nope. This isn't totally spooky. Not even the tiniest bit."

I couldn't help but feel the tiniest bit apprehensive as Scott and I's car jumped and jostled along the small, dirt road. It was already dark out, and we were too far in among the trees to really be able to see any lights from nearby streets or houses. But this was apparently the right way to go!

It was just two weeks ago that my husband and I first talked about adding some other participants to our sex lives. Whether it be with full on polyamory or just playing around with another couple, the idea had excited us. Not helped by that stupid sexy show about it that we'd watched that got us all into the idea in the first place. After our initial conversation slash sex on the subject, we'd binged the rest of the series in varying states of dress. And we decided. That was it. We were going to give this thing a shot...

...in a couple of weeks.

It's not that we weren't eager, it's just that...well, we hadn't really considered the dollars aspect. We'd rushed to a lifestyle club website, and checked out the price tag. We had to pay to sign up for a membership and pay extra for the event. It made sense, and part of me was relieved that there was some kind of barrier to entry. However, neither one of us was particularly rolling in it, so it was going to be a sexy, next-paycheck time.

It wasn't all bad, though. The anticipation made for some rather intense lovemaking, with lots of "picture us fucking someone" and "imagine this finger is a cock," that sort of thing. So when the day came to actually make a reservation, we were damn ready. We sent in a payment and our information, and received an email a few hours later with the location of the Secret Sex Club.

Well, maybe not Secret, per se. I was able to find them on Google, but apparently the location of the club was hush-hush. Which is probably why we were here, driving down a dark and spooky road to...supposedly a business of some kind.

After a few more jostling moments, a building finally crept out from the trees. It looked like a couple of buildings, actually. One large and the other more of an in-law house size. There were already a few cars parked out front of the building. Soon, we saw an opening big enough for our car to park.

"Think that's a spot?" Scott asked.

"Definitely," I replied. "Just like you're definitely going to find MY spot tonight!"

I raised up a fist for him to high-five me, but he was turning and I don't think he could see me in the dark. It probably wasn't worth it to bring up how big a social faux pas it was to leave me hanging.

Once the car came to a stop, I turned to my husband. "Okay, before we go in...how are you doing?"

Scott thought for a moment. "I'm good, I think. A little nervous. Pretty excited."

"Me too," I took his hand and squeezed it. "Okay, checklist. While we're in there, we ask before proceeding with anything or anybody."

"Check," he replied.

"And if someone has to tap out or is feeling weird about things, there's no judgement there."


"And that saying you're uncomfortable with something in the moment doesn't necessarily mean 'never.' It just means we should talk about it."


I took in a deep breath. "Alright, let's do this."

There wasn't exactly a driveway, so, as we trundled through mud toward the house, I was thankful that I hadn't prioritized wearing fancy footwear to this event. Don't get me wrong, I threw on my best low-cut v-neck with the very witchy shawl and the short skirt. We were here to fuck, no doubt about that. But also...like, we never get out of the house to go dancing anymore, and I want to dance to 90's hits, dammit. So sensible, dance-able shoes were in order.

Eventually we reached an unassuming screen front door. Inside, we could see someone waiting at a table, and a few people milling around. After wiping our feet, we entered, and were greeted by a tiny woman in her late 40's.

"Hi, welcome to Persephone's," she said. "Do you two have reservations tonight?"

"We do!" Scott chimed up. "Keane. Not sure if it's under Scott or Marie. One of those."

As she searched on her clipboard, I took a look around the room. The place was decidedly more...rustic, than I was expecting. The walls were wood-paneled in a way I hadn't seen since my grandparents' old fishing trailer back in the 90's, and most of the artwork around the place depicted outdoor leisure activities. There were also various crystals and new-agey paraphernalia lining the room, and, after perusing some of the posters adorning the place, I gathered that this must be a part time yoga retreat or something when it's not being a swingers club.

"Ah! I see you right here," the receptionist said, looking at her clipboard. "First time visitors, I see."

"Heh, yep," I said nervously. Briefly, I considered a joke about being "virgins," but that would probably have been too much. Like saying "it's free" when the register doesn't work.

"Well, our first round of orientation starts over there in just a few minutes," the mousy woman said, pointing with her pen toward a door on the other side of the room. "But you're all signed in, so feel free to wait here, chat with people...we've got a wonderful potluck tonight. Bethany made her famous raspberry feta salad."

Both of us turned in surprise, and, yep, sure enough, there was an array of plates all stacked with food.

"Huh," Scott said. "If I'd known, I wouldn't have eaten before we got here."

"Yeah, wild," I replied. "I want to try that salad. That sounds real good."

Our greeter waved us off as another group entered the building. Scott and I made our way into the front room. Using our best wallflower instincts, we managed to find an unattended corner to perch ourselves in as we took a look around.

"Kind of an older crowd," Scott said. I hadn't wanted to bring it up, but, it was true. Most of the people who were here so far were easily ten years older than us. Which was fine. We knew the realities of this...scene, I guess, and had expected it.

"Yeah, makes sense." I paused for a moment, looking around at the plates of mashed potatoes and broccoli cheese casserole. "It's weird, right? The food thing? Is it weird?"

"I guess we don't know, right?" he replied. "Look, we're just here to try a new thing. Whatever happens, we're still doing that, right?"

"Heh, yeah. We're out of the house after eight! That never happens anymore." He squeezed me close, and I took a moment to feel all warm and fuzzy in his arms.

Just then, the door that the receptionist had gestured to earlier opened, and a tall man in a polo with salt and pepper hair leaned out. "Orientation time, folks! All newbies in here."

I was glad to see we weren't the only ones looking somewhat confused and sheepish as approximately ten people all tried unsuccessfully to go into one door.

The next room was slightly more of what I was expecting. The main decor still said "people who live here subscribe to magazines about fishing and chakras," but the furniture had been arranged with obvious purpose. The room was lined with couches, all facing in toward four mattresses that had been set up in the middle of the floor.

Our host, whose name I would come to find out was David, walked us through the basic rules of the club. The main one they stressed, repeatedly, to my relief, was consent. This was to be a safe space. Nobody was allowed to do anything without getting express permission first, and, if somebody violated that rule, the club would remove them from the situation immediately. It was made very clear that our comfort came first.

The next thing on David's list that gave me a sigh of relief was about the beds. Apparently they had staff to go around and change out the sheets and covers on all of the furniture. Once we were done using a piece of equipment, all we had to do was take the sheets and dump them in a basket, and they would be replaced with clean ones. Scott and I both gave each other approving glances at that. Nothing hotter than hygiene. Aside from that, lube and condoms would be provided on little night stands throughout the room, which was nice.

"Alright," David continued. "Let me give you the tour."

As our small crowd shuffled along behind him, I couldn't help but glance up at a large television that had been mounted over a fireplace. There was currently some of the most stereotypical, I-didn't-know-they-still-made-them-like-that porn that I had ever seen. A couple of blondes unenthusiastically grinding their crotches together. It was just...so obvious. And a little disappointing, really. I supposed they have a certain aesthetic to present, given the nature of the place, but it was still so basic.

"Alright, here's the dungeon room."

That snapped me out of my complaint vision. My cheeks flushed red as we all gazed into a room full of various straps and tables and contraptions that probably all did very fun things if you knew how to use them. There were a few appreciative murmurs from the crowd, and I elbowed Scott in the side, suggestively.

There were a few more, smaller rooms on either side of us, each with a window looking in. David explained that these were for more private play. A curtain could be drawn if you wanted complete privacy, but, otherwise, and open window meant watch, and open door meant possible open participation, but, as always, ask first.

From there, David opened up another door, and the space opened up into a wide, semi-outdoor area. It was all enclosed in glass, with a large swimming pool in the middle, a hot tub off to one side, and, further down, what looked to be a dance floor. On one side, there was a bar set up, with a bartender ready to go. There were tables set up all along the other side of the pool and circling the floor, with a DJ booth set up on the far end of the enclosed structure. Near to the tables was a set of shelves, each adorned with a placard with a number written on it.

Our host explained that these were to be our lockers, of a sort. If we need to put clothes or toys or anything else somewhere, just grab one of these. Clothes were forbidden in the pool, though he stressed that sex was also forbidden there and in the hot tub. And that we had to shower before getting in either. Fair enough.

Scott and I dropped off my bag in one of the lockers, stopping to remove the bottle of Malibu that we'd brought with us. The club was BYOB, and, well, we were both, admittedly, kinda nervous. Hence, B.

The tour continued outside, to the smaller building we'd seen from the parking lot. In here were more sets of mattresses. If we decided to stay overnight, this is where we'd stay. But, also, there was a sex swing set up in the middle of the room, which I ventured to guess might impede sleep. It would have been worth trying, maybe, if I weren't so scared I'd break it. You never know just how little consideration has been given to larger women in situations like this. Though, honestly, looking around at the other people here, my curves were not at all unusual.

From there, we were dismissed from the tour and told to go have fun. Scott and I made our way back to the dance floor and pool area, stopping by the bartender to have our rum added to some pop.

Drinks in hand, we found a table and sat down. "How we doing?" I asked.

Scott shrugged, taking a sip of his drink. "It seems nice! I think we can have a lot of fun here."

I leaned in, conspiratorially, "See that dungeon room? That could be a good time. Not that I know what any of those things do."

"I think I saw a table with straps. That one seems pretty self-explanatory," he replied, taking a sip. "Honestly, though, apparently they have classes and stuff. I saw it on the website."

"Oh, that'd be fun!" I said. "Since we're paid members and all."

"Yeesh, yeah. Might as well use it."

We both paused for a moment, staring out into the scenery.

"We're members of a sex club!" I said, excitedly.

"I know, right?" Scott replied, matching my mood. "It's wild."

"Heh. I love it." I grabbed his hand. "There's nobody I could do this with but you Not the right way, anyway. Thank you, for...I don't know...liking my weird kinky stuff or whatever." I waved my hand, dismissing my own embarrassed feelings."

"Hey," Scott said, staring right into my eyes. "I fucking love you, Marie. So much. I'm here it. For all of you."

"Yeah, okay," I said, blushing and sinking into my chair. Looking out at the dance floor, a smattering of couples were moving to the tones of "Poison." It wasn't the liveliest crowd, but I was excited to have an excuse to shake my butt a little tonight. As the last notes of the song faded, I set my drink aside and grabbed Scott by the hand. "We're dancing," I stated.

"I love it," he replied. As we made it to the center of the dance floor, the opening beat of "Get Busy" by Sean Paul started kicking in. Scott grabbed me by the waist and we began to move in unison on the dance floor.

I can't say we were particularly good, but we were definitely enthusiastic. He held me tight as we moved our hips together, trying desperately to keep up with the rhythm. At the very least, the dancing was working its magic on me. That and the rum.

In one smooth motion, Scott swooped in behind me. The feeling of him pressed against me from behind just set off sparks in the deepest part of my brain, and I began grinding my ass against him like a woman possessed. The heat of my core radiated throughout me as I felt lost in that moment with him, closing my eyes and focusing on the sensation his touch.

When I opened my eyes again, I noticed that we had apparently started a trend of sorts there on the dance floor. Suddenly, there were other couples all around us. And one thruple! That was exciting. Whether it was by our enthusiasm or the undeniable power of Mr. Paul, apparently a mood had been set.

"Hey," I felt Scott's breath kiss my ear. "Check out those two over by the cooler, there."

I glanced over to where he was indicating and saw, probably for the first time that night, a couple that looked fairly close to our age. The man was stick-skinny with shaggy blonde hair, and the woman was tall with slightly dark skin. The two of them were also dancing together, though less vigorously than us. Which was understandable given that it looked like she was about four months pregnant.

"They're pretty hot," I noted, and it continued to be true as I took a closer look. He had that exact kind of charming disaster vibe that always set me off in media. The kind of guy who had a great shrooms connection, but could also was surprisingly sturdy in bed. His sharp features and piercing eyes called out to me, even in the dim light of the dance floor. The rolled up sleeve, button-up shirt with the glimpse of tattoos underneath didn't hurt either. Sometimes you can see a person for the first time and immediately picture wrapping your legs around them.

His companion was also...pretty tasty looking. I didn't quite have a handle on how my attraction to women was coming along, so the feelings I got from here were both more intense and more overwhelming. Her eyes were closed, her mouth ticked up in a sly smirk as she seemed to float through the air, her moves and her curves daring me to even try to focus on anyone else. Like some of the other folks here, she was more casually dressed than I was, but every element seemed to be placed with confidence. A teal top drew the eye right to her understandably ample figure, and black jeans squeezed around a butt that I felt a primal need to bite just a little.

"You know," Scott whispered. "We could go talk to them?"

"Yeah?" I asked, cheekily.

"Yeah, I think that could be a fun time." He pulled me even closer, his crotch grinding more and more into my ass.

"I think so, too." I dipped down low, then came back up, making sure to wiggle my butt just a little bit as I did so.

Scott growled a little bit. "What do you want to do with them, my love?"

"Mmm..." I moaned in response. "I want to feel them touching me. Just, all over."

"Yeah? And do you want to be touching them?" He moved his hand to the back of my head, twisting his fingers around my bright auburn hair. The sensation of his fingers against my scalp made me tingle all over.

"I do," I gasped. "I want to stroke his cock. Just want to feel it throbbing in my hands."

"And what about her? Does my girl finally want to give in to what she wants? Finally fuck a woman?"

There was a tug, and my head jerked back slightly. I gasped, more from the surprise than the sensation. Scott was in one of his more domineering moods tonight, eh? I was fine with it. In that moment, it was any way I could get it. I looked back over at the woman.

"Yes, Scott. I want her. I want to run my hands all over her body." My husband's hands got slightly bolder as I could feel him gently tracing his fingers along my inner thigh. "I want to taste her on my tongue as you fuck me."

"That would be...absolutely amazing," he moaned. His fingers inched higher and higher as we continued to move in rhythm. Just as they started to get closer and closer to my aching slit, the song came to a close.

When I opened my eyes, the other couple had already started to move off the dance floor, away from us. I let out a tiny whimper, as we made our way back over to our table. Scott sat down first, and I quickly slammed back a gulp of water before straddling my legs on either side of him. I had to pull up my skirt to do it, but, at that point, I didn't have a care in the world about who could see what. My mouth was on his neck as I struggled to get out words between kisses.

"That all sounds really hot, and I am so down for it. Buuuuuuttt...right now I just really want you inside me." More tiny smooches. "So I need you to take me into that big play room and fuck me, Scott."

"Is that what you want?" he asked, with a smirk.

"Yep," I said, nodding vigorously, before pausing to think for a second. I held up a finger. "Wait, almost. Hold that thought for a bit."

Releasing the poor boy from his imprisonment beneath me, I walked over to the pool side of the room, stopping at the little cubby hole with our clothes in it. I reached around in my bag for a second, before finding what I was looking for. Scott caught up with me at that point and was standing behind me. I turned to him. "I want you to use these."

"Oh?" he reacted with some light surprise as he took the pair of light pink bachelorette-party-special handcuffs from me. "Yeah? Even here?"

"I mean..." my finger ran down his chest. "Look, I'm only prepared to do so much tonight, but I trust you. And the fantasy of being all...bound, in front of all these people. It's pretty hot."

"Well, how can I say no to that?"

We made our way around the edge of the pool just as two naked women jumped in with a big splash. A bit of water hit my feet, but at that point, well, I was going to be getting out of these clothes soon anyway. The switch from neutral to red lighting hit my eyes as we crossed the threshold into the play room. The lighting was certainly a lot more atmospheric than it had been during the tour, though the distracting porn playing on the mounted TV cut through the red and acted as a perverted north star.

Several of the couches were occupied by couples in coitus. A plump blonde woman bounced up and down on the cock of a man in his early 50's. Another guy watched and jerked off as he watched as the mousy receptionist we'd met earlier in the night made out with a curly-haired brunette. The sounds and the smells of sex filled the air, and it only served to throw kindling on my flame.

Luckily, one of the large mattresses set up in the center of the room was unoccupied. I went up to it, then stood still as Scott unzipped my dress. As it fell to the floor, I whipped off my top. Light kisses along my spine made tiny, pleasant ripples in my nerves as Scott gradually kissed down my back, peeling my underwear off me.

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