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Mary and Alvin Ch. 24


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"I brought home a pizza from Hurley's," he said as he got out of his car.

"That's good, I'm hungry." She held the door open for him. He kissed her as stepped inside.

"Why don't you call down and ask Jen and Danni if they want to come up and talk," he said, "there's enough for everyone."

Jennifer came up and joined them, but Danni had already left for work. As they ate, Alvin described the conversation at Hurley's.

"What do you think?" Jennifer asked Mary.

"It's a sensible solution going forward. The hazard in land contracts is that if you can't make the balloon payment, you can lose all your equity." Looking at Alvin, she said, "But I find it hard to believe that your creditors would foreclose on you."

Jennifer beamed. "So what do we do now?"

"You need to get an appraisal," Mary explained, "Then you make an offer. Once you've agreed on the price, you just get a lawyer to draw up the contract."

"And then you'll help me with a business plan?"

"I'd be glad to."

Alvin didn't say much as Jennifer and Mary talked about all the things that could be done to make the farm more profitable. He was satisfied just to sit and listen. The two women kicked around ideas, about making yarn and growing fruit saplings and many other things, until Bonita began to cry and Jennifer realized it was time to get her home.

Alvin got ready for bed while Mary fed Hannah. She put her down to sleep, then joined him in the bedroom, but she was no sooner under the covers when she heard her begin to cry.

"I can tell that it's going to be a long night," Mary groaned as got back up. She was right. She burped the baby, then rocked her, but she would not go back to sleep.

Alvin came into the nursery. "Jeezum crow," he said, "It's after midnight. She still won't sleep?"

"No. Well, she slept all evening, that's the problem."

"Well, I'll take her for a ride."

"Are you sure, honey? I know you're tired."

"It's the only thing that seems to work when she gets like this."

Alvin threw on some clothes, then took Hannah out and secured her into her car seat. He got behind the wheel and turned on the radio. The Bruins were playing in Vancouver and the game was only in the second period. I can't listen to that, he thought, it will be too loud and raucous. He twisted the dial until he found the classical music station out of Rockland. That ought to be soothing, as long as they didn't play the 1812 Overture or something.

Hannah was gurgling in the back seat.

"Alright, sweetie, let's go for drive," he said, pulling out of the dooryard. He drove into town, passing Faulkner's Wharf. "That's where Daddy works," he told Hannah. "I suppose you'll own it some day."

He turned on to Main Street. "That's Hurley's, your Mama and I went there on our first date. And that's where your mama lived when she first come here," he said as they passed Mary's old apartment above the hardware store.

He turned on to Oak Street and slowed to a crawl. "Lived in that house when your sisters were born." He stopped the car and looked at the house. There was a flower box on the porch, overflowing with late blooming chrysanthemums. He recognized it as the box he had built for Bonnie. That was almost thirty years ago, he thought, it seems like it was in another life.

Alvin drove on, while Hannah cooed behind him. He circled the downtown blocks, all the street named for trees; Elm and Ash and Maple and Birch. He turned on to a long, sloping street.

"They named this Commerce Street because it used to go all the way down to the old docks where the big ships set sail. Some went all the way to Europe. They stocked the holds with ice from the river and sold it to the aristocrats in England and France. Can you imagine such a thing now?"

He stopped in front of a modest, but well kept saltbox house.

"That's where my grandparents lived. Where my Dad grew up. Jeezum, Hannah, you are their great great granddaughter, how about that?"

Hannah began to cry.

"I know, keep moving," Alvin muttered.

He drove down to the waterfront and drove into the park. "Spent a lot of time here when I was a kid," he said. "There's the playground, we'll bring you down in a few years. You'll like it. Boy, didn't your sisters. Them two could swing for hours."

The park road looped down near the shore. "Ain't much of a beach but you can find some shells, maybe a starfish sometimes."

From the park he turned on to Front Street and realized that it was silent in the back seat. He craned his neck and adjusted the rear view mirror until he could see that Hannah was finally asleep. She'll probably wake up as soon as I stop, he thought, but when he reached the town landing he pulled in and parked near the harbor master's office. He waited a minute, then looked over the seat. She was still sleeping. He fished his phone from the pocket of his jacket and texted Mary.

shes finally out. I will let her sleep a bit before coming home, else she'll just wake up again

He waited a few minutes and did not get a reply. She must be out like a light herself, he thought. He rolled down his window and breathed in the salt air. He put his head back and closed his eyes. He wasn't sure if he dozed or not, but when he saw headlines turning onto the landing, he sat up, wide awake. The vehicle made a wide turn and he spotted the insignia of the county sheriff's department on the door. It pulled up next to him, driver to driver, and he saw Danni behind the wheel. She stepped out of the cruiser and Alvin, moving as quietly as he could, opened his door and got out to greet her. She held a finger to his lips and softly pushed the door shut.

"Sleeping baby?" Danni asked in a hushed voice. "Mary said that riding in the car was the best way to get her to sleep."

"Yes, we've been out for a moonlight drive. How's it going with your little one?"

"I hate to tell you, but she sleeps like a log."

Alvin laughed. They walked to the railing and looked out over the dark water of the harbor.

"Quiet night?" Alvin asked.

"Yeah, had a domestic call earlier, soon as we showed up they both told us to fuck off."

Alvin looked into the back seat to assure himself that Hannah was still sleeping.

"Can I ask you something, Alvin?"

"Sure, Danni, of course you can."

"Do you ever..." she hesitated, crossing her arms and leaning back against the rail. "Do you ever feel a little, I guess, jealous? Resentful that you aren't the parent who actually gave birth to the baby?"

Alvin thought about that for a minute. "Not, exactly. But I think I know what you mean. Sometimes, yes, you ain't the one nursing her, you don't quite have the same bond as the birth mother."

"I love that little girl so much, Alvin. But there's a small part of me that says I can't love her as much as Jen can."

"I think maybe you feel a little guilty that she went through being pregnant and you didn't. And a little envious, as well."

Danni shrugged. "Maybe that's it."

"You know, Danni, you can love a child that is not your own blood just as much as any birth parent can. Maybe more."

"Do you really think so?"

"Danni, look at me."

She raised her head and looked into his eyes.

"You know that I do," he said, "and you know why I do."

Danni dropped eyes and said, simply, "Oh."

Alvin stretched his back. It made a crackling noise. "I best get this tyke home to bed."

"Yeah, I need to get back on patrol." She started toward the cruiser.

"Danni," Alvin called after her.

"You're going to make a wicked good parent to Bonita. Maybe you didn't give her your genes, but you are going to give her so much more."

"Thank you." She started to get in the cruiser, then looked up and said, "I love you, Alvin."

"I love you too, sweetheart."

Alvin slipped back in the car. Hannah murmured when he shut the door, but made no further sound. He put the car in gear and slowly drove home, alert for every pothole. Hannah did not awaken, even as he crawled up the bumpy driveway.

Getting her into the house is going to be the tricky part, he thought, but she continued to sleep soundly and he delivered her into her crib without her stirring. He went to the bathroom and undressed. When he went to the bedroom, Mary raised her head from her pillow and leaned on her elbow.

"Didn't mean to wake you," Alvin whispered.

"It's okay, baby." She lifted the blanket and he climbed underneath. As he laid down, Mary rested her head on his chest and draped her arm across his waist.

"Saw Danni, down in town. She was out on patrol."

"I'm surprised she doesn't just find a place to park and sleep through her shift."

Alvin did not respond. Mary looked up at him. "Everything okay, Alvin?"

Alvin stared up at the ceiling. "Mary, how does a family forsake their own child. I mean, who wouldn't be proud to have a daughter like her?"

"Well, you know, honey, I've struggled with my feelings about my father, that he never seemed very interested in me or acted like he was proud of me.

Alvin hugged her tighter. "I do know, baby, I'm sorry if that touched a sore spot."

"No, that's okay,' she replied, "I never doubted that he loved me. But loving your child is just the start of it. Hell, you know that better than I do."

"You know, my Dad treated me like I was the golden boy, but I think back and I think maybe the way he was with Diana was more like your father was with you. Maybe he was so glad to have a son and heir that he made her feel overlooked. Now she's scared I'll overlook her as well."

"I suppose I can see that."

"Mary, she's my sister and I love her. I don't want the two of you to be at odds."

She kissed him on the cheek. "I think you guys worked things out well." She rolled on to her side and Alvin spooned against her back, wrapping his arm around her.

He kissed the back of her head and chuckled.

"What's so funny?"

"We finally got some time alone with the baby sleeping and all we do is talk."

"That doesn't seem right does it?"

"It surely does not."

He gathered in her nightshirt until it was up over her hips, then slipped his hand inside her panties.

"I'm glad to see that you still know where it is," Mary said.

Alvin laughed, and Mary jabbed him with her elbow. "Shhh, god damn it, don't you dare wake her up."

"You're the one makes the most noise," he whispered, "All that moaning and groaning and oh my god and whatnot."

"Look who's talking. You wheeze like a train coming into the station."

"And whose fault is that?"

"Just try to keep quiet, will you?"

His fingers slid inside her wet pussy and grazed against her clit. She moaned and Alvin began to laugh. Unable to help herself, Mary laughed as well.

"See, I was right, you're the noise maker," Alvin said, trying to stifle his laughter.

"Shh, I think I hear the baby."

They lay quiet for a minute, but did not hear anything.

"Okay," Mary said,"now would you please just shut up and fuck me."

"I suppose I ought to," he replied. His cock was hard and strained against the fabric of his shorts. He tugged it free and it

bumped against Mary's hip. She wiggled and it slipped into the crack of her ass. Alvin drew back and the head traced it's way down her ass and then sprang between her thighs. Alvin put his hand under her knee and raised her leg. Mary reached down and moved the crotch of her underpants aside. She found his cock and guided it inside her.

"Oh," she sighed, "Just hold still and let me feel that."

Alvin resisted the urge to move. He nuzzled his head against the side of hers. He kissed her neck and her ear. When she began to move her hips, he rocked his along with her. He reached between her legs and fingered her clit. Mary placed her hand gently on top of his. She closed her eyes and let the sensations flowing up from between her legs wash over her. She pressed back against Alvin. The warmth of him against her back was comforting, reassuring. His strong arms wrapped around her made her feel so secure, so certain of the rightness of the moment, that she let herself go, open to the waves of pleasure that possessed her. When she came it was with her whole body, her whole being.

Mary's quivering body, the rising tempo of her ragged breathing, the tightening grip of her hand on his, brought Alvin to his own climax. His hips bucked and he pumped his cock inside her, releasing himself in great, arching thrusts until he felt completely spent. When he finished, he turned his head and buried his face in the pillow, trying to stifle the sound of his gasping breath.

"Are you okay, love?" Mary panted.

He raised his head. "I'm fine, just trying to keep quiet."

Mary reached between her legs and her fingertips trace the length of his shaft as he withdrew. She raised them to her mouth and tasted the sticky, salty wetness.

"That was nice," she murmured, "Let's get back to doing that regularly."

"Alright," he said, "but that's how we got the little interrupter in the first place, don't forget."

As if she had been waiting for them to finish, Hannah let out a wail.

"That's her I need to be changed cry," Mary said.

"Want me to get her, sweetheart?"

"No, love," Mary said, sitting up, "I've got to change my own wet pants, too."

Alvin laughed and watched her as she left the bedroom. He was exhausted and wanted to sleep, but he fought it off and waited, while Mary changed Hannah's diaper, rocked her back to sleep, then went to the bathroom. When she returned and got back in bed, he turned toward her.

"I thought you'd be asleep by now," she said.

"I wanted to tell you that I love you first."

"I love you too, Alvin."

"Well, alright then," he said, then rolled over and went to sleep.

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Comentarista82Comentarista8211 months ago

Diane finally blurted out what we suspected, so now they're finally dealing with and resolving. That's the big lesson: no sense in bottling things up when you can get them out in the open and address them. The story handled all the pertinent questions well and presented appropriate amounts of tension.

Cute how Alvin drove Hannah around to relax her to sleep. Felt like you used Hannah a few times for comic relief/"told you so" moments, also.

Alvin "not getting" why Dani's family shunned her is just as moot as if the story were to continue to bring up Wyatt or Alvin aging/hurting himself. Dani's situation will never resolve with her blood family; besides, I thought Alvin and everyone welcomed Dani into theirs, so problem's already solved. Fact is not everything resolves itself neatly, nor gets fixed; sometimes we just have to live with things we can't change.

I wonder what's next for this clan. 4

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
The one thing wrong

is I've caught up pretty much with the story and now have to force myself to ration how many chapters I read so I don't suddenly get even with the wonderful author. I usually hesitate to read multi-posting stories until they are obviously finished (check the last posting comments) but I can't resist this one.

Well done.

EmmeranEmmeranalmost 5 years ago
Loving this

This is amazingly good stuff and I can't stop reading it.

Only complaint I have is that you don't include a separator when you transition, i.e. jump time, topic or location. Just a little "***" line would make the story much smoother to read. (But that's like complaining that someone put the icing on the cake with a counter-clockwise swirl instead of a clockwise swirl.)

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Love It

It's a great day when I see your latest posting. The bit of friction in the family was good but Alvin taking the drive to get the baby to sleep was really heart warming, especially when he met up with Dani. Thank you for these loveable characters and superb stories.

UltimateHomeBodyUltimateHomeBodyalmost 5 years ago
Going well

Can't be too many problems left. Look forward to what you can dream up next. Perhaps poor ol Br?ndon hasn't jumped ship yet.

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