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Mary & Luke Ch. 01

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The beginning of Mary and Luke.
2.7k words

Part 1 of the 8 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 11/01/2018
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Thank you cw5523729 for editing my story :)

This story is a spin off of my original story/series (Love Comes Second). It is not in the same genre of stories, but they are related so there may be some places/scenes where the genres overlap. This series will be from the perspectives of the two servants, Luke and Mary.


Chapter I


I have been on the road with my friend and princess, Jade, for about a week now. Today is no different regarding our morning routine. I help her get dressed then we walk out to eat before we get back on the road. But this morning, we see that the men we have traveled with are packing our things. They have let Princess Jade and I have a bit more sleep since today we will be meeting the prince Jade is to marry.

We eat quickly, Jade is very eager to meet her new husband.

Since I have yet to learn to ride horseback, I climb behind Jade on her horse, Dream. We stay in the middle of our party as we ride towards castle Lunarsun.

We ride through the gates to the beautiful castle and stop a few yards from where the royal family is waiting. I get off the horse first, then Jade's father helps her off as well. I step away and my eyes are instantly brought up to meet the eyes of another servant's. I immediately feel my chest glow with warmth and I smile at him. He smiles back and my stomach flutters.

His body is skinny but toned, and it shows through his somewhat tight clothing. He has jet black hair that is almost too long, but not quite. He has beautiful hazel eyes and tan skin. He's at least a whole head taller than I, if not more.

I smile wide and curtsy as he bows.

I have short golden hair and big brown eyes. My bust isn't the biggest I've seen, but certainly not the smallest; they're a little less than a handful. Though, what I lack in breast, I make up for in butt. I have a round and bubbly butt that's too big to be held in one hand. I'm very short and quite pale, and I'm about average weight.

A man dressed in subtle cloths comes forward to announce our names.

"May I present, King Theodore, Queen Laura, Prince Braeden, and Princess Jade of throne Solace." He pauses for a few seconds for us all to bow and curtsy before continuing, "King Jeffery, Queen Anne, and Prince Douglas of throne Lunarsoun." We all bow and curtsy again before stepping forward.

The royals talk amongst themselves, which leaves this handsome man and I on the outskirts of their conversation. I smile and hold out my hand, "Hi, my name's Mary."

"Nice to meet you, Mary. I'm Luke," he replies with a dazzling smile. I blush slightly.

Soon the royals are walking towards the castle, so Luke and I split up to go to walk beside the prince and princess.

As the day goes on, the prince gives a tour of the castle we will be living in. The castle is way bigger than the castle we lived in before.

At the end of the day, we are all shown to our rooms. I help Princess Jade bathe, and then we both climb into the big bed. Jade talks about the prince while I think about his servant, Luke.

Her face gets serious all of a sudden, "I'm scared about our wedding night, my loyal friend. Do you think... it... will hurt?" she asks.

"I would not know, my lady. For your sake, I hope not," I reply, petting her cheek softly. She gets a concerned look on her face, but then closes her eyes. We drift off to sleep not long after that, holding each other close for warmth.



After I help the prince get bathed and into bed, I go back to my room. I lay down, staring up at the ceiling, and think about Mary. She looked so kind and beautiful, I hope I can find some time alone with her soon. Maybe after Princess Jade starts sleeping in Prince Douglas's room with him, when they're married.

I fall asleep with the thought of Mary in the back of my mind.

The following days are quite chaotic. More guests are arriving and last minute details are being finished.

The night before the wedding, the bride and the groom are getting the last of the fitting done for their wedding attire. I walk into the prince's room and hold back a laugh; he looks horribly uncomfortable.

The jacket is red with silver buttons and the pants are white as the clouds, this paired with black boots seem to be way too tight fitting. But apparently that's how it should look.

"You look like you're not enjoying yourself," I tease, coming into the prince's room unannounced.

"I'd like you to try these clothes on, and then see if you'd tease," he replies, smiling.

"Are you almost through?" I ask the seamstress politely.

"Yes, I was just finishing the last stitch," she replies, smiling. When she's done, she helps him undress and gathers it all to place on the seat by the hearth. He nods, excusing her as well as thanking her for her service.

"I am so tired, Luke. Please, help me to bed so I can try to look presentable tomorrow," he says groggily, almost begging. I do as he asks quickly so I can leave his room. I think I might go visit Mary.

I walk out of his room and to Mary's door, hoping she'll be inside. I knock on the door and wait for an answer. After a few seconds I try again, but again no one answers.

"She must be with Princess Jade, it is the last night they can sleep in the same bed," I say to myself.

I go down to the stables to groom the horses. It's not my job, but the stable hands let me do it occasionally; I love horses. I walk to Thunder's pen, the prince's horse, and open the gate. He walks toward me and I rest my hand on his mane. Reaching over and grabbing a brush, I start brushing his sides and back carefully.

A few minutes later, I hear a noise outside of the pen. Turning around, I see that it's the stable girl from Prince Douglas's bed a few nights ago.

"I hope you don't mind that I was brushing him," I say, backing away from Thunder so I can turn toward her.

"It's fine, I was just coming to do the same," she replies. I think her name is Sophia. She smiles at me flirtatiously and walks inside the pen.

Sophia is quite beautiful. She has straight red hair and green eyes, with freckles painted across her pale skin. She's almost my height, but she's much skinnier than I am. Her breasts are what looks like just over a handful and her ass is just less than.

"Well, um, I can leave now if you'd like to brush him yourself," I say, backing away from her subtly.

"I think you did a wonderful job, there's no need to do any more grooming tonight," she takes a few more steps toward me, pinning me against a wall.

"Okay then, I guess I'll go back to my room now," I say, trying to squeeze by her. She blocks me so I don't have enough room to leave.

"You know, I've been wanting to get you alone for awhile now, Luke." She reaches up and fixes my hair for me, "I've been wanting to do this..." she finishes her sentence with a kiss on my lips. Her soft lips against my own is enough to make me ready to take her clothes off. I wonder if this is how she got Douglas to sleep with her.

"Sophia... I really shouldn't be doing this with you," I say, pulling away.

"If you're worried about what Prince Douglas will think if he catches us, it's fine. I can promise he won't have anything to say about it," she replies.

I'm about to reply when she kisses me again, harder this time.

I pull away again. "If we're going to do this, let's go to my room," I say. She nods and grabs my hand, leading me out of the stables area.

I take care to make sure we're quiet when we pass Mary's room, just in case she's in there. When we're in my room I shut the door quietly and push Sophia against the wall next to it.

"If we're gonna do this, we're doing it my way. Understand?" I whisper to her.

"I understand," she replies.

"Good," I push her down to her knees, "Now take off my pants," she does as I ask and I smile. I love having control over the women I sleep with.

Once my pants are off, I shove my cock inside her mouth, and she starts bobbing her head without me asking.

"Good girl," I say, almost mockingly. I find myself thinking about Mary. All of a sudden, it's Mary who's kneeling in front of me and I can feel myself getting closer from the mere thought of this.

My dream is cut short when Sophia stops. Before she has a chance to say anything, I shove myself back into her mouth and push her head against the wall so I can fuck her mouth. She doesn't push me away or protest at all, so I continue going. I try to keep my mind off Mary; I want to be able to enjoy sex without having to think of her.

When I feel myself getting closer, I decide that I can finish twice in one night. Sophia's mouth feels really fucking good. I let myself cum, shooting my load down her throat.

"Fuuuck, Sophia," I say, pulling out. She raises herself off her knees, kissing her way up my body. She starts sucking on my neck and I pick her up so she's straddling me. I walk us over to my bed and throw her on it.

She giggles lightly and I pull her by her legs so her ass is hanging off the bed.

"Turn yourself over, lean over the bed," I command. She immediately does as I say, giving me an amazing view.

I push two fingers inside her and she moans loudly into my mattress. I want to feel her cum on my fingers before I fuck her. I get a rhythm going as she moans. After a few minutes, she grips the blankets tightly. Not long after, I feel her body tense, then relax as she practically screams with her face buried in the covers.

I smack her ass hard, leaving a mark, then shove myself inside her.

"Fuck!!" she screams into the mattress.

"Does that feel good?" I ask, trying to keep quiet.

"Yes, baby. It feels so good," she replies. I start fucking her faster and close my eyes. I start to think about Mary again. I really hope this isn't going to be a recurring thing.

I stop fucking her for long enough to pick her up and move her completely onto the bed. I lift up my blankets and lay on top of her, pulling the blanket over us.

"I'm sorry, it's too cold outside for me," I say, guiding my cock inside her again.

"Just as long as you keep fucking me, I'm fine," she says, leaning up to kiss me. I kiss her back passionately and start to fuck her slowly. She moans into my mouth, making me moan with her.

I run my hands through her hair, then grab it hard. Her breathing hitches but she doesn't protest.

I bite her lower lip and start fucking her harder, I can feel myself getting close to finishing. She reaches up and runs her hands through my hair, pulling lightly. She runs her hands down my back, then scratches back up to my neck.

"Fuck, I'm gonna cum," I tell her, my pace reaching the max.

"So am I, Luke. Don't stop!" she yells. I put my hand over her mouth to make sure she doesn't make too much noise. She finishes just before I do, her pussy convulsing around my cock.

I thrust my hips hard into hers as I finish, shoving my face into my pillow so I don't make too much noise.

A few seconds after I've finished I roll over to lay next to her. She cuddles up to me, making me slightly uncomfortable, but I fall fast asleep anyways.

I'm awoken by the sound of Prince Douglas's voice, "Luke, I need your assistance," he says.

I look down at Sophia and suddenly get up, shoving my pants and shirt on. I can hear the prince laugh and I chastise myself for letting her stay in my room.

"My lord, I'm so sorry," I apologize.

"For what?" he laughs again, "You were only enjoying yourself. Besides, after today I will be a married man."

I calm down as I hear Sophia stop snoring. She mutters something, probably chastising herself for staying the night in my room. She awakens in an instant and scurries for her clothes, running away silently.

I draw the prince a bath and he climbs in happily, having a little bit of time before he must get out. He closes his eyes and I leave him to have a little bit of peace.

I open the door quickly, expecting the prince to have fallen asleep. What I did not expect was to find him absentmindedly stroking his own cock. He pulls up his knees and looks at me, horrified.

"Prince Douglas, it is time to dry and dress for the ceremony," I say, pretending to not have seen his erection.

"Yes, thank you. I will meet you in my room in a few minutes," he replies. I walk out of the room and shut the door so he can put his robe on and calm his body down.

When Prince Douglas comes into his room, I help him get dressed in his wed attire. I fix up his hair and straighten out his jacket.

"You look quite handsome, my lord," I state.

"Thank you. I do hope my bride will think the same," he says. The queen and king walk in and see that he's dressed. The queen smiles proudly while the king shows no emotion.

"The princess is almost ready, son. We must leave now," King Jeffery says. He nods and stands to join them on the walk to the ceremony.



"My princess, it is time to wake," I say, shaking Princess Jade awake softly.

"Just five more minutes?" she begs groggily, turning over so her back is toward the sun which is shining through the window.

I laugh, "I'm sorry, lady Jade, but you must. You have much to do before your wedding. I have already drawn your bath. I'm here to help you in any way you wish. It is your day to shine in front of two kingdoms. Now, get up!" I pull her bedding away from her body, and she squeaks when the cold air hits her warm skin. Scowling, she gets up and walks with me to the washroom.

About three hours later, Princess Jade is seated on a velvet stool with me behind her as I twist and braid and pull her hair into some elaborate piece of art. When I've finished, Queen Laura weaves red flowers into her hair as a servant girl I saw in the stables puts on Jade's new, white shoes.

Once everyone has stopped poking and prodding at her, the princess turns toward the door where King Theodore is standing. He walks up to her and presents a silver necklace that looks as if it was made for her soul. He walks behind her, where I was standing moments ago, to put it on her. Princess Jade smiles down at the elephant pendant. The princess fell in love with them when she saw a painting, her father knew that.

Princess Jade starts to tear up, then stands suddenly and turns to jump into her father's arms. "Thank you, father. I will cherish this for my life," she tells him.

We all walk out of the princess's room and towards where the ceremony is to take place.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Not bad for a start

I like where you are going with this. Keep bringing out the characters and let the story build. The journey is half the fun as getting there. Keep up the good work and I know you will be getting 5* before you know it! Thanks for your time and efforts.

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