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Mason: Letter 06

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Mason has a threesome and learns more secrets from his past.
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Thank you for replying to my last letter, I understand where you are coming from I just don't like being kept in the dark. I truly appreciate all you do for me but I think it would be better if we could work together from now on. Once again the crazy saga off my life rolls full steam ahead, I'm not sure when I will be able to write again so I will try and fit as much into this letter as I can. I was happy to hear that you were doing ok, when I read your letter it was almost as if you were beside me speaking. I needed that letter more than you know.

I didn't get much sleep after Myles's confession, I tossed and turned all night, Theo and Brad's gargantuan love making session didn't help either. I tried to work on my manuscript for the course and got a lot done, I think it will be ready for submission next week, all going well. Myles called me early the next morning to fill me in on his meeting with his cop friend Conner.

He said it went well, they were keeping a very close eye on Kash but didn't want to spook him, he hadn't done anything wrong yet so all they could do was watch him for now. They were putting pressure on a local thug they seen entering Kash's building for information. Myles said he was going to be sitting in on the next interview Conner conducted with him.

Myles reiterated his promise to keep me safe and in the loop. I just couldn't believe that I would have to deal with that prick again, I really thought he was out of my life for good. I had a shower after I hung up, it did little to help my thoughts, I just felt numb as the water washed over me. I had a meeting at the studio with Curtis and my potential agent Mr. Gent. According to Curtis he was very excited to meet me, I was still tossing all my options around as I walked into his office, the journey there was a blur, it seemed as if I was operating on auto pilot.

When I entered the office the first thing that hit me was the smell of fresh paint. Sy was rummaging behind the desk.

"Hey Sy, how are you?" I said as I sat down my back pack and poured myself a glass of water.

"Busy as usual Mason, how you been?"

"Good, what's going on around here?"

"Well since the videos blew up online, Curtis decided we need to spruce up the place, I am dealing with builders and trying to shoot a scene at the same time, we have had to improvise and film in the changing rooms. I am just looking for the angle sheet."

He continued to rummage on the desk, scattering pages as he went.

"Good to see Lockie back in action," I said, looking at the posters on the wall of old DVD covers.

"Yes, his fans seem happy too, hopefully it means he is back on form. Fucking hell! Curtis needs to sort out his desk, it's like a pig sty."

"When do you expect this Mr. Gent to arrive? I have a meeting with him in a few minutes."

"He's already here, Curtis wanted his opinion on the shoot so he is giving him some pointers. I will let him know you are here."

"Thanks." I replied.

Sy soon left after finding the sheet and I was alone, I was on my third glass of water when a tall older man walked in.

"Mason, so sorry to keep you waiting, I just got caught up in the scene, nothing like two younger guys going at it to make the mind wander." He said, extending his hand.

"No, you can't beat it." I said, sitting down, he took the seat behind Curtis's desk.

"Normally I meet new clients in my office down town, but Curtis asked me to help a bit around here and I was just dying to meet you. I am a big fan of your videos, I hope you will choose me going forward to represent you." He looked at me eagerly. I paused.

He was a tall, broad man. I would put his age at 55 if I had to guess, his hair was a mixture of black and grey, he had a slight recede to his hairline. I could tell from the bulge of his forceps that he still took care of himself. The green t-shirt was snug across his torso, over all I found him attractive.

"Curtis has big plans for this studio now that he has gained some traction, a lot of that is down to you Mason, it's important that we all do what is best. If you were to sign with me I know I could make you huge, right not there is interest there is no denying that, but that comes and goes."

"OK," I ventured, "say I agree, what would you do with me next?"

"Well for one I would tell you not to sign the exclusivity contract. Listen," he said holding up his hands, "Curtis has been a friend of mine for years, I remember when he started out. I just feel that you could do so much more being a free agent. Loyalty is key of course, I presume you like doing videos for "In'DaMan'D."

"Of course," I replied, still reeling from his advice not to sign.

"Well then, I can draw up a contract saying you will commit to X amount of videos a year, do a few appearances for the studio, things like that, lots of younger stars do it until they find their niche. Which means, that I need to know what you are comfortable with and where you see yourself in a few years."

Again I hadn't given the future much thought Figaro, I felt foolish at my lack of preparation.

"I enjoy shooting scenes and interacting with fans," I said, moving the empty glass in my hands," obviously I love sex but I know I don't want to be doing it for years, I guess I just want as much money as we can get in the next five years."

As soon as I gave my answer I was happy with it, once this fucking fan mail and Kash ordeal were over I would concentrate fully on the videos. It was a win-win really, the money was helping me live my dream of writing and I was being desired and got great sex out of it. I just wanted to be in control, I felt that Mr. Gent was on the same page as me.

"No one else in this business has the experience or catalog of stars that I do Mason, you can ask anyone I represent what I am like and how far I go for my clients. Depending on what you're willing to do on camera, I really think you could be one of the biggest stars in the industry. "

I went outside for a cigarette and mused over everything some more. We spoke again and ironed out any kinks we may have had and I signed him as my agent.

Sy entered as we were finishing up, saying that Curtis didn't want us leaving until he got a chance to have a meeting. I was nervous waiting for him, he had been so good to me I felt turning down his offer was like kicking him in the face. Mr. Gent moved to my side of the desk and sat beside me. He placed his hand on my thigh as Curtis entered.

"Good news I hope," he said, handing Sy the tablet and sheets.

Mr. Gent laid out everything we discussed in words I didn't understand. The main bones of it was that I agreed to shoot at least five scenes for the studio a year, they could release the mold of my cock for the dildo through their online store. I would star in one feature length video a year, I would also represent the brand in appearances at clubs and sexpo's. Curtis seemed deflated, staring at a spot on the wall and not saying anything. I looked at Mr. Gent.

"I think you will agree that it is what's best for everyone Curtis, everybody wins."

"I would be a fool not to agree wouldn't I, Andrew?" he said dolefully.

Mr. Gent rubbed his hands together and asked Curtis if he had any champagne.

"Best decision you will make all year Curtis, trust me."

After a few glasses of champagne any tension left the room, the two models who were shooting in the locker room scene even came and joined us for the celebrations. All the thoughts and worries going on in my mind prevented me from truly getting into the swing of the party. I was glad and relieved that I had some plan of action made, getting an agent felt more official. I was not happy or sad about the future. I just needed to get this Kash business out of the way.

Sy approached me offering me another glass of bubbly.

"Why the long face, if I had gotten an agent when I started I probably wouldn't be a glorified slave right now. I am jealous." The way he laughed made his whole face shine.

"I know, I really am thrilled," I said as I leaned against the desk, the alcohol starting to hitting me. "Just so much going on right now."

"I can't imagine what it's like being on the receiving end of all this attention, I only experienced a little bit of it from our shoot together, made me glad to be behind the scenes."

"I do have a freak that sends me creepy love letters, but besides that I do enjoy the comments."

"I can understand why the guy writes you letters," Sy said, staring at me strangely as he took a slow sip from his glass. "You're a very attractive guy Mason."

My cheeks began to flush, it seems I am practically desirable to every man I meet lately Figaro.

"Ignore me," he laughed, patting my arm. "I have not had a drink in a while."

"It's OK," I replied, finding this whole interaction odd.

He leaned in closer to me.

"Just so you know, you are easily the best I have ever had."

I stepped back, I really was not in the mood for him right now. Thankfully Curtis was walking towards us.

"How are you feeling now Mason, I spoke with Andrew, he seems to think and I agree, that we will all have a great and very profitable working relationship together. So let's drink to that."

After the toast, Curtis made a mini speech, the booze hitting everyone pretty hard at this stage of the evening. Andrew walked up to me as I pulled on my coat.

"Mason, I have a meeting lined up tomorrow with Curtis and the investors to map out next month's scenes. I will be in touch." He said eagerly, slapping me on the back.

As I sat on the train on my way back, I texted Tommy and told him my good news. He replied, saying he would like to cook me dinner soon to celebrate. A smile crept across my face, I was starting to like him Figaro, I just had to make sure that he truly was ok with me doing movies. I wasn't going to stop if he had a problem but I just wanted to know.

I decided then to call Lockie, I blame the champagne for my bravery but at least now I had an excuse to call him.

He picked up on the fifth ring.

"Mason, what do you want? I am about to cam." He said coolly.

"Just wanted to let you know that I got an agent, " I slurred.

"That's great, who is it?"

"An old guy called Mr. Gent."

"Are you fucking kidding me, how the fuck did you land him, you know how hard it is even to just get an appointment with him!"

"I didn't have an appointment, he rang Curtis wanting to meet me."

"Ugh, I have done two castings calls for him but I never heard back, you just waltz in and blow up, it's not fair Mason." His voice was raised now.

"I didn't know any of this was going to happen Lockie, I didn't go looking for it."

"Which makes it fucking worse! I been trying for three years to make a name for myself and you're breaking records in less than eight weeks. Listen I have to go, I'm not sure when I will be able to chat again, so let's just leave it until I call you, yeah."

I was shocked, I thought we could have worked things out but he was still on his jealousy buzz. There was no point in pushing it so I just agreed.

After getting off the train I went to the liquor store and bought some whiskey. I just needed to feel numb and out of my head for a few hours. I started swigging it before I even reached the complex. Tears slowly began to run down my face as I walked into my apartment. I was lost and miserable when I should have been feeling high.

I sat on the couch and booted up my laptop. I logged into my account and clicked on Lockie's tab. There he was all bronze and oily, smiling away at the camera, no trace of our argument. I turned it off and went to the kitchen to get some mixer. As I poured myself a double I heard laughter coming from the main bathroom, as the place was dark I assumed I was home alone. I could hear water splashing as I walked towards the door, it was slightly ajar, a faint orange glow coming from inside.

I peeked in, I could just make out Theo's outline in the candle light. His head was resting against the back of the tub, Brad was sucking on his nipple. Theo's fingers slowly slid across his shaved head. I felt a twinge in my pants, I was not a voyeur by any means but watching them be so sensual, turned me on.

I continued watching for a few more seconds, intending to go to my room when my phone vibrated. Theo's head shot up.

"Mason, you home?" he called out, sharing a laugh with Brad, who resumed his licking.

"Sorry," feeling embarrassed for getting caught. "I didn't know anyone was home, was just checking if you left the candles burning."

"Sure you were," Brad said jokingly, "why don't you come in and double check."

Theo playfully splashed him, surprised at his audacity.

"Sorry Mason, we thought you were gone for the night. We won't be long."

"No problem, sorry for interrupting," I said, taking another mouthful of whiskey, it burned as it went down.

"We don't mind interruptions do we Theo?" Brad asked coyly.

"No we honestly don't," he replied, his voice changing. "This is a big tub Mason, if you wanted to come in and unwind with us."

My heart began to race, before I knew what I was doing I pushed open the door and walked in.

Theo's eyebrows shot up, a smile slowly creeping across his face. Brad spun around. I could see the tip of his cock floating in the foamy water. He reached out and took the glass out of my hand, he slowly took a mouthful before spraying it into Theo's mouth. My bulge began to grow as I kicked off my shoes. I was in auto pilot now, lust overruling any rational thought. Both of their bodies shone in the candle light, Brads thick black hair was pasted against his pecks as he returned the whiskey to me. I drained it in one go and set it down next to the sink.

I hadn't spoken a word, as I undressed I could see them looking at me hungrily, Theo and I had hooked up numerous times before but never with another person, this was my first ever threesome.

I approached the tub, my swollen cock jutting out in front of me, both of them rose to meet me. I pushed Brad back down with one hand while I clasped Theo's face and began to passionately kiss him with the other. The candlelight really made a difference, I could feel desire coursing through my veins. Theo greedily returned my kisses while stroking Brads thick mane of black hair, he pushed him towards my cock. I could feel his breath on the tip of my helmet before his wet hungry mouth slid down my shaft. I grabbed some of his hair also and began to forcefully push my dick further and further down his throat. Theo's lips never left mine.

I was a bit rougher than I usual am during sex Figaro, but I was swept up in the emotions of the day and the whiskey was making me brave, Brad didn't complain as I assaulted his mouth. Theo pulled away from me and began to twist my nipple, he kept pushing Brad's head up and down, my balls were slapping against his chin when Theo looked up at me. Horniness etched across his face. He moved closer to me and began licking the side of my shaft, before taking it out of Brads mouth and replacing it with his own.

I forgot how good of a cock sucker Theo was, he had a wide tongue and knew how to use it to maximize pleasure. He pulled my foreskin to the tip and began to lick the inside of it. The feeling drove me fucking crazy, he gently ground it between his lips before resuming sucking. Brad slipped behind him, spreading his ass cheeks and began to rim.

I grabbed the back of Theo's head and shoved it all the way down to the base of my 8 inch dick. I knew he could take it, the slurping noises coming from his rear turned me on even more. I pulled him up towards me before I sank to my knees. I still had not gotten into the bath and loved the drops of water splashing off his body on to my arms. I slowly jerked him off with one hand. His cock felt warm and slippery in my hand. I reached around and pulled Brads face deeper in between Theo's crack before taking the cock in my mouth. Theo moaned in pleasure, he was getting rimmed and deep throat-ed at the same time. I gagged on his fat 6 inch member before I couldn't take any more. I wanted to join in more.

I swung my legs over the tub and eased myself into the warm water. Both Brad and Theo were beside me, each working on a nipple and jerking me off at the same time. We started a three way French kiss before Theo slipped in front of us, offering up his ass, which gleamed in the light, it looked so fucking good Figaro. I pushed Brad's face towards it before he stood up.

"Enough foreplay, I wanna fuck," he said, grabbing a condom from the window sill.

The water was starting to cool before he finally entered him, I was jerking both mine and Theo's dicks as Brad moved behind him. He had his big brown cock in his hand and began to slap it against his palm.

I placed my lips on Theo's as Brad fed him his dick, he moaned into my mouth before I jammed my tongue inside. He slowly moved back and forth, bobbing against Brad. I placed my feet on Theo's thighs and began to push him back more forcefully, I knew what he could handle and like Brad I too had enough of the foreplay. I sat back and watched them fuck for a few minutes before Theo grabbed my cock and pulled me towards him. He took me in his mouth and began ferociously sucking me, my mouth started to go dry as I took in the spit roast scene, the full length mirror capturing it from behind Brad.

I could see his hairy ass clench and un-clench with every stab, it turned me on so much I pushed Theo off me and coasted towards Brad. I squatted behind him, my ass on the rim of the bath, I separated his buns and swirled my finger around his hairy hoop. His fucking intensified as I inserted two fingers inside of him, he was so fucking tight. To give him most pleasure I tried to match his thrusts with my own. My thumb began to rub his hoop as I continued to blast him. His fat ass looked so fine that I bit into lightly, the taste of the bath oil filled my mouth and nose.

Theo came soon after, his jet of spunk making a heavy splash in the water, Brad didn't cease his ploughing, I was frantically fingering him and cupping his heavy balls. Theo moved off his cock and knelt before him. Brad yanked off his condom and one tug later, erupted in Theo's gaping mouth. The gunk landed on his lips it was swiftly licked up. Once they were finished with each other, they both turned to me.

I was still sitting on the edge of the bath when they approached me, Theo began licking my gooch as Brad began slobbering my boner up and down, from base to helmet. I pushed his face away a few inches and started jerking, his tongue fanning the head as I beat my meat. It felt fucking glorious Figaro.

I could feel the familiar sensations in my loin and I announced I was going to burst. I looked down and seen their two faces between my thighs, it was so sexy that I didn't last very long before I coated both of their dials with my thick sex piss. My load was huge, it just kept shooting from my schlong. I felt empty and spent after it finally stopped oozing from me. The water was ice cold now, I got out and grabbed a towel. I drank the dregs of the whiskey and sat on the toilet lid, drying my legs.

"I can see why you are a porn star Mason," Brad said breathlessly. "That was incredible."

"And we got it for free," Theo, said laughing.

Wrapping a towel around my waste I grabbed my clothes and said goodnight, the old feelings slowly crept back in. I poured myself another whiskey and sat down. The post fuck glow ebbing away as I booted up the laptop. Lockies session was long finished and I was greeted with his smiling face and the caption, "Cum back soon."

I clicked onto my own profile and seen that I had garnered another fourteen thousand views and three hundred and forty two followers. I took my phone out of my pocket and checked the message that had given my perving away. I had two messages, one from Tommy saying that he was free at the weekend. I instantly felt like a cunt. I replied saying that I would talk to him in the morning. The other message was from an unknown number. I opened it, the nausea creeping up my throat as I read;


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