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The room was resplendent with oak paneling, luxurious paintings, and a very substantial solid oak staircase. The flooring, what she could see of it because there were probably twenty or thirty people milling about and standing on it, appeared to be marble, and hanging above it all was yet another large crystal chandelier. A lone figure stood atop the huge staircase overlooking the crowd and while she couldn't make out significant details, it appeared to Emily that whoever it was, was wearing a golden mask with a large, curved nose.

Emily stopped as she stood there taking it all in and Carmen had to tug on her hand to get her attention again. As Emily looked first down at Carmen's hand holding hers and then up at Carmen herself, Carmen smiled and tipped her head to the left, silently indicating the way she wanted Emily to follow her. Emily didn't remember Carmen taking her by the hand, but her warm hand felt good, and she smiled at the gesture, comfortable with this new friend.

Carmen led Emily along the left-most perimeter, avoiding the thickest part of the crowd, and turned into the second room that they came to. This room was much more human in scale. The ceilings were probably only 10 feet high and there were no chandeliers just electric torch lights on the walls and the occasional can light in the ceiling.

The room was well decked out with elaborate crown and chair rail molding in white, while the walls were painted beige. The sound of Dixieland jazz filled the room along with the din of conversation from the throng of masked party-goers.

"What would you like to drink?" Carmen asked above the sounds in the room.

"I'll take another hurricane if the bartender knows how to make them," Emily replied.

"Oh, I'm sure he does. Give me a couple of minutes and I'll be right back. Don't go anywhere I don't want to lose you," Carmen said and gave Emily's hand a little squeeze before letting go and disappearing into the crowd.

Emily stood and watched the people in the room mill about, which was one of her favorite pastimes. She was amazed by the variety of masks she saw. All of the men wore tuxedos, and all of the women wore ball gowns of which red was the most popular color. She hadn't seen any other green dresses, but she could see gold, blue, purple, and even a couple of fuchsia ones, however, it was the variety of the masks that really caught her attention.

Many of the men's masks had a long, hooked nose like the one she saw at the top of the staircase and some were gold while others were black or red or combinations of those colors. The women mostly wore eye masks like the one she wore but many of them had very elaborate feathers attached to them at the sides or on top of the front. The colorful feathers flowed and fluttered as the women moved about the room and she couldn't help but giggle a bit thinking that the whole scene was a bit like watching barnyard animals strut around on a farm.

"Ok, clue me in. What's so funny?" Carmen asked as she reached out with a tulip-shaped glass filled with ice and the pink fluid that Emily had come to love.

"Oh, it was nothing," Emily said demurely. "Thanks for the drink. I was getting a little parched from all the running around to get here."

"No worries. But you were definitely smiling at something and I would love to know what it was because I love your sense of humor." Carmen said.

"Oh ok, but please don't think that I'm making any sort of social commentary it really was just a visual thing so promise me that you won't get offended," Emily said.

"Ok, I promise," Carmen offered, taking a sip of her drink which Emily happened to notice was a hurricane too.

"So, while you were gone, I was standing here people watching and I was noticing all of the different masks, especially the women's masks with the feathers," Emily said.

"Yeah, ok, go on," Carmen said.

"Well, it kinda reminded me of a barnyard with all of the different animals strutting around. See, look over there at that woman with the red dress and the mask with the long pheasant feathers on the side. See how the feathers move while she is talking to the lady next to her?" Emily asked.

"Yeah," Carmen said.

"Well, doesn't that kinda remind you of a chicken the way it moves when she bobs her head around?" Emily said.

"Yeah, I see what you're saying. And that guy over there with the black and red nose mask, he kinda looks like a turkey the way he is constantly turning his head left and right while walking," Carmen offered, as a smile spread across her pretty mouth.

"Yeah, good call! Exactly!" Emily replied relieved that her friend got it and was not offended.

"Oh, that's too funny. Of course, you know that you can never, ever and I mean NEVER, tell this to anybody or we'll be run outta town," Carmen said with a lilt in her voice and both of them laughed.

"Well, well Carmen what are you up to over here, and who is your fetching friend?" came a man's voice from behind Emily so she turned to see who was talking. Emily almost gagged when she turned and saw that it was the same man who Carmen had just compared to a turkey moments ago. He was about the same height as her and Carmen, but he was rotund probably weighing in at 280 or 300 pounds. His smile was infectious, but Emily had a hard time getting past the vision of him as a turkey and had to work very hard not to giggle out loud.

"Hello Martin," Carmen replied, her voice dripping with sweetness. "How are you darling?"

"I'm wonderful dear. You look absolutely fabulous tonight, as usual. So, who's your lovely friend? I hope that you are not trying to keep her all to yourself," he said turning to face Emily, his eyes narrowing as he drank in the sight of her.

"Thank you, love. My friend's name is Emily. She is visiting us tonight and I agree she is quite lovely. As a matter of fact, Justin thinks so too," Carmen replied, and almost instantly Martin's eyes darted back to her and she held his stare.

As his eyes shifted back to Emily, she thought that somehow his smile seemed a little strained and he said, "Well my dear, you are quite the catch and I regret that I must take my leave before I even get the opportunity to properly introduce myself." He reached out with his right hand looking for her to do the same and as she did, he grasped it gently and brought it up to his mouth where he kissed it tenderly. "Well, Carmen it's been lovely as always. Take care of yourself, darling," and with that, he turned and melted back into the crowd.

"What was that all about?" Emily asked as she turned to Carmen.

"Nothing of import, really. Martin has the reputation of being a bit of a womanizer and I'm sure that he took one look at you and got a major stiffy," Carmen said matter of factly.

"Did you just say stiffy?" Emily smirked, a smile creeping onto her face.

"I did, it felt right at the time," Carmen said smiling broadly and then both girls cracked up.

For the next three hours, Carmen and Emily drank the pink elixir that came packaged in the fancy tulip glasses and met sophisticated men and women who were the very upper crust of New Orleans society. Carmen knew everybody and everybody knew her and in spite of the masks that everyone was wearing, she didn't misidentify one single person which Emily found remarkable. They moved throughout the mansion as the evening wore on and Emily was increasingly impressed with the grandeur of the place. Each room they visited was a container for a different decor and each room had its own magnificence. She thought that it would be impossible to choose one as a favorite until she and Carmen entered the parlor where the band was playing.

The up-tempo sound of Dixieland jazz permeated the mansion and regardless of where Emily and Carmen were, the sounds were a constant backdrop to the various conversations that took place but when the two of them entered the parlor where the band was actually performing it was like the music exploded upon them. Its tempo and rhythm were infectious and as soon as they entered the room Carmen grabbed Emily by the hand and literally ran onto the dance floor. Emily was as smitten by the sounds as Carmen was, and both girls laughed and smiled as they improvised dance steps to the riotous music.

At one point during their dancing exploits, Emily looked up and saw the man from the top of the staircase standing near the edge of the wooden dance floor looking in her direction. She could see his golden mask with its long, curved nose and she could make out the fact that he had long black hair that was tied into a ponytail in the back. Emily wasn't sure if he was looking at her or Carmen, but he was definitely watching them.

"Hey, Carmen, who is that guy over there in the gold mask?" Emily asked as the band hit a lull between sets.

"Where?" Carmen asked.

"Over there," Emily said as she pointed towards where she saw the man in the golden mask, but he wasn't there anymore. "Huh, he was right there."

"Hey, I'm burning up. You wanna get some fresh air?" Carmen asked as she reached out and took hold of Emily's hand.

"Yeah, sure. Lead the way," Emily said as she looked into the eyes of her new friend and smiled warmly. Emily liked holding Carmen's hand its warmth was comforting and the physical contact was exciting.

Carmen navigated through the people milling about on the dance floor and led Emily through a door in the back of the large room. The room they entered would best be described as a sitting room because there was a large leather reclining chair in each corner and a very comfortable-looking couch nestled up against a wall that was dominated by a large painting of a naked Rubenesque woman with a thick snake coiling up her body.

With the exception of the wall that was the home of the large gilded framed painting, the room was covered with dark wooden shelves that were jam-packed with books. As Carmen walked across the room Emily wondered where she was going and was surprised when she pushed on the shelves in the far corner of the room, and they moved effortlessly opening to another room.

Emily stared wide-eyed as Carmen led her into the hidden room. This room was more austere than the previous one, but the walls were covered with paintings of various sizes in many different kinds of frames most of which were brightly gilded. A large, overstuffed couch was centered on one wall and a very lovely Victorian chez lounge covered in what appeared to be red velvet sat in the corner near it. The ceiling in this room was about ten feet high and there were exposed wooden beams painted white and adorned with elaborate molding. Unlike the previous room, there was a set of French doors centered on one of the walls that were hidden behind a set of gauzy white curtains that hung from ceiling to floor. Right next to the French doors was a wooden roll-top desk and that is where Carmen set her small handbag prompting Emily to do the same.

As Carmen whisked open the sheer white curtains and opened the double doors, Emily noticed that they opened onto a veranda. Carmen turned some switches that were on the wall and the lights in the small room dimmed until it was like dusk. Turning back towards Emily Carmen once again took her by the hand and led her out onto the dark veranda.

The night air was cool and refreshing as it washed over the two women. She didn't realize how hot she had become and mentally she thanked Carmen for having the idea to take a break. The first thing that Emily noticed as she walked further out on the porch was the chorus of sounds that filled the air. Crickets, cicadas, frogs and other critters chirped, croaked, thrummed, and buzzed in the night air making the darkness feel alive.

The darkness was astounding, and Emily felt Carmen's presence in front of her even though she couldn't see her clearly and when she felt Carmen's soft lips press against hers, she closed her eyes and kissed the dark-haired beauty back. As Carmen ended the kiss leaving Emily swooning, Emily opened her eyes and found that she could make out the outline of her friend's head even though she couldn't make out any of her features.

"Mmmm, why did you stop?" Emily asked, her soft voice seemingly part of the chorus of sounds permeating the darkness.

"Because you took my breath away," Carmen replied, her throaty voice making Emily shudder.

"Kiss me again, please!" Emily pleaded and Carmen pressed her lips against Emily's once again.

This time Emily reached out and as though she was afraid that Carmen might escape into the night, she grabbed Carmen by the hips and pulled her tight to her. The feeling of Carmen's warm body pressing into hers was wondrous but paled in comparison to the incredible thrill of tasting her silky-smooth lips. Emily parted her lips slightly, tentatively sneaking her slender tongue into Carmen's mouth hoping against hope that Carmen was as excited as she was.

To Emily's delight, Carmen opened her mouth wider and her tongue twined around Emily's like a serpent. Emily responded by thrusting her tongue deep into Carmen's mouth and Carmen sucked on it hungrily. As Emily's tongue withdrew from Carmen's mouth Carmen's tongue followed and probed Emily's hungry mouth. For what seemed like an eternity the two beautiful women, one dark and mysterious like the shadows, the other bright and vibrant like a crystal, remained locked in that kiss. They pressed their bodies tightly together and sensual energy swirled about them like a storm. Eyes closed, wrapped in the inky blackness of the night both women feasted on each other like they were starving, and both wanted it to last forever.

Finally, Carmen once again broke the kiss and this time Emily found that her eyes had adjusted to the dark enough that she could see Carmen's eyes beaming out from behind her mask.

"I won't lie to you Emily, I want you. I've wanted you since I laid eyes on you back at the hotel." Carmen said.

Emily didn't answer, she didn't have to, her eyes told Carmen all that she needed to know, and pulling away from Emily, Carmen took hold of her hands and backed into the hidden room once again.

Even though Carmen had dimmed the lights before they went out on the veranda, the small room seemed very bright by comparison but neither of them cared. Carmen drew Emily into the center of the room and stopped. Looking into the blond girl's green eyes she leaned in and kissed her on the neck. Carmen brushed Emily's shoulder-length blond hair away from her shoulder and kissed her way down her neck until she was at her collar bone. Emily tilted her head back and embraced Carmen as she kissed the little hollow at the base of her neck then Carmen traced the "S" curve of her collar bone with her tongue. As Carmen did this she reached around behind Emily and began to unfasten her dress starting at the top and ever so slowly working the concealed zipper south to the small of her back.

The bodice of Emily's green dress slowly peeled away from her upper body revealing her lacy black bra and Carmen slid her hands down her ribs to her curvaceous waist pushing the dress over Emily's hips. As the lovely green dress slumped to the floor at Emily's feet Carmen leaned in to kiss her warm pink lips again. Emily Took advantage of the kiss to reach around Carmen and undo her dress as well and as it fell away to the floor Emily pulled Carmen close and felt the heat of her tan skin against her own.

As their tongues danced the two women embraced, consumed by their carnal hunger. Breaking the passionate kiss, Emily opened her eyes and stepped out of her dress which lie crumpled at her feet, and draped it across the couch that sat against the wall opposite the French doors which were still open to the cool night air. Carmen did likewise and as she crossed the room to shut the doors and draw the curtains closed, Emily watched her, this woman who she had only met a short while ago yet felt like she had known forever.

Carmen was wearing a wine-colored bra that embraced her large, beautiful breasts and black panties that accentuated her shapely ass. Emily smiled at Carmen as she picked up her red dress and deposited it on the same couch as hers. As Carmen turned towards Emily she paused and lowered her gaze then sauntered back like a lioness stalking her prey.

"Come here Emily," Carmen said, her voice throaty and sensual.

Emily's heart felt like it was going to burst right through her chest, but she felt compelled to do as she was told so she went to where Carmen was standing in front of the chez lounge chair. Emily reached up to the back of her head intending to take off her mask, but Carmen stopped her.

"Turn around," Carmen commanded, so Emily did that as well, only to feel Carmen's fingers on her back as she unfastened her bra before removing it. Then Carmen tossed it on the couch with the dresses. The next thing that Emily felt was Carmen's hot breath on her neck as she kissed her way down from her earlobes to her muscular shoulders.

Emily inhaled deeply as Carmen's breasts pressed into her back and then she felt Carmen's warm hands grasp her firm tits. Carmen squeezed and fondled Emily's flesh, pinching her little cream-colored nipples between her long fingers making them stiff with anticipation of what was to come.

"Ooooo, your nipples are so stiff," Carmen whispered breathlessly into Emily's ear as she took little bites of her long neck.

Carmen slowly slid one of her hands down Emily's torso, across her flat stomach and onto the black lacy panties covering her naked sex while she continued to pinch and twist Emily's other breast. Emily's eyes were closed, lost in the ecstasy of the moment and she instinctively spread her legs to give Carmen's wandering hand access to her moist little pussy. Carmen's fingers slid down, past her pubic mound, and curled into the hot valley that was home to Emily's pleasure bud, and pressed the silky fabric of her panties firmly into the cleft of her vagina.

"Unhhhhh," Emily moaned as Carmen's long fingers came to rest on her sensitive little clit and began to circle it making electricity spark throughout her crotch. Between the exquisite sensation of having her sensitive little nipples pinched and twisted until they began to throb, and her clit strummed and tickled by Carmen's slender fingers Emily could feel the wave of her orgasm begin to rise.

Carmen stopped circling Emily's pulsating clit and Emily's eyes opened as she cried out; "Don't stop! Please don't stop."

"Tell me what you want," Carmen replied, her voice soft and enticing, compelling Emily to answer.

"I want you to fuck me. I want to feel your fingers inside my wet pussy," she gushed.

"Ok, if that's what you want, what you really want..." said Carmen as she slid her hand down, past Emily's panties and onto her naked mound.

"Oooo... You naughty little girl your pussy is all naked and hairless. I like that!" she said as she slipped her fingers deeper into Emily's fertile valley. As Carmen's hand followed the curve of Emily's mons her middle finger slid over Emily's sensitive clit causing Emily to shudder. That same finger parted the lips of Emily's pussy and stopped when her fingertip was at the entrance of Emily's wet hole.

Sliding her fingers back and forth Carmen felt a little lump just above where Emily's clit was, and she withdrew her hand a bit until just her fingertips were on Emily's clit as she investigated the unusual protrusion. Fireworks went off in Emily's brain and her pussy dripped as Carmen manipulated her stiff clit and the soft folds of her hood with her curious fingers.

"Mmmmm, what a delicious little secret you have hidden down there. You really are a little slut, aren't you?" Carmen said, her hot breath scorching Emily's neck.

When Emily didn't respond Carmen found the little curved metal bar that was nestled atop of Emily's clit and tugged it causing Emily to grunt as she took a sharp breath.

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