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Evelyne meet's someone during the final party of the summer.
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Evelyne never was the going-out type, even during times when going out seemed like the best option in their moderately sized town. Filled with back alley hang-out spots, or the usual lake or two that friends and family alike would jump in, she never seemed to be inclined to go. Let alone be interested.

"Are you going out tonight sweetie?" Her mom peered into the room knocking on the frame that mothers only know how to do.

Evelyne didn't even try to remove her eyes from the glare of her phone "Ermmm no... hadn't really felt like it."

Even with the blue light of her phone, and the constant movement of pixels, she could feel her mom's eyes caving in disappointment.

"Oh come on, it's your last summer in this town, why not just go out with a blast! You know... lasting memories and all that."

Evelyne just shook her head dropping the phone down to her lap "I never talked to that many people at that school so why bother, this isn't some teen coming-of-age movie."

"I know but-" Evelyne's mom stepped deeper into the room, setting herself onto the bed, the duvet folding underneath her weight.

"It's gonna be the last time you'll see this town. It'll be your last so why not make it a good one?"

Evelyne sighed, despite all of her reasoning, her mom was right. Everyone knew that Evelyne wasn't meant for this town. Not that she hated it, but it was clear the moment she realized what she was meant for in life that it was too big for whatever this town could grant her. The moment she got even 10 feet past the city limit sign, she was never coming back.

"Yeah but..." Evelyne protested. But she couldn't think of anything more to say. "Alright, fine."

Her mom arose with glee with a glint in her eye "Ooh Evelyne I knew you'd come around."

"Yeah yeah," Evelyne replied. Standing up and ushering her mom to get out of the room. "Now go I gotta find a party,"

She shut the door, letting out a soft sigh knowing who she'd have to message. Marshall, her brother.

Despite being blood-related, Marshall and her couldn't be further apart in connection. They didn't necessarily hate each other, but it was certain they didn't have as tight a bond as other siblings. They were opposites, Evelyne was studious and hard in school. While Marshall preferred just to get by. Evelyne was bound for the big leagues. And Marshall on the other hand settled for what the town had given him.

"Hey Marssh," Evelyne called, propping up a fake tone that spoke like she wanted something.

"What do you want Evelyne," That statement threw daggers into her, she knew she had to drop the act.

"Ugh Mom wants me to go to a party"


"Aaaand I don't go to any, and you're the only one I know that really knows where some are."

"Yeah like I know what's going on tonight."

Evelyne started to roll her eyes behind the phone. "I know you're rolling your eyes, Evelyne."

Evelyne mouthed a curse "As if dude, so you gonna give me any info on a party or not."

"You wouldn't even do anything while you're there, just sit there in the corner taking a video to show mom you had fun," Marshall contested, and Evelyne started to get more irritated.

"It's not like you have anything to lose."

"Yeah yeah," He responded. "I may know OF a party but you're gonna have to get creative alright?"

"Go on," Evelyne arose from her bed with an eager salute. "What do you mean get creative?"

"I mean it's a masquerade party, you can't enter if you don't have a mask. Everyone wears one so there's one, completely anonymous."

"Well, shit that sounds like my kind of party."

"Sure..." Now Evelyn started to believe Marshall was rolling his eyes behind the camera "You have a mask?"

"Umm..." Evelyne paused looking in her closet. She found a bunny mask she wore once for an 8th-grade ball. Something her mom also made her go to. "Yeah."

"Good well, you're all set." Marshall said "Goodnight."

"W-wait you not going?" Evelyne asked, "I figured I'd stick with you while I fill that quota."

"No I got work to do the next day" Marshall retorted "Besides it's a masquerade for a reason, Evelyne, You sit by me the whole night everyone's gonna know who we are."

"Right... right," Evelyne said, sounding a little disappointed. Despite not being close to her brother knowing she had someone she knew there would have been comforting. "Alright goodnight big bro, love you."

"...yep" He paused, hanging up.

Evelyne just sighed, dropping the phone to the side. Where did their relationship ever go wrong?

She could remember the days they would sit in the bathtub for hours playing with toys and her drawing constellations on his chest with his abundance of freckles. It all just seemed to go away.

Yet she couldn't dwell on it anymore, her mom wanted out of the house (probably to get some alone time with dad), and she needed to look the part for the masquerade.

It didn't take long for her to get a dress that fit the bill. She caught herself looking at her body in the mirror. She wasn't a supermodel by any means, but she knew she had the look to catch people staring. She had a pear-like figure, only further accentuated by the black silk dress she had on which caught her butt. Alongside the draping of the dress which exposed a bit of cleavage.

"Alright mom, dad. I'm going to a party!" She yelled just before exiting the house. She didn't hear anything back but she was sure she could hear their bed rocking as she passed their room.

"Right on the money..." She thought, flagging down the Uber she got for herself

"This is the spot, thank you," Evelyne said to the driver, stepping out. She didn't know how

Marshall found these parties but he could be a promoter for a living. The property was big and open with a Victorian-style house on top of the hill, with people spilling out of the seams.

Evelyne started to reach into her bag to grab her bunny mask. Clipping it onto the roots of her curly dark brown hair.

It didn't take long for her to get inside, posting a selfie for her mom so she could see she made it, and it wasn't the wallflower she propped her daughter to be. Even if her mother was on target.

As the party and the night developed, she stood by sneaking drinks from the fridge, sipping on cheap wine, and snacking on party cookies. As she was reaching for the next one a hand stopped her.

The hand belonged to a man wearing a lace mask "Hey miss, come here often?" He said with a smile.

She frowned seeing how she was being blocked by her cookies, "No actually, so can I..."

"Of course," He said with his confidence running long. "So what brings you here?"

Evelyne took a nibble out of her cookie and sipped her wine like it was communion at church,

"Nothing special, look man I'm gonna be honest with you you're not my type..."

The guy only smiled, "I wasn't the one who was trying to make a move."

Evelyne raised an eyebrow "Oh...?" and the man with the laced mask pointed over to a guy sitting in the opposite corner. "My friend there has been eyeing you since you got here, but he's not much of the talking type, so I thought I'd give him an alley-oop" The guy winked, walking off with a cookie of his own "I'll leave you two alone."

Evelyne took a peak at the man's friend and Evelyne liked what she saw. His mask was of a wolf that covered the upper part of his face but showed just enough that you could see the detail

in his brown eyes. Alongside the beginning phases of beard piercing just under the rim of the mask.

Evelyne let her finger dance on the rim of her drink as she walked over "So a little birdie told me you had your sights on me."

The wolfman didn't say a word, only letting the ice in his drink dance.

"Cat got your tongue?" Evelyne smiled, and the wolf smirked.

"No but I wouldn't mind getting yours," the wolfman smiled.

"Hmm, bunny's are quite fast you know... think you could catch me," Evelyne let her eyes pierce through the bunny mask.

The wolfman brushed his lips together "Fast sure, but wolves can also endure quite long..."

"Oh?" Evelyne responded by fumbling the straw of her drink with her tongue, looking the wolfman up and down.

"Think you hold out that long?" He opened up, Evelyne knew he was undressing her with his eyes, but she was doing the same. Unbuckling his black pants, grasping at his cock, letting it grow in her mouth.

Evelyne finished her drink, setting the glass on the kitchen island. "I guess we just have to find out don't we?" She raised her hand in front of the wolfman and he took it with generosity. Guiding her to the nearest room.

But they knew that they couldn't restrain themselves by then. As soon as they got out of the eyeshot of the crowd they were wrapping their arms, locking their tongues, and roughling each other's hair.

Evelyne loved the faint taste of liquor that accentuated each of the Wolfman's kisses, the way his rough hands guided up her dress, groping her ass, feeling the weight of it pressing on his fingers.

"Seems like the wolf's hungry" Evelyn breathed out, trying her best to twist the knob of a random guest bedroom.

The wolfman didn't say a word, biting and tasting her neck. As soon as she managed to get the door open, she fell to the edge of the bed. And the wolf began to pounce on her. Evelyne met her match.

They kissed each other again, as the man began to guide his hands towards her member. Pressing his fingers against her panty liner. A faint shiver and moan excited Evelyn, letting him have his way.

He guided her panties to the side, caressing her lips, letting her juices lubricate his fingers. Pressing in, knuckle after knuckle.

"Mmmm-ahh..." Evelyne sparked, scratching at the fabric on his back.

She let the moment take her. The sounds of the party fading out in the background, her moans, and the sounds of her pussy replacing it.

She tugged at his buckle, and the wolfman obliged, adjusting himself higher onto the bed to help

Evelyne unclasped his pants. She could tell their guest was begging to be invited, and she only welcomed it.

His cock flung out, tapping against Evelyne's leg. wrapping her soft hands around the base, stroking softly.

The man's body flinched and fluttered as he helped lubricate Evelyne's effort. Their pace started to match, letting each other's eyes rest on the moment.

It didn't take long for them to get close to their climax. But before their end, Evelyne let go.

"Why'd you stop?" The wolf begged for the first time.

Evelyne licked the precum off her fingers. "The hunt is not over is it?"

The wolfman smiled, pressing her again, letting her unbutton his white collared shirt. Once off he tossed it to the side, and Evelyne studied his chest.

His curly brown chest pressed on him like a forest. His freckles...

"Freckles?" Evelyne thought but brushed it off as a coincidence. She forced a smile, letting him kiss her neck. But the thought pressed on. Finding a way to flip them both over to where she was straddling his lap. She caressed his chest with the tip of her finger. Playing it off as her being coy, but she was really practicing something else.

"Ursa Major, come on where is it," She thought searching through his freckles, the thought pressed on

"Just like I thought..." She figured damn near feeling satisfied "I was just being cra-" She paused seeing the darker piece of freckles and she connected them with her finger.

"" She panicked "Orion's Belt?" Evelyne continued, going to the left side of his chest.

Sitting the triplet of freckles aligned just right.

"Fuck...fuck...fuck" Evelyne's mind raced "has to be a coincidence right? Got to be please."

She looked for one final set of freckles that she always ended off with at the time her parents stopped their bath together.

"Cassio-" She said before stopping right at the center of his belly button "...peia" finishing off seeing how the belly button finished off the end of the misaligned 'W'

"Fuck!" She yelled out, jumping off.

"The fuck? What's the problem?" The man begged but Evelyne sat like a husk in the corner.

"Marshall... is that you?"

The man sat with his dick growing limp. "H-How do you know me?"

"Oh my god get a fucking clue Marshall" Evelyne shuddered tossing the bunny mask across the room.

Marshall stood idle at the edge of the bed. "O-h my god Evelyne?"

"Yes, it's fucking Evelyne." She rose, wiping away the set of dripping eyeliner "I thought you said you weren't coming?"

"It was a change of plans alright..."

Evelyne shook her head "Change of plans..." she said under her breath. "I can't fucking believe this."

"Look Evelyne I'm sorry-"

"No Marshall, I'm sorry. Sorry for ruining your night. Just say you hate me and get out of here."

"Hate you?" Marshall slid his wolf mask off meeting Evelyne in the corner. "Who said I ever hate you?"

"Well like you never call, and we just haven't seen eye to eye ever since you graduated.

"Well like-" Marshall sighed, placing his hand on her shoulder and Evelyne rested her head on it.

"I always thought since high school you didn't want anything to do with me..." Evelyne pressed on. "We never talk, or-or, Even when we do it's just because Mom and Dad want us to."

Marshall sat there silent listening in on Evelyne's plea.

"You're my older brother you know. I want you in my life because you're the only reason why I stayed in this boring town for so long. And knowing I'll leave and we might never talk again scares me you know?"

Marshall rubbed Evelyn's shoulder thinking of things to say, opening his mouth before sputtering a few words.

"Siblings can't always get along like we're in some sitcom." Marshall opened, caressing Evelyne's shoulder, "Hell don't always gotta find something in common."

Evelyne looked at him, "But they'll always be with you."

Evelyne smiled, "Or in you..." she opened, trying to lighten the mood. And Marshall cracked a little. "Yeah well, I guess the circumstances are always different."

They smirked and giggled with each other, letting the muffled sounds of the party outside re-enter.

Evelyne lifted herself up grabbing the mask. "Be honest, did you at least think I was hot? You know with the dress and bunny mask and all." She wasn't sure if the situation allowed for this kind of banter, but she knew from Marshall's eyes he was allowing it.

"I would be lying if I didn't say I had a few double takes... maybe even triple." Marshall smiled a little slightly embarrassed. Evelyne followed but she wasn't satisfied with the answer.

"Yeah but I mean considering the last few minutes I think you were feeling a little more than just... double taking," Evelyne said using his words against him.

Marshall coughed "Well I uh-"

Evelyne looked at him like she was before during the party. "Come on, be honest..." She wasn't the bunny anymore, she was now searching for prey of affection.

Marshall tugged at his belt buckle, which was a mistake. Evelyne wasn't sure what their relationship was at this point, they already broke the line separating the normal from the taboo from their unknown escapade. The only thing Evelyne did know was that she wanted to make this night right, in more ways than one.

"I see you tugging on your belt Marshall." Evelyne locked eyes with him, and she followed by releasing the strings on her shoulders. The dress dropped to the floor and she kicked it off the edges of her heels.

"So be honest, am I sexy?"

Marshall swallowed a little, looking away.

"Come on Marshall, I want you to look." Evelyne let her hands guide itself, feeling the crevices in her body before resting on her breasts. Her fingers separated to keep the nipples exposed.

"Y-yes" Marshall opened, and Evelyne smiled.

"Do you want to do it with me?" Evelyne continued still keeping her hand placement, but spreading her legs a little.

Marshall hesitated, unsure if he should follow what his head wanted vs what it needed. "I do."

Evelyne didn't say a word, dropping to her knees, and crawling towards Marshall. She spread his legs open a little, and helped to get his pants back off. His cocked was already at full mast. And Evelyne was ready, placing her hands at the base, watching it flinch.

"Your hands are cold now." Marshall opened, and Evelyne gave a sly smirk.

"Well let me warm them up for you." Evelyne retorted with a sly, but also a passive-aggressive way that only a sibling could respond with.

Evelyne let out a soft breath, sliding her hand up and down. Letting the precum drip down and helping her hand glide without effort.

Marshall's lower body shivered, letting Evelyne know he wanted more, she moved her legs back so she could lay down and she was only inches from her brother's cock. Her lips were still a bit glossy from the lip gloss she had put on before she entered the party. Diving her mouth down onto his member.

"A-ah..." Marshall shuddered, and Evelyne looked up to see his struggling pleasure, and it made her ache to see more of it.

She started slow, let her lips do most of the work, catching her rhythm, and bobbing her head in motion.

Evelyne wrapped her hand around his thigh to get better leverage. While also moving her other hand down to her pussy. Slipping in easily.

"Evelyne..." Marshall continued. Helping to get a few strands of hair out of the way.

Evelyne dropped her head to the base. She used her tongue to lick the stem of Marshall's member before letting off. Evelyne tried catching her breath. Not that she was struggling, in fact, she was loving every second of it.

"Yes, big bro?" She said lovingly, if not completely horny. Even when she let off she was still pressing her fingers deep into herself. Pulling out to caress her clit.

Marshall didn't say a word. Only pulling Evelyne up to meet him with a kiss.

They shared this moment for a while, swapping spit and interlocking tongues. And Evelyne loved every second, every moment they had.

"Ahh get on the bed," Evelyne demanded and Marshall didn't say a word, sliding away to drop himself at the edge of the bed.

He helped himself with getting the rest of his outfit off, and stood like a waxed pole, his precum glistening his staff.

Evelyne followed suit, straddling him with her pussy, only one wrongful slide away from being entered.

"Are you ready big bro?" Evelyne spoke with that sultry tone once more.

Marshall groped her ass playing with the weight in his hands, nodding without a word only breathing out a moan.

Evelyne pushed herself down letting Marshall's meat make itself known.

"Ahhah..." Evelyne moaned, feeling the pressure of Marshall's manhood take hold of her.

"You okay sis?"

"Y-yeah...m-mm. Just give me a second," Evelyne wasn't ready for the girth Marshall had given her, she knew from their previous moment it had some length to it just not this much.

Evelyne rocked at a slow and steady pace. Letting their moans and the sounds of Evelyne's meeting Marshall cock slip in and out of the room.

"I'm gonna speed up, think you can handle that?" Evelyne taunted, gripping the base of Marshall's shoulders.

He only smirked, "you think you can handle that?" Retorting as he spanked her.

"Ahhh! A-asshole" Evelyne said, rubbing her bottom. But she gave herself a light tap on the ass again to give Marshall the approval without an outward admission she liked it.

Evelyne started to bounce on his cock, feeling his lance pierce her armor.

"F-fuck" Evelyne moaned feeling Marshall's spank shoot a spark of pleasure through her body.

Evelyne pressed her hands back deeper into his shoulders, letting her nails dig a little. She loved this moment, being with her brother, loving him. Fucking him.

Evelyne rocked her hips more, and Marshall reared his head back. "Evelyne, you keep doing that..." She didn't stop, knowing that her ass was crashing down on the base of his cock like a tidal wave.


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