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Mass Effect Fading Pain

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Years after the Reapers Shepard gets final closure.
10.7k words

Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 08/31/2017
Created 05/09/2011
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This is my fourth entry in my Mass Effect story. It would be helpful to read the others as certain references are made in this story to the events of the previous entries. They are as follows Mass Effect: The Ass Effect, Mass Effect: Perspectives, Mass Effect After The End in that order. All in all with the new Mass Effect game on the way it is exciting times indeed. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this story in the Mass Effect universe.

Thank you for reading!


Bodies intertwined, music pumped and everybody was celebrating. The heart of the galaxy, the Citadel was celebrating the dawn of a new year, a new decade, and a new century. 2199 ticked over into 2200 and people were celebrating.

John Shepard and his wife Miranda Lawson were together, enjoying themselves. Fourteen years had passed since the Reaper attack and the Galaxy was back in form and swinging again.

Majority of construction was more or less complete on the home worlds. The relays were repaired long ago and were sending people across the galaxy and a breakthrough in building new ones was seemingly around the corner.

The Citadel took a full ten years to be completely rebuilt from end to end, not to forget a few improvements along the way. The improvements were seen amongst the keepers too, seemingly unrestricted now, they now were able to innovate and create.

As though a new level of sentience had come about them. Only the highest level military personnel knew about the Leviathan. They had disappeared from the galaxy. A return trip to that planet found them gone, with no traces other than several wrecked ships upon that patch of ocean.

Shepard and Miranda spent many years on Bekenstein, only leaving to the visit the old crew. They continued in their duty as advisors to the Alliance, Shepard was offered an Admiral's post but he was uncertain, in addition Hackett wanted Shepard to replace him on the council.

Miranda's insight and intel was invaluable to all the species in bringing down Cerberus, once and for all.

They were living well, Garrus and Orianna were married and happy together. Garrus remained a trusted advisor to the Turian Hierarchy.

Liara continued on as the Shadow Broker, influencing events amongst a galaxy rebuilding itself.

Others might have thought she would settle down, and have a few blue babies. However, she had other plans, her commitments and the hand she would soon play in the future was more important. Letting any part of the galaxy fall under the thumb of even a single tyrant would constitute a complete failure.

Tali remained amongst Quarians as Admiral on Rannoch, which had much building to do. It had been spared a lot of the destruction other worlds endured, immediately following the Reaper's defeat.

Even with the geth gone, the progress they made before the geth's demise proved paramount. They were not far from perfecting a serum that would allow them to have an immune system able to draw fresh air without ill effect once more.

Jack and Kahlee continued training recruits especially after Grissom Academy reopened, it soon became the best biotic training facility in the Galaxy as it loomed over a rebuilt Elysium.

Their track record spoke for itself as all their biotic students who had volunteered in the war survived and proved the effectiveness of the training they received from Jack.

John and Miranda sat themselves down and looked to each other, still as in love as they were in that engine room, all those years ago. The frustration, pain, and torment the both of them faced when the Reapers attacked seemed insurmountable at the time. However, few things could have replaced the people, the crew and the ship which lead every advanced sentient species in the galaxy to victory.

The following day after the massive party that was the night before, John and Miranda woke up in their Citadel apartment which was now rebuilt was even better than it was before. Anderson's notes on his Biography were still around, Shepard had contemplated getting it finished, but he wasn't sure.

"I'm glad we've made this a habit," John said to his bride.

"Hmm, me too," Miranda replied in a very sultry tone of voice.

Neither of them bothered getting dressed. Shepard got into the kitchen and started to prepare breakfast for himself and Miranda. The morning flowed away as they enjoyed each other's company and continued to make good memories and times that would make them forget about the past.

Miranda still had that body to die for, maybe it was her genes, and maybe it was medical technology. She did not look a day older than when they first met. At fifty Terran years, Miranda would have been considered mature by ancient standards, however, her appearance said otherwise.

Same could be said of Shepard, his enhance cybernetics which brought him back to life still kept him going, most likely younger. Shepard was forty five, and still looked and felt thirty.

The years after the defeat of the reapers were much kinder than those that had come before.

Miranda had never lost the need to protect her sister, however she felt a little calmer knowing Garrus was looking after her as well. Her sister was herself, she had gotten a number of degrees and had eventually entered into the world of science.

It was all above board and certainly much different from how her elder sister entered into the field. Her work amazed everyone, including Miranda. She had done a lot in a short amount of time. She was thirty four, two years younger than her sister when she first met Shepard.

Shepard reminisced often, remembering the lost crew members. Mordin, Legion, Thane, and Anderson and not to forget the countless others who followed him. He and Miranda had visited the Alliance memorial on Earth, remembering the sacrifice and the loss.

Shepard often wondered whether it should have been him on the memorial with Anderson looking on. Shepard, always remembered that Anderson wouldn't want him to do this to himself.

Kahlee Sanders still missed Anderson, she was never really able to let him go. Twenty years shared between them, and the Reapers, stole him away.

Shepard saw him as a father figure, remembering his last words to him, "I'm proud of you."

Shepard saw her on earth, she had returned to earth to visit before returning to Grissom Academy. Knowing it was earth, or rather above it where he made his last stand. She did take some solace knowing that at least he wasn't alone that day.

Shepard wondered, as he held a naked Miranda next him on the couch as the TV played in the background and the fireplace roared, keeping them entranced. It was a good thing, Shepard had found a good life. He had his fill of adventure, saving the galaxy, blood, death, and now all he wanted was to relax, enjoy his days with his best girl, by his side.

"John?" Miranda snapped John out of his daze.

"Yes, Miri," Shepard replied.

"You seemed a million miles away."

"Not to worry Miranda, I'm right here, exactly where I want to be, with my beautiful and naked wife," Shepard replied with more than a little smirk on his face.

"You ass," Miranda playfully replied.

Miranda's giggles were interrupted when Shepard drew her in for a kiss, and she obliged. The two locked lips and groped each other's bodies as they lay back on the couch. Miranda felt Shepard's cock harden and she felt a tingling sensation. She was wet and Shepard's hard cock would do more than satisfy her urges.

The supple leather squeaked a little as they moved about. Miranda put into her mouth Shepard's cock, which she had now come to treasure. Shepard groaned as she did what she did, it felt like the first time every time and by then none of them had bothered to keep track of that. She had a free hand fondling his balls which added to the sensation Shepard felt as she kept on sucking intently.

This kept on going until Shepard felt the need to return the gesture. Miranda found herself on her back and Shepard had his tongue inside her pussy and three fingers in her ass. Miranda moaned loudly, it kept her going. Shepard's movements were erratic and unpredictable which meant Miranda and especially her pussy loved every single second of it.

She did not want it to end, but it did when she came. Shepard withdrew himself and watched as her pussy juices squirted and Shepard could clearly see her body trembling. She calmed herself slightly and came down from her high. She kissed him once more while she grasped his cock.

She moved Shepard to another chair and once he was sat down on it. She turned away from him and began to straddle him as she was craving some penetration. She slipped it in slowly and gently at first. She then slid all the way inside, she moaned approval and continued to move up and down fucking him with a steady pace.

She rocked a little, gyrating moving in circles, knowing full well she was driving her man crazy with her naughty repertoire and moves she had picked up over the last couple of years.

Shepard's hands were placed firmly at her side, he felt every movement she made giving the sensation they were truly one. Both their minds were now in a lust fuelled daze and the bright, colourful lights outside the large picture windows simply added to the sensations that surged through them. Miranda had a thought and playfully ran toward the window. Shepard knew what was going on and followed her toward it.

Miranda drew John in for a kiss which they shared for some time. Miranda pushed John back and turned herself around offering her ass toward him. John moved in, he placed his hands on her hips and guided his cock and began to slide it slowly into her ass. Miranda cooed with delight and offered loud vocal approval. John moved ever so quicker and soon had himself going at quite a rate.

Miranda had her hands up against the glass and her body pressed up against it. They were in full view of everything and everyone outside those windows. However, they could dim the windows from outside eyes, but they did not care. Glass impenetrable to gunfire and requiring quite a bit of explosives to breach was also present.

Miranda had her hands fondling her pussy all the while Shepard pumped his cock inside her asshole. The combination of all that proved enough to send her over the edge, she orgasmed hard, her pussy juices sprayed out of her pussy and coated the floor.

She then held fast as Shepard announced his imminent arrival and shot his load deep inside Miranda's ass and ensured every last bit of it got inside of her asshole.

They two took the time to come down from their orgasmic high loving every moment of it as they caught their breath, perfectly contented.

The door bell sounded and Shepard did wonder who it was, and he got to the console and brought up the image, it was Liara. He buzzed her in and Miranda moved toward the door to greet her.

Liara came in and saw Shepard and Miranda stark naked. Her first response was, "Oh my, should I come back later?"

"Come now Liara, you know us both far too well to need to ask that question." Miranda spoke before drawing Liara in for a hug and a quick peck on each cheek and the lips.

Liara knew of the human thing to be able to smell the scent of sex, it would appear that it was something she had picked during her time with the Commander. She wore a black jumpsuit and strode in with much confidence, concealing who she was, or the fact she was indeed the shadow broker.

"Liara, how have you been?" the commander enquired, before pulling her in for an embrace.

"Well Shepard, I see you two are keeping well," Liara replied.

"Yes, we are all well here."

"Well I am glad to see you two well, I am here among other things, because I have a discovery to share with you."

"What is it Liara," Shepard enquired tentatively as he gestured Liara to take a seat. Miranda followed suit and two lovebirds sat down, still naked.

"A relay of sorts, but different from the ones we are used to seeing."

"Is it intact?" Miranda questioned.

"Yes, it is, which would lead me to believe it does not link up to the rest of the relay network."

"Who built it?" Shepard asked.

"We do not know."


"Javik, is a partner of sorts," Liara responded.

"Good to see him still going, how is the Prothean?" Shepard asked

"Good, a little more upbeat after all these years of peace."

"Change comes to us all."

"That indeed it does, the galaxy has not healed all of its wounds from that war, but we are working on it."

"I know you are, are you needing a helping hand from either of us?" Shepard responded.

"No Shepard, you have done enough for every single living organic in the galaxy and you honour those passed with what you have done, I cannot ask you to do anymore."

"Liara, you are a comrade, a fellow warrior in arms."

"John and I are here for you Liara," Miranda interjected.

"Thank you both of you, I really appreciate that."

"So any chance we could see this discovery of yours," Shepard asked.

"Of course, whenever you are ready," Liara replied.

"We would love to see this," Miranda responded.

"Then it is settled, you know where to get in touch, I'll be seeing you two love birds."

Liara said her goodbyes and Shepard and Miranda was once again alone. Miranda produced a wicked grin and Shepard knew what that meant. They ran up the stairs and found themselves inside the hot tub with their arms around each other fondling, kissing, and fucking.

Liara walked the corridors of the new Silversun strip amongst all the people mingling and going about their business. Most knew of the Reapers as they had survived the war, however, Liara knew full well they had lost someone. When she found her 'father' she felt content, however, what happened to her mother years ago was something she never forgot. The pain of holding her mother in her arms as she died, had faded but she never forgot.

Liara got into her sky car and headed off flying in amongst the cars, she headed to the docking bay and boarded her ship which was quiet, discreet, and did not attract much attention. She then left heading back to her new flagship, one built for stealth and discretion. She left to her next destination.


Admiral Zorah looked out on the Quarian city, she admired what her people had done. Some the old repurposed ships were now skyscrapers. Other buildings, including the one she was in was newly built and conceived.

She still wore her suit, with its contours forming to her body. The one she was wearing looked different and showed her bestowed. Although she did not care much about things like that, as her people came first.

She was content, weary, but content. She had done much and remained a busy woman. Most the people she knew had perished at the hands of the Reapers, and Geth. Guilt crossed her mind once or twice as to how she survived whilst so many did not.

As she remained lost in her thoughts someone buzzed at the door. She snapped back to her senses and went to the door.

"Yes?" Tali enquired as she opened the door.

"The science team is ready for you Admiral."

"Thank you Jonah, I'll be there shortly."

Tali admired who he had become, knowing what happened to both his parents' years ago, made her weep. She had adopted him after the war and admired the fine young man he had become. It was a small bit joy from all that pain.

Tali readied herself and headed down towards the science team. They were located in a basement 30 levels down. The Admiral headed down in the elevators, still not liking them one bit. The trip was swift and once on the desired floor she stepped out moving toward the door. There was a guard who had saluted her as she passed through the door.

"Ah Admiral Zorah, I am glad you could make it," said the head scientist who had called her down.

"I am told you have something important to share with me."

"Indeed Admiral, there is no other way to say this, we have done it. Quarians will be able to live without suits entirely."

"What is it?"

"A serum we have developed here. It interacts with the Quarian nervous system and strengthens it."

"Is this serum ready?"

"Yes, one hundred percent."

"We have a successful volunteer right here."

"Another Quarian walked in and was without a suit, his head was exposed and he was healthy."

"How will we dispense this cure?"

"Well we could use what the Krogans used to cure their genophage."

"Do we have such a device?"

"Yes, we do have a blueprint of designs from Admiral Xen, she never was able to build it before she died. However, she left quite a detailed blueprint and we do have the materials to build it."

"Then do it doctor, our people need a new dawn."

"Admiral, we have another dose of the serum, if you would like to receive it now."

"Yes, it would be nice to remove my helmet and not worry about getting sick for a change."

"Let us begin Admiral."

Tali went in and the serum was administered to her. Afterwards she slept and when she awoke, she was able to experience a new kind of life. She was once again in her quarters when she woke up. She headed to a nearby mirror.

She looked long and hard at the suit she was in, she looked up to her face plate and removed it, and she drew in a sharp breath of air. She then pulled back the hood and let out her long black hair out.

Hours past and she was fine, eventually an entire day passed and she was not ill or sick, she was perfectly healthy.

"Keelah, it worked," Tali thought to herself.

She congratulated the doctor and his whole team they had done the impossible. Work had already begun on the global atmospheric dispersal device form Xen's blueprint. This Tali found rather ironic, Xen was known for her weapons and war tactics, and now her greatest legacy would be one of peace and progress.

(Arcturus Station)

A muscular figure cut through the corridors of the rebuilt station, now only a few years old. It looked much like the original but was larger and far better defended. It was once again a shining hub for humanity and its colonisation of the stars.

A man who fought the collectors and the reapers, surviving on both counts. Major James Vega was the man walking through the corridors, he headed past the human parliamentary chambers only glancing at the huge doors which closed them off from the rest of the station.

He headed toward his chambers and opened the door. He headed inside and found it quiet. He knew though that someone was there, that someone being a Spectre, Major Ashley Williams. She was in the shower, which James could hear running.

He headed to the wardrobe to remove his military uniform. He had grown accustomed to it in recent years as he was now a decorated soldier respected by many. His stories filtered through to the younger cadets.

Some were but mere youngsters during the reaper war and now they were adults, whilst others were grizzled veterans, who fought tooth and nail to beat the reapers. All these soldiers were looking to protect the new found galactic way of life. The station housed cadets of many species, Turian, Krogan, Asari, Drell, Quarian, even a Hanar or two. It was something which mesmerised them, they knew he worked with Commander Shepard, fought beside him and helped win the war.

He was currently in his casual outfit of a tight grey alliance shirt and combat trousers. He still kept himself in shape after all those years. He remained an able and capable fighter. He dimmed the lights a bit and opened the shutter which gave an amazing backdrop of the stars.

Behind him lay messy bed just begging to be fucked on. Once James had turned away from the window, Major Williams walked out of the shower drying her hair but still not covering up.

"Hey there skipper," rolled seductively off her tongue.

"Hey yourself chica," came the response from the Latino soldier.

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