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Masturbation Diaries: Backyard View

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Good morning jog, a better view in sexy neighbor's window.
2.6k words

Part 1 of the 18 part series

Updated 08/31/2017
Created 09/08/2009
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I both love and hate my early morning jog. On the one hand it keeps me in shape, but on the other I have to get up at 4:30 in the morning to get the run in before work. Of course, there are often perks other than my fitness...my route is often seeded with comely young women, most of whom are invariably clad in tight, skimpy running shorts and even tighter t-tops, that leave very little to the imagination. Often by the time I get home I am more than ready for my shower and a good yank on the stiff shaft.

This one morning was typical.

I tried to keep an even pace on another early run keeping health and conditioning arguments as good motivators but still hoping I'd see a cute female or two. As I rounded a bend in my route, my wish came true. I saw a woman fast walking ahead of me. She was wearing a black t-shirt that even from a distance was at least a size too small and a pair of similarly tight gray running shorts. As I approached her I glanced down to watch the cute, round cheeks of this woman's backside bounce to and fro with every step she took. The closer I got the more I thought dark naughty things. I knew if I lingered much longer it would have been very stalker-like of me, so I picked up my pace again and proceeded to pass her.

The pretty woman gave me a look and damn if it wasn't a sweet little smile. I also quickly ascertained she couldn't have been much beyond her early twenties. Damn, I thought, I was old enough to be her father. But that still didn't stop me from getting a good look at her chest. My eyes had to have bulged out rather obviously as I stared down on two of the fullest and roundest breasts ever, and to top them both off, two very stiff much protruding nipples. I nearly tripped as I took the next step.

I was not surprised to feel my cock hardening, but by the time I made the next bend in the road. Okay, that morning I didn't wear underwear or a jock strap...good or bad idea I didn't know which. But I jogged back to the house, having enjoyed another morning run on the road in the dark.

Still breathing hard I walked up my driveway and around the side of the house making my way to the deck stairs. The run combined with the humid summer morning caused me to sweat soak my t-shirt. Taking a deep breath as I made it to the top step, I pulled it off and wiped my face. As I shook the shirt out and flung it across the deck railing I saw a light come on in one of the bedrooms in the house behind us. I could see the somewhat open curtains and saw a woman pull a top of some sort over her head.

Now I knew the wife and also the older college aged daughter that lived there. I couldn't tell which one it was in the shadows, the wife or the daughter as I remembered they looked a lot alike, but I knew whoever it was, she was walking around behind those curtains with nothing on up top!

I must have stood there for another five minutes or so looking into the window, through the partially parted curtains, just in case I might get more of a peek. Wishful thinking maybe, but in those blissful moments I enjoyed the warm feelings of a newly growing erection.

Patience can sometimes be your best friend as the woman walked in front of the window again. She was closer to the window this time, but backlit so I still couldn't make out who it was. But when she turned this time I could see the very distinct outline of those delightful female mounds blossoming out from her chest. I had seen both mom and daughter in some tight tops before, but now here one set of those breasts was bared in the shadows. I wasn't sure exactly who it was, but for sure it was a woman!

Then she stood upright and closer to the window, although the face was still shadowed, those wonderful breasts were in full view. It was one of those timeless moments. The sight of two magnificently bared breasts burned themselves into my brain. I knew I should've backed away. My mind kept telling me I was married, but the hard-on in my shorts was screaming, 'Who cares!'

Just as I had decided to go I looked back to see her raise her hands and begin to run her hands across her body, down her sides, over her stomach and gently brush her breasts. She was teasing me without knowing she was. And doing a damn good job of it! My heart began beating faster and I could feel the same quickening pulses in my cock.

I suddenly was convinced I wasn't going anywhere for awhile longer.

I marveled at how I seemed to be able to feel what she was feeling, how her soft, warm skin felt against my fingers, how silky her breasts felt as my hands wandered over them and her budding nipples as they slipped between my fingers.

This peeping was very much getting to me so I took firm hold of my cock through my shorts.

Just as I was getting a real good feeling going the shadowy woman finally turned the other way and the light hit her face...it was Kate, the Mrs!

I'd known Kate for almost two years, when she and her family had moved in behind us. We weren't exactly good friends or anything, but we talked every time we met out back or on the occasion when we'd pass one another on the jogging trail. On those occasions we'd exchange 'Good Mornings' and then continue on our separate ways, me smiling all the way back home.

Kate is a beautiful woman and I was transfixed noticing the smile across her face at that moment. It was hard to believe after so many fantasy visions of Kate I was here with there staring at her nearly nude body. My cock was throbbing in my hand.

I quickly looked up and down the row of houses on either side of mine to make sure no one was around and then proceeded to remove my shorts, leaving me only in my socks and running shoes.

I looked back in the window to watch Kate reach for a bottle from her dresser. She poured some of its contents into her hand then moving toward the bed, she sat and began rubbing down her leg. I keenly imagined how soft her skin was, but watching her rub lotion all over one leg then the other, I could only imagine how much softer they would be afterward. Again, she grabbed the bottle of lotion and poured more into her hand. This time, she started at her navel, rubbing in circles all over her midriff. She worked her way up until she massaged each breast, her hands working in the creamy lotion that would make her skin ever more moist and soft. By the time she was through, even from the distance between us I could her nipples were hard and erect. They were huge!

It was impossible not to allow my eyes to feast on her breasts, now fully on display, proud and awesome standing up on her chest, but when she stood my sight settled on a stark white pair of panties that were so sexy in their simplicity. Although her tantalizing breasts had demanded my divided attention, now it was indeed divided evenly as I moved head up and down in wonder as I examined the extra large nipples as well as the triangle of material between her thighs.

When she abruptly turned her back to the window I saw her satin covered bottom and the sexy crack extending over the top of her low slung panties. With my long-time panty fetish I would have done most anything to get my hands on that warm pair of undies. But then she surprised me to no end when she slipped her fingers into the waistband of her underwear and shoved them down!

I felt my cock swell in my fist as those white panties slid down her thighs.

She was fully naked now in the soft light and when she turned back to face the window between her legs I saw she had a very neatly trimmed triangle of light colored pubic hair.

I could see her! All of her! And she was doing this for me!

Of course I knew she wasn't, but in the erotic trance I was in I felt she was...just for me. My sexy neighbor's bared pussy was there on display and I was looking right at it with hard cock in hand!

I made slow smooth strokes along its length as Kate took a brush in her hand and stroked her long light brown hair back from her face.

I should have gone, I know. I could go inside and finish myself off as I often did, in the shower. It was going to be a huge mistake standing there when the sun came up over the horizon in the next few minutes. Hell, someone might be on the phone already calling the police. But at the moment all I heard was the erratic sound of my own heavy breathing.

Abruptly Kate turned away from the window once again and bent over. I watched in awe as she displayed her backside to my view. I could make out the whole of her luscious sex glistening below the twin curves of her ass cheeks. Yes, glistening! Damn, if she wasn't aroused herself!

She remained in that position for a long lingering moment.

What was she doing?

'Who cares!' my throbbing cock screamed at me again.

I couldn't resist running my hand over the full smooth length of my fully hard cock imagining my positioning the head between those wonderful cheeks of Kate's, ready for smooth moist entry. I smiled at the invitation in front of me and closed my eyes as I fantasized taking her hips in my hands and sliding my cock up and down between her cheeks as it twitched and throbbed at the prospect of entering her pussy. I hunched my hips as if to position myself to enter her, feeling her writhe at my touch. I spit in my palm, took hold of my hard cock again and pushed the swollen head through my fist...between her wet pink lips and deep into her searing hot pussy.

Kate was tight, slick and hot, just how I knew she would be. Feeling the sweetness of her envelop me it began to charge my whole body for the coming explosion. I ran my hand over the skin on her back and thrust faster and harder. Still holding onto the railing in front of me I pictured her turning her head around and saying, "Fuck me hard, Don. Give it to me, I need you now."

Her voice was in my head and gave rise to the urgency and my reaction was to thrust fast and deep into her. My hips hammered against the vertical slats in the deck, my thighs slapping against her exposed cheeks. My one hand rested on the deck railing as my hips thrust rapidly up and back, my hard cock swishing smoothly in and out through my fist. With each stroke I expelled a deep raspy breath as I literally felt myself filling Kate's pussy again and again. As the speed of my thrusts increased I felt my balls steadily swinging with every motion.

I lifted up on my toes, my hand making sloppy wet noises as I fantasized pounding my sexy neighbor's wet pussy. I could hear a voice in my head, as if it was Kate's...'Cum for me baby'.

Before I could answer I gave an extra hard thrust and gave out the first grunt of my approaching climax. I held tightly to the wooden railing and pumped my hips as if pounding a final deep stroke into Kate's slick pussy.

I heard the encouraging voice in my head again...'Cum baby!'.

My whole body tensed and the extreme pleasure that hit me just before the first ejaculation had me open my eyes for one last look at my sexy neighbor. Only what I saw was an empty window, no Kate. Although I felt a sudden disappointment that my naked inspiration had left my view, the earlier image had already brought me far enough. I no longer controlled my thrusts, my body simply moved as it needed to complete the orgasm.

I lost myself in the mesmerizing sensuality of the early morning moment and my unsuspecting sex partner. Finally, the first of my cum shot out and sailed between the deck slats and out into the backyard. The second spurt was accompanied by an uncontrolled loud grunt. The volume and speed of these eruptions were incredible. I shot spurt after spurt of white, translucent cum out into the dawn air, the streamers vaulting out quietly to the grass below. As the spurts continued I slid in and out of my clenched fist, prolonging my pleasure, as I envisioned Kate looking back at me with a big smile, 'That's my baby'.

The intensity of the moment didn't recede until I had stumbled back a step and after the sixth or maybe seventh spurt had splattered out onto the deck. I reached out and held onto the railing as my hips thrust involuntarily one last time, an almost symbolic gesture that had me giving my unsuspecting lover a last thrust of my lust as well as indicating my climax was finally over.

Gradually everything became lucid again, as something like normal feeling started to return to my legs.

I came back into the moment and looked back over to the window and saw Kate was back into view. She opened a dresser drawer and withdrew something. As she bent over again I watched her put on a fresh pair of panties. I could see her heavy breasts swing down and undulate as if they had a life of their own. She stepped into the panties and pulled them up over her delicious buttocks.

As she stood there in just a pair of white cotton panties I could make out the dark shadow of her pubic hair. At the same moment I felt a little more of my cum leak from the tip of my cock and smeared over my fingers. Suddenly I heard voices and a door downstairs in her house opened. The light from inside almost blinded me for a moment. When I finally focused, I saw Kim, the older daughter standing there.

"Mom, I'm going to go for a ride. Be back!" I watched the girl traipse out in her shorts and t-shirt, a full twin of her Mom, right down to the long light brown hair. She went to the far side of their patio and got her bike.

I watched as she hopped on and spun off around the house. It was only after she disappeared that I realized I was still squeezing my cock. If she only knew what I had just done while watching her naked mother!

No sooner than I had taken another sated breath than I heard the latch on the sliding glass doors behind me.

I grabbed my shorts and frantically struggled to pull them back on. I straightened up just as my wife came walking out.

"Have a good run, dear?"

"Uh, yeah, it was good." I smiled then looked down at the deck.

There were the telltale silvery white puddles of my cum off to my left.

Would she recognize them for what they were? Would she guess that our neighbor had been my erotic inspiration?

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Private2021Private2021over 3 years ago

Awesome descriptive writing

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

Wish I had a sexy mother-daughter combo that lived behind me!

I'd probably pull my cock clear off wanking so much.

Thanks for the fantasy!!

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